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Research and Essay Writing

How do we know if a person is wise?

At some point of our lives, we opt to see things in different terms and
perspectives and along that; we must be wise on the course that we are
taking. The fact that being wise is a must trait to surpass life’s adversaries
and to remain compose in times of problems, when you choose to make
wise decisions, you consider both your immediate needs and long term
goals. It is a crucial move that offers you joy and delight. Furthermore, a
wise person is considered to be someone who thinks before he speaks and
that he could balance his self-interest and put things in perspective before
rushing into conclusions.
The central theme of Plato’s Apology is wisdom and considers being one
of his most important works, unquestionably, which is essentially a record
of the speech that Socrates has given at his trial. For those who failed to
recognise him, Socrates was by far one of the most important
philosophers, however he wrote no works of his own. He strongly believes
that the purpose of life was to grow spiritually and philosophically as he
argued that it was important to interrogate and examine your ethics and
beliefs in order to verify if they were correct ones. So, when the god
claimed that “no man is wiser than Socrates” what they meant was people
only possessed ‘human wisdom’; this exemplifies that because all of them
encroach to be wise, and it made them not so wise. Socrates, knowing that
he was not wise, made numerous sorts of people questioned and
discovered that they only possessed a rudimentary understanding but
thought themselves to be competent since they were skilled in one facet of
life. Consequently came to the conclusion that Socrates was wise only
because he was aware of the extent of his own ignorance. And this made
me believe that sometimes ignorance is better than knowledge. I
personally think that both are interwoven into a continuous interplay,
realising one’s ignorance is the starting point of an everlasting process
towards gaining an evocative knowledge.
Due to what I have discovered after conducting a short research about
Plato’s Apology, there are some questions that keeps on rambling inside
my head. I am beginning to ask myself regarding the true meaning of
wisdom itself. What is wisdom though? What does it truly hold? Basing on
my own understanding towards that, wisdom is a character trait that
cannot be inherited but must be gained through experience; it is the
possession of knowledge and good judgement. As what I can see to it,
wisdom is something that plays a vital role in our lives for the reason that
it enables us to deal with situations in the best outcome possible, bearing
in mind all the possibilities that may emerge to modify the order of
precedence. There are a lot of definition about wisdom and some even
came from the bible, stating; wisdom is defined as the ability to live a
fulfilling life and to gain knowledge that leads to human prosperity.
Qualities that are associated with wisdom are perspective-taking, open-
mindedness and intellectual humility, and we have the capacity to make
use of it.
Those who simply assume to be wise do not comprehend wisdom.
Wisdom, on the other hand, has them. They purge themselves of egotism
and restrictive notions because of that. Time does not always bestow
wisdom, but without it, it is nearly impossible to become wise. As
Benjamin Franklin once remarked that the beginning of wisdom is the
knowledge of your own ignorance.

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