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Republic of the Philippines



Global Tourism, Geography and Culture

Name: Mary Marjorie B. Gamboa Section: BSTM 3C

Activity #1
Introduction to Geography and Tourism

Define Geography
Geography according to the National Geographic Society is the study of places
and its relationship between the people and its sorroundings. It comes from the greek
word “geo” means earth and “graphy” means writing. Mainly, it tries to explore and
investigate the various effects and connection within all the human activities to the
physical features of earth and its atmosphere which includes positioning of populations
and resources, land use and industries.

What are the roles of geography in Tourism?

Geography in Tourism is very important because just like what was said in the
video presentation, tourism is geographical in nature. Without the geographical features
of the earth, mainly we won’t have anything in the tourism sector to show our tourist.
Let us keep in our mind that every destinations that we visit, activities we enjoy and
everything in the tourism industry will always have direct effect from geography. Roles
of geography in tourism are the following:

1. Product of Tourism and Travel Motivator- one of the main role of geography
in tourism is it serves as the main motivator that dreives tourist to visit a ceratin
destination. Some of these are the physical and cultural attrcations which usually
catch the interest of travelers. That’s why it is very important to the business
sector to undestand tourist motivations for traveling in order to achieve success.

2. Climate- this refers to the permanent and existing weather conditrion of a

certain place. In the Philippines, we only experience wet and dry seasons.
Climate also became one of the travel motivation of some travelers as they want
to experience different weather such as winter,spring or autumn which leads
them so somehow visit other country.

3. Bodies of water- mainly are the different forms of water, can be found in the
earth’s surface which are also being visited by travelers for refreshment and
leisure. Some of these are the rivers, waterfalls, seas, lakes, and oceans.

4. Landforms- same goes with the bodies of water, landroms are formations on the
earth’s surface. Some of these are mountains, valleys and plateaus.

5. Travel or Itinerary Planning- geography is significant in tourism in terms of

travel planning as it helps in maximizing one’s travel experience. Geography was
Republic of the Philippines

seen as a medium in locating and identifying places and distance. Without

geography, ofcourse tourism professionals won’t have anyting on the plate to
book and prepare as travel itinerary.

What are the elements of Geography?

According to the National Geographic Society, there are six essential elements
geography has. These are World in Spatial Terms, Places and Regions, Physical Systems,
Human Systems, Environment and Systems and Uses of Geography.

1. World in Spatial Terms

Geographjy in this matter study the connection of people and places and its
environments by tracking infromations about them.
2. Places and Regions
This indentifies the lives of individuals and people which are rooted in paticular
places and in human constructs called regions.
3. Physical Systems
These are the physical processes that shapes the earth’s surface and its
interaction with plants and animals that creates and mofify ecosystems.
4. Human Systems
This refers to humans as the center to geography. Their activities, settlements
and structures helps shape the earth’s surface as humans compete for its control.
5. Environment and Society
It has always been evident that the physical environment is influenced by the
way humans value and appreciate the use of Earth’s processes and physical
6. Uses of Geography
Knowing geography will enable people to develop on how to understand the
relationship and connection between people, placesd and environment over

What are the types of Map?

The flat representation o the worls is called a map. It is cimposed of informations
to locate a particular area. Maps have differents types that varies in forms and its uses.
1. Road Map- its shows the various maind roads and its access points such as parks
and landmarks.
2. Political Map – it focuses on vorders and boundariesd of a certain nation.
3. Economic Map – a type of map that shows economic rsources of a place such as
corn, iron, etc.
4. Physical Map – it generelally shows landforms such mountains and bodies of
water of a certain area.
5. Climate Map- it presents inromation of the climate of a partiicuar place.
Republic of the Philippines

6. Tourist Map- this map are commonly used by tourist in wandering a certain
tourisst destinations and attractions wehch can be acquired mostly at airports,
tourist’ infromation counters and accommodation facilties.

What are the continents of the world?

There are seven continents in the world namely, Asia, Europe, North America,
South America, Africa, Antartica and Australia.
1. Asia- the largest and most populous continent of the world.
2. Europe- is the second smallest continent of the world.
3. North America- the third largest continent, located between the Artic Circle and
the Tropic of Cancer.
4. South America- located in the western hemisphere, a continent which its parts
are mostly found in the southern hemisphere.
5. Africa- it is the world’s second largest continent which also the second of the
most populous continents if the world.
6. Antartica- the windiest, coldest, driest continent. Located in the southernmost
part of the world.
7. Australia- te smallest continent, one of the largest nations surrounded by water.

Kindly discuss the International Tourism.

As tourism is defined of United Nations Tourism World Organization as activities
of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not
more that one consecutiveyear for leisure, bussiness, etc., International Tourism on the
other hand is visiting places outside the country. International tourism is the tourism
that crosses national borders.

What are the requirements for traveling abroad?

Engaging in Internation Tourism requires securing of travel documents such as pasport
and visa before leaving the country and as a sign that you are perimitted to entry that
foreign country you’re about to visit.
1. Passport
- main requirement in traveleing outside the country.
- an official and legal document ssued bny the government

2. Visa
- an endorsement indicating that a hodler is allowed to enter, stay or
leave in a certain country for a period of time.

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