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The Following publications are now avialable at ECCSA Resource & WTO Reference Center

Year of No.of
It.No Title publication Publisher Type Place of Pub. copies Source

Ministry of Finanace and

Economic Development
Federal Democratic
1 Assessing progress toward the Millenium Development Goals 2012 Repeublic of Ethiopia, UN Study Addis Ababa 5 UNDP
Annual progress report for F.Y. 2011/2012 :Growth of Finance and
2 Economic Development Mar-13 FDROE Progress report Addis Ababa 5 UNDP
Summary of
An assessmnet of operation and performance of commercial farmers in commissioned studies
3 Ethiopia 2013 UNDP Ethiopia No.4/2013 Addis Ababa 5 UNDP
Towards a framework for attracting private equity and venture capital Development brief
4 in Ethiopia 2013 UNDP Ethiopia no.3/2013 Addis Ababa 16 UNDP

Promoting ICT based agricltural knowledge management:to increase Development brief

5 production and productivity of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia 2012 UNDP Ethiopia no.3/2012 Addis Ababa 26 UNDP

6 Annual report 2011:DAG Development Assistance Group Ethiopia 2011 UNDP Ethiopia Annual report Addis Ababa 20 UNDP
Summary of
Enhancing the implementation of the industrial zones strategy for commissioned studies
7 industrial devleopment in Etiopia 2013 UNDP Ethiopia No.3/2013 Addis Ababa 20 UNDP
8 Economic diplomacy and African development in a chenaging world 2013 UNDP Ethiopia briefNo.4/2013 Addis Ababa 14 UNDP
9 Towards a comprehnsive peace-building policy and strategi for Ethiopia 2012 UNDP Ethiopia briefNo.4/2012 Addis Ababa 13 UNDP
Annual Report 2012:United nations development program in Ethiopia:
10 transformation excellence and action 2012 UNDP Annual report Addis Ababa 4 UNDP
11 Sudan: Post-conflict envaironmental assessemnt 2007 UNEP BOOK Kenya 4 UNDP
12 African water development report 2006 2006 UN-Water/Africa book Addis Ababa 1 UNDP
13 Our planer: forests nature ar your service Jun-11 UNEP magazine 1 UNDP
14 Our planer: sustainable transport on the right track Sep, 2009 UNEP magazine 5 UNDP
15 Our planer: chemicals management and marin plastics Apr, 2011 UNEP magazine 3 UNDP
16 Our planer: clean tech low carbon, high growth Dec, 2010 UNEP magazine 1 UNDP
17 Notre plane't: Un confernece on sustanable development june,2012 PNUE magazine Brazile 3 UNDP
18 Notre plane't: E'conomie verte Feb, 2010 PNUE magazine 3 UNDP
19 Notre plane't: Les transport durables Sep, 2009 magazine 2 UNDP
30waysin30days:UNEP indpiring action on climate change and
20 sustanable development UNEP WWW.UNEP.ORG 2 UNDP
21 Annual report 2011 2012 UNEP 1 UNDP
Reports and presentations of pan African implementation and
22 partnership conference on water (PANAFCON) Dec 8-13, 2003 UN-Water/Africa magazine 2 UNDP
23 Food and the environemnt :the UNEP magazine for youth UNEP magazine 20 UNDP
24 African water journal Dec, 2003 UN -water/Africa Journal 1 UNDP

Outcomes and recommendations of the pan-african implementation

25 and partnership conference on water( PANAFCON) Dec, 8-13, 2003 UN -water/Africa 1 UNDP
26 WHO country coopration strategy 2012-2015 Ethiopia 2013 WHO 1 UNDP
27 Biofuels vital graphics:powering a green Economy UNEP 1 UNDP
28 Our planet v 14 no 4: water sanitation people UNEP magazine 1 UNDP
29 Our planet v 17 no 2: water sanitation people UNEP magazine 1 UNDP
30 Global biodiversity outlook 3 magazine 4 UNDP

31 Progress towards sustabable development in Africa summary report ECA magazine 1 UNDP
32 Biodiversity is life :2010 International year of biodiversity magazine 4 UNDP
33 Gincana UNEP magazine 6 UNDP
34 2002 Annual evaluation report: evaluation and oversight unit Dec, 2003 UNEP Annual report 1 UNDP
New partnership for Africas's development(NEPAD):Action plan for the
35 environmental initative Oct, 2003 UNEP 5 UNDP
36 Report d'e'valuation annual 2004 Seb, 2005 PNUE 1 UNDP
37 Report d'e'valuation annual 2003 Sep, 2004 PNUE 1 UNDP

38 Assesssing Progress in Africa toward the millinnium Development goals 2013 AU,ECA MDG Report Addis abeba 3 ECA
Implications For Growth, Employment,And Structural Transformation in
39 Africa 2013 ECA Study Addis abeba 3 ECA
40 Making the Most of African's commodities 2013 AU, ECA Economic report Addis abeba 2 ECA
Scince With Africa: proceedings of the second Science with Africa
41 conference on Science, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2010 ECA Proceeding Addis abeba 1 ECA
Reflections on Africa's development :Essays in Honour of Abdoulie
42 janneh Jun-12 ECA Book Addis abeba 1 ECA
43 Framework for a set of e-government core indicators Mar-12 ECA Study Addia abeba 1 ECA
Report of the second meeting of the committee on development
44 information science and technology:CODIST-II May-11 ECA report Addis abeba 1 ECA
45 4th ANDI stakeholder meeting and Donors Conference Oct-11 ECA,AU Agenda Addis abeba 3 ECA
Assessing Progress in Africa toward the millennium development goals:
46 Food security in Africa 2013 ECA, AU MDG Report Addis abeba 2 ECA
economic report on Africa 2009: developing African agricalture
47 Through regional value chains 2009 ECA, AU economic report Addis abeba 1 ECA
11th Session on the regional coordination mechanisms of UN agencies
and organizations working in Africa (RCM-Africa) in support of the
48 African union and its NEPAD programme 2010 ECA report Addis abeba 1 ECA

Diversity management in Africa: Findings from African peer review

49 mechanism and a framework for Analysis and policy-making 2011 ECA study Addis abeba 1 ECA
Regional Assessment studies on Land policy in central, eastern,
50 north,southern and west Africa: Synthesis report 2010 AU, AfDB,ECA Synthesis reeport Addis abeba 2 ECA
51 African Statistics 2011 ECA pocketbook Addis abeba 1 ECA

Assessing Progress in Africa toward the millinnium Development

Goals:Emerging perspectives from Africa on the post-2015
52 development agenda 2012 AU, ECA, AfDB UNDP MDG Report Addis abeba 1 ECA
National councils for sustainable evelopment in africa: A review of
53 institutions and their functioning 2005 ECA study Addis abeba 1 ECA
Strategy for the implementation of the plan of action for the acceleratd
54 industrial development of Africa AU study Addis abeba 1 ECA
New trends in triangular and south-south: Africa's strategy toward
55 china and its iplications for west African countries 2012 ECA,SRO-WA study Addis abeba 1 ECA

56 Recent trends in national mechanisms for gender quality in Africa ECA study 1 ECA

Report on tracking progress in the implementation of regional and

international Agendas,including NEPAD and other special initiatives in
57 the sub-region ECA Report 2 ECA
58 Hormonizing policies to transform the trading environment 2013 ECA,AU,AfDB study Addis abeba 2 ECA
UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities:acall for action
59 on poverty, discrimination and lack of access May-08 ECA,,Leonard cheshirereport Addis abeba 1 ECA
African Development Forum VIII: Governing and Harnessing Natural
60 Resources for Africa's Development AU, ECA,AfDB Guide Addis abeba 1 ECA
61 Integrating africa Mar-12 ECA Book Addis abeba 1 ECA

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