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The Educational System of the Philippines

in the time of the pandemic

How did the pandemic change the educational system in the Philippines? The
pandemic have a really big impact on the lives of all the Filipinos in the Philippines. Many
things have changed and almost everything they do is now restricted because of the fact
that the virus is spreading fast and is very dangerous. It took so many lives and creates
chaos in some places. Because of this, the Department of Education decided to close
schools and suspend classes in all parts of the Philippines to keep the students from
spreading and getting the virus.

During the Covid-19 pandemic school closures and learning loss can have a long-
term harmful influence on the current generation of students the evidence from previous
health catastrophe-related emergencies shows that the impact lasts much beyond the
disaster or pandemics duration. It is also likely to have an impact on children’s economic
potential and productivity as adults, putting the country’s competitiveness at risk. This
policy paper examines important difficulties in today's schooling and learning environment
and suggests policy choices for preparing for in-person schooling it becomes available

Temporary closure of schools started from March 2020 to October 2020. Its purpose
is to find other alternative ways in delivering education since face-to-face classes is not safe
for the students and the teachers. The government could not accept that all students would
be deprived of learning opportunities, so they recommended high-tech online classes.
Despite the covid-19 pandemic, the department of education has announced that the
classes will resume online.

The Department of Education introduces different learning modalities that the

parents and students may choose. These Learning modalities are (1) Modular Distance
learning – the students are provided with Self-learning modules in print or digital whichever
the learner chooses, (2) Online Distance Learning – where teachers serve as facilitators
engaging students using different technology such as laptops, cell phones or other gadgets
that have access to the internet, and (3) Blended Learning – a combination of Modular and
online modality. Because of these learning modalities, the department of education can
continue giving the education that every student deserved.

The Department of Education has brought these new learning modalities to the
students and teachers. That is why the students need to adjust and adapt to the new
normal way of learning. Some of the students are very fast in adjusting and adapting to the
new normal, on the other hand, a large percentage of students also have a hard time
adjusting and adapting to this new way of learning.

These new normal have brought so many hard times for the student since face to face
is suspended and they need to study on their own in their houses. Those learners who
choose the modular modality need help from their parents, siblings, and other members of
the family in answering their modules because of the fact that there is no teacher that will
teach them at home. They can also consult their teachers on the topics they find difficult
through text, call, or GC in messenger.

On the other hand, teachers are also doing their own way of communicating with
their students to help them with the lessons they find difficult. Some send video lessons for
the students to watch and learn. Some even have video calls just to discuss or explain the
topics which are hard to understand. Other teachers allow limited face-to-face consultation
but following the health protocols suggested by IATF (Inter-Agency task Force).

In spite of the challenges that the learners encountered in this time of the pandemic,
they still manage to learn and still tried to submit their modules and answer sheets on
time. Internet connectivity plays a major role in the learning process of learners. They can
search for anything that is connected or related to the lesson that they have in the module
and have more additional information about it.
Other students opt to choose online learning. In this modality teachers are the
facilitators. Like face to face, the class will meet daily through google meet, zoom, or
Microsoft teams. The teachers discuss while students listen. Teachers and students can
interact simultaneously. Online distance learning is where there is a teacher and a student
and is having a normal class. Online classes have 2 types which are the synchronous and
the asynchronous class. Synchronous class is when the teacher and students go in the
google classroom and have a proper class on the other hand the asynchronous is when the
teacher gives activities and assessments. But this modality is only applicable to those
students who have internet connectivity and only a few choose this. The reason why only a
few choose online learning modality is because the internet connection is expensive in the

Some students also choose blended learning or the combination of modular and
online modalities. It is almost the same with the modular but they get their modules in the
online or digital way and submit it online.

The Philippines, like other countries, had tried to discover ways to keep children
educated without exposing them to the risk of infection. As a result, distant learning was
implemented, in which students could study online, read and answer printed modules, or
listen to classes on the radio or television. Such innovations are significant, but as the
country approaches its second year of delivering distant learning, it is even more important
to look ahead and reinvent to prepare for future difficulties.

Despite the fact that students, teachers, and our government have faced numerous
issues in our country that have had a significant impact on their daily lives. The
department of education, with the assistance of the government, continues to discover ways
for students to continue their education. Because online learning increases efficiency and
course production, it benefits individuals in a variety of ways and provides them with
several advantages in performing and accomplishing their professions and tasks. Despite
the fact that students can engage in online learning, they may have less peer interaction,
which may result in poor academic and social abilities.

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