Logical Division of Ideas Essay Rubric

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Logical Division of Ideas Essay Rubric

Name______________________________________________ Date__________________________
Organization Superior 10-8 Proficient 7-6 Satisfactory 5-4 Limited 3-2 Unsatisfactory 1-0
[30 Points]
Introduction (10 Points) Well-structured Well-structured Properly structured Poorly structured Introduction is
introduction with strong, introduction with clear introduction with introduction with unclear incomplete, ineffective,
sharply focused thesis thesis statement. satisfactory thesis thesis statement. or missing. No apparent
statement. statement. thesis statement.

The introduction includes The introduction includes The introduction includes The introduction doesn’t
well-written hook ,and good hook and good The introduction includes an unclear hook or not include neither a clear
well-written background background information. partially weak hook and properly written and hook nor a clear
information. partially weak unclear background background. Very
background information information confusing.

Body Paragraphs (10 Sharply focused topic Topic sentences and Moderately effective Ineffective topic Topic sentences and
Points) sentences and paragraphs paragraphs are closely topic sentences and sentences and paragraphs paragraphs are irrelevant
that are directly & clearly related to the thesis paragraphs logically that are not logically or missing.
related to the thesis statement. related to the thesis related to the thesis
statement. statement. statement.
Conclusion (10 Points) Well-constructed and Sufficiently effective Somewhat effective Incompletely developed Absent, incomplete, or
clear conclusion that conclusion which conclusion which restates conclusion which fails to unfocused conclusion.
strongly reaffirms the reaffirms the thesis the thesis statement, but effectively tie together
thesis statement. statement and ties does not fully tie together main ideas and facts.
together main ideas and main ideas and facts.
Content and Ideas Superior 20-17 Proficient 16-13 Satisfactory 12-9 Limited 8-5 Unsatisfactory 4-0
[20 points]
Interesting and complete Content is accurate and Explanation of topic is Partial or incomplete Inadequate explanation of
explanation of topic, with relevant, with sufficient satisfactory, with mostly explanation of topic, with topic with inadequate or
specific, accurate, and evidence to adequately sufficient evidence, but insufficient evidence and missing evidence and
relevant information. explain topic. mostly general. More inaccuracies. many factual errors.
details are needed. Some
Fully developed body Well-developed body factual errors. Body paragraphs provide
paragraphs that clearly paragraphs sufficiently limited and inadequate Body paragraphs do not
and effectively support support the thesis Body paragraphs support of the thesis support the thesis
the thesis statement with statement with examples. satisfactorily support the statement. statement.
arguments (main ideas) thesis statement,but could
and examples. be more developed.

Language Use [ 20 Superior 20-17 Proficient 16-13 Satisfactory 12-9 Limited 8-5 Unsatisfactory 4-0
 Sentences are very  Sufficiently clear and  Mostly clear and  Somewhat clear and  Unclear and difficult
clear and easily understandable, with understandable, with difficult to to understand, with
understood, with few grammatical some grammatical understand, with multiple errors.
few, if any, errors. errors. many errors.  Limited mastery of
grammatical errors.  Some variety of  Effective simple  Ineffective simple sentence rules.
 Variety of sentence sentence types. constructions are constructions.
types. dominant.
Coherence Superior 10-8 Proficient 7-6 Satisfactory 5-4 Limited 3-2 Unsatisfactory 1-0
[10 Points]
Paragraphs flow Transitions are mostly . Transitions are Transitions are Transitions are missing.
smoothly, and transitions effective. satisfactory. ineffective.
between sentences and/or
paragraphs are seamless
and effective.
Mechanics [10 Points] Superior 10-8 Proficient 7-6 Satisfactory 5-4 Limited 3-2 Unsatisfactory 1-0

No or few errors in Occasional errors in Frequent errors in Dominated by errors Fatal mistakes in
spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, in spelling, spelling, punctuation,
capitalization. capitalization. capitalization. punctuation, capitalization.

Vocabulary Superior 10-8 Proficient 7-6 Satisfactory 5-4 Limited 3-2 Unsatisfactory 1-0
Choice) [10 Points]
Vocabulary/word choice Vocabulary/word choice Vocabulary/word choice Vocabulary/word choice Little knowledge of
is impressive. Majority of is very good. Some words is adequate,but could be is clearly limited, English vocabulary.
the words are used are used appropriately. improved. More affecting written Mostly translation ,
appropriately. adjectives, adverbs, and communication. Some (or) not enough to
descriptive words are words are used evaluate.
needed. inappropriately. Very
weak attempts from the
Total 100 points
Final grade = 10 Marks

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