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King Saud University

College School OF Nursing

NURS 566 Instruction and Curriculum

Lesson Plan
Content Outline

 Topic

 Title

 Objective

 Outline

 Teaching strategy

 Theory

 Material

 Method of Evaluation

 Modification of Teaching




Glaucoma is optic nerve harm (regularly however not generally connected with expanded

eye pressure) that prompts moderate irreversible loss of vision.


Just approximately three million people withinside the United States and 14 million

people international have glaucoma. Glaucoma is the 1/3 using purpose for visible deficiency

international and 2d using purpose for visible impairment withinside the US. Where it's miles the

primary supply of visible impairment amongst darkish and Hispanics.


A Lesson Plan on Glaucoma

General Objectives:

After studying this learner will be able to gain in-depth knowledge on Glaucoma and

develop desirable skill and attitude while taking care of Glaucoma patients.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the class learners will be able to:

 Define Glaucoma

 Discuss the incidence of Glaucoma

 Types of Glaucoma

 Enumerate the causes of Glaucoma

 Describe the pathophysiology of Glaucoma

 Identify the diagnostic investigation of Glaucoma

 Elaborate the treatment of Glaucoma


 Define Glaucoma

 Discuss the incidence of Glaucoma

 Types of Glaucoma

 Enumerate the causes of Glaucoma

 Describe the pathophysiology of Glaucoma

 Explain the clinical manifestation of Glaucoma

 Identify the diagnostic investigation of Glaucoma

 Elaborate the management of Glaucoma

Teaching Strategies/

Demonstrative method of teaching

Teacher will use the following strategies to teach his learner.

 Questionnaire

 Discussion

 Handouts

 PPT slides

 Notes

 Demonstration


Glaucoma is a gathering of eye conditions that harm the optic nerve, the wellbeing of

which is imperative for acceptable vision. This harm is frequently brought about by a strangely

high tension in your eye. Glaucoma is one of the main sources of visual deficiency for

individuals beyond 60 years old.

Types of Glaucoma

There are main two Types:

Open-factor glaucoma. This is the maximum extremely good sort.

Point quit glaucoma. This is extra regular in Asia. You might also additionally further

listen it known as severe or steady factor quit or tight factor glaucoma.

Causes of Glaucoma

Frequently the particular reasons that cause this disorder are obscure. Some prescription may

construct your risk of contracting glaucoma. For instance:

 Antihistamines;

 Antispasmodics;

 Antidepressants;

 a few corticosteroids drug.

The pathophysiology of Glaucoma

The principal issue or pathology in glaucoma is achieved by raised intraocular pressure. It

is this raised strain that packs and damages the optic nerve. At the point when the optic nerve is

hurt, it fails to pass on visual information to the psyche and this results in loss of vision.

Diagnostic investigation of Glaucoma

Since glaucoma frequently doesn't have indications in the beginning phases, get

customary eye tests. This is particularly significant on the off chance that you have any danger

factors, including diabetes.

Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma is dealt with with eye drops, oral tablets, and moreover with scientific

procedure. The prescription can paintings with the aid of using lessening the introduction of fluid

in the attention or with the aid of using increasing its end.


 Presentation slides

 White board

 Marker
Evaluation Method :

For the checking of knowledge of learner teachers will ask some questions to evaluate

whether his/her learners have gotten the topic or not. For this purpose a list of questions will be

prepared as:

i. What is Glaucoma?

ii. What are the classifications of Glaucoma?

iii. What are the causes of Glaucoma?

iv. Explain in detail about the pathophysiology of Glaucoma

Modification of Teaching

Positive reinforcements whether tangible or intangible during the teaching session have a

great impact on the learners to increase the level of participation Videotaped of performing a

skill is an excellent approach for participants to know their learning needs and evaluate

themselves as well. Educator should take into account to ask the permission first when

videotaping the performer.

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