BHSAM v.2 User Guide

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User Guide

Bastion Host & Secure Access Management v2

PT. Telekomunikasi Selular

Login to BHSAM
1. Open web browser and navigate to

2. Use your Active Directory login ID to login to BHSAM

3. If the login is successful, you will be directed to ISPIM self-service console

When connecting for the first time, you will be prompted to set new password. If you change password
from itim/self dashboard, its not gonna work. In this case, follow the following procedure:

1. Open the console dashboard
2. Look to the sidebar, there will be “Change Password” Menu.

3. In the Change Password menu, set the same password as current LDAP password.
4. Open self-service console:
5. Login using LDAP username/password

Use Credential to Access Target Server

Click Use Credential then click Search
Does Not Require Check Out
1. Select one available credentials that doesn’t need a Check Out

2. Click Connect
3. Select a target and click Connect

4. A new browser tab will show, and a Privileged Session Gateway session will start

 When you are trying to connect for the first time, there will be warning about “Your
connection is not private” like so:
In this case, just click “Proceed” or “Accept Certificate”, then close the tab, and try to connect

Require Check Out

1. Select one available credentials that needs a Check Out

2. Fill in the Checkout Information regarding Check Out Expiration Time and Justification, then click
Check Out

3. Click Connect
4. Select a target and click Connect

5. A new browser tab will show, and a Privileged Session Gateway session will start
End Session
To properly end the session, make sure to type the command exit instead of closing the browser
Request Access to a Resource
1. Go to My Access and select Request Access

2. You can search for specific access or show all available access by clicking Search.
Then select the access you want to request

3. Click Request Access

4. The request will be submitted and the person who has authority to
approve/reject the request will be notified.
Responding to Request Access
1. From self-service console, go to Approve and Review Requests

2. Review the request information on Review Request section

3. Under the Review Request section, respond to the request with appropriate action

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