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Date : DEC , 2020

Smart Irrigation System

SMART IRRIGATION SYSTEM.........................................................................................................................i
Smart Irrigation System............................................................................................................................................i
Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................................ii
List of figures.........................................................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Problem Statement..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Aims & Objectives................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Tools Used............................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 ATMEGA 32......................................................................................................................................2
1.3.2 Soil Moisture Sensor YL-69...........................................................................................................2
1.3.3 Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11.................................................................................3
1.3.4 Atmel Studio.....................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Organization of Report........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
2.1 IoT based smart farming in agriculture............................................................................................5
2.2 Precision Agriculture for Water Management Using IOT...............................................................5
2.3 IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time Monitoring And Controlling Systems..........................6
2.4 Smart Agro System..............................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................................7
3.1 Developing the Smart Irrigation System...........................................................................................7
3.1.1 Read the values from sensors.......................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Smart Decision.................................................................................................................................7
3.1.3 Work Breakdown Structure................................................................................................................7
3.2 Hardware Implementation..................................................................................................................8
3.3 Block Diagram......................................................................................................................................8
3.4 Software Simulation.............................................................................................................................9
3.4.1 Atmel Studio.....................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK..........................................................................................10

Figure 1.0.1 ATMEGA32 [6]...................................................................................................................................2
Figure 1.0.2 Soil moisture sensor [6].......................................................................................................................3
Figure 1.0.3 DHT11 [6]............................................................................................................................................3
Figure 4.1 Block Diagram of Smart irrigation System............................................................................................8

IoT: Internet of Things
GDP: Gross domestic product
pH: Potential hydrogen
SONAR: Sound navigation ranging
GSM: Global system for mobile communication.
UV: Ultraviolet
GPS: Global positioning system

Agriculture is considered the basis of life for the human race, since it is the primary source of
food grains and other raw materials. This plays a crucial role in the region's economic
development. It also provides enough job opportunities for the residents. Agricultural growth
is essential to the economic condition of the country's development. Unfortunately, many
farmers still use conventional methods of farming which lead to low yield of crops and fruits.
when automation was introduced, and person substituted automatic machinery, yield was
increased. [1] . Modern science and technology therefore need to be applied in the
agricultural sector to increase the yield. Both results and preliminary experiments indicate
this project is a total solution to irrigation issues in the region. Implementing such a device in
the field will help increase crop yields and help to better control water supplies to reduce
waste. The device can be used in plants which rely on greenhouse and temperature.
1.1 Problem Statement
The farmers are still using traditional methods for agriculture, which results in low yielding of crops
and fruits. So the crop yield can be improved by using automatic machineries. There is need to
implement modern science and technology in the agriculture for increasing the yield. By using IOT,
we can expect the increase in production with low cost by monitoring the efficiency of the soil,
temperature and humidity monitoring, rain fall monitoring, fertilizers efficiency, monitoring storage
capacity of water tanks and also theft detection in agriculture areas.

1.2 Aims & Objectives

Our aim is to develop an intelligent farming system to maximize productivity and raising
total crop expenditure. The objectives to accomplish this aim:
 To improve and stabilize the crop yields through the implementation of sustainable irrigation
 To promote water management practices that optimizes the volume and timing of water
 To generate positive economic consequences for farmers and their families.
 Minimize year to year yield fluctuations, leading to higher and more stable farm income


A smart farming device that will monitor the temperature, humidity and efficiency of soil and
will turn on/off the water pump based on the data sensors provided.

1.3 Tools Used
1.3.1 ATMEGA 32
The high-performance, low-power Microchip 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines
32KB ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1KB EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 54/69
general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, a JTAG interface for boundary-
scan and on-chip debugging/programming, three flexible timer/counters with compare modes,
internal and external interrupts,serial programmable USART, a universal serial interface (USI)
with start condition detector, an 8-channel 10-bit A/D converter, programmable watchdog timer
with internal oscillator, SPI serial port, and five software selectable power saving modes. The
device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts.

Figure 1.0.1 ATMEGA32 [6]

1.3.2 Soil Moisture Sensor YL-69

A soil moisture sensor can read how much moisture there is in the surrounding soil. This
system uses the two samples to transfer current through the dirt, and then reads the resistance
to obtain the amounts of moisture. Higher precipitation helps the soil to produce electricity
(less resistance), while dry soil generates more resistance and less electricity. The full
volume of the soil can be broken down into soil particles, roots, air, and liquid water the coats
the soil particles. The soil moisture sensor sends electrical impulses and measures the
conductivity of the soil which in turn is related to the moisture content of the soil.

Figure 1.0.2 Soil moisture sensor [6]

1.3.3 Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11

The DHT11 is a digital temperature and humidity sensor which is low cost. To measure the
surrounding air, it uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor and spits a digital signal
on the data pin (no analog input pins required). Its use is fairly easy, but it requires careful
timing in order to collect data.
The node temperature readings are much more detailed than the weather forecast, and provide
a sense of the field temperature variability. Usually, the weather forecast temperature is a
function of the several feet above ground air temperature which is of no significant use to
Humidity is also an undervalued factor for farmers. Water evaporates through the pores of the
leaves that are exposed to carbon dioxide absorption. Low humidity implies that a lot of
water will be lost by evapotranspiration, which implies that the plants will need more water.

Figure 1.0.3 DHT11 [6]

1.3.4 Atmel Studio
Atmel® Studio 7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and
debugging SMART ARM®-based and AVR® microcontroller (MCU) applications. Studio 7
supports all AVR and SMART MCUs. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and
easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or
assembly code. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits.

1.4 Organization of Report

Chapter 2: Address the analysis of the literature for all the work and study completed prior to
project commencement.
Chapter 3: Details of the methodology and all necessary methods to set up our project.
Chapter 4: Draws up how to adapt our approach to hardware / software defined in the
previous chapter.
Chapter 5 : Conclusion present and work to come.


2.1 IoT based smart farming in agriculture

These paper's features include leaf disease identification, remote control device centered on
the cloud, temperature sensing, soil moisture sensing, human/animal detection, and proper
irrigation system etc. It uses sensor networks instead of manual tests for testing precipitation,
temperature and humidity. Various sensors are installed in various farms locations and one
device named Raspberry PI (RPI) and pic microcontroller are used to monitor all these
sensors. Sensors like temperature sensors, moisture sensors and ultrasonic sensor is
connected with pic microcontroller which is connected with Rasperry pi. Temprature and
moisture sensor sense the atmospheric temperature, moisture of soil and send this to
microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensor recognize the invader when unknown enter in the field and
alarm surrounding people. The camera interfacing with an RPI will identify leaf disease.In
this pic will compare defecting leaf image with leaf images database, feature will extracted
and convert RGB to grey by preprocessing which give accuracy to defect detection, and then
observing disease will send to mobile phone. Using WIFI Service, the immediate state of a
farm such as a leaf disease and other environmental factors influencing crops such as
temperature and moisture is sent to farmers via RPI and in control system, check out data is
comparied with limiting values. If this exceed limited value, led start to blink and message
sent to the farmer, led will off after sensing. Data will regularly updated on Thing speak
connected by IoT module .This system improve irrigation system and detect disease at its
initial stage on leaf [2].

2.2 Precision Agriculture for Water Management Using IOT

This paper's outlook is to design and develop an agricultural monitoring system that uses a
wireless sensor network and IoT to boost farm productivity and quality without constantly
breaching it by hand. This system reqired sensors, microcontroller , Smart phone and wireless
sensor netwok. Temprature,humidity and moisture sensors show values and data is send to
server for analyzing and monitoring,threshold values are already set in the chip,data is
compared with threshold and decision is made to off/on motor.The most critical
circumstances for the production , development and efficiency of plants in agriculture are
water rates , humidity and temperature. The sensors for water level , humidity, and
temperature are programmed to aggregate the temperature and humidity values. Precision
Agriculture is one of the most exciting fields for which decision support systems is unusually
necessary. Agriculture can be integrated with IoT through sensor networks with the support of
this system , which provides real-time land and crop information to help farmers make smart
decisions. The primary impact is the introduction of Wireless Sensor Network in Precision
Agriculture with the aid of IoT, which will maximize the usage of fuel, fertilizers while
growing crop yields, as well as regularly sending updates to mobile farmers. An app is
developed by android ,and GSM module serve as a barrier between app and module. The

farmers could also monitor field conditions from anywhere in the world with the help of IoT.

2.3 IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time Monitoring And Controlling

This paper represents the remotely real time way of controlling and monitoring effective IoT-
enabled irrigation systems. This system is advantageous for both large scale and small
farmers. Arduino mega-based automatic IoT irrigation system is recommended for upgrade
and will lead to improved treatment of water management and irrigation system. The device
proposed is designed in such a way that the data received from the sensors estimate the
amount of water required. The system proposed is designed so that it can estimate the amount
of water provided by the data obtained from the sensors. Flow of water , pH sensor, water
level monitoring sensor in reservoir, and temperature and soil moisture sensors are used to
gather information through main controller and send it to the smartphone via NodeMCU.
Based on the gathered data, the proposed methodology calculates pH , water depth,
temperature and soil moisture by using water level analyzer,ph sensor,moisture and water
controller. necessary for irrigation. In this system water pump include moisture, temperature,
water level, and pH indicator which show reading of these values for tank water. and motor
status show current situation of pump/tank. Arduino is connected with all sensors and other
modules for updating.It is used to receive and send data.Micro controller is used to analyze to
data and then send command for action. The key advantage of the system is that it prevents
direct human interference because the network is implemented using a variety of low cost
sensors and the Internet of Things ( IoT). [4]

2.4 Smart Agro System

This paper explains how the Smart Agriculture Program is applied utilizing wireless sensor
networks. In this system, moisture of soil is measured, if moisture value is lower then water
will pump in to field otherwise pump will remain off. Rain sensor is used in this which
measure value level of water in the field, if it is high them ,water will pump back.DHT11
sensor measure temperature and humidity. PIR motion sensor is used to detect the motion of
animal/human.Level sensor is used to measure the value of water in the tank. Further steps
are taken based on the sensors sensed data are processed in the database. Actions are taken
using base station with an integrated GSM module that includes Arduino Uno. The base
station allows for different sensor nodes to take action. System perceived data is transmitted
via the Zigbee module to the base unit. End-user is supported to communicate with the device
android program. In the field are plotted static sensors including soil moisture, temperature,
humidity and pH sensor.Using this system,measure the moisture and humidity value.Then
harvesting the excess water from field and stored back to tanker.This system alerts the farmer
with alarm when senses intruder in field.Message is conveyed to the farmer about field
update. [5]


3.1 Developing the Smart Irrigation System

Atmel Studio 7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and
debugging SMART ARM®-based and AVR® microcontroller (MCU) applications. Studio 7
supports all AVR and SMART MCUs. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and
easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or
assembly code. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits.
We are using Atmel Studio to program our atmega to take input from sensors and take smart
decision to turn on/off the motor.

Here is a list of assigned tasks:

(Note that the word task is used here to apply to a block of code functionality)

3.1.1 Read the values from sensors

We begin by specifying two constants for the type and pin of the DHT sensor and three
constants for reading the amount of moisture from the sensors. After that, by passing these 2
constants to the DHT constructor, We create a DHT object. Finally, we used the object
methods readHumidity and readTemperature respectively to read humidity and temperature,
and analogRead to read the moisture sensor value.

3.1.2 Smart Decision

The Atmega will decide whether to switch on or off the motor based on the sensor data.

3.1.3 Work Breakdown Structure


3.2 Hardware Implementation

Atmega is the main controller in smart irrigation system. The microcontroller is interfaced
with all other sensors such as soil moisture sensor , Temperature Sensor, Humidity sensor.
The microcontroller gathers sensor data and executes 2 tasks. The first task is to decide
whether to turn the motor on or off based on the sensor data obtained.
3.3 Block Diagram
The figure shown is a block diagram of Smart irrigation System. It illustrators the use of
sensors ( Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature, Humidity ) with the atmega which acts as
central node and interfacing of water pump through relay.

Soil Moisture

Relay Water Pump




Figure 4.4 Block Diagram of Smart irrigation System

3.4 Software Simulation

3.4.1 Atmel Studio

Atmel Studio 7 is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and
debugging SMART ARM®-based and AVR® microcontroller (MCU) applications. Studio 7
supports all AVR and SMART MCUs. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and
easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug your applications written in C/C++ or
assembly code. It also connects seamlessly to Atmel debuggers and development kits. Verify
The Verify button is used to check the program for errors and compiling it. Upload
Upload the code to the microcontroller and perform testing.


Installing smart irrigation technology may require additional costs to upgrade older irrigation
systems. For example, an agency may need to upgrade its electrical system to safely support
the weather-based irrigation controllers installed at parks and other irrigated areas.

Several years of average water-use information may be necessary to accurately understand

the true water savings achieved from a system, since irrigation water use greatly depends
upon annual weather conditions.

Option of controlling the water pump can be given to the farmer i.e. he can switch
on/off the pump in order to start/stop the process of irrigation without being present at the

The idea of using IOT for irrigation can be extended further to other activities in
farming such as cattle management, fire detection and climate control. This would
minimalize human intervention in farming activities.

[1] R. K. Nikesh Gondchawar, "IoT based smart agriculture," International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, June 2016.
[2] M. Vijayalakshmi, "IoT Based Smart farming in a Agriculture," International Journal of
Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), vol. 3, no. 2, Feb 2019.
[3] S. J. p. A. patil, "Precision Agriculture for Water Management Using IOT," International
Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, vol. 5, no.
12, Decemeber 2017 .
[4] K. K. T. sebbetu, "IoT Based Irrigation Remote Real-Time," International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering , vol. 8, no. 7, May 2019.
[5] "S.S Kulkarni , S.Awate," International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET), vol. 6, no. 4, April 2018.
[7] V. P. S. w. Apurva Gat, "Integrated Agriculture System Using IoT," International Journal
of Science and Research, p. 5, 2018.


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