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Ha Ha So!

Ways to Deal with Bullies

Strategies Tips
•Seek help from an adult or friend when in a
H H elp threatening situation.
•Seek help if other strategies don’t work.
•Make assertive statements to the bully addressing

A A ssert Yourself your feelings about the bully’s behavior.

•Use “I” statements.
•Make an assertive statement and walk away.
•Use humor to de-escalate a situation.

H H umor •Make the joke about what the bully said, not about
the bully.
•Make a joke and walk away.
•Walk away or avoid certain places in order to avoid a

A A void bullying situation.

•Avoid places where the bully hangs out.
•Join with others rather than be alone.
•Use positive self-talk to maintain positive self-esteem

S Self-Talk during a bullying situation.

•Think, or even say, positive statements about yourself
to avoid being hooked by the bully.
•”Own” the put-down or belittling comment in order to
O O wn It diffuse it.
•Agree with the bully and leave the situation.
Adapted From: Bonds, Marla, Psy D, and Staker, Sally M.S.W.
Bully Proofing Your School: A Comprehensive
Approach for Middle Schools.
Longmont, CO: Sopris West, 2000.

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