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Contoh Kalimat Formal Congratulating

Ketika anda ingin memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang dengan cara yang formal atau sopan,
kamu bisa mempraktikkan beberapa contoh kalimat congratulating di bawah ini:

Formal :

Let me congratulate you on ……

Contoh: Let me congratulate you on your winning in this Math Olympiad.

I would/I’d like to congratulate you on …… 

Contoh: I would/I’d like to congratulate on your successful business achievement.

Please accept the warmest congratulation of me.

Contoh: Please accept the warmest congratulation of me on your promotion sir.

Informal :

Tapi jika ingin member ucapan selamat secara informal, bisa langsung memakai ungkapan ini:

 Congratulations! (Selamat)

 Congrats! (selamat)

 Congratulation on your graduation! (selamat atas kelulusanmu!)

 Happy wedding! (Selamat menikah!)

 Happy birthday! (Selamat ulang tahun)

 Happy graduation! (Selamat hari kelulusan!)

 Congratulations brother! You did it. (Selamat bro, kamu berhasil)

 Congratulation for your baby birth sister! (Selamat atas kelahiran anakmu sist)
Complimenting Someone

Complimenting adalah ekspresi atau tindakan memuji seseorang. Pujian ini dapat ditujukan terhadap
tindakan, ucapan, penampilan, maupun perlakuan sesorang yang mengesankan di mata kita. Jika anda
ingin memberikan pujian kepada seseorang, kamu bisa mengikuti beberapa ekspresi di bawah ini:

 May I be so bold as to compliment your +
 You are looking beautiful/handsome today.
 May I pay you a compliment? You really look
beautiful/handsome/elegant/etc. today.
 I hope you don't mind, but you are looking
beautiful/handsome today.

what / what a …

 What beautiful paintings you made!

 What a beautiful flower!

 What a smart girl she is!

 What a humble person you are!

How ….

 How kind you are!  

 S + look/seem + adjective

 She looks so pretty with her dress.


Formal Congratulating :

 Let me congratulate you on your birthday.

 I would like to congratulate you on winning the race.
 I would like to congratulate you on succeeding the test.
 Let me congratulate you on succeeding the interview.
 Let me congratulate you on passing the minimum grade.
 Let me congratulate you on your outstanding academic achievements.
 I would like to congratulate you on your promotion.
 I would like to congratulate you on becoming the honorary student.
 Please accept the warmest congratulation of me on winning the art competition.
 Please accept the warmest congratulation of me on winning the debate competition

Informal congratulating :

 Congratulions on your 17th birthday!

 Congratulations for your graduation!
 Congratulations for your wedding!
 Congrats! That's fantastastic!
 You did it! I knew you could!
 That's awesome! Well done!
 Bravo! What an amazing performance!
 Awesome! Keep up the good work!
 Congratulations for your promotion!
 You nailed it!

Formal compliments:

 May i pay you a compliment? You really look beautiful today.

 I hope you don’t mind, but that was a delightful performance.
 I hope you don’t mind, but you look gorgeous today.
 I hope you don’t mind, but you look really handsome today.
 May i pay you a compliment? You were amazing at the conference.
 May I pay you a compliment? You are looking great today.
 I hope you don’t mind, but that is a remarkable masterpiece
 May i pay you a compliment? Your dress looks elegant today.
 May I pay you a compliment? You look lovely today.
 I hope you don’t mind, bu you look really lovely today.

Informal compliments :
 What a beautiful shoes!
 What a delicate little girl!
 What a sharp looking little boy!
 What a lovely shirt!
 How clever you are!
 How friendly they are!
 He looks great in that vest!
 She looks gorgeous in those jeans!
 How nice she is!
 How beautiful she is!

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