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Case 9.1: Am I really a Leader?

1. Learning about one’s self is an essential step in becoming an authentic leader. What role
did self-awareness play in Sally Helgesen’s story of leadership?

Self-awareness played a key role in Sally Helgesen’s story of leadership because it

allowed her to continue to realign herself with a path that bet fit who she was and
believed herself to be. Her self-awareness allowed for her to persevere through times
that many would feel were failures. Her first book was seen as an opportunity for
growth, strengthening her conviction that she should be a writer and built her
confidence to continue moving in that direction.

Whenever she felt fraudulent or like something wasn’t sitting right, she took a moment
to think about who she was and continued to choose to show her true self regardless of
the circumstances. In leading with her true self, she became more successful and it

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allowed her to embrace “her own expertise as a writer with a keen eye for current
trends in organizational life.”

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2. How would you describe the authenticity of Sally Helgesen’s leadership?

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I would describe Sally Helgesen as a truly authentic leader. She practices self-awareness
and understands herself enough to know her strengths and weaknesses. She reflects on
her core values and identity often. She engages in internalized moral perspective and

allows her personal morals and values to guide her behavior rather than external
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pressure. For example, when her first book wasn’t very successful, she didn’t allow
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herself to give up on writing simply because it didn’t take off. She engages in balanced
processing, as she explained that she was an observer of office politics when she was
writing speeches for CEO’s. She said that she was able to practice a healthy detachment
that made her feel professional and not fraudulent. She also practiced relational
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transparency in the way that she checked in with herself when she was concerned about
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whether or not she could take on the “mantle of leadership.” At the end of the day, she
chose to “present herself simply as she was.”

3. At the end of the case, Sally Helgesen is described as taking on the “mantle of
leadership.” Was this important for her leadership? How is taking on the mantle of

leadership related to a leader’s authenticity? Does every leader reach a point in his or
her career where embracing the leadership role is essential?

I believe that Sally took on the mantle of leadership in a way that didn’t apply pressure
to change her behavior. Throughout her journey of becoming an authentic leader, she
was able to carry the duties and responsibilities of being a leader in her expertise and
field. The mantle of leadership is related to authentic leadership because when you are
put in a position of power, because knowledge is power, you owe it to your followers to
be honest, transparent and real in what you are and are not capable of doing and what

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you portray yourself to be. If you lead from a place of authenticity and make a mistake,
it’s easy to go back and correct or discuss it. I don’t necessary believe that embracing a
leadership role is essential in the career of a leader, but I do believe it’s important for
them to acknowledge that there are individuals or followers that look to them as a

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