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Sorsogon National High School




MELC: Use knowledge of text structure to glean the information you need (CS_EN11/12A-


 Identify the structures of academic texts.

 Find information in academic texts using the knowledge of academic texts.


Common Text Structures

Text structure is how information in a text is organized. Being able to

identify the structure of a text can greatly increase students' comprehension of
the material being read. According to Taylor (1992), students who are taught to
identify the structure of expository and narrative texts have been found to have
better comprehension than students who have not received such instruction. The
following are the six basic structures that are commonly found in textbooks
and/or academic texts
1. Compare-Contrast Structure. This type of text structure
examines the similarities and differences between two or more people, events,
concepts, ideas, etc. The selection below uses compare and contrast sentence

Most mobile phones sold today have an operating system that is
either designed by Apple or Google. Both of these operating systems
allow users to connect to application stores and download
applications. However, one major difference between these two
operating systems is that Apple makes the iOS operating system
powering their iPhones and iPads. In other words, the iOS operating
system only appears on products created by Apple. On the other
hand, Google makes the Android operating system that can be found
on many different mobile phones and tablets like Samsung, Sony and
LG. So, which operating system do you prefer - Android or iOS?
Apple makes the iOS Apple and Google Google makes the
operating system operating system android operating
powering their iPhones allow users to system that can be
and iPads. It only connect to found on many
appears on Apple application stores different mobile
products and download phones like Samsung,
application Sony and LG.

2. Cause-Effect Structure. This structure presents the causal relationship

between a specific event, idea, or concept and the events, ideas, or concept
that follow. An action and its results are explained.

In the Philippines, it is the brown race that constitutes the majority and the
white or mestizo is the minority. It follows, therefore, that the mean and
measure in judging beauty is the Malay skin, hair, eyes, nose, lips, body, and
stance. As a result, film producers and directors consciously build up stars
whose dominant features are Malay like Nora Aunor, Angel Locsin, John Lloyd
Cruz and Daniel Padilla.

The mean and measure in

judging beauty is the Malay skin,
hair, eyes nose, lips body, and
In the Philippines, it stance. Film producers and
is the brown race directors consciously build
that constitutes the up stars whose dominant
majority and the features are Malay like
white or mestizo is Nora Aunor, Angel Locsin,
John Lloyd Cruz and Daniel
the minority.

3. Sequence Structure. This text structure gives readers a

chronological order of events or a list of steps in a procedure.
3 . S e que n c e St ruc t u re . This text structure gives readers a chronological order of
events or a list of steps in a procedure.

Example:Egg is good for ou r h e alth . On e of th e s im ple s t re cipe for egg is om e le tte . It s ou n d s
lik eEgg
a n isex good ford is
p en s ive ourh bhealth. Oneit of
u t a ctu ally is the
ve rysimplest
afford able recipe
an d efor
as yegg is omelette.
to cook . To m ak eItan sounds
om like
e lette lik e a p ro, precook th e topp in gs s u ch as m in ce d on
an expensive dish but actually it is very affordable and easy to cook. To make an ion s an d garlics , s h red
ch ee s e , s licedlike
omelette tomaapro,
toes precook
an d oth erthe fres h h erb s . such
toppings Ne x t,ascrack
mincedth e onions
e ggs in to anda bgarlics,
ow l an dshred
ad dcheese,
a s plassliced
h of wtomatoes
a te r. Th e s and
te a mother
from fresh
th e w aherbs.
ter m ak e s th crack
Next, e om e lette ligh t an
the eggs d flu
into ffy . and
a bowl
Th en , w h is k th e egg-w a te r m ix tu re v igorou s ly w ith a fork u n til th e w h ite s an d y olk s
add a splash of water. The steam from the water makes the omelette light and fluffy.
are com p le te ly b len d ed . Afte r th a t, h e a t th e p a n a n d ad d e n ou gh oil or bu tte r in it. Pou r
th eThen,
e gg m whisk the
ix tu re in egg-water
to th mixture
e h ot p an an d le t thvigorously witha
e e gg s e t a lon g th efork until
ed ges the
. Afte r fewhites
w s e conand
d s , yolks
s p rin k lecompletely
th e precook blended.
ed topp inAfter that,t heat
gs . Don forge ttheth e pan
n to and
s e as add
on enough
ith s a lt oil
a n dorpeppe
butterr. in it.
Th aPour
t s it!theYouegg h avemixture
m a d e thinto
e pethe hot
rfe ct ompane letteandforlet
breathe egg
k fas t. set along the edges. After few
seconds, sprinkle the precooked toppings. Don’t forget then to season with salt and
How isThat’s
pepper. the text mainly
it! You havestructured?
made theYes, perfectyou omelette
are right! for Thebreakfast.
text uses sequence
structure. It presents the list of steps on how to make a perfect omelette for breakfast.
Take a look in the following graphic organizer to learn sequence structure in details.

Heat the pan

and add
Whisk the
enough oil or
butter in it.
mixture until
Crack the the whites
eggs into a
and yolks are
bowl and add
a splash of
Precook the water. Pour the egg
toppings. mixture into
the hot pan
Sprinkle the and let the egg
precooked set along the
D edges.
then to
season with
salt and


4. Descriptive Structure. This type of text structure describes something in

order of space and how something looks. It features a detailed description of
something to give the reader a mental picture.
Galile o w a s a th ou gh tfu l y ou th an d d ou b tles s ca rried on a rich a n d v a rie d
reverie. He h ad artis tic a b ility a n d m igh t h a ve tu rn ed ou t to be a m u s icia n or p a in te r.
W h en h e h a d d w elt am on g th e m on k s a t Vala m bros , h e h a d be en te m p ted to le a d th e
life of a religiou s . As a b oy , h e bu s ie d h im s elf w ith toy m ach in e s an d h e in h e rite d a
Galileo was a thoughtful youth and doubtless carried on a rich and
fon d n es s for m a threverie.
varied em a ticsHe
. All
hadth es e factsability
artistic are ofand
record . have turned out to be a
musician or painter. When he had dwelt among the monks at
you picturehe
out thebeen
had subject described
tempted to leadin the
the text?
life of a How is theAs
religious. subject
a boy, being
these with toy machines
questions, and hethe
let us study inherited a fondness
following graphic for
mathematics. All these facts are of record.

He was a
thoughtful youth
and doubtless.

He had an
He artistic
tempted to ability. He
lead a Galileo might have
religious turned out
life. to br
or painter.
He busied himself
with toy machines
and inhereted
fondness for

5. Problem-Solution Structure. This type of structure sets up a problem or

problems, explains the solution, and then discusses the effects of the solution.
5 . Pro ble m -So lut io n S t ru c t ure . This type of structure sets up a problem or
problems, explains the solution, and then discusses the effects of the solution.

Example: Dr. Ramos doesn’t want the eagles to vanish. These Philippine giant birds are
disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Ramos thinks that we should demand the
Dr. R am os d oes n t an t th e e agle s to v an is h . Th es e Ph ilipp in e gian t b ird s a re
government to plan for immediate action in the preservation of this specie. He also
d is ap p e a rinthinks
g a t that
a n we
a larm in gdonate
should ra te . toDr.
SaveRam the os th inOur
Eagles. k s donations
th a t w e will
s h ou ld tod support
help e m an d th e
govern m enand t to empower
p lan forthose
im mwho
e d iaare
te fighting
a ction the in hardest
th e pres to erva tion the
preserve of eagles.
th is s pecie . He als o
With this,
th in k s th a twew ecan
s hmake
ou ld addifference.
on a te to SWe aveowethite toEagles
our helping
. Ou rand caring
d on a tionhands
s w illtohdo
elp to s u p port
an d e m p ow e r th os e w h o are figh tin g th e h a rd es t to pres erv e th e e agles . W ith th is , w e
ca n m ak e a d ifferen ce. W e ow e it to ou r h elp in g an d carin g h an d s to d o s om eth in g.

Based on the text, what is the problem discussed? What are the
recommendations drawn to address the problem? The graphic organizer below shows
the specific problem and solutions presented in the text:

S o lu t io n s
*Dr. Ramos thinks that we
Pro ble m
should demand the
Eagles are government to plan for
disappearing at an immediate action in the
alarming rate. preservation of this specie.

*He also thinks that we

should donate to Save the

6 . Que s t io n - An s we r S t ru c t ure . This text structure starts by posing a question

then goes6. onQuestion
to answer - Answer Structure. This text structure starts by posing a question then goes on
that question.
Example:to answer that question.
W h y d o w eExample:
h av e s ch ools ? S ch ools d e al im portan t role in th e s ocie ty an d th ey
h av e th ree m a in fu n ction s . Firs t, s tu d en ts lea rn s k ills th a t w ill h e lp prep are th em for
Why do we have schools? Schools deal important role in the society and they have
s ocie ty . W ritin g, re a d in g, an d m a th e m a tics a re es s e n tial in glob al m a rk e t an d
w ork pla ce a n d inthree
d iv idmain
u a ls functions.
lik ely le arnFirst, students
th es e s k illslearn skills
in s ch oolsthat willdhelp
. S e con , s chprepare
ools s e them
rve for society.
com m u n itie s b y Writing,
prov id inreading,
g s afe and h avenmathematics
s for s tu d en aretsessential
in tem pin oraglobal
ry livmarket
in g s ituand workplace
a tion s. and
Th ird , s ch ools prov id e a conlikely
individuals d u cive e n these
learn viron mskills
e n t for ch ild renSecond,
in schools. to e n ga ge in prod
schools serveu communities
ctive by
a ctiv ities d u rin g providing
m a n y d a ysafe
s ofhavens
th e y e afor
r wstudents
h ile th e in
ir ad u lt ca re ta k e rs m a y b e w ork in g.
temporary living situations. Third, schools provide a
Th es e a re th e re a s on s w h y w e h a ve s ch ools in ou r s ocie ty .
conducive environment for children to engage in productive activities during many days of
the year
Looking closely at while their adult
the text, have caretakers
you seen may
some be signal
working. Theseused
words are the
this why we
structure? Have have
you found
in oursignal words - first, second and third? These signal
words are used to enumerate the answers of the question posted. Do the details in
the text support and provide answers to the question? Check out the graphic
organizer on the next page to help you find answer with the latter.
The most common structure used in academic writing is the three-part essay that
consists of introduction, body and conclusion.

 Grab the reader’s interest

 Bring in the general topic for the paper
 State the thesis or specific point of the essay

 Say what the evidence is
 Give a concrete example of the evidence
 Tell why the evidence is important

Conclusion  Reconnect to the introduction

 Summarize the evidence
 Leave memorable message for the reader

Directions: Read the text below and answer the questions the follow.

Working on a computer may be easier and safer than working in a mine. However, it
doesn’t come without risks. Using a computer for a long time can lead to poor eyesight, muscle
loosening, back pain, and injuries to the hands and wrists. If you find yourself working or
playing on a computer quite regularly, take a few steps to prevent these problems and you’ll
thank yourself later. To address this, taking frequent breaks when you are computing for a long
time is recommended. Specifically, you have to get up, walk around, stretch your hands and
wrists, and straighten your back every once and a while. Undeniably, it can be hard to pull
yourself away from your computer once you get into a zone, but your body will thank you later if
you do. Thus, make your health a priority and don’t worry so much about what is happening on
that little screen.

What is the text structure used in the sample text?

Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Direction: Read the short text below. Identify the type of text structure and come up
with a graphic organizer out of it.

Bicycles are an excellent choice when it comes to transportation. Biking is healthy and faster
than walking, but it is also dangerous. Each year tens of thousands of people are killed or
injured while riding a bicycle. This is because our roads are designed for motorists 1885 –
Chain Driven Bicycle and not cyclists, but we can change the landscape. Each time a road is
built or rebuilt, we should put in bike lanes. Clearly marked bicycle lanes will give cyclists a
safer place to ride. Our cyclists deserve this little bit of consideration. In fact, their very lives
are depending on it.


1. What are the common academic text structure?

2. How is text structure helpful in gleaning information?


Directions: Write a three- paragraph essay about the life of a student in the new normal due
the COVID – 19 pandemic. Use a specific text structure of your choice. Please be guided by the
rubric for scoring. Use a separate sheet for this activity.


 What did you learn from this lesson? ______________________________

 Is there any part of the lesson that you find difficult to understand?


The Structure of Academic Text retrieved on July 24, 2020

Writing Guide retrieved on Aug 4, 2020


Understanding Academic Texts – Structure and Purpose retrieved on Aug 7, 2020



Content Editor: ANNE E. MANCIA, Assistant School Principal II for Academics

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