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respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110

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Respiratory Investigation

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Simultaneous measurement of pulmonary diffusing

capacity for carbon monoxide and nitric oxide

Kazuhiro Yamaguchia,n, Takao Tsujib, Kazutetsu Aoshibac,

Hiroyuki Nakamurac
Division of Comprehensive Sleep Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, 8-1 Kawata-cho, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 162-8666, Japan
Respiratory Medicine, Institute of Geriatrics Tokyo Women’s Medical University, 2-15-1 Sibuya, Shibuya-ku,
150-0002 Tokyo, Japan
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center, 3-20-1 Chuou, Ami-machi,
Inashiki-gun, 300-0395 Ibaraki, Japan

ar t ic l e in f o abs tra ct

Article history: In Europe and America, the newly-developed, simultaneous measurement of diffusing
Received 1 November 2017 capacity for CO (DLCO ) and NO (DLNO ) has replaced the classic DLCO measurement for
Received in revised form detecting the pathophysiological abnormalities in the acinar regions. However, simulta-
30 November 2017 neous measurement of DLCO and DLNO is currently not used by Japanese physicians. To
Accepted 8 December 2017 encourage the use of DLNO in Japan, the authors reviewed aspects of simultaneously-
Available online 2 February 2018 estimated DLCO and DLNO from previously published manuscripts. The simultaneous
DLCO -DLNO technique identifies the alveolocapillary membrane-related diffusing capacity
(membrane component, DM ) and the blood volume in pulmonary microcirculation (V C ); V C
Diffusing capacity
is the principal factor constituting the blood component of diffusing capacity (DB ; DB ¼ θ  V C
Membrane component
where θ is the specific gas conductance for CO or NO in the blood). As the association
Blood component
velocity of NO with hemoglobin (Hb) is fast and the affinity of NO with Hb is high in
comparison with those of CO, θNO can be taken as an invariable simply determined by

Abbreviations: A, alveolar gas; BHT, breath-holding time (sec); CF, cystic fibrosis; d, diffusivity of the gas (cm2/s); Dapp, overall
apparent diffusing capacity for the gas neglecting the effects of functional inhomogeneities (mL/min/mmHg); DB, blood component of
diffusing capacity for the gas (mL/min/mmHg); DL, diffusing capacity for the gas (mL/min/mmHg); DL/VA,, diffusing capacity per unit
alveolar volume (rate constant of alveolar gas uptake per unit pressure, mL/min/mmHg/L); DM, membrane component of diffusing
capacity for the gas (mL/min/mmHg); DPLD, diffuse parenchymal lung diseases; Hb, hemoglobin; HbO2, oxyhemoglobin;
He, helium; I, inspired gas; K, Krogh factor for the gas (calculated as S/(PB–PH2O) and equal to DL/VA); MW, molecular weight (g/moL);
PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; PAO2, mean alveolar PO2 (surrogate of mean capillary PO2, mmHg); PB, barometric pressure
(mmHg); PC, partial pressure of the gas in alveolar capillary (mmHg); PH20, vapor pressure at body temperature (mmHg); S, slope of
alveolar gas uptake during breath-holding; TL, transfer factor (equal to DL); TL/VA, transfer coefficient (equal to DL/VA); VA, alveolar
gas volume (L); VAT, inspired or expired alveolar tidal volume (L); VC, alveolar capillary blood volume (mL); VD, anatomical dead
space (mL); VI, inspired gas volume (L); α, Bunsen solubility coefficient of the gas (mL/mL/atm); θ, specific gas conductance in blood
(mL/min/mmHg/mL); ΥX/Y, relative Krogh diffusion constant of gas X against gas Y ((α  d)X/(α  d)Y); ω, ratio of permeability of
erythrocyte membrane to that of erythrocyte interior
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: yamaguc@sirius.ocn.ne.jp (K. Yamaguchi), tsuji.takao@twmu.ac.jp (T. Tsuji),
kaoshiba@tokyo-med.ac.jp (K. Aoshiba), hiroyuki@tokyo-med.ac.jp (H. Nakamura).

2212-5345/& 2017 The Japanese Respiratory Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110 101

Specific gas conductance diffusion limitation inside the erythrocyte. This means that θNO is independent of the
Blood volume partial pressure of oxygen (PO2 ). However, θCO involves the limitations by diffusion and
chemical reaction elicited by the erythrocyte, resulting in θCO to be a PO2 -dependent
variable. Furthermore, DLCO is determined primarily by DB (∼77%), while DLNO is determined
equally by DM (∼55%) and DB (∼45%). This suggests that DLCO is more sensitive for detecting
microvascular diseases, while DLNO can equally identify alveolocapillary membrane and
microcirculatory abnormalities.
& 2017 The Japanese Respiratory Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Historical backgrounds on lung diffusing capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

2. Units and nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3. Simultaneous measurement of DLCO and DLNO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.1. Basic parameters of DL/VA and DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.2. Physical properties of CO and NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.3. Specific gas conductance in the blood for CO and NO (θCO and θNO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.4. Estimation of DM and VC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.5. Influence of back-pressures of CO and NO on DLCO and DLNO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.6. Influence of functional inhomogeneities on DLCO and DLNO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4. Reference equations for DL-associated parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5. Pathophysiological factors affecting DL-related parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.1. Age and height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.2. Alveolar volume (VA) and cardiac output (Q) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.3. DL-related parameters in various lung diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.4. Differential diagnosis using DLCO- and DLNO-associated parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
6. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Conflict of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Appendix A. Supporting information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

1. Historical backgrounds on lung diffusing gas transfer in the lung. They assumed that two processes
capacity could explain the transfer of CO from the alveolocapillary
membrane to hemoglobin (Hb) in erythrocytes: (1) the mem-
In Europe and North America, the measurement of the brane diffusing capacity for CO (DMCO ) and (2) the blood
diffusing capacity (DL ) for nitric oxide (NO) is used in a variety diffusing capacity for CO (DBCO ). The DMCO reflects the diffu-
of lung diseases to evaluate the impediment of gas transfer in sion limitation across the effective alveolocapillary mem-
the acinus across the alveolocapillary membrane and micro- brane, which consists of gas-phase diffusion (if any), the
circulation [1–6]. The use of NO diffusing capacity (DLNO ) alveolar wall, and the plasma layer surrounding the erythro-
required that the Task Force Panel organized by the European cyte. The DBCO is defined as the product of alveolar capillary
Respiratory Society (ERS) create standards for the measure- blood volume (VC ) and specific gas conductance for CO in the
ment and interpretation of DLNO [7]. To encourage the use of blood (θCO ). The θCO signifies the diffusive process across the
DLNO in Japan, the authors have comprehensively reviewed membrane of the erythrocyte and its interior and incorpo-
the methodological and pathophysiological aspects of clini- rates the competitive, replacement reaction of CO with
cally using DLNO . oxyhemoglobin (HbO2 ). Since the reciprocals of DMCO and
It has been over 100 years since Marie Krogh developed the DBCO are the gas-transfer resistances that are connected in
method to measure the single-breath carbon monoxide (CO) series, the total resistance for CO transfer, 1=DLCO , is
uptake through the alveolocapillary membrane [8]. Since expressed as:
then, the single-breath CO diffusing capacity (DLCO ) has
1=DLCO ¼ 1=DMCO þ 1=ðθCO  VC Þ ð1Þ
become the most clinically useful pulmonary function test
after spirometry and the measurement of lung volumes. A Roughton and Forster [10] developed a clever method for
practical method to examine the single-breath DLCO was determining DMCO and VC from DLCO measured at two differ-
proposed by Ogilvie et al. [9], and at the same time, Roughton ent alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (alveolar PO2 ) (classic
and Forster [10] proposed a memorable model describing the two-step alveolar PO2 technique).
102 respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110

In the 1980s, Guénard et al. [1] and Borland and Higen- chemiluminescence NO analyzer, with a detection range
bottamet [2] independently proposed a novel method of from 5 ppb to 500 ppm and a 90% response time of 70 msec.
simultaneously measuring DLCO and DLNO (simultaneous When the chemiluminescence NO analyzer is used, the
one-step CO-NO technique). Differing from the classic two- breath-holding time is prescribed at 10 sec. However, if a
step alveolar PO2 technique, to determine DM and VC , the low sensitivity, slow-speed electrochemical NO analyzer
simultaneous one-step CO-NO technique requires the mea- (detection limit of NO ranging from 0 to 100 ppm with 90%
surement of DLCO and DLNO at a single alveolar PO2 . Therefore, response time of ∼10 sec) is used, a shorter breath-holding
this method is more convenient clinically and reduces the time of 4-6 sec is necessary. This is because alveolar NO
time required for DL measurement. concentration after a 5-sec period of breath-holding is less
than 3-5 ppm [14]. There may be a problem with accuracy to
measure NO gas below 3–5 ppm with a low-sensitivity
2. Units and nomenclature
electrochemical NO analyzer. The practical procedures for
simultaneous measurement of DLCO and DLNO are summarized
This review uses traditional units (mL/min/mmHg) to
in Supplementary Table 1. The equipments for simultaneous
describe DL . The ERS recommends expressing DL in SI units
measurement of DLCO and DLNO are described in
(mmoL/min/kPa), while the American Thoracic Society (ATS)
Supplementary Table 2. Since 2008, automated analyzers for
prefers traditional units. Values in traditional units can be
divided by 3.0 to convert them to SI units. simultaneously measuring gas-phase concentrations of CO
On behalf of DL , transfer factor, expressed as TL , has been and NO have been commercially available in Europe.
used in Europe and has been suggested to be a more accurate The toxicological and vasodilator effects of inhaled NO
term than DL when considering the mechanism deciding CO should be mentioned. Clutton-Brock [15] demonstrated that
transport in the acinus. This is because diffusion is not the severe lung-tissue damage and/or death may result from
sole determinant of CO transport in the acinus, and chemical inhalation of NO over 5000 ppm (0.5%) for 7–50 min in the
reactions are involved. However, NO transport in the acinus case of accidental exposure during anesthetic procedures.
is almost totally limited by diffusion (see below), which However, there is no evidence for injurious effects and/or
suggests that the term of DL is better for describing NO vasodilation of inhaling low concentrations of NO [16–18].
movement. Furthermore, DL is commonly used in Japan. This suggests that the inhalation of low concentrations of NO
Based on these facts, the present review will use the term DL . for short periods of time is safe and induces minimal
The next important measure is the DL =V A (mL/min/ pulmonary vasodilation.
mmHg/L), in which VA denotes the alveolar volume during Since the single-breath DL is measured at full inspiration,
a single-breath maneuver. The DL =VA is called the transfer V A is virtually equal to TLC. The VA is derived from the single-
coefficient (TL =VA ) in Europe [11–13]. In the field of respiratory breath helium dilution after subtracting the estimated ana-
physiology, this parameter expresses the DL per unit alveolar tomic dead space (VD ) from the inspired volume (VI ). The 2017
volume, which, in the field of gas kinetics, is equal to the ERS/ATS Standards for DLCO [13] recommended to use an
Krogh factor (K: KCO or KNO ), the rate constant of alveolar gas estimate of 2.2 mL/kg as VD if body mass index (BMI)
uptake per unit pressure. o30 kg=m2 [19] or H2 /189.4 (H: height in cm) if BMI
Z30 kg=m2 . The following formula is used to calculate VA :

3. Simultaneous measurement of DLCO and DLNO V A ¼ ðVI − V D Þ  ðHeI =HeAðtÞ Þ ð2Þ

where HeI denotes the helium concentration in inspired gas

The 2017 ERS Standards for DLNO [7] recommend that the
and HeAðtÞ the helium concentration in alveolar gas sample at
concentrations of test gases in an inspired gas should be 0.3%
the end of breath-holding. Instead of the estimated value, the
of CO, 40-60 ppm of NO, 10% of helium, and 21% of O2 with
V D can be directly measured from the helium washout curve
the balance nitrogen (N2). Following a period of quiet tidal
using the Fowler method [20].
breathing, a bolus of a gas mixture containing known quan-
tities of test gases is rapidly inhaled from residual volume
(RV) to total lung capacity (TLC). At full inspiration, the
3.1. Basic parameters of DL/VA and DL
subject holds the breath for a prescribed period near atmo-
spheric intrapulmonary pressure. To obtain the alveolar gas
First, the K value (DL =VA ) is measured from the decayed curve
sample, following breath-holding the subject exhales
of CO or NO (Fig. 1). The slope of CO or NO uptake (SCO , SNO )
smoothly and rapidly to RV within 4 sec. A sample gas
volume of 0.5-1.0 L should be collected. However, if the during a breath-holding time (BHT) is calculated using the
subject’s vital capacity (VC) is o1.0 L, a sample gas volume logarithm (Ln) of the gas concentration at the beginning of
o0.5 L can be used [13]. breath-holding (time: zero) and that at the end of breath-
The concentrations of helium and CO in inspired and holding (time: t).
alveolar gases are measured using a rapid gas anal- SX ¼ ðLnFXAð0Þ − LnFXAðtÞ Þ=BHT ð3Þ
yzer system (90% response time: r150 msec) [13]. Partial
pressure of O2 in the alveolar gas sample is measured In this equation, X is either CO or NO; FXAð0Þ is the gas
as a surrogate for mean alveolar PO2 . The gas concentra- concentration at the beginning of breath-holding; and FXAðtÞ
tion of NO is measured with a high-sensitivity, high-speed is that at the end of breath-holding. The gas concentration of
respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110 103

Fig. 1 – Schematic presentation of CO and NO transfer in the lung (A) CO and NO transfer from alveolar gas to erythrocyte. The
membrane component (DM ) of diffusing capacity is prescribed by the diffusion through the effective alveolocapillary
membrane, including the gas-phase diffusion (if any), the alveolar wall, and the plasma layer. The blood component
(DB ¼ θ  V C ) of diffusing capacity is prescribed by the diffusion in erythrocytes for NO and the diffusion and chemical reactions
in the erythrocytes for CO. (B) The alveolar uptake of CO or NO. The slope of the decayed curve of the gas is defined as S (SCO or
SNO ), from which K (KCO or KNO ) and DL (DLCO or DLNO ) are calculated. Helium (He) is assumed to be not absorbed by the alveolar
capillary blood.

CO or NO at the beginning of breath-holding, FXAð0Þ , is of the two gases (the Graham’s law). Therefore, the dY =dX
calculated as follows: can be assumed to be the same in any diffusion path. The
FXAð0Þ ¼ ðHeAðtÞ =HeI Þ  FXI ð4Þ relative Krogh diffusion constant of NO against CO (ΥNO=CO Þ is
defined as:
In this equation, FXI is the gas concentration of CO or NO in
ΥNO=CO ¼ ðα  dÞNO =ðα  dÞCO ð7Þ
the inspired gas. From SX , KX and DLX are assumed as:
KX ¼ SX =ðPB − PH2O Þ ð5Þ The ΥNO=CO is the major factor determining the ratio of
membrane diffusing capacity for NO (DMNO ) to CO (DMCO ).
DLX ¼ VA  KX ð6Þ Originally proposed by Wilhelm et al. [26], subsequent studies
agree that the best value of ΥNO=CO in the acinus is 1.97. Thus,
where PB denotes the atmospheric pressure and PH2O the
the DMNO =DMCO can be given by:
vapor pressure.
DMNO =DMCO ¼ 1:97 ð8Þ

3.2. Physical properties of CO and NO

Detailed descriptions of the physical properties of CO and NO 3.3. Specific gas conductance in the blood for CO and NO
are provided in Supplemental Table 3. Briefly, the diffusive (θCO and θNO)
process of CO and NO in the acinus is determined by the
Krogh diffusion constant, which is defined as (α  d), where α is The radical difference between CO and NO is recognized in
the Bunsen solubility coefficient of the gas (mL/mL/atm) and the reactions with Hb. Carlsen and Comroe [27] measured the
d is the gas diffusivity (cm2 =s) in the specific tissue. Since α is association velocity constants of CO and NO with Hb using a
almost equal along the diffusion path, including the alveolo- rapid-reaction, constant-flow apparatus. They identified that
capillary membrane, plasma layer, and erythrocyte interior, it the association velocity constant of NO with Hb is ∼400 times
can be approximated by the gas solubility in water [21]. The that of CO and the affinity of NO with Hb is ∼1800 times that
gas diffusivity is distinctly varied along the diffusion path of CO (Supplementary Table 3). This suggests that the
[22–25]. The relative diffusivity of the two gases is defined as chemical reaction of NO with Hb does not affect erythrocyte
dY =dX (X, Y: two indicator gases), which is equal to the NO uptake. They also demonstrated that the θNO of hu-
reciprocal ratio of square root of the molecular weight (MW) man biconcave erythrocytes is not infinite but is finite at
104 respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110

Table 1 – Equations predicting PO2 -dependent θCO and PO2 -independent θNO in human blood.

1=θCO Conditions References

0.0058  PO2 þ 1.00 ω ¼ 1.5, pH ¼8.0 (rapid-reaction, constant-flow) Roughton (1957) [10]
0.0058  PO2 þ 0.73 ω ¼ 2.5, pH ¼8.0 (rapid-reaction, constant-flow) Roughton (1957) [10]
0.0058  PO2 þ 0.33 ω ¼ 1, pH ¼ 8.0 (rapid-reaction, constant-flow) Roughton (1957) [10]
0.0041  PO2 þ 1.30 ω ¼ 1, pH ¼ 7.4 (rapid-reaction, constant-flow) Forster (1987) [32]
0.0065  PO2 þ 1.08 ω ¼ 1.5 at standard conditions (stopped-flow) Holland (1969) [33]
0.0055  PO2 þ 0.73 Assumed value (ω ¼ 1, pH ¼ 7.4) Stam (1991) [34]
0.0080  PO2 þ 0.0156 Thin blood film exposed to step-change of PCO at varied PO2 Reeves (1992) [35]
0.0062  PO2 þ 1.16 Indirect estimation in vivo (optimal equation preserving DM =VC at the same level under hypoxia Guénard (2016) [29]
and normoxia)

1/θNO Conditions References

1/4.5 Rapid-reaction, constant-flow Carlsen (1958) [27]

0 Assumed value based on infinitely fast reaction of NO with Hb Guénard (1987) [1]
1/3.3 Indirect estimation in vivo Borland (1991) [36]
1/4.0 Indirect estimation in vitro (horse blood) Borland (2006) [28]
1/3.0 Indirect estimation in vivo (optimal value preserving DM =V C at the same level under hypoxia and Guénard (2016) [29]

θ: mL/min/mmHg/mL. ω: ratio of the permeability of erythrocyte membrane to that of erythrocyte interior.

4.5 mL/min/mmHg/(mL  blood) (Table 1). Combining these and Ht-dependent change in plasma layer thickness, should
results, they concluded that the NO uptake process by be made using the equations recommended by the 2005
erythrocytes is predominantly limited by diffusion within ATS/ERS Task Force for DLCO [30] as follows:
the erythrocyte but not by a chemical reaction of NO with Hb. 
DLCO predicted; male ¼ DLCO  ð10:22 þ HbÞ=ð1:7  HbÞ ð10  1Þ
Although five values for θNO have been reported to date

(Table 1), the θNO reported by Carlsen and Comroe [27] is the DLCO predicted; female ¼ DLCO  ð9:38 þ HbÞ=ð1:7  HbÞ ð10  2Þ
only directly and reliably measured estimate. Therefore, it is
In these equations, DLCO and Hb (g/dL) are the measured
recommended to use 4.5 mL/min/mmHg/mL as the θNO [7].
Further disavowal against reaction limitation during NO
The situation of DLNO differs from that of DLCO . Since the
uptake by erythrocytes was certified by Borland et al. [2,28],
concentration of NO used for DLNO measurement is low (i.e.,
who identified that DLCO is PO2 - and hematocrit (Ht)-depen-
ppm), it is not necessary to correct for Hb absorption of NO.
dent, whereas DLNO is PO2 -independent but Ht-dependent.
Furthermore, due to a large Krogh diffusion constant of NO
The PO2 -independent DLNO implies that NO uptake in the
(Supplementary Table 3), the relative contribution of diffu-
acinus is not limited by chemical reaction between NO and
sion-limited NO transfer, resulting from a Ht-dependent
Hb. The Ht-dependent DLNO indicates that NO uptake is
change in the thickness of the plasma layer, is anticipated
impeded by decreased density of erythrocytes (anemia),
to be small. Indeed, Borland et al. [31] described that the Hb
which results in increased thickness of the plasma layer
adjustment for DLNO is unnecessary until the Hb concentra-
and impairs NO uptake. The PO2 - and Ht-dependent change
tion is approximately 4 g/dL. Therefore, the constant value of
in DLCO indicates that both diffusion limitation and reaction
θNO may be valid under a wide variety of pathophysiological
limitation are involved in CO uptake. As such, although the
conditions, including anemia.
θNO is constant and independent of capillary PO2 , the θCO
changes depending on capillary PO2 . Descriptions of
3.4. Estimation of DM and VC
PO2 -dependent θCO are given in Supplementary Fig. 1. Among
the equations that predict the relationship between PO2 and
The simultaneous equations described below use the mea-
1=θCO (Table 1), the 2017 ERS Standards for DLNO [7] recom-
sured values of DLCO , DLNO , mean alveolar PO2 (PAO2 ), and Hb
mend the equation proposed by Guénard et al. [29]. The
to determine DM and VC :
Guénard et al. equation is:
1=DLCO ¼ 1=DMCO þ 1=ðθCO  VC Þ ð11  1Þ
1=θCO ¼ ð0:0062  PO2 þ 1:16Þ  ðstandard Hb=measured HbÞ ð9Þ
1=DLNO ¼ 1=DMNO þ 1=ðθNO  VC Þ ð11  2Þ
where PO2 is mean capillary PO2 approximated by alveolar PO2
measured at the end of breath-holding. Standard Hb is DMNO ¼ 1:97  DMCO ð11  3Þ
14.6 g/dL for men and 13.4 g/dL for women. However, it should
be noted that Eq. 9 is not directly derived from the kinetic 1=θCO ¼ ð0:0062  PAO2 þ 1:16Þ  ðstandard Hb=measured HbÞ
measurements. Furthermore, attention should be paid for the ð11  4Þ
Hb term, which aims to correct the Hb capacitance effect on
1=θNO ¼ 1=4:5 ð11  5Þ
absorbing CO, but not the diffusion limitation elicited by
Ht-dependent modification of plasma layer thickness. The Using the previously described simultaneous equations, the
overall correction by Hb, including both Hb capacitance effect relative contribution of 1=DM and 1=DB ð1=ðθ  VC ÞÞ to 1=DLCO or
respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110 105

to 1=DLNO was estimated (Fig. 2). The contribution to 1=DLCO of the interior of the erythrocyte. Guénard et al. [1] assumed that
1=DMCO is 23% and that of 1=DBCO is 77%. The contribution to θNO must be infinite, because the chemical reaction of NO with
1=DLNO of 1=DMNO is 55% and that of 1=DBNO is 45%. This Hb is extremely rapid, leading them to postulate that DLNO is
suggests that the DLCO is primarily determined by the limita- equal to DMNO . However, based on the previously described
tions caused by diffusion and chemical reaction in the ery- analysis, the assumption of Guénard et al. [1] is incorrect. The
throcyte, whereas the DLNO is almost equally limited by the important pathophysiological message from this analysis is
diffusion through the effective alveolocapillary membrane and that DLNO is equally sensitive to morphological abnormalities
of the effective alveolocapillary membrane and the pulmonary
microcirculation. In contrast, DLCO is more sensitive to the
microcirculatory abnormalities.
Among the values physiologically measured for normal
subjects, the DMNO (∼260 mL/min/mmHg adopted from ref.
[7]) should provide the best estimate of the alveolocapillary
membrane-associated diffusive processes. This value is con-
verted to ∼170 of DMO2 , if the relative Krogh diffusion constant
of O2 against NO (ΥO2=NO ) is 0.66. However, the morphometri-
cally determined DMO2 is between ∼350 and ∼550 [37,38], which
is much larger than the physiologically determined DMO2 . The
Fig. 2 – Relative contribution of 1=DM and 1=DB to overall difference may be attributed to the fact that morphological
resistance of 1=DL . Calculated using previously reported and functional inhomogeneities in the acinar regions have
DL -related values [7], θCO value [29], and θNO value [27]. been eliminated in the morphometric DMO2 measurements.

Fig. 3 – Functional inhomogeneities in a lung model with two acinar regions. PA : alveolar gas pressure in each region (i ¼ 1, 2),
PC : partial pressure of gas in each alveolar capillary, D: diffusing capacity (DL ) in each region, VA : alveolar gas volume in each
region, VAT : inspired or expired alveolar tidal volume in each region, Dapp : overall apparent diffusing capacity in an assumed
lung with no inhomogeneities, which is inevitably lower than the true D defined as (D1 þ D2 ). (A) CO or NO uptake with time in
region 1. Alveolar CO and NO decay linearly. (B) CO and NO uptake rates differ between regions 1 and 2. (C) CO or NO uptake in
a lung with inhomogeneities expressed by a curved line. (D) CO or NO uptake in a lung assumed to have no inhomogeneity
(see Supplement 5 for further details).
106 respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110

3.5. Influence of back-pressures of CO and NO on

DLCO and DLNO 4. Reference equations for DL-associated
Detailed descriptions of the back-pressure of CO and NO in the
pulmonary microcirculation are presented in Supplement 4. The 2017 ERS Standards for DLNO [7] generated comprehensive
Since the chemical reaction of NO with Hb is very rapid and regression equations that predict a variety of DL -associated
the affinity between them is very high, the NO back-pressure parameters in a normal lung. The partial regression coeffi-
cients for these equations are presented in Supplementary
in pulmonary microcirculation is negligible during NO inhala-
Table 4. However, these equations were developed based on
tion [28].
data primarily from Caucasian populations. Therefore, it is
The CO back-pressure during DLCO measurements is esti-
unclear if these equations are applicable to non-Caucasian
mated at ∼3% of the alveolar PCO in a nonsmoking subject
populations, including Asians, such as Japanese.
(Supplementary Fig. 2), indicating that the effect of CO back-
pressure on DLCO can also be ignored in subjects who do not
smoke. However, in subjects who are heavy smokers, and 5. Pathophysiological factors affecting
repeated measurements of DLCO, result in CO back-pressure DL-related parameters
that should not be disregarded (Supplement 4).
5.1. Age and height

3.6. Influence of functional inhomogeneities on DLCO and DLNO The regression equations constructed by the 2017 ERS Stan-
dards for DLNO [7] identified that all DL -associated parameters
The effect of functional inhomogeneities on single-breath decrease with aging irrespective of sex (Supplementary
Table 4). As height increases, DLCO , DLNO , and VC increase,
DLCO and DLNO is schematically depicted in Fig. 3. Detailed
which is explained by the height-dependent increase in lung
descriptions for Fig. 3 are provided in Supplement 5. The
volume. Although the absolute values differ, the DL -asso-
analysis identifies that the transfer of CO and NO in the acini
ciated parameters normalized by their maximal values sug-
during breath-holding is influenced by the three inhomo-
gest the following (Supplementary Fig. 5): (1) the negative
geneities. These inhomogeneities include: (1) the distribution
impact of aging on DLCO and DLNO is analogous for both sexes;
of inspired/expired alveolar tidal volume to alveolar volume
 (2) for both sexes, the decline in DMCO with aging is larger than
V ATi =VAi ; (2) the ratio of alveolar tidal volume in each region
 the decrease in VC , suggesting that the age-dependent dis-
to total alveolar tidal volume VATi =VAT ; and (3) the ratio of tortion of alveolocapillary membrane structures differs from
diffusing capacity to alveolar volume DLi =VAi . The DLi =VAi that of microcirculatory structures; and (3) the aging-related
determines the gas uptake rate KCO (or KNO ) in each acinar decline in DLCO , DLNO , or DMCO is greater in females than males,
region (i). The functional inhomogeneities have a negative suggesting that as to the diffusing capacity, females have a
impact on DLCO and DLNO , particularly in diseased lungs with higher sensitivity to aging.
destruction of alveolocapillary membrane and/or pulmonary
microcirculation. 5.2. Alveolar volume (VA) and cardiac output (Q)
The effect of the gas-phase diffusion limitation on overall
gas transfer of CO and NO in the acinar regions is discussed The modified Roughton-Foster formula is useful to under-
in Supplement 6, which concludes that the gas-phase diffu- stand the complicated VA -elicited changes in DLCO - and
sion-related interference with gas transfer of CO and NO is DLNO -related parameters. The modified Roughton-Foster for-
small [39]. mula is shown below:

Fig. 4 – Effect of reduced V A without loss of acini on DL -related parameters. The values are normalized against those obtained
at the maximal VA . DM indicates DMCO .
respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110 107

Table 2 – Pathophysiological factors affecting DLCO - and DLNO -related parameters.


Age ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
(DM ↓) (VC ↓)

Height ↓(1) ∼ ↑ ∼
(DM ∼) (VC ↑)

Reduced V A
Without loss of acini ↓ ↑↑ ↓ ↑↑
Respiratory muscle weakness (DM ↓) (VC ∼)

Chest wall/pleural restriction

With loss of acini ↑ ↑ ↓↓(2) ↑(3)
Pneumonectomy (DM ↓) (VC ↓)
Increased Q or redistribution of Q ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Left-to-right shunt (DM ↑) (VC ↑)


Asthma (redistribution of Q)
Reduced Q ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Heart failure (DM ↓) (VC ↓)
Microvascular damage ∼↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (DM ∼↓) (VC ↓)

Alveolar hemorrhage ↑ ∼ ↑ ↑
Without change in VA (DM ↑) (VC ∼)
Reduced density of erythrocytes ↓ ∼ ↓ ↓
Anemia (DM ↓) (VC ∼)
Destruction of acinar structures
COPD (destruction of alveoli and microcirculation) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
(DM ↓) (VC ↓)

Diffuse interstitial lung diseases (destruction of alveoli ↓ ∼↓ ↓ ∼↓

and microcirculation þ reduced V A with loss of acini) (DM ↓) (VC ↓)

(1): decrease in DMCO =VA but no change in DMNO =V A . (2): effects of reduced V A on DL are larger in lungs with loss of acini. (3): effects of reduced
V A on DL =V A are larger in lungs without loss of acini.

1= DLX =V A ¼ 1=ðDMX =VA Þ þ 1=ðθX  VC =VA Þ ð12Þ The situation is different where reduced expansion is the
result of a loss of acini, such as postpneumonectomy. When
where X is CO or NO. The analysis based on the regression
comparing a decreased VA without loss of acini to a
equations proposed by the 2017 ERS Standards for DLNO [7]
decreased VA with loss of acini, the analysis for DLCO -asso-
demonstrates that a decline in VA without a loss of acini
ciated parameters based on the proposal of Michael et al. [11]
accompanies: (1) a minimal decrease in DM =VA with a greater
suggests the following (Fig. 5, Table 2): (1) a decrease in both
increase in VC =VA ; (2) a greater decrease in DLNO than DLCO ;
DM and VC is associated with a larger decrease in DLCO (due to
and (3) a greater increase in DLCO =V A (KCO ) than DLNO =VA (KNO )
pneumonectomy); (2) a smaller increase in VC =VA is accom-
(Fig. 4, Table 2). Although DM =VA has been considered to
remain constant with decreasing VA [13,34], the analysis panied by an increase in DM =VA (attributed to the redistribu-
indicates that in lungs without a loss of acini, the reduction tion of Q); and (3) a smaller increase in DLCO =VA . The trend of
in DM and V A is not isotropic. Overall VC remains constant DM =V A is opposite to that without loss of acini. The extent of
due to the stability of Q, which reinforces the redistribution of increased VC =VA in lungs with loss of acini is less than
pulmonary perfusion during lung volume changes, thus that without loss of acini, leading to a restricted rise in
VC =V A increases with decreasing V A . Reduced VA decreases DLCO =V A (i.e., a lesser improvement of CO uptake) in lungs
DM , but does not change VC , resulting in decreased DLCO and with loss of acini.
DLNO , and the effect of V A is larger on DLNO . This is because The increased Q results in capillary distension and/or
DLNO is more sensitive to DM than DLCO . As DLCO =VA is recruitment, leading to an increased alveolocapillary
primarily determined by DB =V A (∝ VC =VA ), and DLNO =VA is membrane surface area (an increase in DM and DM =VA )
equally determined by DM =VA and DB =VA (Fig. 2), the reduced and pulmonary blood volume (an increase in VC and
VA -elicited augmentation in V C =VA is more pronounced VC =VA ), which increases DL -associated parameters (Table 2).
on DLCO =V A than DLNO =V A . This suggests that a decline in VA Decreased Q results in the opposite effects. In patients
produces a greater improvement of gas uptake for CO with heart failure and reduced Q, DLCO and DLNO are decrea-
than NO. sed [40,41].
108 respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110

Fig. 5 – Effects of reduced VA with and without loss of acini on DLCO -related parameters. The values are normalized against
those obtained at the maximal VA .

5.3. DL-related parameters in various lung diseases suggest that microvascular damage plays a primary role in
the pathology of pulmonary sarcoidosis. Based on these
There are conflicting reports on the effect of overweight or findings, Phansalkar et al. [50] hypothesized that in pulmon-
obesity on DL -related parameters. Saydain et al. [42] and Jones ary sarcoidosis with little fibrosis, patchy alveolar deposition
et al. [43] reported that DLCO increases with increasing body of noncaseating granulomas selectively obliterates pulmon-
weight. However, Oppenheimer et al. [44] demonstrated no ary capillaries, which is accompanied by inflammation that
effect of body weight on DLCO . Furthermore, Biring et al. [45] may damage the alveolar membrane. However, the hypoth-
reported that DLCO decreases as body weight increases. esis proposed by Phansalkar et al. [50] has not been verified.
Zavorsky et al. [46] using simultaneous measurements of
DLCO and DLNO , identified no increase in DL -related parameters 5.4. Differential diagnosis using DLCO- and
in morbidly obese subjects. DLNO-associated parameters
In heavy smokers and patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), van der Lee et al. [47] reported that The combination of DLCO - and DLNO -associated parameters
although DLCO , DLCO =VA , DLNO , and DLNO =VA decreased, DLNO =VA can differentiate various acinar pathophysiological condi-
has the highest sensitivity for detecting the emphysematous tions (Table 2). As described in the section of 5.2, decreased
lesions determined by the computed tomography (CT). DL with increased DL =VA is characteristic of decreased V A
In patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases without the loss of acini (respiratory muscle dysfunction) or
(DPLD), van der Lee et al. [48] demonstrated that DLCO , with the loss acini (pneumonectomy). The decrease in DL is
DLCO =VA , DLNO , DLNO =VA , DMCO , and VC were significantly lower more obvious in conditions with the loss of acini, while the
than in normal controls. Furthermore, the same investigators increase in DL =V A is more obvious in conditions without the
[48] showed that in patients with pulmonary arterial hyper- loss of acini.
tension (PAH), DLCO , DLCO =VA , DLNO , DLNO =VA , DMCO , and VC Increase in both DL and DL =V A can result from increased
showed decreases similar to the decreases observed in cardiac output (left-to-right shunt or exercise loading); redis-
patients with DPLD. Although microvascular damage is a tribution of cardiac output (bronchial asthma); or alveolar
distinctive feature of PAH, these findings do not support the hemorrhage with no change in VA . It should be noted
trait of microvascular damage, i.e., a relative maintenance of that alveolar hemorrhage may be accompanied by a reduc-
DM with a large reduction in VC (Table 2). tion in VA due filling alveoli with blood. In this case, the
Measuring DLCO - and DLNO -associated parameters in increase in DL =VA may be more obvious than when there
patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), Dressel et al. [49] found that is no change in VA .
although VC is not greatly reduced, other parameters, includ- Decrease in both DL and DL =VA suggests the following:
ing DLCO , DLCO =VA , DMCO , DLNO , and DLNO =V A , are significantly (1) the destruction of acinar structures, including alveoloca-
decreased. The severity of CF as scored by CT, including pillary membrane and/or microvasculature (COPD, diffuse
bronchiectasis, mucus plugging, peribronchial thickening, interstitial lung diseases (ILD), or microvascular diseases);
and parenchymal diseases, is more sensitively detected by (2) decreased density of erythrocytes (anemia); or
DLNO than DLCO . Furthermore, DLCO =V A is not correlated with (3) decreased cardiac output (heart failure). Moinard and
the CT scores of CF. Guenard [51] suggested that a reduction in VC is a specific
Using a rebreathing maneuver, Phansalkar et al. [50] feature of early COPD, while there is a concurrent reduction
identified that the DM and VC in patients with pulmonary in DM and VC in advanced COPD. This suggests that DLCO and/
sarcoidosis without overt fibrosis (stages II-III) were much or DLCO =VA may act as a useful measure to sensitively detect
lower than normal controls. The reduction of V C was sig- the patchy destruction of microvasculature in early COPD,
nificantly greater than the reduction of DM . These findings while DLNO and/or DLNO =VA may be valuable for detecting the
respiratory investigation 56 (2018) 100 –110 109

pathological changes in alveolocapillary membrane and

microvasculature in advanced COPD. This is because Acknowledgements
DLCO -associated parameters are primarily associated with
There is no financial support to be declared regarding the
changes in VC while the DLNO -associated parameters are
publication of this paper.
equally influenced by changes in DM and V C (Fig. 2). Similarly,
DLCO and/or DLCO =V A may be sensitive to microvascular
damage associated with PAH or angiitis. However, DLNO and/
Conflict of interest
or DLNO =V A may be useful to detect progressive microvascular
damage if it is associated with destruction of alveolar struc-
The authors have no conflicts of interest.
tures. The morphological changes in ILD are complicated, i.e.,
there is destruction of alveolar and microvascular structures
in association with a reduction in VA due to the loss of acini. Appendix A. Supporting information
The DLNO -related parameters, which detect abnormal DM and
VC equally, are reduced in parallel to advancing ILD. However, Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
in ILD, the decreased VA due to the loss of acini suppresses the online version at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resinv.2017.12.006.
the reduction in DLNO =VA , leading, in some cases, to a
reduction in DLNO but relative maintenance of DLNO =VA .
If the reduction of DLCO -associated parameters is greater
r e f e r e nc e s
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