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Weight Management
⦿ National Institutes of Health
⚫ 68% of American adults are overweight
⚫ More than 33.8% of American adults are
⚫ In 2007-2008, 32.3% of adult men and
35.5% of adult women were obese
Figure 1 Obesity prevalence by age and
sex, of American adults, 2007-2008
Basic Concepts of Weight
⦿ Body Composition
⚫ Fat-free mass and body fat
○ Fat-free mass: bone, water, muscle, connective tissue, organ tissues, and teeth
⦿ Body Fat
⚫ Essential fat: necessary for body to function
○ 3-5% of total fat in men, 8-12% in women
⦿ Fat Storage
⚫ Adipose tissue: connective tissue in which fat is stored
⚫ Subcutaneous fat: Located under the skin
⚫ Visceral Fat (intra-abdominal fat): Located around major organs
⦿ Factors Affecting Body Composition
⚫ Genetically determined number of fat cells
⚫ Cells can increase or decrease in size depending on
○ Age
○ Sex
○ Metabolism
○ Diet
○ Activity level
⚫ 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories
Energy Balance
⦿ Energy balance is key to keeping a healthy ratio of fat and
fat-free mass
⚫ You take in energy (calories)
⚫ You use up energy (calories)
⚫ Energy in = energy out, you maintain
your current weight
⚫ Energy in > energy out, you gain
⚫ Energy in < energy out, you lose
Figure 2 The energy balance equation
Evaluating Body Weight and Body
⦿ Overweight: Total body weight above recommended range
for good health
⦿ Obesity: A more serious degree of overweight
⦿ Body Mass Index (BMI)
⚫ Based on the concept that weight should be proportional to height
⚫ Does not distinguish between fat weight and fat-free weight
⚫ Pros?
⚫ Cons?
Body Composition Analysis
⦿ Most accurate and direct way to determine
percent body fat
⦿ Hydrostatic (underwater) weighing and Bod
⦿ Skinfold measurements
⚫ Thickness of fat under the skin
⦿ Electrical impedance analysis
⚫ Electricity prefers fat-free tissue
Figure 11.3 Body mass index (BMI)

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