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Craven Edge

Creatsword, Legendary (requires attunement by a

creature of non-good alignment)

Value: 122N
This beautifully crafted onyx blade houses an
intelligent, ever hungry entity connected with its dark
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this magic weapon. It has the following
additional properties.
Sentience. Craven Edge is a sentient, chaotic
weapon with an intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 12,
and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision
out to a range of 60 ft. Ihis weapon can understand

abyssal & caommon, and can communicate with

anyone who's wielded it telepathically. While you
are attuned to it, Craven Edge also understands every
language you know.

Devour the Weak. Whenever Craven Edge

damages a living creature, that creature must roll a
Constitution saving throw (DC 12). On a failed save,
this blade drains 1 point from the creature's Strength
score and transfers it to the wielder (increasing to a
maximum of 25). Strength loss/gain from this feature
lasts until your next short rest. Creatures brought to 0

Strength by this feature are slain.

Gluttonous Evolution. If Craven Edge devours
enough Strength to bring the wielder to a Strength of
25, the blade shifts form into a larger. jagged blade
that seeps shadow. Until your next short rest, all
attacks with this sword deal an additional 2d6
necrotic damage. Once the short rest is taken, the
attunded must make a Constitution saving throw
(DC 16) or have the now hungry weapon, energy
spent, devour their soul, killing them instantly.
Dark Aura. While you wield Craven Edge
unsheathed, you emanate an aura of shadow,
granting you advantage on Charisma (intimidation)
Personality. Craven Edge is cold, vicious, and seeks
violence at any opportunity. It wishes to be used by
merciless creatures who will feed it when ordered to.

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