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Nama Mahasiswa : LUSIA ATIK

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 825902727

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PDGK4304/Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 47/ Pontianak

Masa Ujian : 2021/22.1 (2021.2)


1 a. Works Verb 1
Strarts Verb 1
Finishes Verb 1
Work Verb 1
Comes Verb 1
Sits Verb 1
Talks Verb 1
Sleep Verb 1
Gives Verb 1
Feels Verb 1

b. Iya.
Contoh :
• Miss Jill works at school.
• She sometimes sits and talks to a child.

2 a. • I will go to play basketball with john (salah = preposition tidak bisa

diikuti oleh verb. Jika ingin menggunakan verb, harus menggunakannya
dalam bentuk gerund. Yang benar: “I will go to playing basketball with
• I will take at two past twenty (sudah benar)
• I will get home at a quarter to four (sudah benar)

b. • I need a book to write on.

• Look to the left! What a beautiful view.

3 At viding machine
Man : would you like a cup of coffee?
Woman : Yes. That would be good
Man : Cream and sugar?
Woman : Oh, no
Man : What’s the matter?
Woman : This machine is out of order
Man : Did you lose your money?
Woman : I sure did
Man : You ought to complain. These machines are always out of order.
Woman : Please.

4 a. My hobby is playing football. Playing football is my favourite hobby since I was

a kid. If I was playing football, sometimes I difficult to stop by my mother.

Now, I playing soccer field twice a week. Every Friday an Sunday. For me,
playing football is an effective to health and strength my mind. And last month,
in June, I won the football camphionships. I was very happy. That’s why I am
happy and really like playing football.

b. Penggunaan bentuk kalimat yang digunakan adalah kalimat simple past tense
dan simple present tense. Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah
berakhir di masa lampau. Hal ini trlihat dari kalimat berikut “Playing football is
my favourite hobby since I was a kid. If I was playing football, sometimes I
difficult to stop by my mother”. Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense,
rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut “S + Verb 2 + O” Contoh : “And last month,
in June, I won the football camphionships. I was very happy.”. Dalam
kalimat simple past tense, kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan bentuk kata
kerja kedua (Contoh: Won). Sedangkan bentuk Simple Present tense dapat
dilihat dari beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja pertama seperti
“Now, I playing soccer field twice a week”.

5 a. The Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

b. • Become the foundation of the child's future

• Improve the standard of life

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