Gabbett Unbrekable

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Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099995 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 13 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
In pursuit of the ‘Unbreakable’ Athlete: musculoskeletal system (MSK) vari-
ables that determine load tolerance. To
increase capability, we must improve the
what is the role of moderating factors MSK capacity to respond to mechan-
ical energy (load) applied to the kinetic
and circular causation? chain.7 For example, if two basketball
players jump the same amount, the player
with restricted ankle dorsiflexion range
Tim J Gabbett,1,2 Rasmus Oestergaard Nielsen,3 of motion may benefit from specific
Michael Lejbach Bertelsen,3 Natália Franco Netto Bittencourt,4,5 treatment and exercises to regain ankle
Sérgio T Fonseca,6 Shane Malone,7,8,9 Merete Møller,10 Eric Oetter,11 range of motion and thus return patellar
tendon load back to normal. However,
Evert Verhagen,12,13 Johann Windt14,15,16 many questions remain unanswered in
relation to load capacity: How is a large
The goal for sports medicine practitioners of additional straw broke its back. In a capacity best developed and maintained?
is to develop robust athletes, capable of sport setting, the ‘camel’ is the athlete, How large should the load capacity be?
withstanding high training and competi- the ‘load of hay’ represents the maximal Can load capacity ever be so large that
tion loads. For sports medicine profes- workload the athlete can tolerate safely the athlete becomes unbreakable?
sionals, understanding the workload (load capacity), and the ‘additional
–capacity relationship is central to straw’ represents overload resulting in What comes first—the robust
achieving this goal. This editorial discusses injury (capacity exceeded). The inherent
athlete or the high training
how two different methodological frame- biological qualities of the camel (eg, age,
works—(1) moderation and (2) circular strength and so on) determine its cumula-
Athletes with well-developed physical
causation—align to develop physical tive straw-carrying capacity.
capabilities (eg, strength, aerobic fitness,
capacity and injury resilience in athletes. Basketball superstar Kobe Bryant had
speed, repeated-sprint ability) are more
strong training ethic, well-developed
robust against injury at higher training
‘The Straw that Broke the Camel’s physical qualities and was largely inju-
loads.4 The association between phys-
Back’ ry-free in the early stages of his career.
ical capability and injury is moderated
The Arab proverb ‘the straw that broke the He was a strong ‘camel’ accustomed to
through increases in structure-specific
camel’s back’ refers to a camel carrying a carrying large loads with ease. We spec-
load capacity.8 However, when inspecting
haystack that was so heavy a single piece ulate that his athletic pursuits in child-
this relationship between training load,
hood and adolescence contributed to
physical capabilities and injury risk,
Gabbett Performance Solutions, Brisbane, Queensland, his high load capacity in adulthood.
the ‘Chicken or Egg’ question arises. To
Australia Indeed, weight-bearing physical activity
2 develop and maintain robust physical
University of Southern Queensland, Institute for during childhood and early puberty has
Resilient Regions, Ipswich, Queensland, Australia capabilities, athletes must complete high
a positive, and possibly enduring effect
Section for Sports Science, Department of Public training loads. However, tolerating high
on bone strength.1 Furthermore, after a
Health, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark training load and improving physical
Physical Therapy Department, Minas Tênis Clube, Belo certain age, the eccentric heart hyper-
capabilities require structure-specific
Horizonte, Brazil trophic adaptation (thus maximal stroke
Department of Physical Education, Uni-BH University, load capacities that depend on already
volume) seems to be fixed, thus becoming
Belo Horizonte, Brazil having robust physical qualities. In this
a potential limiter in peak aerobic perfor-
Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Science, Physical sense, the workload–capacity relation-
Therapy Department, Universidade Federal de Minas mance.2 These findings suggest that high
ship forms a chronological ‘Chicken and
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil volumes of moderate-intensity activity as
7 Egg’ question best solved through appro-
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, an adolescent may facilitate greater adap-
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK priate load management. Appropriately
tations as an adult. Despite Bryant’s phys-
Gaelic Sport Research Centre, Department of Science, progressed training load improves
ical qualities, he had an injury-plagued
Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland capacity, which in turn improves the
High Performance Unit, Irish Rugby Football Union, end to his career; he averaged 34% fewer
athlete’s ability to tolerate further
Dublin, Ireland games in his final five seasons than his
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, training load.
first fifteen. Is it possible that his strong
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark training ethic and well-developed physical
Memphis Grizzlies, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Department of Public and Occupational Health, qualities protected him from injury during Two analogies to align the
Amsterdam Movement Science, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije his career, but age—a moderating factor— methodological frameworks
Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands made him more vulnerable to injury later of moderation and circular
UCT/MRC Research Unit for Exercise Science and in his career? causation
Sports Medicine, Department of Human Biology, Faculty
of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape
Age,3 strength4 and biomechanical The ‘Chicken or Egg’ analogy is a case of
Town, South Africa factors5 moderate the workload–injury circular causation; training load develops
Experimental Medicine Program, University of British relationship. In addition, emotional physical capacity, but physical capacity
Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and lifestyle stressors influence training is also required to tolerate load. On
Sports Medicine, United States Olympic Committee, adaptation.6 Given multiple factors the other hand, the ‘Straw and Camel’
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
United States Coalition for the Prevention of Illness interact in determining physical analogy refers to moderators of the work-
and Injury in Sport, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA capacity, answering the question ‘how load–capacity relationship. These anal-
Correspondence to Professor Tim J Gabbett, Gabbett
much training load is too much among ogies carry important implications for
Performance Solutions, Brisbane, QLD 4011, Australia; athletes with different characteristics?’ both researchers and sports medicine
​tim@​gabbettperformance.​com.​au it is necessary to assess the relevant practitioners.

Gabbett TJ, et al. Br J Sports Med Month 2018 Vol 0 No 0    1


Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099995 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 13 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Alignment of two different sports injury frameworks. The green boxes and arrows demonstrate how the workload–capacity relationship
is moderated by historical, physical, psychosocial and environmental factors. The red boxes and circles provide an example of circular causation.
Developing physical qualities requires high training loads, but tolerating high training loads requires well-developed physical qualities. BMI, body
mass index.

If the research objective is to identify To truly understand the workload– doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099995

acceptable training load, researchers need capacity relationship requires collabo-
to include total training load and changes ration among all professionals involved
in training load (eg, acute:chronic work- in the training process; strength coaches References
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4 Malone S, Hughes B, Doran DA, et al. Can the
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workload-injury relationship be moderated
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fitness, sleep, biomechanical and psycho- athlete. sprint qualities? J Sci Med Sport 2018:S1440-
logical factors) is necessary to determine 2440(18)30028-8 [Epub ahead of print 2 Feb 2018].
how to safely increase capacity in athletes Contributors  TJG and RON proposed and drafted the 5 Vanrenterghem J, Nedergaard NJ, Robinson MA,
initial paper. All coauthors provided input to subsequent et al. Training load monitoring in team sports: a
(figure 1). novel framework separating physiological and
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Funding  The authors have not declared a specific 2017;47:2135–42.
Better applied practice grant for this research from any funding agency in the 6 Ivarsson A, Johnson U, Andersen MB, et al.
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Camel’ challenges can be solved. Large Competing interests  TJG works as a consultant analyses for prediction and prevention. Sports Med
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will be required in order to accurately sporting teams, industry, military and higher education 7 Fonseca ST, Silva PLP, Aquino CF. Integration of
institutions. He serves in a voluntary capacity as Senior stresses and their relationship to the kinetic chain. In:
inform the interventions prescribed to a
Associate Editor of BJSM. Magee DJ, Quillen WS, eds. Scientific foundations and
physically fit, but ageing athlete (eg, Kobe principles of practice in musculoskeletal rehabilitation.
Bryant), or one requiring a specific MSK Patient consent  Not required. Missouri: Saunders, 2007.
intervention (eg, to increase ankle dorsi- Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; 8 Nielsen RO, Bertelsen ML, Møller M, et al. Training
flexion range). Computational modelling externally peer reviewed. load and structure-specific load: applications for sport
injury causality and data analyses. Br J Sports Med
(where data are generated from simulated © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2018. No commercial
athletes)10 and non-linear time-series re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
9 Bittencourt NFN, Meeuwisse WH, Mendonça LD,
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tion longitudinal data)9 may help answer moving from risk factor identification to injury pattern
recognition-narrative review and new concept. Br J
these questions. However, any statistical To cite Gabbett TJ, Nielsen RO, Bertelsen ML, et al. Sports Med 2016;50:1309–14.
approach must also consider the ‘real Br J Sports Med Epub ahead of print: [please include 10 Hulme A, Thompson J, Nielsen RO, et al. Towards a
world’ demands of sport; practitioners Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099995 complex systems approach in sports injury research:
must collect, interpret and act on data Accepted 21 October 2018 simulating running-related injury development with
under great time pressure. agent-based modelling. Br J Sports Med 2018:bjsp
Br J Sports Med 2018;0:1–2. orts-2017-098871 [Epub ahead of print 18 Jun 2018].

2 Gabbett TJ, et al. Br J Sports Med Month 2018 Vol 0 No 0

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