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a CHAPTER 3 ASTM DISTILLATION, TRUE BOILING POINT DISTILLATION, AND EQUILIBRIUM FLASH VAPORIZATION RELATIONSIIES 30 3A 3B FOR PETROLEUM FRACTIONS Introduction. . Fig.3-0.1 ASTM, True Boiling Point, and Equilibrium Flash Vapor- ization Distillation Curves for a Naphtha-Kerosine Blend... 3-1 ‘Table 3-0.2 Summary of Correlations for Handling Distillation Data... 3-2 ASTM and True Boiling Point Distillation Relationships 3A. ASTM and ‘True Boiling Point Distillation Relationships at At- \ mospheric Pressure Fig. 3AL.1 Atmospheric ASTM Distil jon and True Boiling Point Distillation Relationship... ... 35 3A2. ASTM and ‘True Boiling Point Distillation Relationships at Sub- atmospheric Pressures Fig. 3A2.1 Subatmospheric ASTM Distillation an¢ True Boiling, Point Distillation Relationship.......2..+.....+ 7 ASTM Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Relationships 3B, ASTM Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Relation- ships at Atmospheric Pressure Fig. 3B1.1 Atmospheric. ASTM_ Distillation to. Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (50-Percent Temperature Con- version) 39 Fig. 3B1.2 Atmospheric ASTM Distillation to Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (Temperature Difference Con- version) Sit BAL 3B2, ASTM Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Relation- ships at Subatmospheric Pressures Fig 1R2.1_ Subatmospheric ASTM Distillation t9 Equil Flash Vaporization (S0-Peresnt Temperature Con version) 3413 Fig. 382.2 Subatmospheric ASTM Distillation to Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (Temperature Difference Con- version) 315 383, ASTM Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Relation ships at Superatmospheric Pressures Fig. 33.1 Equilibrium Flash Vaporization—Superatmospheric Pressure Conversion Chart 3.47 3B4. API Gravities and Atmospheric ASTM Distillation Curves of the Overhead and Bottoms Products from an Equilibrium Flash Vaporization API_TECHNICAL DATA BOOK PAGE Fig. 3B4.1- ASTM D 86 Distillation Temperatures of Overhead Product from an Equilibrium Flash Vaporization. 3-19 Fig, 34.2 ASTM D 86 Distillation Temperatures of Bottoms Product from an Equilibrium Flash Vaporization.. 3-21 Fig. 384.3 API Gravities of Overhead and Bottoms Prodiicts from an Equilibrium Flash Vaporization. ........ 3-23 ae eae sseeieee EE 3C True Boiling Point Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Rela- tdonships ~3C1. True Boiling Point Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporiza- tion Relationships at Atmospheric Pressure : Fig. 3C1.1 Atmospheric True Boiling Point Distillation to Equi Hibrium Flash Vaporization sevens BOS Bibliography ..... , ‘True Boiling Point Distillation and Equilibrium Flash Vaporiza- tion Relationships at Subatmospheric Pressures Fig. 3C2.1 Subatmospheric True Boiling Point Distillation to Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (50-Percent Tem- erature Conversion) 30 sees BOT Fig.3C2.2 Supatmospheric True Boiling Point Distillation to i Equilibrium Flash Vaporization (Temperature Di ference Conversion) . . ae 3-29 Fig. 3C2.3 Effect of Pressure on 30-Percent and 50-Percent ‘Temperatures of the Subatmospheric Equilibrium Flash Vaporization Curve... ..eeeeeeeeeees 431 3:33 : CHAPTER 8 - © ASTM DISTILLATION, TRUE BOILING POINT DISTILLATION, AND EQUILIBRIUM FLASH VAPORIZATION RELATIONSHIPS FOR PETROLEUM FRACTIONS: 3.0 INTRODUCTION ASTM and true boiling point (TBP) analytical dis- tillations are used to define the volatility characteristics of petroleum fractions and other complex, mixtures. Both are batch distllations which differ mainly in the degree of fractionation obtained during the distillation. ‘Atmospheric ASTM distillations are run in an Engler + flask, No packing is employed, and reflux results only from heat losses through the neck of the flask. ASTM distillations are more widely used than TBP distillations because the former are simpler, less expensive, require less sample, and require gnly approximately one-tenth as much time, Furthermore, ASTM distillations are standardized, whereas TBP ‘distillations vary appre- ciably in procedure and apparatus. ‘ASTM distillation methods in use today are: ASTM Method D 86: ‘This method is used for the {illation of motor gasolines, aviation gasol i turbine fuels, naphihas, Kerosines, gas oils, oils, and similar petroleum products. Ttis carried out at atmospheric pressure. An exposed thermometer is used, and temperatures are reported without stem corrections. ASTM Method D 216: This method is used for the dis- tillation of natural gasoline and is performed at atmos. pherie pressure. ASTM Method D 1160: ‘This method is used for heavy petroleum products which can be vaporized partially or Completely at a maximum liquid temperature of 750 F at absolute pressures down to 1 mm Hg and condensed as liquids at the pressure of the test. It is carried out at pressures between 1 mm He and 760 mm Hg, absolute, ‘Temperatures are measured with a thermocouple. In the ASTM distillations there may be a residue left in the distillation equipment as well as a difference _——-betsveen-the-volujne-of th J charge and the sum. because a close approach to perfect component separa- tion is usually achieved. ‘The EFV curve is also a plot of temperature against percent by volume of liquid distilled, with the total ‘vapor in equilibrium with the unvaporized liquid ar a constant pressure. Each point on the EFV curve repie~ sents a separate equllibrium experiment. The number of equilibrium experiments needed to define all portions of the EFV curve varies with the shape of the curve. Normally, at least five such experiments are required. Fig. 3-0.4 also shows the EFV curves of a naphtha- Kerosine blend at atmospheric and several superatmos- pheric pressures. ‘The tedious procedures necessary to obtain experi- mental EFV data have given impetus to the develop- ‘ment of correlations for predicting EFV data from the analytical ASTM and TBP distilations. Both empirical and theoretical prediction methods have been developed. of the distillate and residue, This difference 1S usually termed “loss” and is generally thought of as volatile ‘components of the charge which have not been recon- densed, For preparation of an ASTM distillation for conversion to a TBP or equilibrium flash vaporization (EFV), the percent distilled at the reported temperature is the sum of the distillate collected and the loss. ‘TBP distillations are performed in columns with 15 to 100 theoretical plates at relatively high reflux ratios (ic., 5 to 1 or greater). The high degree of fractiona~ tion in these distillations gives accurate component dis- tributions for mixtures. ‘The lack of a standardized apparatus and operational procedure is a disadvantage, but the variations between various laboratories are small Edmister and Pollock, Chem, Eng. Progr. 44 905 (1948) 1c Boiling Point, and ation Curvee for a Napht Kerosine Blend. 1 APL TECHNICAL DATA BOOK Some recent theoretical methods of predicting EFV data from the analytical ASTM and TBP distliations are given in references 4 through 6, 13 through 20, and 28. ‘These methods are usually based on dividing the complex mixtures into a series of narrow-boiling cuts or fractions, each characterized by its mean or* average boiling point. Each cut is viewed as represent- ing an individual component in a simulated multicom- ponent mixture. ‘The successful application of theoreti- al methods depends on the accuracy with which molar TBP curves of the feed and vapor-liquid equill K-actors of these pseudocomponents can be predicted. The scarcity of data to determine K-values and molar conversion charts restricts the use of theoretical meth- ‘ods at the present time, However, these methods will Probably be used more frequently in the future as more data and better analytical methods become available. ‘The correlations presented in this chapter, which are all empirical in nature, are arranged in three groups ac- cording to which pait of interconversions is treated: “ect. 3A, ASTM-TBP relationships; Sect. 3B, ASTM: FV relationships; and Sect. 3C, TBP-EFV’relation- (ep ships. “ach section is further subdivided according to the pressure of the test distillation (atmospheric; subat- ‘mospheric; and, for ASTM-EFV interconversions only, superatmospheric pressures). The correlations presented are listed in Table 3-0.2. Additional figures are presented for predicting the properties of the products of an equilibrium flash vapor” ization, Specifically, Fig. 3B4.1 should be used to estimate the overhead product’ASTM distillation curve, Fig. 3B4.2 to estimate the bottoms product distillation curve, and Fig, 3B4.3 to estimate the API gravities of both products. Users are emphatically cautioned against relying heavily on data obtained from these correlations. Be- cause of a lack of standardization and other inherent inadequacies in the methods, the existing ASTM, TBP, and EFV data are not sufficiently precise or consistent to develop good correlations. For these reasons, the data sources upon which the evaluations were based are Tisted on the backs of the figures. Different data could lead to different reliability quotations and, possibly, even toa different selection of figures. ‘The correlations of this chapter were developed using data for hydrocarbon stocks and fractions which in- eluded many components and exhibited smooth dis tion curves. The correlations do not apply to mixtures of few compounds with widely different boiling points. ‘TABLE 3.0.2—Summary of Correlations for Handling Distillation Data Data Ayatale Data Desired Now fe All ASTM ding FE SRved clon tempera, deers Tale For ditions made a presses other than stmoapenc, no timing sieton foe 32 doug must be corecied for ket De belag converted 9 TH o¢ EE — Cpgresion Tee Frases “Tone Press ‘is Notes ASTMD 86 Atm TBP Ain Fig 3AL1 Notes 1,2 ASTMD 1160 10mm He Top 10 mm Hg Fig 32.1 Noel ASTM D 1160 10min Hg TBP Aim . Note 1 Use Fig, 342.1 to obtain TBP data at 10 mm Hig. Correct these from 10 mm . Hg to 760 mm Hg using Procedure SAL.13 of Chap, 5 without the K-cor rection ASTM D 1160 10mm He ASTMD 86 Atm Convert to TBP at 760 mm Hg as de scribed above and then convert to ASTM using Fig. 3A1.1 in a trial-and-error pro- ‘cedure. The thermometer stem correction must be subtracted from the converted temperature (© approximate an ASTM & D 86 distillation. ASTMDS6 Atm BEV Aun Fig. 3011 Notes 1,2 and 381.2 ASTMD 1160 10 mmtig EFV 10 mm Hg, Fig. 3B2.1 Note 1 ‘and 382.2 EEV Atm EFV Superatm Fig. 383.1 TBP 10mm Hg TOP Aum _—- Convert from 10-nim He t Ly “il = Using Procedufe SAILI3 of Ohap. 3 withe ‘ut the Z-correction, tap Aten FEV Aim Fig. 301.1 . TBP 10 nim Hg EFV 10 mm Hg Fig. 302.1 and 3022, EFV Suatm FV Other Fig. 3023 Sulbatm 2 the fatlowin cotton for stacking: ser} ooo APL TECHNICAL DATA BOOK ASTM apparatus and procedures have changed over the years. TBP apparatus and procedures have never been standardized, Reproducibilities of ASTM and TBP istllations are a function of the distillation curve slope, and differences often become as high as 30 F. In addi tion, a large portion of the experimental data used to construct the correlations was obtained by nonstandard test methods. Equilibrium flash data, while probably more repro- ducible than ASTM and TBP data, were obt it cifferent types of apparatus and’ many va procedure. ‘TBP distillation data obtained at one pressure may be converted to another pressure by, moving along the vapor pressure curves in Procedure pals of Chap. 5. ASTM distillation data may be similarly converted (as fethod D 1160) but with some- ly. The preferred procedure for converting ASTM distillation data taken at-ohe pres- sure to that at another pressure is to obtain the corresponding TBP data, convert these by Procedure SAL.13, and then reconvert to ASTM distillation data. ‘The procedure is outlined for 10 mm Hg to Vaim in the preceding table, Lamb and Sitar (31) theoretically and experimentally analyzed the conversion of distillation data from one pressure t© another. ‘They presented a ‘modified Cox chart for petroleum fractions, : Note: A report which documents the basis upon which the material ia this chapter hns been selected has been published by the American Petroleum Insitute ax Documentetian Report No. 3-66. 33 c O 20 40 220 pepe reer HGURE SAL f] atmosmenc { ASTM DISTILLATION fe aN FE TRUE BOILING POINT DISTRLATION RELATIONSHIP IO ~= |i he rss PLEPET hei ere ‘ASTM D 86 TEMP DIFFERENCE VERSUS -[_TaP Temp OwFERENCE 35 Jan te gop aati COMMENTS ON FIG. 841.1 Purpose "This par of charts laterconverts ASTM D 86 and stmospherc TBP distation data ‘rlatons 32S ESR = sie ‘As dicated inthe Tntrodvtion, ooesonal severe errors may aise from these of thi Reliability : a Differences between the estimated and actual experimental temperatures at 10-, 30-, 50+, 70, ‘and 90-percent points are within 10 F. ‘This is true starting with either ASTM or TBP ‘ata and converting o the other. 6, gbitt fom the following sources were wed to evaluat the accuracy ofthe chars: 21, 23, Speclal Comments E ‘ASTM D 86 disillation data can be converted direc to TBP distillation data, However, the TBP to ASTM conversion involves a trial-and-error procedure, For ASTM D 86 temperatures above 475 F, use the following correction for cracking: log D = — 1.587 4- 0.004737 "GAL Where: / DE correction to be added to T, in degrees fahrenbeit. T= obsegved distillation temperature, in degrees fahrenheit Literature Sources ‘Adapted from Edmister and Pollock, Chem. Eng. Progr. 44 905 (1948). Equation (GAL.I-1) was given by S. T. Hadden, Gult Research and Development Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., private communication (1964). Estimate the atmospheric TBP distillation curve of a petroleum fraction having the {following ASTM D 86 distillation temperatu Distillation, percent by volume. » 90 ‘Temperature, deg F. 20438 4a First, correct the ASTM D 86 distillation temperatures above 475 F for cracking using equation (GAL.1-1). For the 485 F point at 90 percent distilled, log D = —1.387 + (0.00473) (485) <= 0.707, or D = 5 F. The corrected 90-perceat temperature is 485 F +} 5 F = 490 F. ‘Next, find the atmospheric TBP $0-percent temperature, From, the lower chart, at the ASTM 50-percent temperature of 438 P, AF =-+2F, Therefore, the TBP 50-percent tempera- ture=4F + 2F = 408 From the upper chart find the temperature diferences for each segment of the TBP curve: ‘TBP Temperature ASTM Temperature Difference G Segment of Curve Difference (from Fig. 3AL.1) es (Percent by Volume) (Degrees Fahrenbeit) (Degrees Fahrenheit) 101030 20 39 301050 8 31 501070 2 33 701090 30 co) “The corresponding TBP temperatures fora $0-percent temperature of 440 Fa ‘BOrpersent temperature = 440 — 31 = 409 Tospercent tempera Yo-percent temperature = 409 — 39 = 370F 90-peccent tempo * Examples involving the prediction of atmospheric ASTM curves from atmospheric TBP ‘curves are. solved analogously, except that the ASTM SOpercent temperature must be ‘determined by a trial-and-error procedure, 36 A241 ' | | i 1 | STILATION sHONSHI | EF SUBATNOSPHERIC ASTM Di ‘TRUE BOILING POINT ySTILLATION. sit 50% Températures Assumed Equal ct YO mm Hg Pressure. ASTM D 1160 TEMPERATURE. DIFFEREN: 9A2.1 COMMENTS ON FIG. 342.1 Purpose ‘This figure relates ASTM D 1160 and TBP distillation data at 10 mm Hg absolute preesure. Reliability No quantitative evaluation of the correlation could be made because of lack of data, Tho ‘aoa reference indicate that temperatures frm this method wll be within 25 of tho actual sale. Special Comment : The ASTM D 1160 and TBP SO-perceat pint at 10 mm Hg ae assumed to be equal. Literature Soares & Aaiapted from Edmiste and Okamoto, Petrol. Reiner 88 [91 271 (1959); copyrighted in 1959 by Golf Publlabing Company, Houston, Tena. Example * Estimate the TBP curve at 10 mm Hg for a petroleum fraction having the following ASTM D 1160 distin tomperatres at 10 mm H Disilation, percent by volume...... 10 30500 Temperature, deg F..s- 30 40 as 50D Fin, from Fig. 3A24, ld the temperture diferences for each sepment of tho TBP ‘carve at 10 mm He: 10mmHe 10 mm Hg TP ASTMD 1160 ‘Temperature ‘Temperature Dillerence ‘Segment of Curve Difference (com Fig. 342.1) ne) (Degrees Palirenbeit) (Degrees Fahrenheit) 300 106 15 co) % 15 100 100 ‘The TBP temperatures are then calculated. The ASTM D 1160 and TBP distillation SO-percent temperatures are assumed to be equal at 10 mm Hg absolute pressure. Here, the ‘50-pereent temperature is 475 F: 30-percent temperature == 475 ~82 = 393F 70-percent temperature = 475 475 10-percent temperature = 393 — 106 = 287 F _90-perceat temperature = 550 4-100 = 650 F 3-8 381.1 10 [ ECULERIUM FLASH VAFORZATION | | || TiGuRE 8h ASTI CUSTILATION ASIN D 86 50; TEMPERATURE 00 sina so" TEMPERATURE, F 300 “100 (gunuvaaawar 2or aga NIvISO OL ‘os wSy OL GOH! ET 3.9 381.1 & * COMMENTS ON FIG. 301.1 Purpose This figure is to be used to estimate the atmospheric EFV 50-percent temperature from the ASTM D 86 temperature. Whea this igure is used in conjunction with Fig. 3B1.2, the entire EFV curve may be estimated, Limitations : ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe errors may ariee from the use of thi wee ns between the estignsted and actual experimental temperatures at che SO-percent points are within 15 F Data from the following literature sources were used to evaluate the accuracy of the chart: 8,21, 23, 24, ‘Special Comment For ASTM D 86 temperatures above 475 F, use the correction given ia equation (3A\. 1+ for cracking. Literature Source ‘Adapted from Cu and Staffel, J. Inst, Petrol. 41 92 (1955). Example Estimate the atmospheric EFY 50-percent temperature of a petroleum fraction having the following ASTM D &6 distillation temperatires: Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 30 50g Temperatute, deg Fee.eee e201. 350 40044047520, : ee 35 deer ‘The ASTM 10: to 70-percent slope == 2d ee thus, the BEV 50-percent temperature = 440 F + (—7F) From Fig. 3B1.1, 4 =43F. 381.2 20 ~ GIRS sea H ~FRaospruc”” 7 ASIN DISTILATION Yo- : +] EQUILIBRIUM FLASH VAPORIZATION |" ASTM. D 06 Tene DiFERENCE [> Versus EEV_ TEMP, DIFFERENCE TECHNICAL BATA BOOK 200) 7 100 voit 1863 Aeproved: MRE WC ait J9DNAawIUIG aUNIVEDL AB 3812 COMMENTS ON FIG. 381.2 Purp: int irene Sogn ‘This figure is to be wsed to estimate the atmospheric EFY distillation curve from ASTM . 86 distillation data, ‘Limitations ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe erst may arise front the wie of this figure, Reliability Differences between the estimated and experimental temperatures at the 19+, 30-, 70+, and .90-percent points are within 15 F. Data from the following literature sources were used to evaluate the accurscy of the chart: 8,21, 23, 24. Special Comments ton TBE ERY 50-pecent temperatures necessary to construct the entire curve, hiss obtained (rom Fig. 381 For ASTM D 86 temperatures above 475 F, use the correction given in equation (AL.I-1) for cracking. * Literature Soitee ‘Adapled from Edmister and Okamoto, Petrol. Refiner 88 [8] 117 (1959); copyrighted in 1959 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Example Estimate the atmospheric EFV distillation curve of a fraction having the following ASTM D 86 distillation temperatares: lation, percent by volume...... 10 30 50 ™ 90 ‘Temperature, deg FP... 330400 4404S 520 First, correct the ASTM D 86 distillation temperatures above 475 F for cracking using ‘equation (3AI.1-1). For the 520 F point at 90 percent distilled, log D = ~1.587 +- (0.00473) (520) = 0.873, or D=7 P. The corrected 90-pereent temperature is 520 F 4-7 P= 527 ¥. Next, find the atmospheric EFV S0-percent temperature from Fig. 381-1. The EFV '50-percent temperature = 433 F (sec Example for Fig. 381.1). ‘Obtain temperature differences for each portion of the BFV curve: EFV Temperature ASTM Temperature Differeace Segment of Curve Difference (trom Fig. 381.2) (Percent by Volume) (Degrees Fahrenbeit) (Degrees Fahrenheit) 101030 50 30 301050 0 2 501070 35 1 701090 32 6 ‘The EFV temperatures are calculated from the 50-percent temperature of 423 F as follows: 433—22=411F 70-porcent temperature: 41130. 30-percent temperature 10-pereent temperature FIGURE 3821. SUBATMOSPIERIC ASTM DISTILLATION 10 EQUILIBRIUM, FLASH. VAPORIZATION. [ASTM D Tigo 50% TEMPERATURE Vensus ERY 50% TEMPERATURE AL 10 emt See @ =. 900 ASTI D 1160 50% TEMPERATURE, F 302.1 er sina an 3h COMMENTS ON FIG. 382.1 Parpose “This figure relates the EFY 50-percent temperatures at 10 mm Hg presure to ASTM 'D/1160 distation data at 10mm Hg pressure. Lisaltations ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe errors may arise from the use of this figure, Reliability, Dillerences between the esthnated and actual 50-percent temperatures are within 15 F. Special Commdnt ‘The figure is to be used in conjunction with Fig. 382.2 to prediet EFV eutves for heavy ‘+ slocks and fractions at any subatmospherie pressure, Lterature Source ‘Adapted from Edmister end Okamoto, Petrol. Refiner 88 [91 271 (1959); copyrighted in 1959 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Example Estimate the EFV 50-percent temperature at 10 mm Hg of a petroleum fraction having the following ASTM D 1160 distillation curve at 10 mm Hig absolute pressure: Distillation, percent by volume... 10 30 3 90 ‘Temperatuce, deg F- 300 «375435490570 Fit the tabulation, the 10 mm Hg ASTM D 1160 10- to 30-percent tercperature differ ence = 375 = 300 = 75, ‘The 10 mm Hg EFV 50-percent temperature is thea obtained. Fran Fig, 382.1, AF 2-17 F and the 10 mm Hg BFV 50-percent temperature = 435 — 17 = 418 F. 382.2 | g ; S 3 g Ele ¢ g leg: Fle Seo eiigaely $f Hae clea Eg ° 03 2 TONGYaIG auNHARaAL A ce 3.5 ___lo-pereent temperatus COMMENTS ON FIG. 902.2 Parpose . ‘This figure relates to temperature diferences between various segments ofthe 10 mm Hg EFY disillation care tothe corresponding 10 mm Tig ASTM D 1160 temperature diferencos imitations As discussed inthe Introduction, occasional severe errors may arise from the we of this Reliability Differences between the estimsted and actual 10-, 30, 70-, and 90-percent points are within 15 P. Data from the following literature sources were used to evaluate Fig. 3821 and 3B2.2 joinuy: 22, 42, 43, : Special Comment ‘The figure mivst be used in conjunction with Fig. 382.1 fo obtain the entire ERV curve at 10mmHe ’ Literature Source ‘Adapted from Edmister and Okamoto, Petrol. Refiner 38 (91 271 (1959); copyrighted {in 1959 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Example Estimate the 10 mm Hg EFV curve of a petroleum fraction having the fellowing ASTM D 1160 distillation curve at 10 mm Hg absolute presture! Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 3050 0 90 ‘Temperature, deg Fess... 3000-37535 490570 First, from Fig. 3021, the EFV $0-percent temperature == 418 P (see Example for Fig. 382.1). Next, the temperature differences for each portion of the 10 mm Hg EFV curve are ‘btaincdbfrom Fig. 382.2. 10mm Hg ERY ASTMD 1160 ‘Temperature ‘Temperature Difference Segment of Curve Difference (trom Fig. 3B2.2) (Percent by Volume) (Degrees Fahrenheit) (Degrees Fabrenheit) 101030 15 ST 301050 0 44 501070 55 33 7010.90 Ey 33 que, mm Hig EFV temperatures can the be computed using the SO-prcent temperature of 418 F: 30-percent temperature == 418 — 44 TAF 70-percent temperature 383.1 8 i OZ geei05 tt e001 cas Ob8 347 383.1 ( YS “Limitations COMMENTS ON FIG. 383.1 Purpose ‘This figure is to be used to determise superatmospheric EFV data from the corresponding atmospheric pressure EPV data. ‘The construction chart, Fig. 383.1, can only be employed below the eritical temperature. ‘The critical point should be determined (see Chap. 4) before any values are taken from this figure. The focal point gives no indication of the critical point Location. ‘Do not use this figure for pressures below 1 atm. saqun'? ised in the Introduction, occasional severe erors may arse from the use of this ure. Reliability Differences between the estimated and actual temperatures at the 10-, 30-, 50-, 70-, and 90-percent points depend on the type of EFV data employed. If experimental atmospheric EFV curves are used, the temperature deviations are. within 20 F, EFV curves calculated from empirical methods predict phase data to within 25 P. These errors do not apply in the critical region, where the figures are not reliable. Data from the following literature sources were wsed to evaluate the charts, 23, 24, Special Comments ASTM distillation data at atmospheric pressure are needed to estimate the focal point fof the fraction. This point is at tehperature and pressure conditions where the lines of constant ‘volume percent vaporized all intersect. The atmospheric FFV curve is necessary to determine the starting point of each line of constant volume percent vaporized, The experimental EFV cutve is preferred. However, EFV ‘curves obtained from the empirical methods of this chapter may also be used. Literature Source ‘Adapted from Edmistor and Okamoto, Petrol. Reiner 38 (8] 117 (1959); copyrighted in 1989 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Example Construct a diagram for a stabilized gasoline, whose API gravity is 61.6, for which the {following ASTM D 86 digillation data are known, No experimental EFV data are available Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 3050 7m 90 Temperature, deg F Soar we 739 a7 aan First, estimate tho atmospheric EFV curve by using Fig, 3B1.1 and 3B1.2: Vaporization, percent by volume. 0 3050 » 90 EEV temperature, deg mA 69199 22k Next, calculate the ASTM 10- (0 90-pereent slope and the volumetric average boiling point (VABP): ae deg F [ASTM slope (10 1090 percent) = 95 fg" =28 Saccn aaa 117 4 186 4 239 4 267 4. 342 ASTM VABP. 3 Calculate the value ofthe ratio: ____ ASTM vanP. 24 ang 1 Bip = “The focal poiat is next located as iustraied by the dashed lies and arrows ea Fig. 303.1 Finally, plot the atmospheric EFV temperatures along the dashed fine at 14.7 pala and draw right lines connecting the atmospheric EPV temperature points and the focal point. This completes the construction of the phase diagram. Each of these lines represents a constant volume percent vaporized, and the EFV temperatures can be read for various pressures, ‘The eriticat point must be found using the methods in Chap, 4 to avoid using the diagram ‘beyond the valid range. i + 1 384.1 4 SSUNLYEREWAL Wisv GyaHBAO, ‘yarenRUED VOLUME OF CHALLE 3.19 384.1 3-20 COMMENTS ON FIG. B41 Purpose This figure relates the ASTM D 86 distillation curve for the ovechead product from an ‘cauilibrium flash vaporization to the ASTM D 86 distillation data of the flash chamber feed. imitations ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe ertors may arise from the use of this figure, Reliabitity Differences between the predicted and experimental ASTM D 86 distillation temperatures ‘of the overhead products af the 10+ 30-, $0- 70-, and 90-percent points are within 20 TF. Data from the following sources were used to evaluate this figure: 23, 24. Literature Source ‘Adapted from Edmister, Petrol. Refiner 28 {12} 140 (1949); copyrighted in 1949 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texae. Example. . Estimate the ASTM D 86 distillation curve of the overbead product resulling from an atmospheric-pressure equilibrium flash vaporization of one-half of a petroleum fraction having, the following atmospheric ASTM D 86 distillation temperatures: Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 305070, 50 ‘Temperature, deg F.... Bee a48) 322/514 anal ce erasa| First, the ASTM 10- to 70-percent slope of the charge = 424 248_y9 deg percent distiled Next, find the ASTM D 86 curve of the overhead product from Fig. 34.1. The dashed lines and arrows on tbe figure illustrate the ealculation of the ASTM 10:percent temperature. ‘The results are summarized ia the following tabulation: o Distillation Temperature . (Degrees Fahrenheit) ASTM Disillation a ‘Overhead (Percent by Volume) Charge (Grom Fig, 384.1) Product 10 248 30 28 30 322 8 364 50 374 p 70 424 9 90 486 99 ‘The final reading from the chart is represented by A. This value is then subtracted from the ASTM D 86 temperature of the charge to obiain the corresponding ASTM D 86 temperature of the overhead product (listed ia the right-hand column). ONIGNOISS8EOD SAINI SENLVIEWSL WISY SWOLLOS 4 RNLYERAL WUSY BBD FIGURE 384.2 ECENT esto esos ano Terenas “Hf or sortons rootcr FROM AN 3-21 984.2 3:22 COMMENTS ON FIG. 384.2 Porpose ‘This figure relates the ASTM D 86 distillation curve for the bottons groduct from an ‘equilibrium flash vaporization to the ASTM D 86 distillation curve of the flats chamber feed, Limitations As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe errors may arise from the use of this figure. fi Reliability Differences between the predicted and experimental ASTM D 86 distillation temperatores ‘of the overhead product at the 10+, 30-, $0- 70 and 90-percent points are within 20 F. ‘Data from the following sources were used to evaluate this figure: 23, 24, © Source Adapted from Edmister, Petrol. Refiner 28 {121 140 (1949); copvrighied in 1949 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Example 2 Estimate the atmospheric ASTM distillation curve of the bottoms product resulting from ‘an equilibrium fash vaporization at 200 psig pressare of a petroleum fraction. One-balf of the ‘charge is to be vaporized. The fraction tis the following atmospheric ASTM D 86 distillation temperatures: Distillation, percent by volume. 1 3050 ow Temperature, deg Fev.....-.s.01 2483224286 First, the ASTM 10- to 70-percent slope of the charge = 4 Me ‘Next, find the ASTM D 86 curve of the bottoms product from Fig, 3B42. The dashed fines and ‘arrows on the figuce illustrate the calculation of the ASTM 10-pereent temperature. ‘The result are summarized in the following tabulation: . Distillation Temperature raheuheit) ASTM Distillation a Bottoms (Percent by Volume) Charge (from Fig. 384.2) Product 10 248 0 308 30 322 4 370 50 374 2» 413 0 24 28 452 30 486 20 506 ‘The final reading from the chart is represented by 4. ‘This value is then added to the ASTM D 86 temperature of the charge to obtain the corresponding ASTM D 86 temperature ‘of the bottoms product (listed in the right-hand column) ae 384.3 APU GRAVITIES. OF EQUILIBRIUM OVERHEAD AND BOTTOMS PRODUCTS 0 w * 20 30 40 50 2 60 = 70 80 90 300 3-23 ¢ 984.3 COMMENTS ON FIG. 314.3 figuce relstes the API gravities of the overhead and bottoms products of an equilibrium {ash vaporization to the properties ofthe charge. Limitations ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe errors may aise from the use of this figure. Re inbiiey Differences between the predicied and actual API gravities ate the overhead and bottoms products. Data from the following sources were used to evaluate this figure: 22, 2 Literature Sougce s Adapted from Edmister, Petrol. Refiner 28 (12] 140 (1949); copyrighied in 1949 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Jin 3 deg API for both Example Estimate the API gravity of the overhead and bottoms produets from an euilibsium fash ‘vaporization at almospheric pressure of 70 percent of a charge of a petroleum fraction having an API gravity of 43.2. The charged fraction has the following ASTM D 86 distillation {temperatures Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 30 3m Temperature, deg Fess. sess.) 248 322374 AMA 8G , from the tabulation, the ASTM 10- to 30-pereent slope of the feed to the lash 322857 deg 30— 10 = 37 cent distiled Ja Fig. 3043, start at 70 percent vaporized on the lower scale, proccod vertically to an ASTM slope of 37 for the overbead, then horizontally to the API gravity ofthe eed (43.2) and vertically to the top scale, where the API gravity of the overhead product it read a8 45.3. Proceed similarly for the Bottoms product, but use the slope curves for the botioms, ‘The API _ravity of tbe bottoms product is read on the top scale as 37.0, Firs ‘chambeg 3.24 81 810. RATAE er ASH REFERENCE UIE SOME, a mt = ea T T Point GUE 2C1 Te pa ! 7 a Hem aps TRUE BOILING POINT DISTILLATION ihe | ef fend ‘ uy Wee) ie ame ecuneaua rast varorications | | | ih ee | : t “TRIN 7} eas ASEAENCE UNE FON Flo cal TP Dilton Rfeine Lest ond DRL Yor Shot as cage the 1 end. 70. pein = Wa 8 acl. ae The mec 3.25 3cht 3.26 COMMENTS ON FIG. 8C1.1 Parpose ‘These three charts are (0 be used to estimate atmospheric EFV curves from atmospheric ‘TBP distillation data. Limitations : ‘As discussed in the Introduction, occasional severe errors may arise from the use of this figure. Reliab Differences between the estimated and experimental temperatures at the 10-, 30-, 0, 70-, ‘nd 90-percent poiats are within 25 F. ata from the following literature sources were used to evaluate the accuracy of the chart: 8,21, 23,24, 46. Special Comments ‘The upper chatt relates the ash reference line (FRL) slopes to the TBP distillation reference line (DRL) slopes. The FRL S0:percent temperatures are estimated from the middle shant The lover chart relates the FRI temperatures to the EFV teriperatoes along. the entre istiiation curve, When both ASTM D 86 and TBP distillation data are available, the ASTM data will determine the EFV curve more reliably (using Fig. 3BI.1 and 381.2). Literature Source Adapted from Maxwell, Data Book on Hydrocarbons, 228, D. Van Nostrand Company, Ine, Princeton, NJ. (1950). Example f Estimatethe atmospheric EFV temperatures at the 10-, 50+, and 90-percent distilled points for a petroleum fraction having the following atmospheric TAP distillation curve: Distillation, pereent by volume. 10 3050 1m 90 ‘Temperature, deg F... 0) 200) 2408 215 320) Firs, find the stope of the flash reference line from the top chart (Pig. 31.1): 215 ~150_ y,__degF Go 7 ercent astled sand (from figure) sted Next, find the FRL. 50-percent temperature from the middle chart: + DRL S0-percent temperature = 150-4 2.1(50— 10) == 234 F FRE So-percent temperature = 234 — 1.5 = 226.5 F (from figure) ‘The 10-, $0-, and 90-percent disitled points are now found on the flash reference line: ERL S0-percent temperature = 226.5 F PRL 10-peroent temperature = 226.5 — 0.65(50— 10) = 200.5F FRL 90-percent temperature = 226.5 4. 0,65(90 — 50) = 252.5 ‘The FRU temperatures are converted to EFV temperatures using the bottoms char 10-percent ratio 50-percent ratio 90-percent ratio DRL temperature diferences: ‘The final EFV tempers are as follows: EBV 10-percent temperature ERY S0spercent temperature EPV 90:percent temperature 3¢2.1 4 Fenuvwauw31 hos ass TRUE EOWING POINT CISMLATION 10 Peanauve Tes As neg 3.27 302.1 3.28 COMMENTS ON FIG, 3¢2.1 Purpose ‘This figure relates the 5O-percent temperature of the 10 mm Hg EFV curve to that of the 10 mm Hg TBP curve, Reliability No quantitative evaluation of this correlation is possible because of the paucity of ‘experimental data, ‘The original reference indicates that the S0-perceut BEV temperatures predicted from this figuro will be within 25 F of the actual valves. Special Comments When both ASTM and TBP distillation data are available, the ASTM data wi!l determine the EFV curve more reliably (using Fig. 3B2.1 and 302.2). ‘This figure can be used in conjunction with Fig. 3C2.2 and 3C2,3 to predict EFV curves, for heavy stocks and fractions at any subatmospheric or atmospheric pressure, Literature Source Adapted from Edmister and Okamoto, Petrol. Refiner 38 (9} 271 (1959); copyrighted in 1959 by Golf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, Example Estimate the 10 mm Hg EFV 50-percent temperature of a petroleum fraction having the following 10 mm Hg TBP distillation temperatures: Distillation, percent by volume...... 10 30 0 90 ‘Temperature, dog F...-. 5300375435490 570 Fhst, {rom the tabulation, the 10 mm Hg TBP 10- to 30-percent temperature differ. 375 — 300-75 F. 302, 4 14 F; thus, the 10 mm Hg ERY 50-pereent temperature = 435 302.2 Stounauia semen ait ox___oor oe ae RE 2 3 £2e8 é a2 5 Se AED resua Sunes 3:29 3c2.2 COMMENTS ON FIG. 3022 Purpose ‘This figure relates the 10 mam Hg EFY distillation curve to the 10 mm Hg TBP distillation Reli [No quantitative evaluation of this correlation is possible because of the paacity of experi= ‘mental data. The original reference indicates that the predicted temperatures at tie 10-, 30-,70:, and 90-percent distilled points will be within 25 F of the actual values, Special Comments When both ASTM D 1160 and TBP distillation data are available, the ASTM data will determine the EFV curve more reliably (using Fig. 382.1 and 352.2). ‘The 10 mm Hg EFV S0-percent temperature must be obtained from Fig. 3C2.1 to com: pletely define the 10 mm Hig EFV distillation curve, theese Soon "Auye! fa Enir sad Okamoto, Poel Refer 58 [1 27 1999 creeped in an ete ee) tetolee este perm ee oeae n ae ea Dilation pretty mime 1930 $] 7] Renae 8 #8 & & 8 First, obtain the 10 mm Hg EPY S0-pereent temperature from Fig, 3C2.1. The 10 mm He EFY 50:percent temperature = 421 F (see Example for Fig. 3C2.1). Nest, obiain temperature diferenees for each segment of the 10 mm Hg EEV curve from mes, . (anne HP peer (= ete = oe, gee 3 a oon iH 3 ices Ej 3 Reto a ee eee eet lee ene ea ese ey e eae ee ee teers 383 —51=332F 90.percent temperature: 3:30 32.3 SSPHERIC PRESSURE F 507, TEPLPATURE AT SY EFV 205, ¢ 3.31 302.3 3:32 COMMENTS ON FIG. 3¢2.3 Purpose ‘This Figute relates the 30- and SO.percent temperatures of EF disillaions at various subatmospheric pressures, Reliability No quantitative evaluation ofthe figure was made because of the limited amount of experi- ‘mental data available. The original reference indicates that the estimated 3¢- or S0-percent temperatures are within 25 F of the actual valves when transposing to diferent pressures. Special Comments “The SO-percent temperature is transposed from one pressure to another with this figure. “The 30-percent temperate may also be transpowed, but this procedure should be zed only when a S0spercent temperate f not avalable. To complete the estimation of the new EFV curve, the fenacratire dilferenges between segments of the EFV curves are assumed to be onstint at pressures below atmosphere. Literature Source Adapted from Edmister and Okamoto, Petrol. Refiner 38 (91 271 (1959); copycighted in 1959 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas Example Estimate the 100 mm Hg EFV curve of a petroleum fraction having the following 10 mm Hg EPV data: Distillation, percent by volume wo 305080, Temperature, deg F 317378418 ASL 506 First, transpose the EFV 50-percent temperature from 10 mm Hg to 100 mm Hg from Fig. 3C33. 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