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How did the personal SWOT analysis and personality test help you in identifying the
careers suited to your interests, skills, and principles in life?

Personal SWOT analysis and personality test helped me to identify the careers
that suited in me because this will help me to learn more about myself. Carrying out a
personal SWOT analysis is an important step for an individual towards finding life and
career direction.

2. Write three (3) things that you have realized after you conducted the personal SWOT
analysis and took the personality test.

The three (3) things that I realized after I conducted the personal SWOT analysis
and took the personality test are learning why someone does the things that they do and
how that fits into their identity can be helpful. Now, I do not get mad as quickly when
someone behaves differently than I expect; instead, I try to think about what I know from
their personality test results and how I can address the issue more comfortably and
calmly. Personality tests help us understand each other's motives, but also help us realize
how to be more considerate of each other. 

3. Compose a three-point plan of action to achieve the career that you want.

Plan actions to achieve the career that I want are: First Self- Reflection it is easy
to neglect reflecting on your career when you are so busy chugging along, but taking the
time to think about your current situation and the path you want to be on is crucial to a
productive career plan. Second is goal setting, Self-reflection will lead you to identifying
what kind of career you want. Now it is time to figure out how to get there. Setting goals
is the key to a successful career plan. Lastly is develop a plan, so, you know yourself and
what you want to do, and you have your goals set and written down. Now it is time to
really dig into developing a plan to get there. This is the point in your career planning
where you should know your interests and skills, and start figuring out what you need to
do to get where you want to go. Yes, it is time to make career decisions.

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