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Although governments may never be able to

eliminate road congestion, there are several
o to eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ (v) = to
ways cities and states can move to curb it. remove or get rid of something: loại bỏ
o to curb /kɜːrb/ (v) = to control or limit
Charging peak-hour tolls: Governments can something: hạn chế
charge people money to enter all the lanes o toll /təʊl/ (n) = money that you pay to
on major commuting roads during peak use a particular road or bridge: phí
hours. Most Americans reject this solution o peak hours /piːk aʊəz/ = the busiest
politically for two reasons. Tolls would favor hours: giờ cao điểm
wealthier or subsidized drivers and harm o to reject /rɪˈdʒekt/ (v) = to refuse to
poor ones, so most Americans would resent accept or consider something: từ chối,
them, partly because they believe they chối bỏ
would be at a disadvantage. The second o to favor /ˈfeɪvər/ (v) = to give an
drawback is that people think these tolls advantage to someone or something,
would be just another tax, forcing them to in an unfair way: thiên vị, ưu tiên
pay for something they have already paid for o to be at a disadvantage = to be in an
through gasoline taxes. unfavorable position relative to
someone or something else: ở thế bất
Greatly expanding public transit capacity: lợi
The second approach would be to expand o to force somebody to do something
public transit capacity enough to shift so /fɔːrs/ (v) = to make somebody do
many people from cars to transit that there something that they do not want to
would be no more excess demand for roads do: bắt buộc, ép buộc ai làm gì
during peak hours. o to expand /ɪkˈspænd/ (v) = to
become greater in size/number: mở
Raise gasoline taxes: Raising gas taxes rộng
would notably slow the rate of increase of all o public transit /ˌpʌblɪk ˈtrænzɪt/ (n) =
automotive travel, not just peak-hour the system of public transport in cities,
commuting. But Congress has refused to including the subway, buses, etc.: hệ
consider it because it is politically unpopular thống vận tải công cộng
and fought by industry lobbyists.


o way » solution » approach (n): cách thức/giải pháp

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