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1st Grading Performance Task

Fundamentals of Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) 1

 Description of the interviewee’s work/business.

Car Washing is the interviewee’s business. They wash the external part of
the vehicles and vacuum the interiors. They also do detailing, under chassis
cleaning and even machine wash.

 Have you experienced changing one job to another? If yes, why did you change
your job to another job?
Before I had this car wash business, I used to be a business unit manager. I
left my job to be able for me to concentrate on the business that I built.

 How old are you when you had your first paying job?
I was 19 years old when I started working and received a salary.

 Can you tell me the story of your:

a.) Prior Successes b.)Prior Challenges c.)Major Responsibilities

a.)I was a stock man and due to my excellent performance I was promoted
up to a business unit manager.

b.)First challenge, women are one of the reasons why business men get
bankrupted. Next is How to handle customer complaints and how to work
with my employees and observe them following the company’s protocol.

c.)Our major responsibilities are, maintaining good customer service,

keeping them satisfied with our services and providing services that even the
average family can afford.

 How do you push through your worst times?

I always stay positive and I don’t easily give up. I also consider asking my
friends and family for an advice that can help me to push through.

 What are your success habits?

I’m always confident in everything I do. I make sure that everything is in
order. If I’m going to make a decision, I always consider options A, B and C.

 Can you tell me your motivations to get out of bed in the morning?
My best motivation is money. Early bird catches the first worm right? So if I
wake up early specially in my line of business, I can have many customers
specially those who are about to go to work and they need their cars or motorcycles
to me washed.

 What is your favourite quote? Why do you consider this as your favourite quote?
Try and try until you succeed. I considered this as my favourite quote
because in every business, you need to try everything for you to overcome every
challenge. Not every business is successful. So you need to do everything to make
it successful. There are a lot of factors that can bring your business down, so before
it comes, you must plan ahead, try to think of everything that may hinder your
business from growing stronger. In that way when that challenge comes, you are
ready and you won’t get lost of the things that you must do to overcome it.

Joan C. Doguna
Grade 11-ABM
July 18, 2017

Joan C. Doguna
Career Plan Update: July 18, 2017


I want to be a successful business woman someday so I will take up business

management in college. My mother is currently working in an electrical company in which she
already have a lot of connections with suppliers, so it’s going to be easy for us to put up such a
business. I know it will require a lot of knowledge to have that kind of business so I will do my
very best to stay focused on my studies and understand everything so that when I finish college,
I will have more than enough knowledge and the only thing that I need to gain is experience. I
want to prove to everyone that I can finish my studies and become a successful business woman
someday even though I’m a student/athlete.

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