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SORIA October 28, 2021



Brigada Eskwela is an annual
Without the human resource of the school, achieving
DepEd activity when everyone
the goal will be burdensome. Being the head, I must It is important to discuss things that happened in the
in the school community, Brigada Eskwela. Taking notes on the things that
disseminate the information of the program and
including the private sector, gather some of their opinion to enhance the activities went right and wrong in the process will be relevant
works together to prepare that have been proposed. going forward to the next activity. By this, the
schools for the start of courses. mistakes won’t be tolerated and should be corrected
As the head of the institution, I through professional way. Constructive criticism
will plan and identify the should be welcomed in this process to improve or
activity in the Brigada Eskwela enhance the program or the teachers in the future.
for the program to go
smoothly. For this activity to
become successful, I will need
to meet with my teachers and
especially, the Brigada Eskwela
Coordinator to discuss the
procedure and propose the
activities. They will also
encourage to give their best to
give the better community or
learning space to the learners.
Teachers as well as the
Coordinator are advise to ask
for donations or solicitations to
the stakeholders since financial
resources of the school or the
MOOE will definitely not
withstand the demand.
Publicize the details of
Brigada Eskwela

Every year, more and more people extend help

to schools. Companies give cash and/or
donations in kind or offer to send their
employees to do hours of voluntary work in
Example of Activities the schools.  Members of different groups like
the Philippine Army, Local Government
 Cleaning of the Units, private partners, teachers, and
School(rooms, yards
community members (parents and pupils) are
and gardens)
Teachers  Gulayan sa paaralan
the army of volunteers contributing to provide
 Solicitation to add a healthy learning environment to Filipino
funds for the youth.
required resources
 Repainting or
painting the walls
Through this initiative, the importance of the
Implementation of  Repairing of school Stakeholders community is recognized in making schools
the variety of items(chairs, tables, the best place for learners to acquire values
rooms) and competencies needed to contribute to
nation-building.  Clean classrooms, well-
maintained learning tools, and attractive
landscaping inspire students to attend school, Evaluation of
Brigada Eskwela study hard and persevere to achieve their Brigada Eskwela
Coordinator goals. through meeting
Publicize the details of
In every school, there is always that person who will supervise the said Brigada Eskwela
activity which is the Brigada Eskwela Coordinator. He will be the front
man along with the teachers to promote the Brigada Eskwela to the
different stakeholders of the school. Community communication is
essential in the activity especially in sending the information to the
parents and other stakeholders. He also is given the authority to modify
or add some development activity in the proposed plan by the school

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