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The KKK and the Kartilya ng Katipunan

“Every Katipuneros are treated equally no matter what race or educational background he has.“

The rise of the Pilipino rationalism had rooted by the perpetuating poverty and injustice among
the lower classes of society in the Philippines during the Spanish era . Emilio Jacinto known as
the Brain of Katipunan wrote a document in 1896 entitled Manga sic aral ng katipunan ng A.N.B
or "Lesson of the organization of the son of the country" ( Kartilya ng katipunan ) . It was
intentionally made for the Katipuneros.

The Kartilya ng Katipunan was primarily a guide or flabbergasting way of the Katipuneros to be
united. It can be seen as the representation of a positive character that every Filipino needs to
obtain. It can be seen as the representation of a positive character that every Filipino needs to
obtain. It is a fact that even in the present society, morals and disciplines influenced by the
Kartilya still exist and have been a significant part of the everyday life of each Filipinos. It is
indeed a good thing that these preserved values of the Filipinos in the past are now being used in
a creative manner and in various approaches towards solidarity.

The Kartilya was the moral and intellectual foundation used to guide the actions of Katipuneros.
Upon joining the Katipunan, members were required to read the Kartilya and adhere to its code
of conduct. Kartila ng Katipunan considered as Katipunan's code of conduct have fourteen rules
that can classified into two. The first group contains the rules that will make the member an
upright individual and the second group contains the rule that will guide the way he treats his
fellow men.

Among the Filipino who revolted against the colonizers, the Katipunan was said to be one with
complex structure. They are united and become one with their goal. These were made possible
because of the Kartila written by the brain of Katipunan Emilio Jacinto. These code of conducts
written in the Kartila served as their foundation. It helped them to become a better person. For
them abiding the code of conducts written in this Kartila have helped a lot in achieving unity
among their organization.

Based on what we understand the KKK cartillage of the Katipunan gives knowledge to everyone
even on the freedom and hope of our people in their time and to deliver messages about those
who traveled their history and how our country rose and fought for in our freedom.Giving a
message to students that we must value our freedom and strive to reflect on what we have
learned to reach success in our country

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