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Is a change in the items stolen by the accused a Do the offended parties have the right to move for the

substantial amendment? dismissal of a case?

Yes because it affects the essence of the imputed crime and No. The right belongs only to the government prosecutor who
would deprive the accused of the opportunity to meet all the is the representative of the plaintiff.
allegations in preparation of his defense. Can the offended party file a civil action for certiorari in
Is a change in the nature of the offense due to his own name if the RTC dismisses an information?
supervening event a substantial amendment? Yes. In case of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
No, it is merely a formal amendment. jurisdiction, the petition may be filed by the offended party
Can the court order the dismissal of the original because the offended party has an interest in the civil aspect
complaint before a new one is filed in substitution? of the case.
No. The court will not order the dismissal until the new
information is filed. RULE 111: PROSECUTION OF CIVIL ACTION
Where should a criminal action be instituted? What is the general rule?
1. In the court of the municipality or territory where the The general rule is when a criminal action is instituted, the
offense was committed or where any of its essential civil action for the recovery of the civil liability arising from
ingredients occurred (Exception: Sandiganbayan cases) the offense charged under Article 100 of the RPC shall be
2. If committed in a train, aircraft, or other public or private deemed instituted with the criminal action.
vehicle: in the court of any municipality or territory where What are the exceptions?
the vehicle passed during its trip, including the place of The civil action is not deemed instituted in the following
departure or arrival cases:
3. If committed on board a vessel in the course of its voyage: 1. When the offended party has waived the civil action
in the court of the first port of entry or of any municipality or 2. When the offended party has reserved the right to
territory where the vessel passed during the voyage, subject institute it separately
to the generally accepted principles of international law 3. When the offended party has instituted the civil action
4. Crimes committed outside the Phil but punishable under prior to the institution of the criminal action
Article 2 of the RPC: any court where the action is first filed. What is the civil action that is deemed instituted with the
What is a continuing or transitory offense? criminal action?
Transitory offenses are crimes where some acts material and Only the civil action for the recovery of civil liability arising
essential to the crimes and requisite to their commission from the offense under Article 100 of the RPC, not the
occur in one municipality or territory and some in another. independent civil actions under Article 32, 33, 34 and 2176 of
Continuing offenses are consummated in one place, yet by the Civil Code.
the nature of the offense, the violation of the law is deemed What is the dual concept of civil liability?
continuing. Examples are estafa, abduction, malversation, This means that civil liability may arise from crimes or from
libel, kidnapping, violation of BP22. quasi-delicts. Thus, a negligent act causing damage may
How do you determine jurisdiction over a continuing produce two kinds of civil liability – one arising from crime
crime? and another from quasi-delict. The only limitation is that the
The courts of the territories where the essential ingredients offended party may not recover twice from the same act.
of the crime took place have concurrent jurisdiction. But the What are the differences between a crime and a quasi-
court which first acquires jurisdiction excludes the other delict?
courts. 1. Crimes affect public interest, while quasi-delicts are only
What are the rules on venue in libel cases? of private concern
1. The criminal action for libel may be filed in the RTC of the 2. The RPC punishes or corrects the criminal act, while the
province or the city where the libelous article is printed and Civil Code merely repairs the damage by means
first published. of indemnification
2. If the offended party is a private individual, the criminal 3. Crimes are punished only if there is a law providing for
action may also be filed in the RTC of the province where he their punishment, while quasi-delicts include all acts where
actually resided at the time of the commission of the fault or negligence intervenes. Therefore, quasi-delict is
offense. broader in scope.
3. If the offended party is a public officer whose office is in What constitutes civil liability?
Manila at the time of the commission of the offense, the According to Article 104 of the RPC, it constitutes restitution,
criminal action may be filed in the RTC of Manila. reparation, and indemnification for consequential damages.
4. If the offended party is a public officer whose office is What is the basis for the broader concept of civil liability?
outside Manila, the action may be filed in the RTC of the The broader concept of civil liability means that every person
province or city where he held office at the time of the criminally liable is also civilly liable. This is because in a
commission of the offense. criminal offense, there are two offended parties – the state
Can the offended party intervene in the prosecution of and the private offended party.
the criminal action? If the complaint does not contain an allegation of
Yes, except if he has waived, has reserved his right, or has damages, is the offender still liable for them?
already instituted the civil action arising from the same Yes because every person criminally liable is also civilly
criminal act. The reason for this rule is Article 100 of the liable. This is subject to the exception when the offended
RPC, which provides that every person criminally liable shall party has waived or has reserved the right to institute the
also be civilly liable, and also because there are certain civil action separately.
offenses which cannot be prosecuted except upon complaint When should the reservation be made?
of the offended party.
The reservation should be made before the prosecution This is because the parties in the criminal and civil action are
presents its evidence and under circumstances affording the different – in the criminal action, the party is the state, while
offended party a reasonable opportunity to make such in the civil action, the party is the private offended party.
reservation. Also, the two actions required different quantum of
What is the reason for the rule requiring reservation? evidence. The criminal action requires proof of guilt beyond
The reason is to prevent double recovery from the same act reasonable doubt, while the civil action requires mere
or omission. preponderance of evidence.
Can the accused file a counterclaim in the criminal case? What are the independent civil actions?
No. The independent civil actions are those provided in Articles
In a BP 22 case, can the offended party make a 32, 33, 34, and 2176 of the Civil Code. They may proceed
reservation of the civil action? independently of the criminal action and shall require only a
No. The criminal action shall be deemed to include the civil preponderance of evidence.
action, and the offended party is not allowed to make the What is the effect of the death of the accused on the
reservation. The actual damages and the filing fees shall be criminal and civil actions?
equivalent to the value of the check. 1. After arraignment and during the pendency of the criminal
When is the separate civil action suspended? action: Death extinguishes the civil liability arising from the
After the criminal action has been commenced, the separate delict, except the independent civil actions based on Art. 32,
civil action arising therefrom cannot be instituted until final 33, 34 and 2176 of the Civil Code, or those predicated on
judgment has been entered in the criminal action. other sources of obligations such as law, contract, quasi-
If the criminal action is filed after the civil action was contract and quasi-delict. If such civil action is impliedly
instituted, the civil action shall be suspended in whatever instituted in the criminal action, the legal representative or
stage it may be found before judgment on the merits. The heir of the accused shall be substituted for him and the
suspension shall last until final judgment is rendered in the criminal case is reduced to a civil action. However, if such
criminal action. civil action has been reserved and subsequently filed, or such
Nonetheless, the civil action may be consolidated with the civil action has been instituted when the accused died, then
criminal action at any time before judgment on the merits such civil action will proceed and substitution of parties shall
upon motion of the offended party with the court trying the be ordered by the court.
criminal action. The evidence presented at the civil action 2. Before arraignment: Death of the accused results to the
shall be deemed reproduced in the criminal action without dismissal of the civil action impliedly instituted in the
prejudice to the right of the prosecution to cross-examine criminal action. However, the same civil action may be filed
the witness presented by the offended party in the criminal by the offended party against the administrator of the estate
case and of the parties to present additional evidence. The of the accused.
consolidated criminal actions shall be tried and decided 3. Pending appeal of his conviction or prior to final judgment:
jointly. Death of the accused extinguishes his criminal liability and
Exception: When there is a prejudicial question in a only the civil liability directly arising from the delict.
previously filed civil action, it should be resolved first. When the defendant is absolved of civil liability in a civil
Are the independent civil actions also deemed suspended action, can a criminal action still be filed against him?
with the filing of the criminal action? Yes. While every person criminally liable is also civilly liable,
No. Only the civil action arising from the crime under Article the converse is not true. Therefore, even if the defendant is
100 is suspended. The independent civil actions are not absolved of civil liability in a civil action, a criminal action
suspended and may continue even if the criminal action has can still be filed against him. Besides, the state is a party in a
been instituted. However, the offended party may not criminal action, while only the private offended party is a
recover twice from the same act. He should only get the party in the civil action. Moreover, the quantum of evidence
bigger award. in the civil action is only preponderance of evidence, while
What is the effect of an acquittal on the civil action? that required in the criminal action is proof beyond
The general rule is the civil action is not necessarily reasonable doubt.
extinguished by the acquittal of the accused. Even if the What is a prejudicial question?
accused is acquitted, the court can still award civil liability in A prejudicial question is one based on a fact separate and
the following cases: distinct from the crime but is so intimately related to it that
1. When the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt it determines the guilt or innocence of the accused.
2. When there is a declaration in the decision that the What are the elements of a prejudicial question?
liability of the accused is only civil 1. The previously instituted civil action involves an issue
3. When the civil liability is not derived from or based on the similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the
criminal act of which the accused is acquitted. However, if subsequent criminal action, and
the decision contains a finding that the act from which the 2. The resolution of such issue determines whether or not the
civil liability may arise does not exist, the civil liability is criminal action may proceed.
extinguished. When is an action for annulment of marriage prejudicial
Can you compel a judge by mandamus to award civil to a bigamy case?
damages? An action for annulment of marriage is prejudicial to a
Yes because every person criminally liable is also civilly liable bigamy case only if the accused in the bigamy charge is also
and also because even if the accused is acquitted, there are the one asking for annulment of the second (bigamous)
cases when he is still civilly liable. marriage based on vitiation of consent. This is because in
What is the reason for allowing the civil liability to subsist such a case, if the court declares that the party’s consent
in spite of the acquittal of the accused? was indeed vitiated and annuls the marriage, then it would

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