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Architecture is both a science and a business, as well as a passion, a career, and a

calling. It's been called a social art as much as an artistic science. The design of

architecture must be of the greatest quality. In the words of Marcus Vitruvius, the

renowned Roman architect and historian, architecture brings "firmness,

commodity, and delight.1"

Architecture gives people a feeling of location and supports a variety of human

activities. Architecture promotes health and well-being, enriches lives

aesthetically and spiritually, provides economic opportunities, and leaves a legacy

that reflects and symbolizes culture and traditions while also promoting health

and well-being, providing economic opportunities, and creating a legacy that

reflects and symbolizes culture and traditions.

The work De architectura was written by Roman architect Vitruvius in the first

century BC. The work is organized into ten volumes that cover topics such as city

planning and architecture in general, construction materials, temple construction,

public and private structures, clocks, hydraulics, and civil and military engines.
From the time of the ancient Romans through the Renaissance, his work was

utilized as a standard text book.

The term "firmness" relates to the structural integrity and long-term longevity of

a structure.

Commodity refers to spatial functionality, or, in other words, the building's ability

to "serve its purpose" and perform the function for which it was built.

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