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Environmental Science

Assignment No. 1:

Answer the following questions

• Define environmental science and ecology based on your understanding in 3 - 5


Ecology can be defined as a concentration within the broader field of environmental science.
Ecology primarily examines how living organisms interact with each other and with their physical
environments. There are four main levels to ecology. These include Organisms, Population,
Community and Ecosystem. Ecology is a field with a more narrowed focus compared to the vast
array of disciplines within environmental science. Environmental science seeks to protect both
human beings and the environment from negative factors such as climate change and pollution.

• As a student, what can you do to help the environment. Explain in 5 - 8 sentences.

You can start an initiative or campaign with like-minded people for any cause you feel like. For
instance, you can clean the garbage on roads nearby your school and segregate it, you can
collect old copies, pens and send them for recycling, planting trees, cleaning nearby beaches.

Events in schools/colleges create lots of waste, especially disposable plastic waste from the
food stalls. You can create awareness or convince your head of the institution to go for eco-
friendly products such as edible cutlery, bamboo cups.

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