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Life is at stake if corruption is not addressed and removed immediately. It is an

underlying crime which is done by the most privilege and powerful people manipulating the
citizens, robbing them of a quality life. We are a nation of educated and brilliant people with
diverse cultures and unique talents but taken for granted and not utilize to its full potential. We
have the potential to succeed if we work together in disposing evil in the system and the most
prevalent one is corruption which has destroyed so many lives. It has led to many crimes and
assaults. It has taken the rights for children of free education until they graduate in college.
Many Filipinos have suffered while those in powers keep on stealing from their people as long
as they can. They act as heroes and someone we can depend on but underneath it they are just
trying to get our trust for their own convenient so they can manipulate us until we tolerate
them stealing what is owed for us.

I think our president today has done a good job in trying to remove corrupt people from
the government. Human as we are, he is still trying his best to completely remove them once
for all. The government has a lot of people under them and it’s not easy to track them one by
one. It’s gonna take a lot of time which the president doesn’t have while trying to run a whole
country undergoing a crisis and a pandemic. People are not sensitive enough to think of these
factors and blamed it all on the president. Yes, they have good ideas but they’re only babbling
their mouths and not putting it into action. Instead of using their time criticizing which they
didn’t know what if they just see the good note in our changed system today and work together
to achieve a better nation. What if instead of criticizing they can offer their good ideas and
cooperate together with the government.

Corruption shouldn’t prevail much longer because too much is at stake especially at this
pandemic. Many people have lost their source of income and have gone hungry. Many families
are suffering from the unfair treatment of the government who always prioritize connections
and the powerful individuals. Pandemic is the worst thing to happen in this world which had
changed everything and that alone is already a burden to all. People should be given and
provided the right needs for everyday especially to those who have lost or no employment.
Government leaders should work hand in hand in trying to remove the viruses which are the
corrupt people out of the system once and for all. When they are removed the system can
reboot back to its proper way and making the country work efficiently again. Lessening or even
eradicate poverty as possible as it can be for people to enjoy life at its best light. Children would
be given the opportunity to have a better and bright future ahead by giving them access to free
quality education which can help them through life no matter who and where they come from.

All the people of this nation can benefit from the idea of corruption being gone away.
They can live a quality life in their lifetime and even decrease the mortality rate. There would
be less crimes and assaults. More people have jobs and a stable financial income. Families
would be stronger and peaceful. Places would be safer. Many people are happy and content.
We can fight this pandemic much better if resources are provided right.

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