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Face to face with ANTA THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHENOMENA AT SANTA ISABEL=PART | Oscar A. Galindez Dr. Galindez, a lawyer, is FSR Representative in Argentina, and Founder of CADIU (Cordoba), the Argentine UFO Research Group. Translation by Gordon Creighton T the close of my last report! I referred to the AXcurious phenomena at Santa Isabel, which 1 con: sider one of the best episodic sequences ever recorded of anthropomorphic manifestations that may well prove to be related to the UFO Problem. The very scale of the events, the number of wit nesses, and the reputation of the obscrvations, have served, taken together, to nullify any rapid evaluation of the incidents. Scientific objectivity demanded a meticulous analysis such as would enable us to establish the degree of veracity to be attributed to them, even if this meant the risk of a conside le delay’ in publication of the affair. ‘After more than a year of personal work on the ease and on interviews, we are now of the opi that we have gathered together a surprising accum ulation of previous data which serve as remarkable corroboration that, during the last week of September of 1972, occurrences of a mature that are outside the realm of common human under standing did indeed take place in the Tka-Renault Motor Pant at Santa Isabel, seven kilometres to the southeast of the city of Cordoba, in the Republic of Argentina, A: The first anthropomorphic phenomenon When the happenings at Santa Isabel first became known publicly through the testimony of two of the parties involved (Sr, Moreno and Sr. Rodrigues) , we set about contacting certain people in the management of the firm in question, with a view to xetting them interested in the idea of a possible reconstruction of the events in situ. In the course of our dealings with the firm, we Tearnt of an earlier incident, known only to’ the security personnel of the plant, owing to the confidential nature of the matter in view of the identity of the individual who happened to be involved in it, In the home of Sr. Mario Bidosa (a senior employce of the firm, residing in the town of Alta Gracia, Cdrdoba) we arranged on October 12, 1972, a personal interview with the eyewitness: in question, who lives on the outskirts of that town. 1, Personal details about the witness This chance eyewitness of the first phenomenon was Sr, Teodoro Merlo, aged 56, an employee at the Santa Isabel Ika-Renault Plant, where he is in charge ‘of the washrooms. He has not even had any primary education, though he does paintings and sculpture which show that he has a self-taught talent. He is very introvert. In the course of our interview with him, we were quite particularly struck by his extreme humility and his insistence that his experience should not be divulged. He also refused to let us take his photograph. His story contains no contradictions. At all times he spoke with complete confidence, He seems to us to be a sincere and honest person, indeed so much so that he docs not consider his experience to be worth discussing. 2. The conditions in which the observation occurred, The phenomenon took place in a section of the plant. (See aerial photograph of same, and also sce Fig. I, which shows the lay-out) The date was September 21, 1972. At 5.40 a.m. St. Merlo set out for the’ washrooms of the pressing-shop (sec location shown in Fig-1). The internal lay-out of the washrooms is shown in Fig.2. He had personally locked both access-doors to the washrooms at 1.40 a.m. Although the works technical staff only come in at 7,30 a.m., the main- tenance personnel (boilermen, cleaners, etc.) come in at 6.00 a.m., for which reason it is necessary to get the washrooms ready early. Figure 1: Plan of the Plant 1, Pressing shop washrooms (Merlo incident) 2. Moreno incident 3. Security guards 4. Engineering Department 5. Teletyping Department 6. Rodriguez incident Befare reaching the washrooms, Sr. Merlo switched on the inside lights of the building. (This is done by switches beside door No. 2.) The lights for the six showerbaths (lights 1 and 2 in Fig.2) are mercury gas lamps. Lights 3,45 and 6 are fluorescent tubes, Having done that, he unlocked door No.2 with his key and walked quickly towards sector “A”, to some towels and soap there. (A end of the building there are some long wash-basins or troughs.) As he did so, he noticed that light No.1 on his left ‘was out, and that there was somebody sitting on one ‘of the basins (sector “B"), He set down the soap and towels in sector "A" and then went to do the same in sector “B" (at a distance of some seven metres or so), at the same time thinking to himself that the presence of this intruder was rather strange, inasmuch ax when he had shut the washrooms at 1.40 a.m. there was nobody in there. It should be pointed out that the dividing walls between the six baths do not go up to the ceiling, but, for reasons of better air circulation, end at about 50 cm. from it. The position is much the same with the partitions of the shower-bath room. Due to this circumstance, sector “B™ (despite the fact that for some inexplicable reason No.1 light was not ‘on) was lit with a soft illumination from the lights of the other compartments. Sr. Merlo went on in silence, and as he passed a mirror on. the outer wall of the bath-section, on the passage along which he was walking (see Fig.2) he instinctively glanced into the mirror while trans- ferring the soap and towels to his left hand. Simult- aneously with this, the following phenomenon occurred: light No.2 went out with 2 sharp noise like the sound of a metal object striking on glass. And light No.1 came on by itself, illuminating sector “B”, ich enabled him to see that the entity had now ippeared. Surprised by this curious manifestation, Sr. Merlo lLeft: Photograph 1 Ariel view of the Ika-Renault works Below right: Fig. 2 Plan of the wash- room Door Nora went back quickly to seetor “A" (where light no.2 had gone out), but found no trace of the intruder there. From there he had a full view of the passage leading to entrance no.2, but there was nothing strange to be seen there cither, He ran back to sector “B" again, to see if the individual was trying to ape through entrance no.1. But that was locked. And so, too, as he checked for himself, was door no. 2. These are the only entrances to the washrooms. While it is true that these rooms have vents for air circulation, wide enough to permit the passage df a buman body, these vents can only be opened or shut from inside the premises by means of a complicated mechanism that has to be turned. These vents were of course also closed. He carefully checked cach of the sections of the washrooms, including the insides of he metal lockers, He found absolutely nothing, 3. Descriptions of the entity Despite the lack of light in sector “B,"* Sr. Merlo managed to sce — at a distance of a mere three metres, and thanks to the illumination coming from the other lights nearby — several features of the entity. At the outset, the position of the phenomenon was as shown in Figure 3; with the right arm almost forming a right-angle to the dorsal region, the hand was applied to what would be the nasal appendage of the entity. The left arm was braced inst the rim of the long wash-basin, and upon this im the entity was seated. His right leg was extended and the left one drawn in, with the left foot planted firmly on the floor. (If one bears in mind the fact that the height of the washbasin from the floor is 90 ems., the intruder must have been very tall to be able to sit like that and rest the sole of the foot fully ‘on the ground. Ag a result of our reconstruction of the scene we established that the height of the phenomenon must have been about 2m. 40 to 2m. 50.) ‘The clothing seemed to be in one piece, of a dull dark blue colour, very close-fitting to the body and tight at the wrists. The being gave an impression of solid robustness. The witness saw no boots or belt. The face and hands were bare. The fingers long and slender. The skin — as observed on both occasions — was very white, like plaster. He gave the impression. of being 2 living being and not just a puppet. The skull was large and rounded on the top. The witness saw no hair. The neck was thin and short. The ears, long and terminating in points, did not extend beyond the top of the head. The cycs were split, disposed horizontally, and were much bigger than the eyes of the Chinese. At the level of the checks the witness observed some vague marks or shadows. He could not see the nose and mouth very well, 4. Accompanying features of the sighting a) The temperature in the area where the phen- omenon occurred was considerably higher than in the other sectors of the premises. b) The witness's eyes suffered irritation and began to weer, frequently. (Duration of this Feature: three ays. 6) A teditish spot occurred on the central part of the nasal pyramid, with persistent pain. (He still had this at the time of our interview with him.) d) Repeated headaches. (Still occurring at the time of our interview). ¢) Pains in the lumbar area, (This effect lasted some seven or eight days.) 5, Other changes which came after the sighting i) Phenomenon of the Reflected Image Sr. Merlo told nobody of his experience. He was much preoccupied with the problem of how the individual could have entered and left the washroom. Fearing that he might be blamed for some supposed negligence in this attention to his duties, he decided to keep quict about it. He simply made an “identikit drawing of the entity and then put it away carefully. He went back to his home in Villa Oviedo (Alta Gracia) at 6.30 a.m. A few hours later, at 9.10 p.m. Figure 3. The entity as seen by Merlo on September 21, 1972 on the evening of the same day, September 21, he got on the bus which would once more take him to the Santa Isabel plant. He sat down on the third seat on the left, beside the window. There was a total of about 25 passengers. Above the windscreen, in the centre of the bus and slightly inclined, was the rear mirror for observing the aisle. It was oblong in shape, 46 cm by 26 cm (We checked these figures when we were doing a recon- struction of the affair.) The inside lights on the bias were off, except for the conductor's light over the platform, Suddenly, when the bus was passing Los Olivares Merlo noticed that, clearly reflected in the mirror, there was a face similar to the face of the entity he had seen in the washroom; however this time he could see the features very clearly. He looked round to see if there was anybody in the seat behind him who had features like those. ‘There was merely a passenger there, slouched against the window, He was wearing a beret and was dozing with his arma crossed. In no way did he resemble the figure reflected in the mirror. ‘The features of the face in the mirror were ident- ical with yse of the phenomenon seen at 5.40 a.m., but in addition there were other details that he could now sce more clearly. For example the mouth looked like a dog's mouth, with the upper lip protruding beyond the lower one. On both cheeks there were Photo 2. Head of the entity, modelled by Merlo P the witness 3. The head, as seen in profile reddish-brown patches, and he could als. ments of the st of the face Beneath each eye there were two sm ing lines, with the angles pointing up tow eye troubled sockets. The ey we hed and_ thin 2 port, The though painted on. The eyes did not blink, T as Dr. Ignacic After he had been observing it f 5 : minutes or so, the anish id of concentric’ circles, Once 1 ¢ reflected the scene insidl ! ‘ ii) Th of Lights see in’it the tight eae of the driver and par ' neck, as well a oul m, and pa . < : face ‘of first pa rc Moyar other passengers seemed : He As soon. a 7 tat I eared By ot plant (10.3¢ S jo immerse completely in tasks. B ed oe mes the phenomena he perienced brief period of a few hour Hecided, at 5.00 a.m September 22, to lodge a report about it with S Romero, head of the plant's s¢ He |= «HT also gave him the “identikit” sketch . 0 Sr. Merlo noticed, to hii had added, where ay ate, the f et atch a alarm gleaned from the mir ray 1 hocaret which are of a head M 7 ‘ aw n and showing the featur . 00 aan wa the correct time. Both his alarm clock and his wrist- watch had been set by him to the time shown on the wall clock. The witness is unable to say whether or not these happenings have any connexion with the anthropomorphic phenomena he had alrcady experienced. 6. Comparative analysis When we showed Teodoro Merlo a number of illustrations of humanoids, he insisted particularly upon the following detail a) Villa Santina Case3: the noses and mouths of these creatures tallied, he said, surprisingly closcly with the noses and mouths of the phenomenon he had seen at Santa Isabel. b) Kelly-Hopkinsville Case4: he said the ears bore no similarity whatever to what he had seen. 7. A tentative parapsychological interpretation of the reflection in the mirror We are tempted to advance the hypothesis that the reflection in the mirror of the Santa Isabel was a phenomenon having parapsychological connotations. We are thinking here of the possibility of verifying what is known technically as “retrocog- nitive telepathic suggestion.” We will explain: tcle pathic suggestion consists of the paranormal induction of ideas or sensations from one person to another, and this is facilitated when the conscious- ness, be it of the agent or of the percipient, or of both simultaneously, is under the influence of some emotivity or is clouded, (Such as cases of the supposed apparition of “dead people,” which can be scientifically explained by the telepathic projection ‘of the image of the agent, such projection being favoured by the heightened émotivity and the agony and near-death condition of the latter.)® In some episodes (retrocognitive telepa gestion), this suggestion occurs with a though, as Richet points out, the length of the time lapse between the occurrence itself and the warning (ie. the perception) varies. Frederick Myers supposed that the telepathic impression is immediate (in these cases of apparent retrocognition) but that the impression remains latent in the mind of the ient, and only emerges into his consciousness ufter a certain interval of time. In the Merlo case, we think that this subconscious shad registered the features of the phenomenon seen ‘by him at Santa Isabel. The permanent state, of ‘obsession with the affair, and of emotivity produced in him by the phenomenon, would then cause him to see it again with a delayed effect, but this time profecicd with the features that had engraved them: selves upon his subconscious, (Telepathic suggestion is known to be facilitated by reflective surfaces, such as mirrors.) Six days later another strange phenomenon ‘occurred, nd it was only after this that the details of the Merlo case were made pul ident will be the subject of the second part of this article. References: 1. Galindes, Oscar A.“A new near Condobe.- FSR, Voll9 No.3 pp. 6-12. orig Stendek, "Nol, March, 1973, ppe 71. Stendek's address is: Apartado 282, Barcelona, Spain. 2. Cordoba, Cordoba, October 6, 1972. 3. "The Humanoids, Neville Spearman, London, 1969, pp. 18% = 4. “The Humanoids,” p. 179. Quevedo, C.0. “EI rostro oculto de la mente.” Sal Terrac, Santander, 1967, p. $99, HUYSER BOOKSHOP ‘Specialists in Science Fiction, UFOs, the occult and pothics. ‘Australasian Agent for Flying Saucer Review. Back numbers from Nov/Oec., 1969 right up to present ‘time (except for Jul/Aug., 1970 issue). Write now for free catalogue. When you order you will receive the next six months catalogues free. HUYSER BOOKSHOP, 181, Cuba Street, Wellington, N.Z.,P.0. Box 6617. ‘Please tick which is required. 1. Science Fiction 2. UFO, occult 3. Both (1&2) (QUARTER CENTURY STUDIES OF UFOs IN FLORIDA, NORTH CAROLINA AND. TENNESSEE by George D. Fawcett ‘The internationally known author shares many of his personal fascinating findings concerning the UFO ‘enigma from these areas and others, from 1944 to 1974. Highly illustrated, and full of vital inform: ation. Price: 3.95, excluding postage, payable to George D. Fawcett. Enquiries to the author, c/o PIONEER PRINTING CO., 1905, North Main Street, P.O. Box 407, Mount Airy, N. Carolina, 27030, U.S.A, THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHENOMENA AT SANTA ISABEL~PART 2 Oscar A. Galindez Dr. Galindez, a lawyer, is FSR Representative in Argentina, and Founder of CADIU (Cordoba}, the Argentine UFO Research Group. Translation by Gordon Creighton EPISODE TWO in this series of anthropomorphic “phenomena of an unknown nature occurred six days after the Merlo experience, which — and we emphasise this — was only made public after this other happening had taken place. In our opinion, the experience of the protagonist in this case (St. Enrique Moreno) is perhaps the most important of all, inasmuch as it presents a number of significant features which put it right at the top of the catalogue of Argentinian cases ‘of manifestations of unidentified anthropomorphic creatures, 1, Personal details concerning the witness St. Enrique Moreno is a young man aged 19, who has done two years of technical study and also two years at the Escuela de Suboficiales (Junior Officers School) in Cordoba, He is an administrative employee of the Tka-Renault firm, in their plant at Santa Isabel. He works until 11.30 p.m. in the Teleprinting Department and does the internal document distribu tion of the firm on a motorcycle-runabout (Photo 4) with which he covers the distance between th various parts of the industrial complex. In accord with express instructions fro with him a diary in which he at which he completes each errand. He is short, thin, and of introvert type. When we interviewed him for the first time, on October 14, 1972, he was still badly shaken by his experiences. 2, Circumstances of the Sighting On the night of September 27, 1972, young Moreno set out from the Security Office at about 10.30 p.m ‘and went to distribute the documents destined for ‘Accustomed routine, switch om the light, and simply put the blueprints in question on a table, in the dark. Then suddenly, the two rows of fluorescent tube lights of the main room of the Engineering Office came on and went off, and this happened three times, the lights going straight on and off without the’ least flickering. When they went off for the last time (the whole thing had scarcely lasted 5 seconds), he heard, for a few seconds, a sound like the noise of « turbine. This hum, on top of the inexplicable business of the lights, caught his attention, because no machinery was running im this sector of the plant. And, even if there had been any machinery running, he is emphatic that there is no machine there capable of reproducing the features of the sound that he heard. Photograph Enrique Moreno on his firm's motor. cycle runabout He was quite frightened. He mounted his motor- cycle again and made for the Stores Department, along an internal road some 200 metres in length (Fig. 4). Then, having done his job there, he started out again’ at 11.13 p.m. from the Stores Department, intending to do the same trip in reverse, which would take him back again to Security. To his surprise, he saw, off to his right, fairly far and almost beyond the outskirts of the Plant, a sort of rainbow very near to the ground. He did not pay overmuch heed to it however, and put.on speed to do the run back to his start ft was at this juncture that he noticed, at a of some 100 metres or so, on the right hand side of the road and about ten'metres from the kerb, a Security 0 ‘Teleprinter ASSEMBLY PLANT Figure 4. Diagram to show Moreno’s route through the Ika-Renault works on the night of Sept.27, 1972 bluish-green figure which was moving slowly and fave the impression of being about to cross the road. (On this right-hand side of the road the terrain is completely unobstructed, though it is 50 cm. higher than the road. Beside the road, over an extent of about 100 metres, there were however some car chassis that were ‘going to be exported to Chile.) Sr. Moreno thought at first that it must be one of the workers (they use green overalls) and was thinking that the figure’s seeming brightness was perhaps due to a nearby mercury gas light. But he was struck by the excessive height of the individual, and indeed so much so that he felt it must be somebody walking on stilts for a joke When Moreno was about $0 metres from it (see hoto No.5) the figure swung its body around to face jim, seeming as it did so to jerk the head and arms as though they were inanimate objects firmly fixed to it. imultancously his exhaust backfired and his mot cycle immediately started to shake, the cngine revolutions dropped and it began to falter. He changed into second gear, but the machine only moved forward slowly and then, inexplicably, stopped when level with the entity, whicl was now among the car chassis. Consequently it was visible only from the waist upwards. Photo No. 6 shows the spot where the runabout stopped (indicated by the position of the author of the present article), while Sr. Moreno himself is standing where the entity was. 3. Description of the Entity OF robust build, and over two metres in height. (In the course of our reconstruction of the episode we established it at from 2.50 m. to 240 m. Face angular, showing incised planes, and white light green. (The witness is unable to say whether this green colour of the features was real or wheth Photograph 5 (above right). Moreno stands whore his motorcycle began to falter Photograph 6 (bottom right). Moreno stands where the entity was, and the author of this article stands where the motorcycle stopped Jles , a8 described by the witness, Moreno Figure 5: The ent was due to a reflection from the colour of the clothing.) There was no hair, and the cars extended ond the top of the cranium. The eyes were round and sparkling, like two yellow light bulbs. There were ho eyelids, eyelashes, or eyebrows; the mouth was like ‘aight thin ‘line; the nose was a perfect pyramid, with no fleshy areas, just as though it had been modelled. It gave the impression of not being a living entity, but mechanical The clothing consisted of a one-piece bluish green overall, seemingly plastic, and with a luminescent appearance. It had a broad silvery belt, with a lange oval buckle of the same colour. On the righthand part of the belt there was a small protuberance, like 4 cartridge-pouch, The car chassis prevented the witness from seeing the details of the lower extremities. (Sec Fig. 5, and photos 7 and 8, which reproduce the front view and profile of the entity, as lelled by Don Luis E, Galindez, a brother’ of the author.) 4. Accompanying features of the sighting 4) From the moment that he had arrived at a distance of $0 metres or so from the phenomenon, and. 48 the motorcycle-runabout approached the spot where the entity Sr, More unbearable hum in his though they were cove » began to experience an rs, 30 that they felt as dup, of had a fist thrust into them, and this effect ted until he had left the scene of the phenome: neously with the preceeding effect, Sr a strange itching sensation through: out the whole body, and this too persisted until had left the scene of these happenings. ¢) He sulfered a spastic paralysis in hi upper and all of which (except for his head) as though suddenly he had lower limbs, became WU Photographs 7 and 8, Bust of the entity, modelled by Don Luis E. Galindez entirely lost his usual vitality able Nevertheless he was non his motorcycle with d) The area where the phenomenon took place was hot despite the fact that it was quite a cool ¢) There was a smell of burning oil around about Subsequently, he experienced a sensation of iryness in the mouth anda feeling of nausea, which lasted for 24 hours. g) He had pain in the nape of the neck, in the arms and back, and these effects were still persisting at the time of our first interview. h) He had a burning sensation in the eyes, which followed by an intermittent watering. (This lasted for three days). 5. Changes following this i) Sr. Moreno thinks that he was not face to face with the entity for longer than $0 seconds or so, and. he observed n the part of the ¢ during that that is, from the 459 curn of the body, already mentioned.) Suddenly the motor cycle now shot off towards the left, out of his con- and as though driven by an unknown force. If one studies Figure 4 it will be seen that on the left of the little road és located the Assembly Plant, ne of the doors of wh metres f shows his standing at the entrance to the building and vinting towards the spot where the phenomenon vecurred.) Immediately after this wild burst of speed, his machine performed a sudden Heap, and the engine n normally again, Nevertheless, Sr. Morena npletely in control began te sintains that he was still not co Photograph 9. Moreno stands at the entrance of the ‘Assembly Plant building, pointing to the spot where the phenomenon occurred, of the machine rhe himself was still stupefied by the effects of the phenomenon, He ha Hee tion of manipulating the controls or steering it, and dhe thinks that either he did this instinctively, or that the machine negotiated the four curves of the inner road (Fig. 4) under the influence of an un: known force. The speed limit for that stretch are signs there to this effect) is 5 km.p.h. But he swore to us that the machine did 50 km.p.h. and indeed nearly capsized when taking the last turn When he reached the Security post he almost collided with the gate, which earned him an immediat reprimand from one of the watchmen on duty Just as he arrived there he heard the k sirer oral ocking off which is sounded at 11.30 p.m. precisely. His wristwatch however showed 11.13 p.m., and had stopped. His astonishment was even greater there: fore when he checked at the Security and found that the time was indeed 11,30 p.m, He is quite unable to understand how he could have been face fo face with the phenomenon for 17 minutes, as he is absolutely certain that he had never lost consciousness at any moment, (In our re-enactment of the affair we established that if Sr. Moreno really did leave the Stores Department at 11.13 pam. then the distance he had to cover from there to Security — inclusive of 30 seconds face face with the entity — would have taken no more then three minutes. This means that his arrival at the Security should have occurred at about 11.16 p.m. ) On this particular point, there remains con: Sequently a serious question as to the possibility that this witness may have undergone a period of 7 minutes of am#aesia, and this could probably ye recoverable to his general consciousness if, at \c time in the future, he is put into hypnotic regression. (ii) The Security people, when ipfogned of the incident, at once went to the seg the entity had been observed, but found no traces of it. Neither did they detect the smell which Moreno had noticed nor did they corroborate the existence screased degree of heat anywhere in the area. However, behind the car chassis — at a spot corres. ding almost preciscly to where the entity had Allegedly becn standing — Sr. Moreno says that he found two rectangular footprints in the ground, measuring some 20 cm. by 40 cm, Photo No. 10 shows the eyewitness indicating the spot where he found these footprints. The soil there was hot! The marks were impressed to a depth of 2 em. into the ground (which is fairly consistent, being mixed with il). Inside these depressions there were luminesce particles, resembling mica. When the Security am were called to confirm this discovery, one of them denied that the matter was of any importance, used Morcn ing visions, and with his right fased the outlines of the marks, remarking that “a of an Photograph 10. Moreno indicates the spot where he found rectangular footprints. is very common to find particles of mica in that soil iii) Moreno at once became the target for taunts from those around him and they cast doubts upon the reliability of his story. But in the meantime Moreno himself began to notice that his state of nausea was getting worse and that the pains in the ape of his neck, his arms, and his back were in creasing. And his temples were throbbing. Alter his experience he was quickly tuken to the staid room inside the plant, where it was found that his blood had dropped to 7. /?] And there he lost consciousness. When he came to again, and had to some extent got over the effect of the sedative injection, he was sent home in an ambulance, In this borderstate, almost a condition of semi-consciousness, he found passing through his mind — and with’ suggestive repetition — a seriex of words and numbers, but afterwards he was unable to remember these pre cisely, But certain expressions he had not forgotten, such as “co-ordinates”, “latitude”, “longitude”, and “18," He ix unable to say whether these have any connection with the experience he had under one. iy) When they were on the outskirts of Cordoba, Sr. Moreno asked the ambulance crew to take his to his fiancce’s home. (Moreno himself subsequently Kept reiterating to us that he was astonished by this behaviour an his part.) The fiancee, Senorita Elba del Valle Celiz, aged 18, confirmed to us that at about 0.80 a.m. Moreno had arrived at her home, repeating over and over and over again that he had’ seen an entity of mechanical appearance, like a robot. in the Tha-Renault Works. She said that she noticed that Moreno was very hetvous and very pale, and she was scared to see him im such a state. Describing his strange behavious, she said he asked if he could rest for a few minutes in an armchair, and they agreed he should do so, He quickly fell asleep, She saw that he was trembling in his sleep and moving to and fro nervously as though having powerful convulsions. Worried, she woke him up. He drank a glass of water, uttered his excuses for what had happened, and took his leave of her. ¥) The next day (September 28), back at work on the night-shift at the factory, he had another, similar experience. He described this to us as follows: ‘At 10.30 pm,, after completing an errand in one Figure 6. Plan of the site where Moreno made his second observation of the departments adjacent to the Teleprintis Section, he went (o the latter 49 pick up some wore tools. As he was doing so, he suddenly had the impress: jon that he was being’ watched by someone, He glanced quickly towards a window that looks aut over an open piece of ground (see sector no. in Fig,6) and ‘aw ‘that, facing him, and only three metres from the window, was the same entity whom he had seen the fright before. Simultaneously the fluorescent tubular lights flashed on and off just as had happened in the Engineering Dept. The whole area around about was permeated with a soft hum. The teleprinters started up. Seized with an access of sudden dread, Moreno ran to the Security and tried to get over the barrier, shouting for somebody to come back with him to corroborate the presence of the intruder (see sector 2 ‘on Fig. 6), One of the guards took him by the arm and spoke to him gravely of the need to calm down, for his obsessive drive to prove his alleged experience was now casing him to see visions that would end up by making him mad, He asked Moreno to come and have some coffee with him and the other guards, The latter all assured him that — for his own peace of mind — they would not report this second supposed experience of his, since, if the Management got to know of it, it might exat even more doubt ‘on the question af is sanity. ( An internal office report to the Management had already been started, giving details of his experience of the night before.) vi) On October 16, 1972, the well-known-Cordoban, peychometrist Enrique Marchesini (unquestionably Argentinas greatest paragnost) told us, after merely touching with his finger-tips something that belonged to Moreno, that the patient to whom it belonged was person who had suffered a heavy nervous shock as 4 fovale of stscge experience that tad smd, deep impression upon him. He gave no details as to the nature of the experience.) Marchesini advised that Moreno have plenty of rest and quiet, and added that Moreno was “a man who spoke the truth.” He gave no further details about the affaic. (It goes without saying that no information whatever had been given to Marchesini as to the reason why we had consulted him.) vil) The examination of Moreno’s wristwatch (an “Orient”) revealed that it was highly magnetized. ‘The technician who had the job of demagnetizing it (without knowing where it had come from) was indignant that such a valuable watch should have been subjected im this fashion to reckless experimen- tation by some curiosityaecker. 6. Comparative Analysis a) Villa Santina Case: Sr. Moreno saw no resemb- lance. (It should be remembered that for Sr. Merlo, there was a resemblence in the lips.) b) Kelly-Hopkinsville Case: He thought the cars a little similar, especially as their size. The rest of the body of the Kelly-Hopkinsville type of entity had no similarity, he felt, to the Santa Isabel phenomenon, ©) The Moais of Easter Island: The witness found 2 surprising resemblance between the entity of the Photograph 11 The giant stone heads on Easter Island, Itis interesting to compare them with the head of the entity represented in Photographs Tand 8, manifestations at Santa Isabel and a photograph of one of the “moais” (giant stone heads) of Easter Island. (See photo No. 11, and compare it with photos 7 and 8.) 7. General consideration of the Moreno incident A)In connection with the EM Effect produced on Sr. Moreno’s motorcycle-runabout, it is opportune to emphasise that the University of Colorado, when & probable explanation of the phenomenon was proposed, ruled out the possibility that UFOs might ionize the air in any way and so stop the normal internal combustion of a vehicle, Ray Craig con chided in the Condon Report: “This is considered improbable, because no concomitant physiological or physical effects are reported such as could be caused by such joni n.” The effects coer by Sr. Moreno in our opinion are an open chillenge to the Colorado verdict, and open up an interesting possibility for the interpre tation of the EM Effect as indeed being a result of the ionization of the scene of the UFO phenomenon. But, still within the framework of the hypothesis that would place the manifestation of these EM effects within the action if magnetic fields linked with the UFOs, we would refer — in view of their great importance — to two works by Dr. Bernard E. Finch an the subject of the prycho-physiological effects of the exposure of the human body to a force-field.> In our view, the effects reported by Moreno fit with both theories. B)The sudden leap of the runabout as it was going towards the workshop, followed by the sudden return of the engine to normal running, suggests the possibility that some of the component materials of the carrier (reinforced conerete and zinc plating) might have served as insulators against the force: field generated by the phenomenon. €)The sudden lighting up and extinction of the fluorescent tubes in the Engineering Department and the Teleprinter Department — simultaneously, without intermissions, and. without the normal electrical contact lead one to think that a high degree of ambiental electricity is present in areas where these phenomena accur. Four hours after the first Moreno incident another anthropomorphic phenomenon was reported from elsewhere in the Ika-Renault plant. Details of this will be given im the third and final part of this article. References 7. Scientific Study of UFOs, Bantam Books, New York, 1969, p.101. 8. Finch De, Bermerd 6 Bewey the Sencar, tn FR. Fen Feb, 1966, p4. Comment on the Valensole Affe HUYSER BOOKSHOP Specialists: in Science Fiction, UFOs, the occult and gothics. Australasian Agent for Flying Saucer Review. Back numbers from Nov/Dec,, 1969 right up to present time (except for Jul /Aug., 1970 issue). Write now for free catslogue. When you order you will receive the next six months catalogues free. HUYSER BOOKSHOP, 181, Cuba Street, Wellington, N.2.,P.0. Box 6617. Please tick which is required. 1, Science Fiction 2. UFO, occult 3. Both (1&2) 4. Gothics THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC PHENOMENA AT SANTA ISABEL~ PART 3 Oscar A. Galindez Dr. Galindez, a lawys is FSR Representative in Argentina, and Founder of GADIU (Cordoba), the Argentine UFO Research Group. Translation by Gordon Creighton HE final episode involving the presence of anthro pomorphic entitics in the Santa Imbel plant occurred four hours after the first Moreno incident, and resembles it in significant fe: ©, The Third Anthropomorphic Phenomenon Jt Details regarding the witness: ‘This third witness iy Sr, Luftolde Rodriguca, aged 52, He is a truck driver for the Egea firm. His job is to transport technical machinery to the Ika-Renault concern, He is a simple man, of little education (third grade of primary school), but he speaks of his experience with much conviction, (Photograph 1 2.) 2: The circumstances of the sighting: At about 8.40 a.m. on September 28, 1972, Sr. Rodrigues if in his 1957 Dodge truck and had gone across into the extreme north-eastern comer of the Tka-Renault plant (sce Fig.l).* Here he was to unload some sheet-metal trimmings, and he did so accordingly. The Dodge is a tip-ruck. He was about to make his way back when he noticed that the whole area around was lit up. Someone was approaching on foot from behind, on the right hand side ‘of the truck, He looked out through the sidewindow in that direction and saw — in rofile — the torso of a person who was very tall, lor he was not able to ace the head. Only when this penion had got as far as the right wing of the truck was he able to have a good view of him, through the windacreen, At that point the being stopped, did a rightabout turn, and looked at him. Then he did another about-turn and walked straight on. Rodriquez noted that the movement did not look natural, since it was not the head that turned around, but the whole torso, together with the arms. ‘As the person walked off (which he did slovely) he headed off diagonally across the road towards the left (see Fig.7) and vanished behind some metal frames. 4. Description of the Entity: If we take ax a yard: stick some boxes that were stacked on the metal frames, the mean height of the entity must have been in the neighbourhood of 2.5 metres, His features moreover are very similar to those described by Moreno. He was bale, with the top and back part of the head flattened; long erect eurs passing some two em, or so beyond the cranium, He had no eyclids, © In PSR Wol.2I, Nok eyclashes or eyebrows, His complexion was very. white, The eyes were round and luminous. The nose was straight, with flat sides, The mouth was small (Rodriguez thinks he can sce a resemblance to the type of lip described in the Villa Santina case). The ‘entity was dressed in a bluish-green one-piece garment that looked plastic and was luminescent. The build fof the body was robust, although it looked unnatural (as though it were a cuirass). Fig.7. Plan of the area where the third observation Of tho entity (by Sr. Rodriguez) was made. The legs and arms were extremely long. In his loft hand he displayed something that looked like a billiard-ball, which was permanently emitting very, white light, The right arm was drawn back some: whut, He was wearing a wide, silvery belt, with a little box or eatket of the sume colour an the righthand side Qn both wrists Rodrigues could sce silvery: coloured clasps some 10 em. or 10 wide, The boots were also silver-coloured, with a sort of crease on the tops. ‘The bottoms of the fect were thick and rectangular (see Fig.8). He did not bend his knees as he walked, Each time he put a foot forward he leaned slightly in the opposite direction, The duration he sighting Rodriguez estimated at between one ie and one minute thirty seconds, 4. Accompanying features of the sighting: 48) At the point’ marked (2) in Fig.7, the engine of the truck stopped, its lights went out, and the lights on the righthand side of the road also went b) Rodrigues felt a humming noise in his ears, Hike the sound of bees, ¢) He was unable to move his hands. He was as though immobilized in his seat. d) The truck vibrated, to such a degree that a trans istor radio which (tuned on) was on the dashboard fell off and was damaged. (Just before the ‘apparition of the entity, the set had given out a loud bang and had stopped working.) When the entity had gone off to a distance of some 25-30 metres (point 3 on Fig.7), all these effects automatically vanished, 5. Changes which came after the sighting: After the figure had disappeared behind the frames, Sr Rodriguez remained sitting there for two or three minutes, as though stunned, utterly unable to think of anything to do, Some workers came over to the truck, and asked him why he did not go to pick up the load that was waiting for him in a nearby shop. (the Pressing Section). Then he told them what had happened to him. They made a search of the area, bbut found no trace of the entity. 6, Comparative Analysis: a) Merlo Case: similarity in the shape of the lips. b) Moreno Case: apart from the lips, as mentioned under a), the rest of the details fit completely. ©) The Easter Island Moais: « striking resemblance {photo No.1). Zi ) The Carlos Pas Case (Serforita Pretzel):® The only similarity lay in the fact that the entity had a Juminous sphere in his left hand, Other Witnesses ‘As the months went by and as the investigation got into its stride, we came to learn of corroborative ‘occtirrences which strengthened the impression that something truly right out of the ordinary had happened in the closing days of September 1972. ‘Unfortunately, our own professional obligations hive Sr. Luftolde Rodriguez, a truck driver, who became ‘tthe third person to witness ‘tho Santa Isabel entity prevented us from dedicating ourselves more com: pletely to the search for other witnesses to the phenomena at Santa Isabel. The well known fear of Fidicule must have induced some of them to keep silent about their experiences. We were able to verify this for ourselves in the course of our re-enactment “in situ’ of these happenings, when a number of workers told us that they knew other people who not only have seen the entity but had also observed an unidentified flying object overhead, As the persons in question were folk who occupied posts in the administrative establishment of the firm, they had evidently decided not to make their personal sight- ings public. We were eventually told about one official ‘ot the plant — our informant knew his name — who, during the night of September 27, had seen a luminous object drawing up, by means of 2 luminous tube, a figure with precisely the features reported by both Moreno and Rodriguez. Despite the guarantees of discretion that we conveyed to that person via the helpful third-party, the cyewitness, whoever he was, declined to agree to meet us. In addition to these rumours, which relate solely to personnel of the Santa Isabel plant, | ought also to mention that we received reports of other sightings unconnected with Santa Isabel, namely: a) A dy named Quiroga ( a householder in the near Vicinity of the Santa Isabel plant) saw, at about 11.30 p. .m. on September 27, 1972, a luminous object hich, by means of “a crystal tube,” picked up a person” of humanoid appearance from that very juarter, (Here again we were unable to secure con- frmation of this report) b) Sr. Norberto Grosio, a householder in Barrio Coldn (suburb of Cérdoba) was driving in his car, accompanied by his wife, when, between 11-30 and 11.45 p.m., om September 27, he saw a luminous body rising up from the Santa Isabel plant. At first — as he admitted to us — he took it for a sonde Fig.8 The entity as described by Rodriguez balloon, but he was forcibly struck by the speed with which it climbed into the sky and vanished vertically “tin fractions of seconds,” ¢) Many residents of Villa El Libertador (the suburb adjacent to the Santa Isabel works) told us that, at around midnight on September 27, they had seen a Juminous globe ascending rapidly ‘from the south: eastern area of Cérdoba, (The tka-Renault Plant is located in the south-eastern part of Cordoba.) E, Conclusions regarding the Santa Isabel phenomena ‘We believe that these facts are eloquent and entail features which render them of great significance. The various eyewitnesses were unknown to each other. ‘They are sincere folk. Both in their gestures and in their accounts to. us, as well as in the astonishment ‘written on their features, the truthfulness of what they were saying never failed to come through. The “identikits”” made by them agree in numerous respects ‘and especially as regards the height of the entity, the cars, and the whitish colours of its complexion. And although it is a fact that the experiences described by Moreno and Rodriguez produced far more close anatomical analogies than did the story of Merlo, it is right to bear in mind that the conditions in which the latter had his sighting were not as good for seeing as the conditions in which the other two saw the entity. ‘The existence of other, independent witnesses confirms our verification of a mumber of unwonted phenomena which — taken as a whole — constitute maybe the most remarkable episode sequence to have occurred in Argentina in the matter of anth morphic manifestations of an unknown nature, Our science is unable to explain the causes which govern their occurrence. But we have no doubt whatsoever a to their objective reality, and, as a body of new cimpirical data, they call for the employment of adequate methods of study such as will enable us to establish certain yardsticks or significant trends. Only thus shall we make progress in our work of investigation, 9. Bowen, Charles, Strangers about the September/October 1968, p. 10-12. (continued from page 13) created in which it becomes permissible to_hypo: thesize the existence of paranormal effects. This is probably good. But there are also dangers in this shift of attitudes from scepticism to belief. The two extremes of secrecy and openness, of rejection and worship, of hasty ridicule and obedient admiration, combine to decrease our chances of discovering the truth, not only in the matter of un- identified Mying objects but in the matter of the forces that control paranormal “coincidences” — including the coincidences that seem to accompany Uri wherever he goes. ‘Anew book by the famous author . . THE EIGHTH TOWER by John A. Keel Speculations on the Cosmic Force behind alt Religious, Occult and UFO phenomena. SATURDAY REVIEW PRESS/ EP. DUTTON & CO. INC. 201 Park Avenue South, New York. Ny. 10003, USA.

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