SOP For Rawmaterial Sieving

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ID Fresh Food India Pvt. Ltd DOC.

No :
SOP Issue Date:
Raw Material Sieving Rev No:
Rev date

Prepared By Approved By

1.PURPOSE: To define a proper sieving procedure for all the Raw materials

2.RESPONSIBILITIES: Production should be responsible for RM sieving, Maintenance should

do the preventive maintenance and QA should verify the sieving records

3.SCOPE: The SOP applies for all the Raw Materials used for Production in the plant


 All the raw material should be sieved before using for production
 Siever should be maintained in good condition, Preventive maintenance should done on
defined schedule
 Siever should be cleaned every day at the end of production.
 Before production cleanliness of sieve should be verified
 If too many foreign bodies is observed during sieving, should intimate the SQM and
Procurement to get a Proper RCA- CAPA from vendor
 Sieving record should maintained properly
 Any issues regarding the siever should be informed to maintenance for there immediate

RM Sieving record

Si No. Revision Date Section Revised Description Revised by Approved by

ID Fresh Food India Pvt. Ltd DOC. No :
SOP Issue Date:
Raw Material Sieving Rev No:
Rev date

Prepared By Approved By

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