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For our assignment I watched Fried Green Tomatoes.

  The story is told a lot like the movie the

Note Book where the main character- Ninny is telling her life story to another one of the

characters, Evelyn.  I feel like there were many examples of Continuity Theory.  Ninny's

character now in her 80's shows from the beginning of the movie until the very end how her

personality, habits, likes, etc never really changed.  There is an example of this when she is in the

nursing home and she has plants hanging in her room.  She was always connected ti nature and

the outdoors. I think there were also examples of Activity Theory because both Ninny and

Evelyn, (Evelyn learns this in the middle of the movie,) are both living productive, social

lifestyles, and are engaging with their peers.   For Ninny I think it's important to make friends

with Evelyn so she feels like she has a purpose.  Telling her life story keeps the memories of her

life youthful and alive.  Sharing her story with Evelyn gives Ninny something to look forward to

and helps her to gain a new friend.  Something that is super important since most of her friends

have passed away. At the end when Ninny realizes she no longer has a house, and all of her

friends and family have passed away she says "but who will I take care of."  An example of how

society often casts older people away as useless, or no longer valuable.  There are examples of

conflict theory/ageism with Evelyn's character in two separate parking lot scenes.  One where a

guy bumps into her totally dismissing her and when she asks why he is treating her like that he

rudely calls her "fat, and old." In one scene Eveyln tells Ninny..."I am too old to be young, and

too young to be old." I think this is a great movie about living and dying, about life, and

perspectives. The importance of having community and friends no matter how old you are and

finding value in life no matter what stage of life you are in. 

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