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Rhoel T.

Bayle Jr BSIT 2 -

Guide Questions:
1. Indicate whether data administration or database administration is typically
responsible for each of the following functions:
Data Administration a. Managing the data repository
Database Administration b. Installing and upgrading the DBMS
Data Administration c. Conceptual data modeling
Database Administration d. Managing data security and privacy
Data Administration e. Database planning
Database Administration f. Tuning database performance
Database Administration g. Database backup and recovery

2.Define the purpose and tasks associated with data administration and database
Data Administration:
 Selecting appropriate productivity tools.
 Assisting in the development of the corporate IT/IS and enterprise strategies.
 Undertaking feasibility studies and planning for database development.
 Developing a corporate data model.
 Determining the organization’s data requirements.
 Undertaking conceptual and logical database design.
 Developing a security policy.
Database Administration:
 Evaluating and selecting DBMS products.
 Undertaking physical database design.
 Implementing a physical database design using a target DBMS.
 Defining security and integrity constraints.
 Liaising with database application developers.
 Performing backups routinely.
 Ensuring recovery mechanisms and procedures are in place.
3.Describe the changing roles of a data administrator and database administrator in the
current business environment.
Data Administrator: Data policies, procedures, standards
Data policies are statements that make explicit the goals of data administration, such as
“Every user must have a valid password.”
Managing the information repository
Database management systems, which maintain the repository and update system
privileges, passwords, object definitions.
Database Administrator: Installing/upgrading DBMS
A DBMS installation is a process of making sure all the correct versions of different
modules are in place, all the proper device drivers are present, and the DBMS works
correctly with any third-party software products.
Managing data security, privacy, and integrity
Protecting the security, privacy, and integrity of organizational databases rests with the
database administration function.
4.List the main types of threat that could affect a database system, and for each
describe the controls that you would use to counteract each of them.
Theft and fraud
These activities are going to be perpetrated by people, possibly through electronic
means, and may or alter data. Physical security must be established so that
unauthorized persons are unable to gain access to rooms where computers, servers,
telecommunications facilities, or computer files are located.
Accidental losses, including human error, software, and hardware-caused
Creating operating procedures such as user authorization, uniform software installation
procedures, and hardware maintenance schedules are examples of actions that may be
taken to address threats from accidental losses
Loss of privacy or confidentiality
To avoid this threat case, make appropriate security arrangements for the storage and
transmission of personal information. Obtain and record professional advice given prior
to connecting to a network.

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