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Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development

Vol. 40, No. 5, September/October 2003, Supplement 2

Pages 25–34

Controlled breathing and dyspnea in patients with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Rik Gosselink, PT, PhD

Respiratory Rehabilitation and Respiratory Division, Muscle Research Unit, Laboratory of Pneumology, Faculty
of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

Abstract—Controlled breathing is included in the rehabilita- contribute to dyspnea include (1) increased intrinsic
tion program of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary mechanical loading of the inspiratory muscles, (2) increased
disease (COPD). This article discusses the efficacy of con- mechanical restriction of the chest wall, (3) functional
trolled breathing aimed at improving dyspnea. In patients with inspiratory muscle weakness, (4) increased ventilatory
COPD, controlled breathing works to relieve dyspnea by (1)
demand related to capacity, (5) gas exchange abnormalities,
reducing dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage and improving
gas exchange, (2) increasing strength and endurance of the res- (6) dynamic airway compression, and (7) cardiovascular
piratory muscles, and (3) optimizing the pattern of thoraco- effects [2]. The relief of dyspnea is an important goal of the
abdominal motion. Evidence of the effectiveness of controlled treatment of COPD, an irreversible airway disease. In addi-
breathing on dyspnea is given for pursed-lips breathing, for- tion to some conventional treatments, such as bronchodila-
ward leaning position, and inspiratory muscle training. All tor therapy, exercise training, and oxygen therapy,
interventions require careful patient selection, proper and controlled breathing is also applied to alleviate dyspnea.
repeated instruction, and control of the techniques and assess- Controlled breathing is an all-embracing term for a
ment of its effects. Despite the proven effectiveness of con-
range of exercises, such as active expiration, slow and deep
trolled breathing, several problems still need to be solved. The
limited evidence of the successful transfer of controlled breath-
breathing, pursed-lips breathing (PLB), relaxation therapy,
ing from resting conditions to exercise conditions raises several specific body positions, inspiratory muscle training, and
questions: Should patients practice controlled breathing more in diaphragmatic breathing. The aims of these exercises vary
their daily activities? Does controlled breathing really comple-
ment the functional adaptations that patients with COPD must
make? These questions need to be addressed in further research. Abbreviations: COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease, EMG = electromyography, FRC = functional residual
capacity, IMT = inspiratory muscle training, NCH = nor-
Key words: breathing exercises, chronic obstructive pulmo- mocapnic hyperpnea, PCO2 = partial pressure of carbon diox-
nary disease (COPD), controlled breathing, dyspnea, inspira- ide, PImax = maximal inspiratory pressure, PLB = pursed-lips
tory muscle training, physiotherapy. breathing, RV = residual lung volume.
This material was based on work supported by Fonds voor
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek—Vlaanderen Grant Leven-
slijn 7.0007.00, G.0237.01.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to Rik Gos-
selink, PhD, PT, Professor of Respiratory Rehabilitation; Division
Dyspnea is an important and debilitating symptom in of Respiratory Rehabilitation, University Hospital Gasthuisberg,
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium; 011-32-16-34-6867; fax:
(COPD) [1]. Some pathophysiological factors known to 011-32-16-34-6866; email: rik.gosselink@uz.


Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 40, No. 5, 2003, Supplement 2

considerably and include improvement of (regional) ven- ping) and is not associated with increased activity of
tilation and gas exchange, amelioration of such debilitat- inspiratory muscles during expiration [5]. Relaxation is
ing effects on the ventilatory pump as dynamic also meant to reduce the respiratory rate and increase
hyperinflation, improvement of respiratory muscle func- tidal volume, thus improving breathing efficiency. Sev-
tion, decrease in dyspnea, and improvement of exercise eral studies have investigated the effects of relaxation
tolerance and quality of life. In patients with COPD, con- exercises in COPD patients. Renfoe [6] showed that pro-
trolled breathing is used to relieve dyspnea by (1) reduc- gressive relaxation in COPD patients resulted in immedi-
ing dynamic hyperinflation of the rib cage and improving ate decreases in heart rate, respiratory rate, anxiety, and
gas exchange, (2) increasing strength and endurance of dyspnea scores compared to a control group; but only
the respiratory muscles, and (3) optimizing the pattern of respiratory rate dropped significantly over time. No sig-
thoracoabdominal motion. In addition, psychological nificant changes in lung function parameters were
effects (such as controlling respiration) might also con- observed. In a time series experiment (A-B-A design),
tribute to the effectiveness of controlled breathing (how- Kolaczkowski et al. [7] investigated, in 21 patients with
ever, these effects are not discussed in this overview). emphysema (forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV1]
40% of the predicted value), the effects of a combination
of relaxation exercises and manual compression of the
CONTROLLED-BREATHING TECHNIQUES TO thorax in different body positions. In the experimental
REDUCE DYNAMIC HYPERINFLATION group, the excursion of the thorax and the oxygen satura-
tion increased significantly. Dyspnea was not assessed.
Hyperinflation is due to altered static lung mechanics In summary, relaxation exercises have scantly been
(loss of elastic recoil pressure, static hyperinflation) and/ studied in patients with lung disease. However, from such
or dynamic factors (air trapping and increased activity of studies, a positive tendency toward a reduction of symp-
inspiratory muscles during expiration, dynamic hyperin- toms emerges.
flation). The idea behind decreasing dynamic hyperinfla-
tion of the rib cage is that this intervention will Pursed-Lips Breathing
presumably result in the inspiratory muscles working PLB works to improve expiration, both by requiring
over a more advantageous part of their length-tension active and prolonged expiration and by preventing airway
relationship. Moreover, it is expected to decrease the collapse. The subject performs a moderately active expira-
elastic work of breathing, because the chest wall moves tion through the half-opened lips, inducing expiratory
over a more favorable part of its pressure volume curve. mouth pressures of about 5 cm H2O [8]. Gandevia [9]
In this way, the work load on the inspiratory muscles observed, in patients with severe lung emphysema and tra-
should diminish, along with the sensation of dyspnea [3]. cheobronchial collapse, that the expired volume during a
In addition, breathing at a lower functional residual relaxed expiration increased, on average, by 20 percent in
capacity (FRC) will result in an increase in alveolar gas comparison to a forced expiration. This suggests that
refreshment, while tidal volume remains constant. Sev- relaxed expiration causes less “air trapping,” which results
eral treatment strategies are aimed at reducing dynamic in a reduction of hyperinflation. Compared to spontaneous
hyperinflation. breathing, PLB reduces respiratory rate, dyspnea, and
arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), and
Relaxation Exercises improves tidal volume and oxygen saturation in resting
The rationale for relaxation exercises arises from the conditions [10–14]. However, its application during
observation that hyperinflation in reversible (partial) air- (treadmill) exercise did not improve blood gases [15].
way obstruction is, at least in part, caused by an increased Some COPD patients use the technique instinctively,
activity of the inspiratory muscles during expiration [4]. while other patients do not. The changes in minute venti-
This increased activity may continue even after recovery lation and gas exchange were not significantly related to
from an acute episode of airway obstruction and hence the patients who reported subjective improvement of the
contributes to the dynamic hyperinflation. However, sensation of dyspnea. The “symptom benefit patients”
hyperinflation in COPD is mainly due to altered lung had a more marked increase of tidal volume and decrease
mechanics (loss of elastic recoil pressure and air trap- of breathing frequency [15]. Ingram and Schilder [13]

GOSSELINK. Controlled breathing and dyspnea in COPD

identified, prospectively, eight patients who did experi- sure after relaxation of the expiratory muscles will assist
ence a decrease of dyspnea at rest during PLB and seven the next inspiration. In healthy subjects, active expiration
patients who did not. No significant difference between is brought into play only with increased ventilation [19].
the two groups was found in the severity of airway However, in patients with severe COPD, contraction of
obstruction. However, in the group of patients who abdominal muscles becomes often invariably linked to
showed a decrease of dyspnea during PLB, a lower elas- resting breathing [20].
tic recoil pressure of the lungs was observed. This indi- Erpicum et al. [21] studied the effects of active expi-
cates that these were patients with more emphysematous ration with abdominal contraction on lung function
lung disease and thus more easily collapsing airways. In parameters in patients with COPD and in healthy sub-
addition, this group revealed a significantly larger jects. In both groups, FRC decreased while transdia-
decrease in airway resistance during PLB in comparison phragmatic pressure (Pdi) increased. The increase in Pdi
to the other group. It appears that patients with loss of was explained by the improved starting position of the
lung elastic recoil pressure benefit most, because in these diaphragm and the increased elastic recoil pressure. The
patients, the decrease of airway compression and the
effects on dyspnea were not studied. Reybrouck et al.
slowing of expiration improve tidal volume. Indeed,
[22] compared, in patients with severe COPD, the effects
Schmidt et al. [16] observed that the application of posi-
of active expiration with and without electromyography
tive expiratory mouth pressure, with constant expiratory
(EMG) feedback of the abdominal muscles. They
flow, did not lead to significant changes in the vital
reported a significantly larger decrease in FRC and
capacity. Instead, reducing expiratory flow resulted in a
increase in maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax) in the
significant increase in vital capacity in patients with
group receiving active expiration with EMG feedback.
Casciari and colleagues [23] studied additional
Breslin [10] observed that rib cage and accessory
muscle recruitment increased during the entire breathing effects of active expiration during exercise training in
cycle of PLB, while transdiaphragmatic pressure patients with severe COPD. During a bicycle ergometer
remained unchanged. In addition, duty cycle dropped and test, they observed a significantly larger increase in max-
resulted in a significant decrease of the tension-time imum oxygen uptake after a period of additional con-
index (the product of the relative contraction force and trolled breathing was added to the training program.
relative contraction duration), TTdi, of the diaphragmatic Although active expiration is common in resting
contraction. These changes might have contributed to the breathing and during exercise in COPD patients, and it
decrease in dyspnea sensation. seems to improve inspiratory muscle function, the signifi-
In summary, PLB is found to be effective to improve cance of abdominal muscle activity remains poorly under-
gas exchange and reduce dyspnea. COPD patients who stood. First, if flow limitation is present, then abdominal
do not adopt PLB spontaneously show variable muscle contraction will not enhance expiratory flow and
responses. Those patients with loss of elastic recoil pres- might even contribute to rib cage hyperinflation [24]. In
sure—i.e., more emphysematous lung defects—seem to addition, relaxation of the abdominal muscle will not con-
benefit more from practicing this technique. Its effective- tribute to inspiratory flow or reduce the work of breathing
ness during exertion needs further research. performed by the inspiratory muscles. Secondly, abdomi-
nal muscle recruitment may still optimize diaphragm
Active Expiration length and geometry [24]. However, the mechanism is
Contraction of the abdominal muscles results in an still unclear, as Ninane and colleagues [20] observed that
increased abdominal pressure during active expiration. contraction of the diaphragm started just after the onset of
This lengthens the diaphragm and contributes to operat- relaxation of the abdominal muscles.
ing the diaphragm close to its optimal length. Indeed, dia- In summary, active expiration is a normal response to
phragm displacement and its contribution to tidal volume increased ventilatory requirements. In COPD patients,
during resting breathing was not different in COPD spontaneous activity of abdominal muscles is, depending
patients than in healthy subjects [17,18]. In addition, on the severity of airway obstruction, often already
active expiration will increase elastic recoil pressure of present at rest. Active expiration improves diaphragm
the diaphragm and the rib cage. The release of this pres- function, but its effect on dyspnea remains unclear.

Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 40, No. 5, 2003, Supplement 2

Rib Cage Mobilization Techniques ing the rib cage might improve. Also, the piston-like
Mobilization of rib cage joints appears a specific aim movement of the diaphragm increases and thus enhances
for physiotherapy, as rib cage mobility seems to be lung volume changes. As mentioned before, and in con-
reduced with obstructive lung disease. The potential trast to what is often believed, diaphragm displacement,
importance of mobility exercises in these patients is in and its contribution to tidal volume during resting breath-
line with the observed persistent hyperinflation after lung ing, was not different in COPD patients [17,18]. During
transplantation [25]. Indeed, after double lung transplanta- increased levels of ventilation, the contribution of the
tion (mainly in cystic fibrosis patients), without any mobi- diaphragm is reduced in more severe COPD [28]. The
lization of the rib cage, a significant reduction of diaphragm can be lengthened by increasing abdominal
hyperinflation is observed [25]. However, FRC and resid- pressure during active expiration (see above) or by adopt-
ual lung volume (RV) are persistently increased—130 and ing such body positions as forward leaning. Specific
150 percent predicted, respectively—after lung transplan- training of the respiratory muscles will enhance their
tation in lung disease developed during childhood, as well strength and/or endurance capacity.
as in lung disease developed during adulthood [25]. This
might be due to remodeling and structural changes of the Body Position
rib cage. In the presence of restored lung mechanics after Relief of dyspnea is often experienced by patients in
lung transplantation, rib cage mobilization might be of the forward leaning position [29–32], a body position
benefit in these patients. In patients with COPD, however, commonly adopted by patients with lung disease. The
the basis for such treatment seems weak, as altered chest benefit of this position seems unrelated to the severity of
wall mechanics are related primarily to irreversible loss of airway obstruction [30], changes in minute ventilation
elastic recoil and airway obstruction. Rib cage mobiliza- [29], or improved oxygenation [30]. However, the pres-
tion will not be effective in COPD patients with altered ence of hyperinflation and paradoxical abdominal move-
pulmonary mechanics and is therefore not recommended. ment were indeed related to relief of dyspnea in the
forward leaning position [30]. Forward leaning is associ-
ated with a significant reduction in EMG activity of the
CONTROLLED-BREATHING TECHNIQUES TO scalenes and sternomastoid muscles, an increase in trans-
IMPROVE INSPIRATORY MUSCLE FUNCTION diaphragmatic pressure [30,31], and a significant
improvement in thoracoabdominal movements [30–32].
Reduced endurance and strength of the inspiratory From these open studies, it was concluded that the sub-
muscles are frequently observed in chronic lung disease jective improvement of dyspnea in patients with COPD
and contribute to dyspnea sensation [26]. It is believed was the result of the more favorable position of the dia-
that when respiratory muscle effort (ratio of the actual phragm on its length-tension curve. In addition, forward
inspiratory pressure over the maximal inspiratory pres- leaning with arm support allows accessory muscles (Pec-
sure, PI/PImax) exceeds a critical level, breathing is per- toralis minor and major) to significantly contribute to rib
ceived as unpleasant [27]. Improvement of respiratory cage elevation.
muscle function helps to reduce the relative load on the In summary, the forward leaning position has been
muscles (PI/PImax) and hence to reduce dyspnea and shown to improve diaphragmatic function and, hence,
increase maximal sustained ventilatory capacity. This improve chest wall movement and decrease accessory
might also imply an improvement of exercise capacity in muscle recruitment and dyspnea. In addition, accessory
patients with ventilatory limitation during exercise. muscles contribute to inspiration by allowing arm or head
Controlled breathing and body positions are meant to support in this position.
improve the length-tension relationship or geometry of
the respiratory muscles (in particular of the diaphragm) Abdominal Belt
and to increase the strength and endurance of the inspira- The abdominal belt is meant to be an aid to support
tory muscles. According to the length-tension relation- diaphragmatic function. Herxheimer [33] studied the
ship, the output of the muscle increases when it is effects on the position and excursion of the diaphragm of
operating at a greater length, for the same neural input. both an abdominal and a rib-cage belt, in sitting and supine
At the same time, the efficacy of the contraction in mov- positions, in patients with COPD and asthma, as well as in

GOSSELINK. Controlled breathing and dyspnea in COPD

healthy subjects. During breathing at rest, the application adjustable diameter. This resistance is flow-dependent.
of the abdominal belt resulted in a cranial displacement of Adequate training intensity is only achieved by feedback
the diaphragm, in both patients and healthy subjects. No of the target pressure, since flow and pressure are tightly
changes in maximal excursions of the diaphragm or coupled [44]. More recently, a flow-independent resis-
changes in lung function parameters (vital capacity) were tance was developed, called threshold loading, which is a
reported. Later on, the more elastic Gordon-Barach belt valve that opens at a critical pressure [45,46]. Training
was introduced by Barach [34]. Barach and Seaman [35] intensity varies among these studies from as high as max-
reported, in patients with emphysema, an increase in the imal sustained inspiratory (Müller) maneuvers [47] and
excursion of the diaphragm and a reduction of the activity 50 to 80 percent PImax [47–50] to low intensity at
of accessory muscles during application of the abdominal 30 percent of PImax [50–53]. All these studies have in
belt when patients adopted the forward leaning position. common the careful control of the target pressure during
Dodd et al. [36] compared the effects of the use of an training or the application of threshold loading [46].
abdominal belt at rest and during a submaximal endurance Most studies observed that breathing against an
bicycle ergometer test in patients with severe COPD. They inspiratory load increased maximal inspiratory pressure
found a significant increase of maximal transdiaphrag- [44,47–54] and the endurance capacity of the inspiratory
matic pressure. However, during exercise, the relative muscles [44,49,50,54]. Indeed, in an animal model, respi-
force of the contraction (Pdi/Pdimax) and the tension-time ratory muscle training revealed significant hypertrophy
index (TTdi) of the diaphragm were significantly of predominantly type I and IIa fibers in the diaphragm
increased. This significantly shortened endurance time on [55,56]. A recent study in COPD patients showed signifi-
the bicycle ergometer test. cant increases in the proportion of type I fibers and size
No additional beneficial effects were observed from of type II fibers in the external intercostals after IMT
the application of an abdominal belt in COPD patients. [57]. Additionally, dyspnea [52,53,58] and nocturnal
desaturation time [49] decreased, while exercise perfor-
Respiratory Muscle Training mance tended to improve [59]. These outcomes were
Recent studies in patients with COPD have shown confirmed in a recent meta-analysis [59].
natural adaptations of the diaphragm at cellular IMT, when coupled with exercise training, has been
(increased proportion of type I fibers) and subcellular shown to improve exercise capacity more than exercise
(shortening of the sarcomeres and increased concentra- training alone [47,48,51,53]. The additional effect of
tion of mitochondria) levels, contributing to greater resis- IMT on exercise performance seemed to be related to the
tance to fatigue and better functional muscle behavior presence of inspiratory muscle weakness [59]. Again,
[37,38]. Despite these cellular adaptations, both func- these effects were only observed in studies with cautious
tional inspiratory muscle strength [39] and inspiratory control of training intensity (i.e., training load more than
muscle endurance [40] are compromised with COPD. 30% PImax [60]) and careful patient selection. Patients
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) may further enhance with impaired inspiratory muscle strength and/or a venti-
these spontaneous adaptations. latory limitation to exercise performance seem to have
Three types of training are currently practiced: more potential to benefit.
inspiratory resistive breathing, threshold loading, and At present there are no data to support resistive or
normocapnic hyperpnea (NCH). During NCH, the patient threshold loading as the training method of choice. Resis-
is asked to ventilate maximally for 15 to 20 min [41]. The tive breathing (breathing through a small hole) has the dis-
equipment for this type of training has always been com- advantage that the inspiratory pressure is flow-dependent
plicated, but recently a simpler partial rebreathing system [44]. Threshold loading has the advantage of being inde-
was developed [42]. In a randomized controlled trial, 8 pendent of inspiratory flow rate [46], but requires a
weeks of home-based NCH improved respiratory muscle buildup of negative pressure before flow occurs, and
endurance, 6 min walking distance, and maximal oxygen hence, is inertive in nature. Belman et al. [61] showed that
uptake, as well as health-related quality of life, but not similar workloads were obtained during resistive loading
the baseline dyspnea index in COPD patients [43]. and threshold loading. Threshold loading enhances veloc-
During inspiratory resistive breathing, the patient ity of inspiratory muscle shortening [62]. This might be an
inspires through a mouthpiece and adapter with an important additional effect, as this shortens inspiratory

Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 40, No. 5, 2003, Supplement 2

time and increases time for exhalation and relaxation. Diaphragmatic Breathing
Since inspiratory muscles are at risk for the development During diaphragmatic breathing, the patient is told to
of muscle fatigue in these patients, increased relaxation move the abdominal wall predominantly during inspira-
time may prevent the development of inspiratory muscle tion and to reduce upper rib cage motion. This aims to
fatigue. (1) improve chest wall motion and the distribution of
Well-controlled IMT has been shown to improve ventilation; (2) decrease the energy cost of breathing, the
inspiratory muscle function, resulting in additional contribution of rib cage muscles, and dyspnea; and
improvement of exercise capacity and decrease of dysp- (3) improve exercise performance.
nea and nocturnal desaturation time in patients with All studies show that during diaphragmatic breath-
inspiratory muscle weakness. Training intensity should ing, COPD patients are able to voluntary change the
be at least 30 percent of the maximal inspiratory pressure breathing pattern to more abdominal movement and less
for 30 min per day. Neither threshold loading nor resis- thoracic excursion [69–71]. However, diaphragmatic
breathing can be accompanied by increased asynchro-
tive breathing has been shown to be superior to the other.
nous and paradoxical breathing movements, while no
permanent changes of the breathing pattern are observed
[69–72]. Although abdominal and rib cage movement
CONTROLLED-BREATHING TECHNIQUES TO clearly changed, no changes in ventilation distribution
OPTIMIZE THORACOABDOMINAL MOVEMENTS were observed [70]. In several studies, an increased work
of breathing, enhanced oxygen cost of breathing, and
Alterations of chest wall motion are common in reduced mechanical efficiency of breathing have been
patients with asthma and COPD. Several studies have found [71–73]. In addition, dyspnea worsened during
described an increase in rib cage contribution to chest diaphragmatic breathing in patients with severe COPD
wall motion and/or asynchrony between rib cage and [71,73], whereas pulmonary function [74] and exercise
abdominal motion in these patients [63–65]. The mecha- capacity [75] remained unaltered.
nisms underlying these alterations are not fully eluci- In summary, there is no evidence from controlled
dated, but appear to be related to the degree of airflow studies to support the use of diaphragmatic breathing in
obstruction, hyperinflation of the rib cage, changes in COPD patients.
diaphragmatic function, and increased contribution of
accessory inspiratory muscles to chest wall motion. Timing of Breathing
Indeed, increased firing frequency of single motor units Since, for a given minute ventilation, alveolar venti-
of scalene and parasternal muscles [66], as well as the lation improves when a patient breathes at a slower rate
diaphragm [67], were observed in COPD patients com- and higher tidal volume, this type of breathing is encour-
pared to age-matched control subjects. In contrast to what aged for patients with impaired alveolar ventilation. Sev-
is often suggested, diaphragm displacement and shorten- eral authors have reported a significant drop in
ing during tidal breathing was not different in COPD respiratory frequency, and a significant rise in tidal vol-
patients compared to healthy subjects [17,18]. This indi- ume and PaO2 during imposed low-frequency breathing
cates that the diaphragm displacement (actively and pas- at rest in patients with COPD (see discussion of PLB).
sively) still contributes to tidal breathing. Unfortunately, these effects might be counterbalanced by
an increase in the work of breathing. Bellemare and
Activity of accessory muscles is positively associated
Grassino [76] demonstrated that for a given minute venti-
with the sensation of dyspnea, whereas diaphragm activ- lation, fatigue of the diaphragm developed earlier during
ity is negatively related to dyspnea sensation [68]. Conse- slow and deep breathing. This breathing pattern resulted
quently, diaphragmatic breathing, or slow and deep in a significant increase in the relative force of contrac-
breathing, is commonly applied in physiotherapy prac- tion of the diaphragm (Pdi/Pdimax), forcing it into the
tice, in an attempt to correct abnormal chest wall motion; critical zone of muscle fatigue. From this point of view, a
to decrease the work of breathing, accessory muscle breathing pattern that reduces Ti/Ttot is beneficial. Short-
activity, and dyspnea; to increase the efficiency of breath- ening inspiratory time allows more time for expiration
ing; and to improve the distribution of ventilation. and thus for relaxation of the inspiratory muscles and

GOSSELINK. Controlled breathing and dyspnea in COPD

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Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 40, No. 5, 2003, Supplement 2

Submitted for publication February 21, 2003. Accepted

in revised form June 17, 2003.

Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 40, No. 5, 2003, Supplement 2

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