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Structural organisation and

Name of the Research Project immunohistochemistry of the human intrinsic

cardiac nervous system

Lithuania (LiMSA) - Lithuanian University of

Health Sciences, Kaunas

Department Institute of Anatomy

Medical Domain Anatomy

Type of Research Project Basic Research

Type of Research Exchange Research Internship

Tutor(s) Prof. Neringa Paužienė, Prof. Dainius H. Pauža

Students can be accepted for 4 weeks

Working hours per day 6 hours

Project is available during the following May,
months June,
The intrinsic cardiac nervous system (ICNS)
plays a crucial role in the regulation of heart
rate, atrial and ventricular refractoriness,
contractility and coronary blood flow. Evidence
suggests that the ICNS modulates intrathoracic
and central cardiovascular cardiac reflexes and
coordinates parasympathetic and sympathetic
efferent postganglionic neuronal outputs to the
heart. Morphologically, the ICNS correspondsto
the neural ganglionated plexus that may be
subdivided according to the layers of heart wall
into epicardial, myocardial and endocardial
Background of the project
subplexuses. A number of neuroanatomically
investigated mammalian models indicate that
the intrinsic cardiac neural plexus is a complex
of distinct subplexuses, and that the cardiac
ganglia are mainly distributed at certain atrial
regions around the sinoatrial node, the roots of
the venae cavae and pulmonary veins, and in
the proximity of the atrioventricular node. Yet,
to our knowledge, the topography and
architecture of the human cardiac neuralplexus
have been in the scope of only fewpublished
article to date.

Therefore, the aim of this neuroanatomical

study is to (1) ascertain both the topography
and the architecture of the human epicardial
Aim of the project
neural plexus (ENP) and (2) evaluate the gross
anatomical differences and similarities of this
plexus in humans and
Student will be able to participate in allresearch
steps, familiarize and practise intaking tissue
for investigation, fixation,embeding or frosing
Techniques & Methods of the project (depends on technigue),sectioning, staining,
performingimmunohistochemical reactions; to
learn (orimprove skills) to work with variuos
microscopes and analyse data.

The student will mainly observe No

The student will observe the practical

experiments but will be highly involved in the Yes
analysis of the results

Regarding lab work, the student will take

active part in the practical aspect of the No

The student will take active part in the

clinical examination of patients

The student is allowed to work with the


The tasks of the student will be performed

on his/her own

The tasks will be done under supervision? No

Student is expected to be always on time -
respectful to the tutor and ready to learn. High
proficiency of English is recommended. We
expect that the student will attend at least 80%
of the research exchange - be responsible for
his/her actions at the practice and be
accountable to the supervisor and LORE/NORE.
Basic knowledge in laboratory work would be
What are the tasks expected to be
beneficial. Student is expected to attend lab
accomplished by the student?
work every day (6 hours per day and 5 days per
week, if tutor doesn't ask otherwise) , strictly
follow tutors orders and show genuine interest
for the project. Tutor might give some articlesto
read before starting practical tasks. Theyexpect
student to already know how to behavein the
lab, but if not the tour will be given andall
techniques will be explained.

Will there be any theoretical teaching

provided for the student (preliminary Yes
readings, lectures, courses, seminars)?

Student could be asked to read about the

research object. There are no lectures or
courses planned. Student will be able to
integrate into research group and is expected
to participate in laboratory work. Student will
Description of the theoretical teaching
be able to participate in all research steps,
familiarize and practise in taking tissue for
investigation, fixation, embedding or frosting
(depends on technique), sectioning, staining,
performing immunohistochemical reactions.

Is any scientific outcome expected at the

end of the exchange?
Scientific outcome required
Scientific poster

Student could be asked to read about research

object. There are not lectures or courses
planned. Student will be able to integrate into
reaserch group and is expected will participate
What skills are required of the student? Is
in laboratory work. Student will be able to
there any special knowledge or a certain
level of studies needed? participate in all research steps, familiarize and
practise in taking tissue for investigation,
fixation, embeding or frosing (depends on
technigue), sectioning, staining, performing
immunohistochemical reactions.

Are there any legal limitations in the

student’s involvement?

Legal limitations

Accepted languages English

Other languages

Pre-medical students,
Students accepted to the project
Medical students
- Rysevaite K; Saburkina I; Pauziene N;
Vaitkevicius R; Noujaim SF; Jalife J; et al.
Immunohistochemical characterization of the
intrinsic cardiac neural plexus in whole-mount
mouse heart preparations. Hear Rhythm. 2011
- Pauza DH; Rysevaite-Kyguoliene K; Vismantaite
J; Brack KE; Inokaitis H; Pauza AG; et al. A
combined acetylcholinesterase and
immunohistochemical method for precise
anatomical analysis of intrinsic cardiac neural
structures. Ann Anat. 2014 Dec 1;196(6):430–40.

Special Remarks

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