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NO : 33

Exercise 1
Dialogue 1

1. Where does the conversation take place?

2. What is Ara looking for?
3. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?
4. Which book does Ara borrow?
5. “I have searched it…..” What does the underlined word mean?
6. “Would you mind showing me it?” What does the underlined word refer to?

1. The conversation takes place in the library
2. Ara is looking for a book about science
3. She have two books of science
4. Ara borrow the second one which is “A Philosopher looks aI science”
5. The underlined word mean Ara searched the book, but she hasn’t found it, or the underlined
word means “mencari” in Indonesian.
6. The underlined word refers to “a book about science”

Dialogue 2
1. Where do you think the dialogue take place?
2. What is Rahma’s problem?
3. Can Gilang help Rahma solve her problem? How do you know?
4. What is Yandar asked for?
5. Rahma said “Would you be kind enough to explain me more about it?” What does the word
“you” refer to?

1. The dialogue takes place in the classroom
2. Rahma’s problem is she little bit confused with question number three
3. No, he can’t, Because in the dialogue Gilang said, “I’m really sorry Ma’am. I can’t. I don’t
understand it either.”
4. Yandar is asked to Clean the blackboard
5. The word “You” refers to the Teacher
Exercise 2
Arrange the sentence below into a good dialogue
A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?
A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice.
B : No, thank you.
B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich

A : Would you like me to help you, Sir?
B : Yes, thank you. I would like a glass of orange juice.
A : Do you want more sugar in your orange juice?
B : Yes, of course. I like sweet orange juice.
A : Wait a minute, please. And what would you like to eat?
B : I’d like, meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich
A : Okay. Meatball, a plate of rice and sandwich. Anything else?
B : No, thank you.

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