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Mary’s Academy Ligao

Ligao City
S.Y. 2021-2022

Subject Area: Science 9 Quarter: 3 Unit: 3
Unit Topic: Earth and Space No. of Days: 22
Stage 1: Desired Results
CONTENT STANDARD (Statement and Listing of Topics)
The learners demonstrate understanding of volcanoes found in the Philippines; factors that affect climate,
and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly; and the relationship between the visible
constellations in the sky and Earth’s position along its orbit.
Day 1: Morphology of Volcanoes
Day 2: Volcanoes According to Activity
Day 3: Volcanic Eruptions
Day 4: Types of Volcanic Eruptions
Day 5: Laboratory Activity: Magma Viscosity Challenge
Day 6: Energy from Volcanoes
Day 7: Significance of Volcanic Activities
Day 8: Climate and Weather
Day 9: Factors that affect Climate
Day 10: Laboratory Activity: Factors Affecting Climate in Continent XYZ
Day 11: Global Warming versus Climate Change
Day 12: Impacts of Climate Change to Temperature, Health and Population
Day 13: Impacts of Climate Change to Water Quantity and Quality, Weather and Soil Productivity
Day 14: Laboratory Activity: Climate Change Impacts
Day 15: The Ethics of Climate Change
Day 16: Stars
Day 17: Star Convergence
Day 18: Laboratory Activity: My Own Constellation
Day 19: Changing Positions of Constellation
Day 20: Astrology versus Astronomy
Day 21: Beliefs and Practices about Constellation
Day 22: Performance Task
Transfer Goal
The learners in the long run and on their own will be able to independently use their learning to make
informed decisions with regards to the potential dangers of volcanic eruptions and climate change and help
mitigate the effects and reduce the risks of these natural disasters to humans and other creations of God.
Essential Understanding Essential Questions
Natural disasters are inevitable but awareness, 1. How does natural phenomena like volcanic
involvement and preparedness help mitigate the eruptions, climate change and constellations
effects and reduce the risks. shape
the present condition of the planet that we live
2. Why should you concern yourself with current
natural phenomena-related issues?
Knowledge Skills
the students will be able to know: the students will be able to:
1. the classification of volcanoes and their 1. describe the different types of volcanoes
2. the difference between active and inactive 2. distinguish active and inactive volcanoes
3. how volcanic eruptions occur 3. explain what happens when volcanoes erupt
4. the different types of volcanic eruptions 4. classify volcanic eruptions
5. the relationship of magma viscosity to the 5. describe each type of volcanic eruption based
different types of eruption on the characteristics of its magma
6. the human benefits that can be derived from 6. illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be
the energy obtained in volcanoes tapped for human use
7. how volcanic activities result to formation of 7. relate volcanic activities to formation of
rocks, minerals and other natural resources natural resources
8. about climate and weather 8. differentiate climate from weather
9. the lists of factors which affect climate 9. explain how different factors affect the
climate of an area
10. the different factors affecting climate in a 10. establish the effect of different factors to
particular place climate
11. the relationship between climate change and 11. interpret the connection of climate change to
global warming global warming
12. how climate change affects temperature, 12. describe certain climatic phenomena that
health and population occur on a global level
13. the effects of climate change to water 13. discuss the impacts of climate change to
condition, weather and productivity of soil water, weather and soil productivity
14. the role of humans in reducing risks from 14. identify ways on how to reduce the impacts
climate change of climate change
15. the actions made by humans to address the 15. recognize human efforts to protect the
issue on climate change environment
16. the characteristics of stars 16. infer the characteristics of stars based on the
characteristics of the sun
17. the arrangement of stars in a group or 17. analyze the different constellations of stars
18. how to make their own personal constellation 18. create their own constellation
19. the changing positions of constellations 19. show which constellations may be observed
during the night at different times of the year using models
20. the difference between astrology and 20. compare astrology and astronomy
21. examples of beliefs and practices related to 21. discuss whether or not popular beliefs and
constellations practices with regard to constellations and
astrology have scientific basis
22. performance task 22. performance task
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Engaging Scenario
Occurrences of natural disasters to countries located in the Pacific Ring of Fire are inevitable. This is one of
the reasons why the Philippines frequently experiences natural disasters. Experiencing volcanic eruptions is
common because of the active volcanoes found in our country. Catastrophic events like extreme flooding in
different parts of the country are also unavoidable. Such phenomena are attributed to climate change.
Addressing these issues assure safety and reduces the possible damages and losses. As an officer of the
regional disaster office and an environmental advocate, you are tasked to write an informative article about
the potential hazards, where to seek government advisories, evacuation areas and precautionary measures
regarding volcanic eruptions and climate change. This is to help reduce the risk and mitigate the evident
effects of these disasters to the Filipinos. The article will be evaluated based on content, organization,
relevance and grammar before it will be published and disseminated.
Goal – To assure safety and help reduce the risk and mitigate the evident effects of these disasters
to the Philippines
Role – writer
Audience – regional disaster office staff
Situation – Occurrences of natural disasters to countries located in the Pacific Ring of Fire are
inevitable. This is one of the reason why the Philippines frequently experiences natural disasters.
Experiencing volcanic eruptions is common because of the active volcanoes found in our country.
Catastrophic events like extreme flooding in different parts of the country are also unavoidable. Such
phenomena are attributed to climate change.
Product – informative article
Standard – Criteria for Evaluation: content, organization, relevance and grammar


Excellent Satisfactory Fair Needs
Criteria 4 3 2 Improvement
Content The article clearly The article shows Some parts of the Most parts of the
shows evidence of evidence of article are not article are not
in-depth knowledge knowledge of the clearly evident of evident of
of the topic. topic. knowledge of topic. knowledge of the
Organization The information was The information The information The information
presented in a very was presented in was presented with presented had no
organized manner. an organized minimal organization.
manner. organization.
Relevance The article contains The article contains The article contains The article has little
an exceptional valuable and some valuable and valuable and
amount of valuable relevant material. relevant material. relevant material.
and relevant
Grammar The sentences are The sentences are The sentences are The sentences are
constructed constructed constructed fairly constructed poorly
excellently and satisfactorily and and shows minimal and shows many
shows no shows no grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

Other Evidences:
 K-W-L Chart
 Recitation
 Quizzes
 Group activities
 Individual activities
 Laboratory reports
 Video analysis
 Homework
Stage 3: Learning Activities
Day 1: Morphology of Volcanoes
 Pre-Assessment
 Read, analyze and comment on the Performance Task, Transfer Goal, EU and EQs presented by the
 Mark the location of volcanoes in the projected map of the Pacific Ring of Fire
 Share your observations in the class
 Figure labeling and completing a table
 Describe the different types of volcanoes shown in the video
Day 2: Volcanoes According to Activity
 Game: Active or Inactive?
 Watch a video presentation and differentiate active from inactive volcanoes
 Enumerate the different active and inactive volcanoes found in the Philippines
Day 3: Volcanic Eruptions
 Watch a video showing a volcanic eruption and share their observations
 Simulation activity: Mud Massage
 Exploration activity: volcanic eruptions around the world
Day 4: Types of Volcanic Eruptions
 Infer from the video how volcanoes erupt
 Watch a video clip on the different types of volcanic eruptions
 Group quiz bee on types of volcanic eruptions
 Exploration activity: hazards produced by volcanic activities
Day 5: Laboratory Activity: Magma Viscosity Challenge
 describe each type of volcanic eruption based on the characteristics of its magma
 Answer guide questions
 Write laboratory reports
Day 6: Energy from Volcanoes
 Picture analysis: Geothermal power plant
 Identify the use of energy from volcanoes from the video shown
 Exploration activity: the use of energy derived from volcanoes across the world
Day 7: Significance of Volcanic Activities
 Think-pair-share: Volcanic activities, good or bad?
 Watch a video presentation on how natural resources are derived from volcanic activities
 Explore: Commercial products and materials derived from volcanic activities found in the country
Day 8: Climate and Weather
 Think it Through: Why should you learn how to read and interpret weather reports? Why do you
need to take weather reports and advisories seriously?
 Venn diagram: Similarities and differences of climate and weather
 Weather report analysis
Day 9: Factors that affect Climate
 Watch a video clip and explain how different factors affect climate
 Make a diagram about it
 Word web on climate change
Day 10: Laboratory Activity: Factors Affecting Climate in Continent XYZ
 Establish the effect of different factors to climate by performing a laboratory activity
 Answer guide questions
 Write laboratory reports
Day 11: Global Warming versus Climate Change
 Compare global warming and climate change using a table
 Enumerate common causes of global warming
 Group debate: Which contributes more to climate change, human factors or natural factors?
Day 12: Impacts of Climate Change to Temperature, Health and Population
 Group reporting on impacts of climate change to temperature, health and population
 Watch a video clip about the effects of climate change to temperature, health and population
 Exploration activity: The effects of climate change in the next decades to come
Day 13: Impacts of Climate Change to Water Quantity and Quality, Weather and Soil
 Group reporting on impacts of climate change to water quantity and quality, weather and soil
 Situation analysis
 Share personal experiences related to the impacts of climate change to water, weather and soil
Day 14: Laboratory Activity: Climate Change Impacts
 Identify ways on how to reduce the impacts of climate change
 Answer guide questions about the impacts of climate change
 Write laboratory reports
Day 15: The Ethics of Climate Change
 Enumerate personal practices that you think counteract the negative effects of climate change
 Explore: Watch a video clip and identify the different international interventions to address the issues
that arise from climate change
 Group activity: Create a slogan or cheer that delivers a hopeful message about climate change
Day 16: Stars
 List down the stars that you are familiar with
 Watch a video on the classifications of stars and identify the basis for classification
 Group Game: Which Star?
Day 17: Star Convergence
 Watch a video clip and infer how constellation is formed
 Group activity: PowerPoint presentation of your chosen constellation
 Group Game: Name the Constellation
Day 18: Laboratory Activity: My Own Constellation
 Create their own representation of constellation
 Answer guide questions about their output
 Write laboratory reports
Day 19: Changing Positions of Constellation
 Picture analysis: Constellations observed at specific times of the year
 Watch a video presentation and share your observations on how constellations change positions
 Individual activity: Constellation Observed at Specific Times of the Year
Day 20: Astrology versus Astronomy
 Think it Through: How do you think constellations are named and recognized? What organizations
are considered authorities in astronomy?
 Group activity: Compare and contrast astrology and astronomy using Venn diagram
 Guessing Game: Astrology or Astronomy?
Day 21: Beliefs and Practices
 Share beliefs and practices related to astronomy that you know
 Verify this beliefs and practices: with scientific basis or not?
 Watch a video presentation on the different beliefs and practices related to astronomy
Day 22: Performance Task
DepEd Teacher’s Guide for Science 9
Exploring Life Through Science Series Grade 9

Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:


Subject Teacher Directress/Principal

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