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Physical Fitness and Performance

Effects of Tapering on Performance:

A Meta-Analysis
Department of Kinesiology, University of Montreal, Montreal, CANADA; 2Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Lille,
Ronchin, FRANCE; 3Department of Research and Development, Athletic Club Bilbao, Lezama, SPAIN; and 4Department
of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Odontology, University of the Basque Country, Álava, SPAIN
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BOSQUET, L., J. MONTPETIT, D. ARVISAIS, and I. MUJIKA. Effects of Tapering on Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc., Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 1358–1365, 2007. Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects of alterations
in taper components on performance in competitive athletes, through a meta-analysis. Methods: Six databases were searched using
relevant terms and strategies. Criteria for study inclusion were that participants must be competitive athletes, a tapering intervention
must be employed providing details about the procedures used to decrease the training load, use of actual competition or field-based
criterion performance, and inclusion of all necessary data to calculate effect sizes. Datasets reported in more than one published study
were only included once in the present analyses. Twenty-seven of 182 potential studies met these criteria and were included in the
analysis. The dependent variable was performance, and the independent variables were the decrease in training intensity, volume, and
frequency, as well as the pattern of the taper and its duration. Pre–post taper standardized mean differences in performance were
calculated and weighted according to the within-group heterogeneity to develop an overall effect. Results: The optimal strategy to
optimize performance is a tapering intervention of 2-wk duration (overall effect = 0.59 T 0.33, P G 0.001), where the training volume is
exponentially decreased by 41–60% (overall effect = 0.72 T 0.36, P G 0.001), without any modification of either training intensity
(overall effect = 0.33 T 0.14, P G 0.001) or frequency (overall effect = 0.35 T 0.17, P G 0.001). Conclusion: A 2-wk taper during which
training volume is exponentially reduced by 41–60% seems to be the most efficient strategy to maximize performance gains. This meta-
analysis provides a framework that can be useful for athletes, coaches, and sport scientists to optimize their tapering strategy.

he taper is a reduction in the training load of runners (29), swimmers (48), cyclists (51), rowers (32),
athletes in the final days before important com- and triathletes (34).
petition, with the aim of optimizing performance. The difficulty for athletes, coaches, and sports scientists
This reduction of the training load can be achieved consists in finding the strategy that will maximize the
through the alteration of several components, including decrease in accumulated fatigue while retaining or further
the training volume, intensity, and frequency (72), as well enhancing physical fitness, thus leading to peak perfor-
as the pattern of the taper (i.e., progressive or step taper) mance. Many strategies to decrease the training load have
and its duration (25,28,39,46). The taper is widely used by been reported in the tapering literature, most of them
athletes participating in a wide range of sports differing leading to an improvement in performance and/or its
in their biomechanical and physiological demands to gain physiological correlates (25,28,39,49,55). Some studies
a performance edge over competitors. In fact, significant have suggested that the reduction in training volume should
improvements have been reported after tapering for be substantial, somewhere near 85% of normal training
volume (28), whereas others have reported similar improve-
ments in performance after a 31% reduction (3). This
decrease in training volume is generally obtained through
the decrease in the duration of each training session
Address for correspondence: Laurent Bosquet, Ph.D., Department of
Kinesiology, University of Montreal, CP 6128, succ. centre ville, Montreal
(3,42,52). However, some studies prefer to manipulate the
(Qc) Canada H3C 3J7; E-mail: training frequency (i.e., the number of training sessions per
Submitted for publication June 2006. week) to decrease weekly training volume (8,31,35). The
Accepted for publication March 2007. duration of taper is also open to wide variations in the
0195-9131/07/3908-1358/0 literature. Although most studies have used a 2-wk taper
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISEÒ (3,30,31,34), significant improvements in performance also
Copyright Ó 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine have been reported for very short (G7 d) (52) or very long
DOI: 10.1249/mss.0b013e31806010e0 tapers (928 d) (40).


Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Effects of moderator variables on overall effect size for taper-induced The question then arises to determine whether there is an
changes in performance.
optimal strategy suitable for most competitive athletes, as
Overall Effect Size:
Categories Mean (95% CI) N P suggested by Mujika and Padilla (46), or if different patterns
Decrease in training volume of training load reduction can lead to similar improvements
e 20% j0.02 (j0.32, 0.27) 152 0.88 in performance. The purpose of this investigation was to
21–40% 0.27 (0.04, 0.49) 90 0.02
41–60% 0.72 (0.36, 1.09) 118 0.0001
assess the effects of the alterations of taper components on
Q 60% 0.27 (j0.03, 0.57) 118 0.07 performance in competitive athletes, through a systematic
Decrease in training intensity review (or a meta-analysis) of the literature.
Yes j0.02 (j0.37, 0.33) 63 0.91
No 0.33 (0.19, 0.47) 415 0.0001
Decrease in training frequency
Yes 0.24 (j0.03, 0.52) 176 0.08
No 0.35 (0.18, 0.51) 302 0.0001 METHODS
Duration of the taper
e7d 0.17 (j0.05, 0.38) 164 0.14 Literature search. The databases Embase, Kinpubs,
8–14 d 0.59 (0.26, 0.92) 176 0.0005 Physical Education Index, PubMed, SportDiscus, and Web
15–21 d 0.28 (j0.02, 0.59) 84 0.07
Q 22 d 0.31 (j0.14, 0.75) 54 0.18 of Science were searched using the terms (taper* AND
Pattern of the taper (performance* OR competition* OR training) AND (sport*
Step taper 0.42 (j0.11, 0.95) 98 0.12
Progressive taper 0.30 (0.16, 0.45) 380 0.0001
OR exercise* OR swim* OR cycli* OR runn* OR rowi*).
The reference lists of the articles obtained were searched
manually to obtain further studies not identified
In addition to the total decrease in training load, the way to electronically. This led to the identification of 182 potential
decrease it can influence the results, whether it is a single studies for inclusion in the analysis.
stepwise reduction or a progressive exponential reduction with Criteria. Criteria for study inclusion were that
a fast or eventually a slow decay (3). Alternative strategies are participants must be competitive athletes (168 articles
also being tried by athletes in different sports. One of these fulfilled this criterion), the study must employ a tapering
alternative strategies consists in an advanced reduction in the intervention and give all details about the procedures used to
training load, followed by a subsequent increase in the lead- decrease the training load (128 articles), the study must use
up to competition (unpublished observations). The rationale actual competition or field-based criterion performance data
behind this tapering design is that the athlete would take to assess performance capacity (43 articles), and the study
advantage of reduced fatigue levels to enhance training must include all necessary data to calculate effect sizes (i.e.,
tolerance and respond effectively to the training undertaken number of subjects, mean and standard deviation) (32
during the taper, as suggested by recently developed variable articles). Criterion for study exclusion was that the set of data

dose–response mathematical models (6,67). Unfortunately, has been previously published in another article that has
no experimental data are available regarding the suitability of already been included in the present analyses (5 articles). A
this tapering mode in highly trained athletes. total of 27 studies were included in the analysis (2–4,8,14,
As indicated by the information above, a wide range of 16–20,22,26,29–32,34,35,40,42,43,48,51,52,54,63,70).
tapering strategies are currently being used by athletes and Coding for the studies. Each study was read and coded
their support teams in view to optimize sports performance. independently by two investigators using the following

TABLE 2. Effects of moderator variables on effect size for taper-induced changes in swimming, running, and cycling performance.
Swimming Running Cycling
Categories Mean (95% CI) N Mean (95% CI) N Mean (95% CI) N
Decrease in training volume
e 20% j0.04 (j0.36, 0.29) 72 No data available 0.03 (j0.62, 0.69) 18
21–40% 0.18 (j0.11, 0.47) 91 0.47 (j0.05, 1.00)‡ 30 0.84 (j0.05, 1.74)‡ 11
41–60% 0.81 (0.42, 1.20)* 70 0.23 (j0.52, 0.98) 14 2.14 (j1.33, 5.62) 15
Q 60% 0.03 (j0.66, 0.73) 16 0.21 (j0.14, 0.56) 66 0.56 (j0.24, 1.35) 36
Decrease in training intensity
Yes 0.08 (j0.34, 0.49) 45 j0.72 (j1.63, 0.19) 10 0.25 (j0.73, 1.24) 8
No 0.28 (0.08, 0.47)* 204 0.37 (0.09, 0.66)* 100 0.68 (0.09, 1.27)† 72
Decrease in training frequency
Yes 0.35 (j0.36, 1.05) 54 0.16 (j0.17, 0.49) 74 0.95 (j0.48, 2.38) 25
No 0.30 (0.10, 0.50)* 195 0.53 (0.05, 1.01)† 36 0.55 (j0.05, 1.15)‡ 55
Duration of the taper
e7d j0.03 (j0.41, 0.35) 54 0.31 (j0.08, 0.70) 52 0.29 (j0.12, 0.70) 47
8–14 d 0.45 (j0.01, 0.90)‡ 84 0.58 (0.12, 1.05)* 38 1.59 (j0.01, 3.19)† 33
15–21 d 0.33 (0.00, 0.65)† 75 j0.08 (j0.95, 0.80) 10 No data available
Q 22 d 0.39 (j0.08, 0.86) 36 j0.72 (j1.63, 0.19) 10 No data available
Pattern of the taper
Step taper 0.10 (j0.65, 0.85) 14 j0.09 (j0.56, 0.38) 36 2.16 (j0.15, 4.47) 25
Progressive taper 0.27 (0.08, 0.45)* 235 0.46 (0.13, 0.80)* 74 0.28 (j0.10, 0.66)‡ 55
* P e 0.01; † P e 0.05; ‡ P e 0.10.

TAPERING OPTIMIZATION Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1359

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
moderator variables: the performance capacity, the moda-
lities of the tapering intervention, including the decrease in
training volume, intensity, and frequency, the pattern of the
taper and its duration. An interval scale was used for the
coding of the decrease in training volume and the duration of
the taper, and a nominal scale was used for the remaining
variables. The coding agreement between investigators was
determined by dividing the variables coded the same by the
total number of variables. A mean agreement of 0.90 is
accepted as an appropriate level of reliability in the coding
procedure (58). Mean agreement was 0.927 in our study.
Each coding difference was scrutinized by both investi-
gators together and was resolved before the analysis.
Statistical analysis. Pre–post taper standardized mean FIGURE 2—Dose–response curve for the effect of percent decrement
in training volume during taper on performance.
differences in performance were calculated, and weighted
according to the within-group heterogeneity to develop an
overall effect. Statistical significance was set at P G 0.05 depending on the locomotion mode. The expected perfor-
level for all analysis. The scale proposed by Cohen (9) was mance gains are small to moderate for each of these
used for interpretation. The magnitude of the difference was categories (0.35 G effect size G 0.72, Table 1).
considered either small (0.2), moderate (0.5), or large (0.8).
All calculations were made with Review Manager 4.2.8
(The Nordic Cochrane Center, The Cochrane Collaboration,
Copenhagen, Denmark).
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects
of the alterations of taper components on performance in
competitive athletes, through a meta-analysis of the liter-
Overall effect sizes for tapering induced changes in ature. In accordance with previous suggestions (46), we
performance are shown in Table 1 for each moderator found that maximal gains are obtained with a tapering
variable. Specific swimming (eight studies, N = 249), intervention of 2-wk duration, where the training volume is
cycling (six studies, N = 80), and running (nine studies, exponentially decreased by 41–60%, without any modifi-
N = 110) data are presented in Table 2. The dose–response cation of either training intensity or frequency.

curves for the overall effect of duration and percentage Reduction in training load. Training load can be
decrement in training volume on performance are shown in decreased through the alteration of training volume,
Figures 1 and 2, respectively. According to the reported intensity, and frequency (72). In agreement with previous
data, in these competitive athletes, maximal gains are suggestions (28,46), this meta-analysis has confirmed that
obtained with a tapering intervention of 2-wk duration, performance improvement was more sensitive to the
where the training volume is exponentially decreased by reduction in training volume (Table 1). We computed the
41–60%, without any modification of either training decrease in training volume as the area under the training
intensity or frequency. This generic taper can differ slightly volume–time curve. However, some papers did not provide
adequate data to make a precise estimation of this area. It is,
therefore, acknowledged that measurement error is present
at different degrees depending on the studies. We expect
that the use of four categories with relatively wide ranges
will minimize the effect of imprecision on the dose–
response relationship.
Maximal performance gains are obtained with a total
reduction in training volume of 41–60% of pretaper value.
Training volume can be altered through the decrease of the
duration of each training session and/or the decrease of
training frequency. It seems that the first strategy should be
preferred, because decreasing training frequency does not
result in a significant improvement of performance
(Table 1). It should be kept in mind that there is a large
variability between studies, as evidenced by the wide 95%
FIGURE 1—Dose–response curve for the effect of taper duration on confidence interval (Table 1). The decrease in training
performance. frequency often interacts with other moderator variables

1360 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
like training intensity or the form and duration of the taper, parts, specific event performance is the most suitable out-
which makes it difficult to isolate precisely its effect on come to evaluate the effectiveness of a tapering intervention.
performance. A more conservative approach would be to This is the reason why all studies using other measures than
recommend maintaining training frequency at 80% or more actual competition or field-based criterion performance data
of the pretaper value (43,46). to assess performance capacity were not included in the
As already pointed out by other researchers (28,33,39, analyses. When using the scale of Cohen (9) for the inter-
46,55), it seems clear that the training load should not be pretation of the effect size, expected performance improve-
reduced at the expense of training intensity (Table 1), ments are most often small, and occasionally moderate.
probably because it is a key parameter in the maintenance When expressed as a percent difference, performance
of training-induced adaptation during the taper (49). It is modifications range from j2.28% (54) to 8.91% (19), with
worth noting, however, that the four eligible studies that a mean improvement of 1.96%. This difference could be
decreased training intensity during the taper period were considered as meaningless if the population of interest were
included in the computation of the overall effect of other not competitive athletes. As highlighted by Hopkins et al.
moderator variables. It is legitimate to think that it may (23), the smallest enhancement of performance that has a
have led to an underestimation of the true overall effect of substantial effect on a top athlete’s chance of a medal is
these moderator variables. Therefore, we repeated the about one third of the typical variation of performance in
analyses by discarding the experimental groups of these competition. This has been shown to be approximately 0.5–
four articles, and we found no difference either on the effect 1% in both swimming and running (24,64). In this context,
sizes or on the global dose–response relationship. the gains that can be expected after a taper intervention, as
Duration of the taper. We found a dose–response little as they are, may have a major impact on an athlete_s
relationship between the duration of the taper and the success in major competitions. An illustration of this is
performance improvement. Duration of 8–14 d seems to provided by Mujika et al. (48), who report that the
represent the borderline between the positive influence of magnitude of taper-induced improvements in performance
fatigue disappearance and the negative influence of in the swimming events (2.2%) were of similar order to the
detraining on performance. Performance improvements differences between the gold medalist and the fourth place
can also be expected after 1-, 3-, or 4-wk tapers (Table 1, (1.62%) or between third and eighth place (2.02%) at the
Fig. 1). However, as suggested by 95% confidence 2000 Sydney Olympics.
intervals, negative results may be experienced by some Possible mechanisms. A number of physiological
athletes. This interindividual variability in the optimal taper changes may account for the tapering-induced improvements
duration has already been highlighted by some in performance capacity. Maximal oxygen consumption
mathematical modeling studies (40,41,67). Differences in (V̇O2max) has long been used as a determinant of perfor-

the physiological and/or psychological adaptation response mance (60). The taper-induced hypervolemia and enhanced
to reduced training (40,41,48), as well as the use of an red cell production (42,47,62), together with an increase in
overload intervention in the weeks before taper (67), are oxidative enzyme activity (52,53,62), may contribute
some of the variables that can account for this variability. significantly to the increase in oxygen extraction reported
Pattern of the taper. Mujika and Padilla (46) identify by Neary et al. (54) and, more generally, to the increase in
four types of taper patterns: linear taper, exponential taper V̇O2max observed in several studies (16,30,34,51,52).
with slow or fast time constant of decay of the training load, The energy cost of exercise is another important determi-
and step taper. Because the pattern is not always precisely nant of performance (15). As reviewed by Mujika et al. (49),
detailed in the included studies, we gathered linear and results are disparate, with the discrepancies probably related
exponential tapers together into one single pattern named to factors such as differences in the training and tapering
progressive taper. As can be seen in Table 1, the majority of programs and the caliber of the athletes. Nevertheless, sig-
studies used a progressive decrease in training load. Our nificant improvements have been reported both in swim-
results agree thoroughly with the results of Banister et al. ming (14,31) and running (26,29), but not in cycling. It has
(3), who report higher performance improvements after a been speculated that biomechanical and neural factors could
progressive taper when compared with a step taper. We explain the taper-induced improvement in the energy cost of
were not able in this study to address the effect of the kind exercise (14,29). The neural hypothesis is consistent with
of progressive taper (i.e., linear or exponential with fast or the increase in strength and power—two factors known to
slow decay of the training load) on performance. Again, significantly influence the energy cost of exercise (21), as
actual recommendations rely on the work of Banister et al. has been reported consistently in the taper literature
(3), who suggest that a fast decay was more beneficial to (22,31,62,68).
performance than a slow decay of the training load. The capacity to sustain a high percentage of V̇O2max, also
Expected performance improvements. Tapering is named aerobic endurance (5), is the last determinant of
a training strategy to enhance performance in the most performance identified by DiPrampero et al. (15). As
important athletic competitions. Because performance is a outlined by Péronnet and Thibault (56), the physiological
complex system whose whole is more than the sum of its basis of aerobic endurance is not clearly understood.

TAPERING OPTIMIZATION Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1361

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Outstanding aerobic endurance can be associated with a training volume seems to be optimal in swimming, we were
combination of factors, including a high percentage of type not able to find a similar cutoff value in cycling and run-
I muscle fibers, the capacity to store large amounts of ning, the optimal decrease being somewhere between 21
muscle and/or liver glycogen, the capacity to spare and 60%. A period of 8–14 d seems to represent the optimal
carbohydrate by using more fatty acids as energy substrate, taper duration in cycling and running. It should be noted,
and the capacity to efficiently dissipate heat. If the taper has however, that significant improvements can be expected
been shown to affect significantly the contractile and from longer taper durations in swimming, but also that the
metabolic properties of single muscle fibers (52,68), there number of cycling and running subjects for such durations
are actually no data available to support the hypothesis of a is insufficient to test this hypothesis with adequate statistical
modification in fiber distribution. It also does not seem that power (N = 10 in running and 0 in cycling for 15–21 d and
substrate use is affected, because the respiratory exchange 22 d or more). Finally, there seems to be some controversy
ratio (RER) is most often unchanged after a taper in cycling about the pattern of taper that should be pre-
intervention (29,51,59). However, the 13–34% taper- ferred, but also to determine whether a decrease in training
induced increase in muscle glycogen content observed both frequency should be used to decrease training volume.
in men and women (52,53,62,71) could, undoubtedly, Because sex has been shown to affect some of the
contribute to improve aerobic endurance. mechanisms possibly leading to an improvement in perform-
If these physiological changes can occur very rapidly ance, such as the capacity to increase glycogen stores (66), it
when training load is decreased, they also are prone to a rapid is quite legitimate to question the applicability of this stra-
loss when the training stimulus is insufficient (44). In fact, tegy to women. Among the 27 included studies, only nine
Coyle et al. (11), as well as Houmard et al. (27), found that of them used a mixed sample, and only three of them pro-
a few days were enough to decrease significantly the blood vided separated results that would allow comparisons be-
volume, which negatively affected the cardiovascular tween males and females. Smith (63) did not report any sex
function by decreasing both the stroke volume (11) and difference in the amplitude of performance improvement
the cardiac output (13). Enzymatic activity, including after a 1-wk taper in 6 female and 10 male elite rowers.
oxidative enzymes and glycogen synthase, decreases also These results were in accordance with Mujika et al. (40),
very rapidly when the training stimulus is insufficient who found no difference between 8 female and 10 male
(12,27,37); this may contribute to the rapid decrease in elite swimmers after two tapers of 3- and 4-wk duration. In
V̇O2max and glycogen stores reported in the detraining a more recent study, Mujika et al. (48) registered the per-
literature (10,11,13,27). Altogether, these results show that formance change of 49 female and 50 male elite swimmers
taper-induced positive physiological changes are only in the final 3-wk taper leading to the Sydney 2000 Olympic
transitory and may return very rapidly to pretaper values Games. They found a higher improvement in males than in

or, eventually, to initial values in the case of a long-term females in freestyle events (2.54 T 1.5 vs 1.60 T 1.33%, P G
insufficient training stimulus (45). Whence the difficulty to 0.05), but not in form events (backstroke, breaststroke,
find the taper strategy that will allow the athlete to recover butterfly). The observational nature of this study did not
and overcompensate adequately from prior heavy training allow the authors to provide any psychological and phy-
loads while avoiding detraining. siological explanation for this difference. Other confound-
Practical considerations. According to our results, a ing factors such as shaving or the use of different swimming
tapering intervention of 2-wk duration, where the training suits may have affected the results. With the exception of
volume is exponentially decreased by 41–60%, without any this possible sex effect on the magnitude of taper-induced
modification of either training intensity or frequency, is the performance improvement, we found no apparent evidence
strategy that will maximize the probability to obtain sig- questioning the generalization of our results to women.
nificant improvements in performance. From a practical Another important practical consideration is whether the
point of view, it is important to determine whether this optimal taper depends on the severity of fatigue an athlete
‘‘optimal’’ taper is a generic one, or whether it differs accord- carries into the taper process. The theoretical modeling work
ing to the sport, the gender, or the fatigue status before of Thomas and Busso (67) clearly shows that using an over-
the taper. load procedure before the taper results in higher performance
Specific swimming, cycling, and running data are shown gains, but also that taper duration and percentage decrease in
in Table 2. Rowing was not considered because the total training load should be adapted (i.e., increased) to dissipate
number of subjects (two studies, N = 23) was insufficient to this extra accumulated fatigue. Despite this sound theoretical
address all the moderator variables used in this meta- background, very few experimental studies addressed this
analysis. Although the number of swimming, cycling or topic. This situation probably arises from the difficulty to
running subjects per moderator variable was also insuffi- quantify fatigue. The overreaching/overtraining literature of
cient to provide each sport with specific recommendations, the past two decades clearly indicates that there exists no
it was possible to identify some trends. The first, indis- pathognomonic clinical sign of severe fatigue (69). An
putable one is the need to maintain training intensity, affordable and very interesting tool to assess fatigue levels
whatever the mode of locomotion. If a 41–60% decrease in is probably the profile of mood states (POMS) (36). If

1362 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Copyright @ 2007 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
several taper-studies included the POMS in their measures between pre- and posttaper values to assess the consistency
(4,17,22,34,38,57), only two of them used it as a tool to between datasets. They reported an ICC of 0.99, suggesting
quantify initial fatigue (4,34). Margaritis et al. (34) used a that both absolute and relative errors were low. The fact that
total mood disturbance (TMD) score with the purpose of other studies included in this meta-analysis did not control
identifying overreaching or overtraining. However, they did this point probably limits the interpretation that can be made
not provide cutoff values that would help to classify the from their results. In fact, a possible placebo effect can
subjects into one of these categories. In the study by Berger interact with a natural tendency to go deeper during the last
et al. (4), eight elite pursuit cyclists completed the POMS and performance test and lead to an overestimation of taper-
a simulated 4-km pursuit performance test throughout a 6-wk induced performance gains. It should be noted, however, that
period, including a 1-wk baseline, a 3-wk overload, and a 2- 10 of the 27 studies included in this meta-analysis used
wk taper. They found the TMD score to increase after the competition data (2,17,18,20,22,31,40,42,43,48), where
overload period and to decrease below baseline values after motivation to give an all-out effort was probably the same
the taper period. If it is clear from this study and many others for each test because, in addition to the competitive stake,
(4,17,22,34,38,57) that TMD or subscales scores are sensi- they were part of a more global competition schedule. More-
tive to fatigue, there is still difficulty in delineating cutoff over, the 17 remaining studies used field-based performance
values that would allow classification of subjects or tests that have been shown to be very reliable (1,50,61,65),
comparison of studies. thus limiting the error of measurement.
Athletes_ diet also may affect the benefits that can be The aim of a meta-analysis is to combine the body of
expected from a well-designed taper. Margaritis et al. (34) literature on a given topic to propose evidence-based
have reported the daily energy intake, energy expenditure, conclusions. In this study we identified numerous moderator
body mass, and body fat of 20 male long-distance triathletes variables to describe as close as possible the diversity of
during 4 wk of overloaded training and then 2 wk of taper. tapering strategies currently used by coaches and sport
Energy intake did not change between both phases (15.0 T scientists. A prerequisite to make valid comparisons is to
3.2 vs 15.0 T 3.3 MJIdj1), whereas energy expenditure have roughly the same number of subjects per moderator
decreased from 17.0 T 1.9 to 12.1 T 1.2 MJIdj1 (P G 0.05). variables. With the exception of the decrease in training
Total body mass did not change during the taper (67.9 T 3.6 volume, most of the remaining independent variables did not
vs 67.8 T 3.2 kg, NS), but percent body fat increased from meet this condition. Although a duration of 8–14 d seems to
11.4 T 3.7 to 11.8 T 3.7% (P G 0.05). Consequently, care be optimal in terms of performance gains, it has to be
should be taken to match energy intake with the reduced recognized that additional data are needed to test the real
energy expenditure that characterizes the taper. Muscle effectiveness of longer taper durations (N = 164, 176, 84,
glycogen concentration has been shown to increase during and 54 for 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-wk taper durations, respectively).

the taper (52,53,71). Because the amplitude of glycogen The choice of a given pattern is also complicated by the
supercompensation has been associated with the amplitude difference in the number of subjects (N = 98 and 380 for
of performance improvement in a 40-km time trial (52), it is step and progressive taper, respectively). A lower statistical
important to use nutritional strategies that will maximize the power make step taper performance gains nonsignificant,
replenishment of glycogen stores. Walker et al. (71) found whereas the overall effect is higher than that of progressive
in six eumenorrheic women that glycogen supercompensa- taper (Table 1). The same is true for the decrease in training
tion and performance in a constant-power test at 80% frequency. Future studies should test these conditions, to
V̇O2max were higher after a 7-d taper with a high- verify whether the predictions of this meta-analysis are true
carbohydrate diet (78% carbohydrate) during the final 4 d even when the number of subjects per moderator variable is
compared with a moderate-carbohydrate diet (48% carbo- not always adequate.
hydrate) for 7 d. Consequently, a rich carbohydrate diet The inclusion of studies using exclusively competitive
seems to be an important component of a successful taper. athletes probably introduced a bias in our meta-analysis. In a
Limits. Specific event competition or field-based context where no one wants to take the chance of a sub-
criterion performance data were designed as the dependant standard performance, it is likely that researchers are study-
variable to test the effectiveness of taper strategies. Correct ing tapering strategies that have been proved to be successful,
interpretation of our results relies on the assumption that either scientifically or empirically, thus leading to a circular
both pre- and posttaper performances were indeed maximal. thinking. Innovative tapering designs should be tested to
Although this methodological consideration was of primary have a comprehensive understanding of the adaptive re-
importance, we found very few studies using a criterion to sponse to the decrease in training load. New developments in
control this parasite variable. Neary et al. (51,52,54) made mathematical modeling offer an interesting alternative
an effort in this direction by taking the rating of perceived (6,7,67). As underscored by Thomas and Busso (67), mathe-
exertion at the end of each performance test. They reported matical simulations provide a convenient technique to deter-
no difference between pre- and posttaper values, suggesting mine the combination of reduction in training load and its
that efforts were at least of similar difficulty. Houmard et al. duration that will maximize performance, simply by chang-
(29) computed the intraclass coefficient of correlation (ICC) ing the pattern of training. This objective tool could be used

TAPERING OPTIMIZATION Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercised 1363

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to propose potentially successful innovative tapering designs strategy to maximize performance gains. Alternative tapering
that will be tested with competitive athletes afterwards. designs could also have a beneficial effect on performance of
individual athletes, but more pronounced interindividual
differences may be expected. This meta-analysis provides
a framework that can be useful for athletes, coaches and
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects sport scientists to optimize their tapering strategy. Future
of the alterations of taper components on performance in investigations should evaluate alternative and innovative
competitive athletes, through a meta-analysis of the liter- tapering strategies exclusive to those included in this meta-
ature. A 2-wk taper during which training volume is analysis, which could prove to provide further performance
exponentially reduced by 41–60% without altering training benefits to athletes, as suggested by recent mathematical
intensity or frequency appears to be the most efficient modeling simulations.

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