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A.Y. 2020-2021




Name: Sharja E. Reas

Course and Section: BSED-2A

Directions: In the spaces below, answer the following question in three to five sentences.
1. What are the differences between the Historic Rizal and Symbolic Rizal?
- The difference between the Historic Rizal and the Symbolic Rizal is that the
historical Rizal is the history we all know where in Rizal living out his life and
being killed at Luneta and that because of his execution, he fight using his pen
and knowledge in order for us to be freed. On the other hand, a Symbolic Rizal is
the one that is found in Luneta park, in one peso coin, and even in print of a shirt.
Rizal is everywhere to be found.
2. What is a text? A sign? A symbol?
- A text is anything that can be read, interpreted, and analyzed.
- A sign. It is a kind of text Which represents a fixed reality and posits itself as a
means of portraying that reality.
- A symbol are text Which has no absolute meaning it is highly dependent on how a
person views that particular symbol.
3. What instances in the past show the Rizal’s image was manipulated by people?
- Rizal's image was manipulated in many different instances. Rizal’s image was
manipulated in a way that his monument have different resemblance and design.
Aside from that, his face is used as a memes specially the recent trend about him.
4. What is the message of Rizal monument?
- The Rizal monument serves as a meaningful National heritage for Filipinos,
commemorating Jose Rizal’s valiant and act for his homeland.
5. What made Rizal an icon of Philippine nationalism?
- Jose Rizal is commonly known as the “Father of Filipino Nationalism” and the
first Filipino, not because he helped established an independent Philippine state,
but because he was instrument in the creation of the conceptualized of “ Filipino”
as an ethnopolitical collectives as a people or in the language of nationalism in
other words, Rizal is acclaimed the father “ Philippine Nationalism” for his
intellectual and idealistic support for Philippine independence.
Student Journal:
Reflect on the Concept of text. It can be deduced using the definition of text that it is impossible
to establish a single meaning since all things viewed as text are open to many interpretations.
Applying this in the study of History, the past maybe considered a text, specially when it has
been put into writing. Is it really impossible to come up with a single historic fact? Answer
should have atleast a minimum of 10 sentences.
Historical fact are facts about the past. It is really impossible to come up with a single
historic fact. Because when we talk about history, it has many connections the events in history
is list chronological order in which explains who are involved during that certain time. History
tells why such events happen and gives us information on why such things exist in this present
time. There are timelines to follow that contains different historic events. But Historical amounts
are subject to disagreement. Why? It because of the fact accurate history is difficult to attain for
many reason. Many information with regards to the past are lost. There are also many oral
history but lack written documents. Oral account may loss the essence of the information due to
passing from one person to another. Each will interpret the information differently that lead to
misinterpretation. That’s why it’s very impossible to come up with only single historical facts
because of these many reasons.

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