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A.Y 2020-2021


Worksheet No.5

Name of Student: Sharja E. Reas Course & Section: BSED-2A

Instructor: German Ralph R. Mestiola Date of Submitted: October 12, 2021

Direction: In the space below, answer the questions in three to four sentences.

1.What were the most important economic changes in the Philippines during the 19th century?
- These changes in Spain eventually affected it’s colonies and the Philippines experienced liberal
policies and reform for the time.
2.How did These economic changes affect the lives of Filipino during that time.
- In terms of political and economic changes, the brief occupation of Manila by British forces in
1762-1764 and the rapid development of economics in Europe made Spanish administrators in
the colony rethink policies so as not to get Left behind their neighbors and to prevent another
incident such as the British occupation from happening again in the future.
3. The Spaniards also provided educational reforms especially in higher education in the country
universities in the Philippines such as the Ateneo and the University of Santo Tomas were
equipped to provide secular courses to Filipinos, How did education help in shaping the
naturalistic consciousness of Filipino during that time.
- Filipino and Chinese Mestizo elite families who were able to capitalize on the opening
Philippines markets to the world sent their children to school to take professional courses not
only in the Philippines but also in Europe. Traveling to Europe during that time was also made
easier with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1859. With their education and exposure outside the
country, these individuals, who later on were referred to as “ ilustrados” eventually formed the
core of new emerging movement that asked the colonial government for much needed reforms in
the Philippines.
4. Based on your personal assessment, how were their events in the century crucial to the
formation of Rizal’s love for his country?
- The events in the 19th century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s love for his country because
Rizal’s knows how colonizer discriminate and injustice to the Filipinos, Rizal also save our life,
and our rights despite all the colonizer.

Student Journal:
Reflect on the importance of a person’s context and his or her awareness of the various problems
affect your daily life? How can These problems be addressed by an ordinary student or a citizen?
The importance of a person’s context is to stay away those from negative people or things that
can affect your daily living because these people can also cause you a bad day and feel you
embarrassed. These problems be addressed by an ordinary student or a citizen is that focus on a
positive things that make you happy and healthy as well. But then it is The most important thing
is to having a positive minds and a positive thoughts whatever the situation it is enable to have a
peaceful life without stress or worries.

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