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The Importance of Communication, Cooperation of the leader in the process of

leadership in Education
(MSc, Marigone Krypa)
Importance of Communication During Change: A case of the Munipality of
(PhD Cand. Rezarta Hasanaj & Prof. Asoc. Minoza Manxhari)

Arranged By Group 3
Rendy Indrawan S. Siahaan : 7212444008
Santa Lusia Pasaribu : 7213144012
Fadhila Khairunnisa Mukhtar : 7211144004
Friska Mei Rospita Sibuea : 7213440019
Windah Sulastri Gultom : 7213344002
Chintia Agave L. Sianturi : 7212444007
Meylia Andini : 7213344003




Praise be to God Almighty for the blessings of his grace, and
that we were given the opportunity to be able to compile a working paper is
properly and correctly, and on time.
This paper is structured so that readers can know how
important application of English language in daily life. This paper was
compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from outside as
well as from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God
Almighty, these papers can be finally resolved.
This is a main journal about " The Importance of Communication,
Cooperation of the leader in the process of leadership in Education” and
comparison journal “Importance of Communication During Change: A case of the
Munipality of Vlora “ .
The compilers also thanked to Ma’m Ivo as the teachers/tutors
in English subject, who have many professors help compilers in order to
complete this paper. Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the
reader. Although this paper has advantages and disadvantages, and please his
constituents. Thank you.

PREVACE .............................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ 3

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 5

PRELIMINARY ..................................................................................................... 5

A. RATIONALIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF CJR ..................................... 5

B. WRITING PURPOSE OF CJR .................................................................... 5

C. BENEFITS OF CJR ..................................................................................... 5

D. BOOK IDENTITY ....................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................... 6

SUMMARY OF CHAPTER CONTENTS IN THE BOOK .................................. 7

2.1 Preliminary .................................................................................................... 7

2.2 Journal Summary .......................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER III ....................................................................................................... 18

DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 18

CHAPTER IV ....................................................................................................... 20

CLOSING ............................................................................................................. 20

A. Advantages and Disadvantages .................................................................. 20

B. Conclussion ................................................................................................ 21

C. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 21

REFERENCE ........................................................................................................ 23


The skill of creating Critical Journal Review in authors can test the
ability to summarize, analyze, and understand the contents of the Journal and
compare the contents of other journal. And criticizing an analyzed piece of
writing. We are often confused in choosing a reference journal that we can
master its contents. Sometimes we choose a book, but we are not interested.
Therefore, the author created a Critical Journal Review to make it easier for
me to remember the content of that material and also make it easier for
readers to choose a reference Journal. Journal rivew is very important so that
we think critically and know the advantages and disadvantages of the


1. Complete CJR assignments on English Business in courses.

2. Review the contents of both Journal.
3. Train yourself to think critically. Assess about Journals.
4. Criticizing or comparing different Journal.

1. To increase the knowledge of readers about the contents of the
2. To train for tasks.
3. Add insight for the reader Add insight for the author.
4. Practice writing by summarizing, as well as giving conclusions on the
Journa analyzed.
5. Increase writers to think critically.

Main Journal

1. Title : The Importance of Communication,

Cooperation of The Leader in the Process of
Leadership in Education
2. Edition : Volume 2, Issue 1
3 ISSN : 2414-8385
4. Author : MSc, Marigone Krypa
5. Publisher : European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
6. Publishing City : Albania
7. Publication : 2017

Comparison Journal
1. Title : Importance of Communication During Change :
A Case of The Muncipality
2. Edition : Volume 2, Issue 1
3 ISSN : 2414-8385
4. Author : PhD. Cand. Rezarta Hasanaj & Prof. Asoc.
Mimoza Manxhari
5. Publisher : European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
6. Publishing City : Albania
7. Publication : 2017
2.1 Preliminary
2.1.1 Main Journal
Communication is the way or action of a person addressed to another
person with a specific purpose, both verbally and explicitly.
The art of communicating and speaking is an ammunition used by a leader
to fill the weapons needed to lead a person or group. Where the weapon is the
self-confidence that every leader has.
Effective communication is an important part of communication culture, it
is a basic tool for determining trust and trust relationships with others, where the
positive impact depends on how we can use, or transmit information to others.
Clearly expressing opinions in speech or writing is a factor that eliminates
problems communication. Misunderstandings are some of the problems that often
occur in the leadership process to leaders, so that have to be very careful about
If a leader gets a problem in the form of unsynchronized relationships
between leaders and members. So, it is certain that the leader will be anxious and
worried about the situation and so will the group that is shaded by him, and also
for his group will experience a definite loss of direction, so that the goals to be
achieved will fail. In this situation the leader must respond to the situation around
him. The loss of trust, solidarity, and also mutual openness, is the most fatal thing
in communication.
Reports are Communication and how to use them with others where this
“report” becomes the main tool for creating strong relationships and the most
widely used in forming a cooperation and support from an appropriate group of
creating new connections with institutions and establishing collaboration; is part
of the success of the job. Set a good timeframe in every meeting with group
owners, and also manage the implementation of activities that have been
2.1.2 Comparison Journal

Public sector organizations are often perceived as resisting change.

One of the most important changes in Albania is the implementation of
reforms administrative-territorial. Thus, it was in a period of change.
Literature shows that one of the important factors in all change, and one of
the toughest problems in an organization, which often leads to the failure of
change efforts, is communication. This paper, presents the importance of
effective communication in change management in the public sector.
In addition, it is regular and effective communication that reduces
uncertainty and reduces the impact of in an organization. A new strategy, the
system will not succeed, without the adoption of the organization; Thus,
communication is very important for implementing effective organizational
change (Schwiger and Denisi, 1991). DiFOnzo suggests, change
communication that are not managed properly to generate rumors and
changes to change, exaggerating the negative aspects of change.
The organizational change model designed shows the importance of
communication. Robertson et al. , 1993). In other words, success depends on
an organization’s ability to change the behavior of its employees. Therefore,
communication about changes is important, and this information to
employees is very important.
Conclusion on the importance communication within the organization
is demonstrated and agreed upon (Lewis, 2006).
2.2 Journal Summary

2.2.1 The Importance of Communication, Cooperation of the Leader in the

Process of Leadership in Education ( Main Journal )

Effective communication is an important part of the culture of

communication, it is the basic tool for determining the trust and relationships
with others, where its positive impact depends on how we are able to use, or
to transmit the information to others.
Creating new connections with institutions and the establishment of
collaborations is part of the success of the work. Organize good time director,
organizing meetings, activities, meeting with people, communication mode of
communication, and relationship management activities and meetings are
important for the functioning of the school.


Communication is a key elementin any human activity.

Communication is a learned skill.
Communication is a word derived from the Latin word communis or
commūnicāre, which means ‘to make common’ or ‘to share’. Communication
is the act of conveying intended meaning to another person through the use
of mutually understood signs and language (Juliana, 2016:2).
Communication is a tool which makes information transfer from the
donor to the recipient provided that makers to understand that, while the
organization or institution is a means of communication that connects people
to the realization of a common goal.
The table presented above on the causes of effective and ineffective
communication that are due to bad communication towards effective
communication along with factors that disrupt communication and factors
that help the communication process.

Forms of Communication

But that specific behavioral characteristics and traits make up these

important ingredients and behavioral skills are (Decker:13):
 Eye Communication
 Posture and Movement
 Gestures and Facial Expressions
 Dress and Appearance
 Voice and Vocal Variety
 Language, Nonëords, and Pauses
 Listener Involvement
 Humor


The interview is a process of communication that takes place between

two persoanve called interviewer and interviewee. in this case the
interviewer is the person who asks questions and the interviewee is the
director of the school.
Through mergers and sharing of information in the interview
situation or by participation in various interviews, we gain insight into the
decision making and problem solving as well as the growth of our intellectual
capacity (Morina, 2012:20).

Meetings and appointments

The author David E. Hartl sayed that “Meetings are a primary process
for organizational life”. Meetings are a form of organizing a group of people
on getting any vention, discussing an issue, problem, planning.
Meetings as a form of organization of work by the school also have
weaknesses in the planning or the organization of the meeting and has many
advantages and benefits of these meetings.

Communication problems
Some of the numerous problems faced by school directors are
misunderstandings in communication with others.During communication
with other school principal care must be taken:
 Have a clear purpose and opinion
 The chooses his words carefully when communicating
 The content is to be short and be understood
 Ensure that everyone should have received such information

Levels of communication

There are different types and ways of communication which can use a
leading - the director of an educational institution such as: verbal and
nonverbal communication, verbal, written, etc. Verbal communication is a
communication process very important man and the golden key of a leader is
a special quality and distinct innate in humans. Verbal communication
involves using speech to exchange information ëith others. Much of the
communication that takes place between people is both verbal and non-
verbal; that is, it is based on language and gestures (Juliana, 2016:4).

Nonverbal communication -this communication is directly related to mass

communication and media. Such communication is not easy and is often
referred to as "the language of communication of feelings" because during the
presentation to the media except express opinions at the same time can
express emotions, attitude, style attitude, tone of voice, orientation, etc.

Communication is the transfer or forwards written-- information and

messages through the writing process. Messages can be sent through Viber,
email or official letter, invitation or similar forms tjeravtë.

Formal non-verbal communication

According to the decision of MEST Strategy developed communication in the
education sector (Kasneci, 2011:8)


Cooperation is a very important process and is the most powerful

weapon of the success of a leader, business, organization, institution or
A good cooperation: (Mattheis & al, 2012, p. 12)
 The increased power to support teachers and students through
teaching and learning,
 support the principal and school staff to achieve a higher
quality school,
 creates opportunities for new teaching and learning, for
example in practice firms and institutions, • helps, for example,
in financing and organizing excursions or development
teaching and learning materials,
 creates a new kind of school culture and school profile,
 gives students the opportunity to learn more about their
capabilities and They are planning their professional career,
 meets the requirements of the education legislation

2.2.2 The Importance of Communication During Change: The Case of the

Municipality of Vlora


A. Communication
Communication is an act between at least two people, where messages are
conveyed, received, and reacted among the participants. It proved to be the most
significant tool in social life and business management.
The importance of communication is discussed by many authors, such as
Kotter and Schlesinger, during the change process. Kotter and Schlesinger argue
that that one common way of dealing with resistance to change is to tell people
about it beforehand. Employees need to be informed about when changes will
occur, how they will be implemented, what is anticipated from them, how they
will be affected by changes in their work, and how the company will retain and
motivate them to more dedicated. for changes.
In addition, state that employees need certainty in the work environment
(Gilgeous and Chambers, 1991). That is, it is very important for managers to be
able to predict the outcome of changes and ensure that every employee has
reasonable information about the why, what and how of change is applied. Early
communication can reduce pessimism and uncertainty, minimize rumors
beforehand spread throughout the organization.

B. Communicating Change

Communication is generally at the core of any successful reform initiative.

Recommended by literature change management that communication is important
for the achievement of change programs (Caruth & Rachel, 1985). according to
Lewis, communication and organizational change are interrelated processes.
Communication is used every day by employees at work. Deresky, mentions in
his work that managers use communication to manage activities, motivate people,
inform and discuss opportunities or plans. Communication combines time,
message content and methods. Managers must understand that effective
communication is the key to implementing change and make it successful. Barrett
argues that where there is no reliable communication, the hearts and minds of
employees will never get caught. Public administrators can be seen as liaisons
between the public and creators policy. To operate effectively, public
administrators must consider the needs and concerns of the public. According to
Beckman, good communication skills can help public administrators have
discussions with members community on various issues which are then discussed
with policy makers. While policy makers may not always act exactly as the public
wants, the public can feel satisfaction that decisions Policy occurs when
information flows freely. However, during the administrative-territorial reform, it
is important to reduce employee resistance with effective communication. If
employees realize where they really are, how they are influenced and what they
are expected to do, can help during the change process.

C. Effective Communication

Burke suggests that during major change efforts communicating is too much
difficult. As for Vuuren, Klandermans are the same once, argues that
communication is rich, open and honest, which arises in management's readiness
to answer any questions asked about any planned changes. Clampitt, DeKoch at
all, stated that in the project rather unstructured change, employees want to know
where they stand and what will happen next more than previously, or critical
procedures and phases can be omitted and resources can be allocated to complete
those that are lacking important action. Thus, one of the important factors for the
success of change is the ability to Communicate to employees the type of change
that will be caused such as tasks and work environment. Besides, Kaufman
suggest that more open and detailed communication be initiated,Communication
is an important tool for building a shared understanding of the purpose and
direction of the organization. What's the purpose communication therefore, to
provide the necessary information to employees while answering the following
questions: about what the change was: why it was initiated, which part of the
agency was involved in the change and what the goals and schedule were. Kotter
suggests that as long as a change in lack of communication does not release real
power in setting goals, imagine, and plan.
In addition, Kotter suggests that the most effective method of communication
is to use many different approaches to communicate, and repeat messages several
times on every possible occasion, formal or informal. According to Kotter (1996,),
He also argues that the main reason communication does not work is that not
enough effort is put into doing it.

 According to Klein, communication strategies should
correspond to the general stages of the change and information
process relevant as required. Considering Lewin's model of
change, Klein has recognized the goal and communication
needs for each stage of the change process.
Communicating during the disbursement stage

The main communication goal at this stage is to prepare staff

and the organization for change. Resistance will increase on the
same level of change. In other words, more resistance means
bigger change. resistance can be lowered if communication
strategies are designed to account for initial resistance (Klein,
1996). Hi suggest that in order to prepare organizations for
change, it is important to communicate why there is a need to
change and what will happen. Moreover, the change is an
organization-wide change; The CEO of the company must be
the first to communicate the message.

 Communicate during the refreezing stage

The main goal during this stage is to build structures and
processes that support the new ways. Other than that,
communication should be focused on answering employee
questions about effectiveness, rewards, relationship roles, and
control. At this stage, the responsibility for communicating
with employees falls down the hierarchy to management
supervision. The flow of information must be continuous,
concrete and multidirectional, so that employees have a good
understanding adequate information about the personal
implications of the change. Due to the expected
misunderstanding that might occur At this stage,
communication should mainly concentrate on making public
the success of change and spreading it news to employees
(Klein, 1996).


1. According to journal 1 that Communication is the act of conveying the

intended meaning to others through the use of signs and language that
are mutually understood, Meanwhile according to journal 2 that
Communication is an act between at least two people, in which messages
are conveyed, received, and reacted among the participants. participant.
It is proving to be the most significant tool in social life and business

From the above description it can be concluded that communication is a

process by which information, knowledge and understanding are
transferred from one person to another, and a good opportunity to
express attitudes and opinions.

2. According to journal 1 that effective communication is highly dependent

on effective listening, something we may not fully master. An additional
purpose of effective listening is to convey interest and respect to the
other person, whereas according to journal 2 that the most effective
communication is to use many different approaches to communication,
and to repeat the message several times in every possible occasion,
formal or informal.

From the description above, it can be concluded that effective

communication is highly dependent on hearing, and the approach
method used in communicating.

3. According to journal 1 that During the meeting, the Director should

express his opinion on the extent to which information is needed and you
should involve all participants in the discussion, because monologue
meetings are not effective. It is usually impolite to interrupt others if they
are talking, but as the case may be required to end any conversation of
the meeting participants, it is according to journal 2 that managers use
communication to organize activities, motivate people, inform and
discuss opportunities or plans.

From the description above, it can be concluded that the director or

manager or leader communicates by conveying his opinion to his
subordinates or employees for the purpose of regulating or motivating

4. According to journal 1 that some of the many problems faced by leaders

are misunderstandings in communicating with others. During
communication, it is very important that the leader sends and sends a
clear message to receive, while according to journal 2 that the flow of
information must be continuous, concrete and multidirectional, so that
employees have an adequate understanding of the personal implications
of the change. Due to the expected misunderstandings that may occur at
this stage, communication should primarily concentrate on making the
success of the change public and spreading the word to employees.

From the description above, it can be concluded that the main problem in
communication is a misunderstanding


The first journal has the same journal content as the comparison
journal. Having the same topic, namely discussing good communication, the
importance of communication between leaders and subordinates
The title of the main journal (first) is the Importance of
Communication, Leader Cooperation in the Leadership Process. The title of
the comparison journal is the importance of Communication During Change:
The Case of the Municipality of Vlora

A. Advantages and Disadvantages

1. main journal advantages,
its advantages are the complete presentation of the material
starting from the understanding and importance of the leader's
communication process during leadership. also explain the
communication factor effective, ineffective and communication. the
difference in the way of communication every leader. The contents of
the journal are complete and very detailed in explaining every
understanding that makes it easier for readers to understand the
material presented

advantages of comparison journal

in this comparative journal also explains the meaning of
communication, the importance of communication, especially within
an organization between superiors and employees and between
fellow staff with one another. also explains in detail the benefits and
consequences if there is a lack of communication, especially in this
journal including the opinions of experts which make the reader gain
a broad understanding

2. lack of main journal

The lack to explain how good communication between leaders
and employees is not like in comparison journals, also the contents of
the journal are so long and in my opinion a bit long-winded and the
delivery lack of comparison journal Does not explain how effective
communication versus bad communication is, the forms of
communication as well as communication problems and their
explanations as in the main journal. presentation of material that is
not too much and according to sdaya is incomplete.

B. Conclussion
1. Main Journal
A market leader, as important as success in leadership is in his
career, he uses various forms of persuasive communication to
express opinions, successes, problems, joys and complaints to others.
care, fairness, respect for schedules and professional preparation
before meetings make a person strong, ambitious and a serious work
ethic. Always before using any form of communication we need to
have a goal that we want to achieve, if coming to a meeting or
meeting we must attract the attention of others through speech and
to achieve the intended goal. Sending messages, emails, formal
letters or invitations to others is a process that must be done very
carefully so that there are no mistakes in writing that show
professionalism, we have clarity in expressing thoughts and do not
use humor when wrong. A leader who plans good things should
never make promises that cannot be kept, because it can result in a
loss of trust in others. Good communication is the key to solving
problems and is a unique quality of a strong leader.

2. Comparison Journal
Effective communication can be key to the change process. This
can help employees engage in the change process as well as make
them aware of the vision and goals associated with the change. This
in turn helps the organization to convince employees that the status
quo is no longer satisfactory and motivates them to support the new
state. So, to implement change successfully and maximize the
productivity of the people involved in the change process,
communication must be seen by the organization as a key lever
during change.

C. Suggestion
The advantages of the two journals should be further maintained and
strengthened, and the shortcomings of the journals should be further
researched to achieve maximum results.

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