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en's gts Ou Gade Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering B. Se, Engineering 1" Year Odd Semester Examination, 2019 Course No.: Math 1121 Course Title: Differential Calculus and Geometry Pull Marks: 72 ‘Time: Three Hours NBs i) Answer SIX questions taking THREE from each section igures in the margin indicate Full make, Use separate answer script foreach section. SECTION-A ‘ i Z 06 Q1(8), Define limit and continuity ofa function. A funetion f() is defined as follows: tx whenx 0 =! ox whenO 2 Test the continuity atthe points x = O and x = 2. (b) fy = x"-1 nx, then prove that y, = 2-2! KS 2(@) Define monotone function. Show that f(x) = [55 is monotone ascending for x > 0. 06 0s ©) Evaluate Lt,.o (24), Q3(@) Given that xy = 4, find the maximum and minimum values of x +9y. 4 a Pu ay2g2)gnt, 03 ©) itu = €%, then prove that 528 = (1+ Syxz + x79?) 0%, (©) I F(o 22, v8 —y2, v8 ~ 220, where visa function of x,y,z os 108 i vay Fo = ee Q-4 (a) Verify Rolle’s theorem for the function (x + 2)?(x — 3)* in the interval (-2, 3). 06 (&) State and prove mean valve theorem. 06 + SECTION B Q.58 Find the equation to the pair of straight lines meeting at the origin which are perpendicular to the 06 pair given by the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0. (9): Find the equation ofthe bisector ofthe anges between the lines represented by 06 2x? + Tay + 6y? + 13x-+ 22y +2050. - 649) Show that the equation ax? + 2hay +? +2gx-+2/y +e 0 represents two parle nes if 06 hub = gf. Also sho hath dstics vee hom boJI =, a: () Reduce the equation 4x* — 4xy + y? Bx —y +6 =0 to the standard form. Also find all its 06 prover. .7(@) Prove that the value of g?-+f? in the equation ax? + 2hxy + by? + 2gx + 2fy te= 0 Pecainsunaleced by onhopona ransZoanation without change of erin. : ) The equation 332 + 2xy + 3y? ~ 18x ~ 22y +50 = 0 is vansformed to 4x2 + 2y? = 1 when 06 Tieed to rectangular axes through the poit (2,3). Find the inclination ofthe lacs anes ohn foe. . (a) A variable plane is atu constant distance Sp}from the origin and meets the axes in A, B, and C. yo ‘Show that the locus ofthe centroid of the Wiaggle ABC is"? + y-? 4 2°? = D. 06, () Find the length ofthe shortest distance between the lines, Fay Ht = PH” 21 Find lag is equa and 22 = 2 = 21 Find also is equation. 06 Good luck scanned with Camscanner Kash aersty Fi Technology icant hte! Fane ‘tees aati 2017 ‘Course Title; Differential Cateulus The: Three hours eae Eger Nits i) AyaGer siv questions lakiny Hiree thom eae section Boer agunes un het gen uit Full atk. Ally -Fee separate answer serps French Seely GECTION =A ayy 9% AGA Auetion Feder nfl: Rode ns when $0 op Sa, when a2 Cs sarin he conta oF Fonction a X60 1. é i 1 de Show ta the ant adattincas GIES. Ad : re) “fis eontinvous at © but st deel hat pt. \ os vane : Ma cha? ed vr sua nareintvoin easiness ta ata Cre rea #6? <1") 20 oo ‘State Rolle's theorem, Consider the, tonetonep tim dep beteen (1) and, 2) we Ne oy Win ina wth hn ging tise pt ——— ar | + manera eT Px 3 FGFs ene Mev Pewee that (42 yrs Ons ata re (®) styow thatthe function sin3X—3stns is Zan ssn when 7 o irongeeyyaerastyerinasor (22) + H(22} (2) oZ)- 2G snes igneromentotacone hve the cuses 2 atand Be Be atwietohoenay i sole fanbaub% 7 oe isthe curvature of a curve? Find the radius of eurvature of the curve the point whereys 5 ° — ste are \ oecrion- B ‘inthe equationan?-$ By + ly? 05 Grove tat the value ef 1 age 2/460 reson weet by G een ation without shang of org.» “Tuunaform the esualiont7«! 6 y= Tp? 16{~ 32Y-=1B=0 fo one in which here inno ermfavolvingxyand 06% 4 ny both sets of exes being testangular, 2.6% show thatthe eon ax? 2huy + hy? 42492 2 phen tt ences es 2f ae E ve fanned bythe tnenqg?G2hy oy? 0 andl enn =0 eet ecangl find ht hp of aah Hiner ting he oi eh os 2 perpen Wa vey he enon a7 kay + = 2 nad tne tha thang berwee the ines whose econ cosmes te connected by terelatons Meare and OOK aad arm «(S229 sgh ie een i hero enc plancroay sede, reey-zeseoanl 6G perpendicular fo the plane SG 3y +6420. —_ eet ne corns ne he a of whose gare isconstat antl © RY 06 Sete perpen ony gin wo Ue ple is Q.8 (2) A variable plane ‘Shwe the ext fetny teaches gh eR i antes lstance etoren the fines 5?» 2 w amscanner 1 ge ae Nou Matte HEOS 1 Marks: 70 na 0 i iii) Use cow Q.Ma)_ Ly the ustatwn of Zango in the + apne at the yen equation oF second tayshialie Univ Department of Mechanic is tn f for Shx questions tnking'Hporee fom ene weetlon ree in the margins indicate fll marks. ' wate ansiver script fe i In seetion. SECTION-A com unliate axerahout the origi, the expression ot? «0747! 0 howe that re fes ea ab= A I aleygce an! oye dy! 92 Ww jecromay by 00 spent fH ogg/int the equations of the bisectors of the Jes between the lines renresentes Atal eTyestiiy? FESe easy NSO oe ~ TO) ese ihe equation Pape? aaecet Gag he sanded fon and hence find all of properties ; e i May rave etees ovale bea hc Sow Lhe anes VEST whe four 08 | hugs ee By» i | (09 atthe ent tthe 4 tine of intersection of He planes weer 06 | cunt tye says ty 20 ad Pa | Qatfay A aviahte plane is ata eta Aste? andes tages in Dante So o | the locus oF ey ee Or , . ou i . 5 Cr tele: Meza? BE | uy eration! ne Mg tg «Gt ara neler SAT AE \ i} . SECTION-B | : os ome nuvi Ganetion, Show thal 4) ey monatone ascending forx > 0. { ot 4 (09 ghar tna fon = ng. CFO) 100-0 ss eontinvous and differentiable at x = 0 {t— (0 eine o (2) peeatuate Lp Wt { a : .6(9) State Losbnte'sthenren w “yesinlasine! x), then show that s ot 1 mae Adve Magan tn! a? Dre 8+ | Ab) Waite the Taylor's series in finite form. ‘Consider the function /(2)= ¥¥ - Find a point between (7. 1) oF = nan heen in the curve pale othe chord jning thetsroint o Fo nine whether (2F romesss 4 maximum ora minim ee TeTEMjae the same. 742) Uf wetogle' «9 42? =3ur9), then show that ig ty Atty # ryt) + oF (b)_ Wha homopersous finn? 117 82 Monogencousfavetion of dere» in x and yand if 05 | ae hteeth” anief . i te) Sta ve thennem un Won tnatuan, Ware F(yesz=zot= 9), prove that my ey tay 0 OF ‘ 18 Gy, Fin the tadfus of eureatere hs a (on te eae galing) an aow Hat ivan os | Se ee soll = 1 (b) “Show thatthe chord oFeurvatune parallel tu the axis fy for the ewe yn aogsee/) is constant on A 6) Fad the equation of he ann tthe parabola 3° =e ‘which is parallel tothe line 4y= 304720 cy ett 10¢- ! aa 4 Scanned with CamScanner ut Gn of Engineering Vepuntment of Mechanieal Engineering gineering {" ¥ ear Odd Semester Examination, 2018 Couise Fille: Differenttal Cah MU Mlathy: 72. ne: Three hours a) Answer ste questions taking three {om cach section the nary inicte Full math scripts als seetion, SECTION A QUA tind the mngle through whit the axes must be tured so that the expression ax! + 2ay + hy! 08 become an expression iii which the term xy is absent, Final the cxquation of the biscetors of the angles between the Fines reprerentesl tye He Dayy hy! = 0 QA brave that ae?» Bly ny" 4 2px 42/4 ew represents wo pall tat Kine if Meah 06 aul bg? = af? Also show that the distance between them is “fs ow (©) Reduce the equation 3247 4 $2 7p? Gla S2y—14= Oto the standard foro al the its all properties inlcular to the pale of mutually perpendicular tines U6 ine, respectively. ‘cosines are given by the equations 0 erpendicwtar iF > Gap, rosin healt fe Wd rey ewl(es a) ew" (ath) # Oond ps 4+ ym ge Sand pempenilicular to the plane Sx +3y'4G2+8=0. or sa the constant k, $0 that the planes x~2y+hreOand 2x +Sy~ze0are at tight 06 les, anid faut in that ease the plane through the point (1, -1, +1) and perpendicular to buth the given planes, . SUCTION = send ers Q,5(a) Conshler the function fx) a] 4x" =3x Vere? ry . dwad x22 Pincus the fieremiate 2°" with respect to sin" a, inl the differential eoetTicients of a i) x" Gi) Can xy" +(e0ta)"" nvity ote) for a1 and 2, and thy existence uf J°(4) fur these values, Q.6(a) State Leibnita's theorem. If logy» tun" x show that 70 < (Ue a ay (AEE DEN 4 MIEN, Oe () Inthe Mean Vilustheoren pout tts ation (2) 40.49" the nteval (792 OF Whit ie the geowretriealilerprstation eF the nran value theory? fe) Whit iy the whith of angle of maximum area that ean be inveribed in a given seuiment OAA' (Fig, Q6(e)) of a . ‘ parabala y? due? ; : | . ‘ Page 1 of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Q.%ay What is homogeneous fanetion? Wars 1092). show that 0", #7 (h) State Euler's theorem on homogeneous tun Ir Poe sin Ce ep )/Q0 edt. show that 04 ee trl, tan. - ea kort nao ctagtyetywhere vis at fintetion a MS then show that O4 ‘ root kot i yy Pew, tou ese i x pros v Juv and S be ity bacus, then 06 QS Ip be the aidius of curvature al any point Pon the parabola ye shoo that p? varies a (SP)', (b) For the curve x =e cost + log tans /2). 3° between the curve and x-axis is constant, easing prove that the portion of the tangent 06 Scanned with CamScanner Ne Laggan cng runs. yaa uy Akay Ue Hat Faeunes an tha : fouls te Ball sans seve seta 9 gat Bh 9 NECTION HLA ties . wtnwih es tee th fo VF Te atte ct tee te hye aie auton anys thot Uh \ wat lions the diage tion oF a nt) dana He lint roaming the san 1) shat aves dist ae ath tne repent Hey the ey sv Ay Le te oil bee gamit from ts vipa IE" = ene wy!) ‘ eth a vPee day b ym Ua Gye Lf oe M9 the at me ysis ashes ein a Yo ith the f i tw rated cate thy Show that thes Over sitaight Hines whose cl ection cases ate gyn by the st alt fog eee (game Fate fan 0 ane ti) perpernls i ait vu ty i ve ath Ao Gon ean an en ts : iw c cath am QANC IS AEE Y? om ; SEGIDIN 7 %. is Hine (3) sas Hatton 8 ob Fo agastan A eete fe tal in ( e ! Fto)eat wana a sxwhel ls . 2gasi hss evn ae | ww 1 Jur 02x ou Haye 4 ba shina Jordgnse { Ba (eens! forxe ale ew sows that /7(4) euttsahs #42 hulle wa exist v0. u ‘ ut 0 " ” vay at ; Fine ix parted fo Ay cowl joing (1, PUD Nl 8 FN h a vane Hacvne/Ee TT =) UP ee Uh where pvierggy OL a aul thee bay ‘espoatosnnhFe egy tle thy pasta WA, t |e vraag ame ge tlc te cunge STAIN Dy shaw thal (Qe te cal aot te gut aes aan the crane tran an aoa % mn Scanned with CamScanner Meaven's Liphi ty Gur Guide Raystahi Unive Nt Univesity of tng “Technol wise No, Math 1105, Vall Marks: 70 Ns ; e: Three hous 1) Answer ie questions taking tree fom each set, twee iN) Figures in the margin indicate full motke , {ii) Ure separate answer scripts for each section, SECTION=A fa) If by the rotation of the rectangular co-onfiate axes. about the origin the exyressim 06 Le geet Bhp by? changes to ae + DMCA Foy" then prow that a foaa'el 7 ab-ht sa'b' =H", a Move that (wo of the hntes vepiesented by the equation ax’ + by? Orexty! wadsy? wey! = 0 st vill be at right angle if (b+ dXudl 4 be)+ (a=2)!(a eee) = 0. and 1.24) Reduce the equation 6x7 Say ety dx ety AL =O to the standard tore Fuk ator ite we engths, equatinns and directions of the axes. Find the equations of the pair of lines joining the origin o the pe’ xlatyl with the circle, x7+y7 =a ond deduce that if the Hine isa 1 F intersection of tie hae gent fo the citele, then a Qua) Prove that wor Innes whose diieetion cosines are cunneeied by the Ww relations 9% al+bm4cnn 0 aidan? ew Ome perpernicular it a (e ew) 4b (we te) 1 ek ¥) oO and purattel t w (0) A vatiate plane is at a constant dist 31 (eam the origin and wicets ths ayes AAS awl Cg} ‘show that the loeus nf the egntioie of the tangle ADU is a7! 4 ywiegtop 2 4 8) Show that the fines ae ute are coplanar and find the equation to! thepiane in which they fe. 2 1 and Jx42y42—220axX-Sy422-13 55 . 06 (U) Find the length ond equa ns of the shortest distance between tls lines * ‘ Kel yok ed iS ~ 7° 38 43 SECTION =B sin, Show that 1G 4 tamnstane eseing f 9 0, oy A fon Fine as Feta: at “f()ededy for -3/28e50 wdadv fin OS x S32 wD By for 23/2 . - Lnscuss eosctnunty of f(x) ot xe 0 amd at ces 372, d a vs 2 scanned with Camscanner \ re ' af e : Q bu) If cos (3 = wi{ =) »prove that vty, b(t iu, =O aad til (y,), es bite Fv at, vb em at es?) 0, where viv function of.x, yz, show fed th i/ eae Vv ev Valls ov Vv é —*t J —_ I--= Ye ar ey or ‘ (e) Define maximum and minimum value of a finchon, Examine whether x? possesss a 32 maximum or minimun) aad determing the sane oan 2 (.7(a) State and prove Mean value theorem. Also write down its geometrical interpretation 06 ® ir £(a) = s(0)+ hf" wey *(0"), 0<0 <1, tind O when h=7and f(s)= (0+ «)- 32 C2 RCs) Prove that the sublangent is of constunt (angi in the curve log y = loge. 3 ; . . . vise fefayis of (0) Stow that the ehord of curvature parallel to the axis at yt for the curve alo tse (via) constant. . S . eeeld rs! uA (c) Show that the radius of curvature at aly point of the sycloid x= (a rsd), y 2a(1-cos0) i is Aucos0/2, Scanned with CamScanner LHicete Byer. 2 " opts TD ABU YOUSUF: RANI Fone -Machanteus VPP [ort Nor- 102091 He vy High be ctr tie” Rar babi University of Fupincering & ‘Technology ep tient af Mes ering ing 1" Year 1" sennester Exomination, 2011 Clouse Title: Engineering Melvema “Tine: Three Hours Vorce fi gl se ‘Hue eximatations hall, SECTIONA Qah (a) UF f(a) bs Halte, then show that, the fone tion J(9) ust be conti Jus ALX =O. 04 (b) A function £2) is defines! as follows: ot SMa) +x for 23 - ’ | RDF Th circle x? +y¥m a¥cuts off an intereept on the straight line le-+ my w 1, which sublends angle 43° at th orighn. Show that 4fa'(2 +m')-IJx[ar(t*+mt)- 2}, R=36 Q.6(3)7 Find the Lenguis'and equation of the axis of the cunle + 06 + 3647424 ny +29 y'~ 72+ 126y HU, [oe 7G oy QD), Too stealghy ne Ix + my 1 mects Ure liye cx? + lay by! = Oin the polits P and Q. Show "O54 2 Fae tg equ of tho * eitele, , deveribey on 9Q an dinnetor ty (e? +" Yam? = 2him +61") 2a(bt = him) “Show that the projection of a tine jining poy yu 4) anit Q(xa, Yas 41) OF anvdrer line whose Og direction cosines ara Iyinyinis (x4 ~3, V+ (, —y4)m4 (2 4, )n TAY: GBH Define direction cosines and direction ratios, IC T,mn be ty tection cosine of any line then opt "show that Pm? en! al, PAY mo i ‘ “ay @ Aline makes angles ar, ), CHOND 05} va Zy(am=hi)+(a+b)=0 V2 \D with the four dlaginals ofa cube, Show that OF ‘ os! a +603! f+ cos! yteus! Su fa 14 pone nls a Fisgal ptt (ay brand aneets ty ie pol of inerecton ot the Whnes thronph A, 1, und © paiallel tothe . WL Nae 4G : ra Find the magnitude mod positon ot the shortest dh Seo Dy Ir 4 Om Oa ve dyn 7 6 aves oF teterence in A, Mand 91 06 scanned with Camscanner « Full Marka: 70 DDD Answers Six queathan wih Thee fe ane fll st TNS aut fan “ ot CElvemin a nabs : . or by AE hays fo me gt aman fe en ru for nen. sasvseenee F miner Jitiyerentinlswelticiewtat w dex Vn Be 163 Liv day z . 23 WAS 2G Unwnlie wheter Ae! +997 pinsnerses a wiastineas or # rsininwnn and detenuine the « AP) Stato und prove L. Hosphint thearent. QI L9F Prove tint two lines whusd Ulredilon eemtuns ary eos ent ad ave + seal hy: two eetattuny il 4 fan vn + wht ut (wren) se? d vO 0+ Is poge : pornttel If aH Find the angle Lstween two lives whase ditvetion cosines ara lven Wye the eine 34 Fimarnndent Hemt=w ad DIO, : 0.4 597A yarlable plane parses the aint (abe) aed meets he ares in PQ. Show thar 06 locus of point of intersection of the planes thraugh #0 peste to the emontinate pln ° : : l ZA y st H wind the egguatians af thpie eammnan aarwal, Rp fp CTION- oy Saal tie! eink ser egrniinze jt asta Ube axes ate tntwed heen on st hevames x= plnterpret this fuck, A the enety whe wind sity Miho hd io > \vG ite AP" salu iateryal ( 16 ale th Horie fOr ey st thee av eat baud ash hey! he pb 246 vy toil at a(t sl) ead anny peated eh the 5 260. Scanned with CamScanner Vovfshoalit (atv ently ant ts yf stun Techintogy, Hanhitesh Department of Mlectanteat Engtiver tne OV ESE Semester f-aansinationy 00% ete Math 1109 Gourse Tile Enpraces any, Mathennatig seb Full Marks: 70 + ing. Tires Hows i020) Ai i asl ” ey As) . SECTION 7 sous 14 (01 a J ceontinnity af a tyee tine \ far actions fy p is abet as tothe ” faye ex whens a ' mx whey! VATN . ew when SEL” Wisewse eoetinny oa dhe fumetion Mey) at 2D ash L a ¥ @ Using fist principle, find te derivative ste’ ype st ! two varlables. \ @ Anue cast (is ey) M(NS HDD shies thats fo ir State and prove Cauchy a AIF Verity Rol 5 dhenrent for the fu Ay Mf in the fat 7 Opes LA Iga thas shetndy Uta yoy ala tak vate EV eno pe hg 1 } Fu) Detine homogeneous finetion, State aul yroe Fults theoeen an Inga tt at ) Ee ewry ELE 0 ben» 9) ot 0 ral AQ sity swath etn tat an reat tthe cy elvis May oe W22 \ ei A evugsn tne shang 4 Puede SECTION-B , OAD Bey A Bye Ge NE, FAL 0 in nectaney TNQ 9G Tronstoru the ex avenondinales e099 gt to remove (ie terns : PA Hiow that the equation ax? | Ahay Hbyy! H2gy t 2b | Cm O represents wo parallel Hines if 07 Poise We eh and that when these conditions arg satisfied, the distance between there as po 4s LMipse 2 Gran, pansbole > gras Hee hypanobelo = act$y Q.cfu)’ Reduce the equation x?) Lary ody Ge ty 19% Oto the standud oon Fund alse tie 06 +7 © equations of the lotus veetuny ditcettyaes and uses. ireeloues oY Find the condition that the chord of contact af iyents from the puitt (xj yo) to the einele st Q 2 0he ' 1 lzangany he the glues tn eu thet shat that Wd ween tli Qwwy poy tow hes Atl my, We tes a, Noy, Bath the fate deve eos! |) tens? y Hem Q tof IEP aul Q are (2, 3,-6), 137 Pind the eymation of the plaw we petiole (4, 2, 1p and (9, 3, 2 ni & pane 2x4 Gy 102= 9, dava abl. . ae Find the equation avd nuit ef the wh ot a vue O> peg. Find keane aL OP hes WHO. papery ie eta von ie lees an Ry \ scanned with Camscanner uN Te a Kangirece i ; Neal anne sen Fi gatnitnat “pile: Hayghne cei ay, itl “pechmlony. “ in 27 Hajshald University Departurent ol Ise, Engineering tot Year 1 uns Coane se No, Math » 1S m8 Full Marke 270 awawer 06 (SEND question, tok li UA THERE) foam ents set vase Elfed fl eat Ic. rrawwer serfpil fae ancl sec tlt . ivi NU () (i) Fyqueres In thie {Illy Ure seperate LCDI A _ woe 6 6G _Vetine the Monit at w furethoe ‘A tuntion opt) is atetlned an tallest: on} nlx; when xsl Vu ‘ a25; wheel a ‘ ox'4 2; when xo! Does linntp(x) exlst? Pa ; @ Hi the disferemtial evettieiputs ul te us prt bog parade ata? die ues ‘ y. State ait prove alle’s ‘Iicorem. ‘ o4 It ye sin'x, then show that 97 (94 oi (ee Yu Qn tae Lind alse the value of (Dg « , s 1 me my le pe a 2 AU) ~ (KU) EAD) 3! (Mn, Wee hs Find A, when he or Howat aye eat 1A oopeeem ve pris Ut Veet ed yaa? then grave thitt gt Vy Y, a , z . it Vent Mya Vine DN) —D us} BOF yer xplyls) + lye), shor tt r aM Oily y Oe infylxy 9 244 . Ox ~ Oy lg? it Meh y My t2ayy 20 P29) 2.44" s1 Sogyta ay? Shaw tha Sa 50% oH fen nothinn when aL.atnininim shen sng, 0% Bot Veh ve uPetmyitee Plu the uth us} waln(cosry many putt, Qnory (aal-2) ale HON! 2 ? =TRy=22 45-0 iniectanyular — °F Q 50), feanstonm the equation: Jw? tat 8 coo fiwites 90 16 bv reusase te ferme ins, y tn xy. 3M) Heedace the equation: Yc? Haver ty? We" a B equation: 97 Aaya fy! = y= 0 tn iy sioahd foo, os} VO V Hoe ated Uineet ceprevennte st by toe expattony ust j \ anny by? ash Mixed dy? 2rd zie bee 0 will be equidistant tenn the aniginn at atecthftagl). 0.2 YG scanned with Camscanner oi Soe tht Mee prodln Cat the pretpecttalacutars tines fer bi gece ' “tues vepnencnited tip ven? Brag a hy! et ag et Reet ON qa-byrant 45 yy Fi ae equation of the ciele which ». concentric with the citele oy %, 4 . ue) AD Retr Eo Ean poets ttnenph (EM ge \or alvaley yr saber (burn ths point ome” " the Hine wet dare) their chord af contact will subtend right angle at vertex. p=! 4 9 Shaw Chat te tiaents be done to the s+) ' v ria wt ¥ Brave that dx bagi | eee ism nce ad tether igen Wy how : aide t. i 8 Trave that the Hing whe direction cosines ane piven by ul vba ben =O and wm, al? ' rm baer? © O nne pen perteticnir i 7 ah? eyir(et vat yoda hy =O, ho ie owt Vind i. vy Jo} porprnnigutne te ter the m planes x tay EDs sud dat lyeae ek be 94 fie ef the plane Hier hei Bes Vind the distance eof ate portant (eb aet H fron the point iat tatersertonn at ther wt ‘ tine +2, tite bd sul ate planes aes pir 52 scanned witn Camscanner 7 ashe * _ 20000, Department 20 a Hhuvee Hones oO ‘ .8e. JL un ou ne Mathet 105 . no a“ cect seta Anaser Sh questions taking Three fa eS 1 the manna fica full ana, in reel neti ii) Use separate nnswer BHCTIONA . ae ; i 014 Dettne eonttnutty. A tate ev y “ o Haye 342 for sfsne wet be 3-2 fir xx ad , Test the comin so dean tun age _ ny 0 10% aph carbo aa me ny Spe Tin he Hilts of oul i ins) sfeues)™) ase vebite ‘ O36 FR) (Bea) saiow hat (0) > [zhu s3 4 0719 ‘ My Hw ye ett Mzanmtinw that ()ox? yaa C20 ara " (aL Stare anal prove Mean value theorem, " 0) ‘Show that the maxinwim value of a ists that i " Evuluai 1 uy © Monte st yas - Di we testi ttanstansstan sit egent nN), Om 4 : 1 aro Pad tla ane tat BM 2 aes \ ‘ ay: wn - su tyr Oy 7 @ AM) 1x) dey 1 3yt Ut i aor : LPM vin euryatuce and the eis of ew vari the pot (0) gm the eon as yoke bday ty Ay: pas WN, . He sub Dey + by? can be weitten ay it Ta Qnty’ + by" . ‘ aly taunt alee Wa z iW the area of the triangle formed by the thuce Hines ay? Qhay 1 by! > Oannd v x bingy Pm A the! : y 7 tee “os ieduee he ewtion! = Gxy by? Be Him. Le 90 6, pi the length of the tun 0 Hy the circle ye 6 be wire the Hep ag tangent from (f, g) to the citele x24 y? 4 x 1 Jy =U, shun that gh eat u oy Hetingdieeton cusines IF, oe te tet cosines of Tv, posta 0G Pim ante Bi) tthe equation of the plane Muah the polats (22,1) tha plone 2x 4 Gy #629 bnny x 4? {a SIA Mh Hue makes angles rh ayo willy the fo cus'iet cos) + eux'y | co 3,6) anal perpualiculae tet gph Hd the ew Jo ine bothe liner ds ted iny heb deedy US24S HOw y I2y + ’ vont paves toute POY LE eye Peay Cp W 406,08 4 d1,03,02.0 fH VI Scanned with Camscanner

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