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Rocket man 1 s Sieve Bennetts ambition was to be a rocket ‘lenis A few yeu ago he almost won a £10 mon prt Xp. New Steve bing rocket that wll take him and 2 passengers up imo ‘pace He blews that space tourism not reily that faraway. Space tourism is just about to happen, There are uit alt of people around the world stoally Putting lot of money ino space tourism, So {ts simply a question of wher not You know, jistas the Internet made billions, well space toutism i going to make trillonsies, And al {he big names are at it~ you've gt ell Bezoy, he did, hes buliding his on spaceships youve got Richard Branson, even he’s ‘commisioning someone to build aspacrahip for him. So i realy x going to happen And what are yor intending to fake people into ‘pace int Wht s your rocke® ‘rocket that can cary 3 people int space ‘Wee not going into orbit Ite gong straight up, steaght dow, bot it wil go int spac, {he you about 3 or 4 minutes of weightlessness, youl see the blackness of space the curvature {tthe earth and you relly wl truly Become {stronaut ast ike the early Americ ston ‘And you're going to he one ofthe people who 05 up, so Is ging to be you and two space Fourie: Have you been uplin his exact socket before Stee? No, wee sill working on this one. We've launched 16 big rockets to date, bu this actual space tourism rocket, called "Thundersta, wee Sill working on it, were sl building it was influenced a. smal child watching too many pisodes of Thunderbirds think ‘Wire you very much struck by the fst moon Tandings aw ‘Yup. Twas about 5 yeas old when they landed on the moon. Erm, my parents wouldnt et me tay upto watch the actual landing which was abit of ‘shame, How meant Yeah. Yeah. Wel they jas dt marvllous, bu they shoul spend 0 Something beter’ kind of atitade Lots of young boys wil hve ad exactly that ‘Kind of experience themselves bt very fev of ‘them wil Bow havea busines that is making rockets. Did you alway fel that eventually you ‘would get to dot professionally? Tepeit pretty quiet. 10, 15 yea ago you start talking about space ourism and people they think youre nuts s0 you keep that Kn of thing ‘o yoursel. ‘Wh do we realy need odo that, though? sean, is there actualy any noosity to have more hhumans in spacer Will thts pretty mach where the human race eed to be, you know in terms of expansion, {ou knove there's enough resources in space to allow the human race continue to grow and expand forthe ext 10 thousand years, ‘What kind of traning do you have to do inorder {0 go up inthe rocket? Actually, one ofthe most important things we do ‘sskyiving traning. We fel that i you haver’t got what takes to jump out of an apne with 3 parachute, you really shouldn't be strapping, ourself tothe top ofa 17-lon rocket ‘These wo other people whave already booked their place on your Thunders do you know who they are? Absolutely. ve taken thelr money igh. Wel i's a couple. 152 people that want to yin space al they eame wo mea fet years ago and Basically they sad Steve we want to flyin the it-Oh is money on rocket. Her’ the money! and they pa me half milion pounds for it 1 And how offen do you consider the possibilty ‘hat something might go wrong? thinkabout it every day, you know. P've built a Jot of rockets Most of therm have worked tally swell some haven and I think about that every & ‘Spoken English ‘8 Did your team win? B No, but they played pty wel al she sme 2A Yow haves Tost your mobile phone agai B Ohno. 'm pretty sre in my bag somewhere 3A Doyou enjoy skiing? B do, but 'm pretty hopeless ait 4A Whatdo you think of my English? ink its pretty good. scepli9 1 Bob and Jan don’ get on at al. They disagree about everything 2 Money dosnt eas lead to happiness 3. Myunt says today's kids are all ude and impolite 4 Thanks for your adic, it ws ell help. | realy appreciate your kindness 5. My dads useless at fixing his compute, always have to help ir, {6 Plsse don't misunderstand me, dia mean to beunking, Pm really sorry. ‘Timmy fel of his bike and bit his head He was unconscious far a few hours. {8 What was your wifes reaction when she heard youll won the lotery! GD spss 1 A Thedoctrs are going to operate on my grandis knee B Oh deat! [A Dott worry its not a serous operation 2A Did you explain the homework to Mara? B ids but Fdoa' think she understood my explanation 3A Teoukdnt find the book I wanted in the rary. 1B Did yu ask the ibraian? Shel tll you if they have it 4A Can have a copy ofthat photograph? B Yes, of cours. i not «great photographer but this one's OK, isnt it ‘A Tris Usually [eat stand photo of me GER) Arranging to meet G= Gary M= Mi Mikey i's me, Gary. M Gary Long ime no se, Hove are you doing? G Gocuk thanks Listen, Pm coming up town next weekend and Iwas wondering if we could ‘weekends lam sobusy G Look, you must have some free time. 1M Yeah just get my diary. Hang on shoot! G Right What ate you dang Friday evening? IM Friday evening! Er thats my Spanish clas. ‘Oue company’s going to dos 11 of workin Spain, so wee al learning Spanish Bt [ih ‘work eaelyon Friday eld meet you in the sternoon, G No. afaid thar's no good, my tesn dossnt set in until 7ofiock Uh have you got any free fime on Saturday? (ME. let me se What about Saturday afternoon? ‘Fm having my haircut in the morning and then OK 1m meeting my sister for inch, but im fin the lternoon, 6 Oh no, soy, Saturday atemoon can, got nappointment with anette agent. 'm going to lok ound une of those amazing ew fb theriver DHdot {tll your Fm changing jobs and soving back the bg cy, IM Hey peat news Gary knew the small own life swum your ting 6 So, wha about Saturday evening? Saturday ening ay god? IM Sorry, the evenings ou forme. 'm going to the theatre with frends, Weve hadi booked for age ut. hang on, what time ae you ev ing co Sunday 6 Late morning, x geting the 11.55 train, IM Hey, ve got den. Why dont we meet 3 the 1G Good dea! We could hae coe together M Eve gotancven beter ien. They dra gest all English breaks atthe caf. Lets meet therefor _brcakas Shall we say about 10 cock? ounds god to me Bu ex you mak isSuny IM Fin. 1030 its 1 see you then Bye Gary! Hope soit he Bt. 6 Fingers crossed. Bye Mike, ee you Sunday. Music of English 1 Tas wondering we could mee 2 Louk meet ot in the ateracon 5 What spout Sturdy afternoon? 4 Satara evening ty god? 5 Why dont we meta th eation? etme thee or reat 6 Shall we sy about 1D eocks 4 Canyou make 1030 30 UNIT 6 ED ps Describing places 1 Whats your at like? les quite modern, but its cosy. 2 Howbig sit ‘About 75 3m, 3 How many rooms are there? AAkitchen'diner ving room, and a bedroom, 4 What si the Kichen Four metres by to 5 Which Noor i ton? ‘The fourth, 6 Which part of town is it int Iesouth of the rive, 7 How far sit the shopst Just five-minute wale EBD Dern ine ‘What mak ii Sony. 2 How anc docs weight 13 ke. 3 Whateit made of Carbon snd nium 4 Whats button fo Irn ton 5. How big isthe sen? 2nd 6 How longs th ater ier Bight hours. 7 What eth hard dik? Bo genes.

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