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Founded 1982
The Club shall be called Twynham Probus Club.

The objective of the Club shall be to provide good fellowship amongst retired and semi-retired
professional men and businessmen. It shall be non-political, non-sectarian, and non-

3.1 Membership shall be confined to retired and semi-retired professional men and
businessmen who shall be resident in the Christchurch area, or at the discretion of the
3.2 The total number of Members shall be limited as appropriate.
3.3 Applicants for membership, having attended a Club meeting as a guest, shall be
proposed and seconded by members.
3.4 Applications for membership must be approved unanimously by the Committee,
after which applicants shall be deemed to be members of the Club.
3.5 Membership of the Club will be withdrawn from any member who is absent from four
consecutive meetings of the Club, or who attends 50%or less of the Club
meetings in any financial year, unless the cause of such absence is accepted
after due consideration by the Committee as being reasonable.
3.6 Members of the Club who have held Office as President or held Office for at least
five years or has been a long-standing faithful member of the club, and are unable to fulfil
membership requirements, but wish to maintain contact with the Club, may by invitation of
the Committee become Honorary members. As such, they will be exempt from the
requirement to pay annual subscription, but MUST give due notice to the Secretary when
they wish to attend meetings,


4.1 The Joining Fee, which is payable on joining the Club, shall be set by the committee. The
current joining fee will always be posted on the website.
4.2 The Annual Subscription shall be £20 until varied at an Annual General Meeting
or Special General Meeting. This shall become due and payable at the
November meeting.


5.1 The Financial Year shall run from 01 September to 31 August.
5.2 A Receipts and Payments Account shall be presented for approval at the Annual
General Meeting, after certification by the Honorary Auditor.
5.3 A current cheque account will be maintained at a bank or building society within the
Club's domain, as may be decided by the Committee. Any change of location shall be
reported at the next Annual General Meeting.
5.4 Cheques drawn on the current account must be signed by any two of the following:
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer.
5.5 Upon the death of a Member of the Club or his partner, a donation of £25 shall be paid in
with the wishes of the family,

6.1 Activities of the Club shall be organised by a Committee, comprising the following:
President, Vice-President, immediate Past-President (ex-officio), Secretary, Treasurer,
Programme Secretary, Welfare Secretary, Social Secretary.
6.2 The Member elected as President shall serve in that office for one year only, but as
Immediate Past president shall automatically become an ex-officio member of the
Committee for the following year.
6.3 Each Committee Member shall be elected to serve for one year, but may, subject to his
agreement, be nominated for re-election for a further term as a Committee Member at
the Annual general Meeting.
6.4 The President or Vice-President plus two other Committee Members shall form a
6.5 The Committee shall be empowered to appoint additional Committee Members and to
appoint one or more sub-committees. Any such appointment shall be reported to the next
meeting of the Club.
6.6 ln the event of a Committee Member or the Honorary Auditor resigning at other that the
Annual General Meeting, the Committee may appoint a replacement, and such
appointment, having been reported to the next meeting of the Club, shall continue to the
next Annual General Meeting.

7.1 Club Meetings shall ordinarily be held on the Second Tuesday in each month and
attendance at meetings shall normally include taking luncheon.
7.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held at the October monthly meeting.
7.3 A Special General Meeting shall be called by the President on receipt of a written
request from not less that fifteen Members.
7.4 At least three weeks' notice shall be given of the Annual General Meeting or a Special
General Meeting.
7.5. Voting at all meetings shall be by show of hands, except for the balloting of candidates for
Office. ln the event of an equal division of votes, the President shall have the casting vote.
7.6 Members unable to attend Club meetings, and those wishing to bring guests, shall give
adequate notice to the Secretary being no later than the preceding Friday. Members
failing to give adequate notice will be obliged to meet the cost of the luncheon.

Members may introduce guests at monthly meetings or social functions provided adequate
notice is given to the Secretary, but the same guest shall not be introduced more than four
times a year to luncheon meetings.

9.1 A Member with appropriate qualifications or experience shall be appointed Honorary
Auditor at the Annual General Meeting and shall audit the Club's accounts prior to
certifying for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
9.2 The Honorary Auditor shall not be a member of the Committee.


Any amendments to the Constitution of the Club shall be subject to due notice at a previous
meeting and approval by a majority of members present at an Annual General Meeting or a
Special General Meeting.

ln the event of the winding up of the Club, its assets shall be distributed to local charities as
decided by Members at the final meeting.

Amended to accord with amendments approved at the Annual general Meeting held on
12th October 2021.

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