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Module 5: Family and Consumer Skills


After studying this module, you are expected to:

Define the necessary skills needed to perform work of the family
Define the necessary skills to provide consumer services
Define the impact of goal setting and teamwork in one’s lives
Relate to family the importance of goal setting and teamwork
Describe the qualities of healthy relationships


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Name: __________________________________ Date:
Course/Major: _______________________
Direction. Answer the following questions and submit this sheet with your answer as
part of the course requirement. please write your answers on a paper.

1.Get together as a family and having each person write or draw the strengths of the
other family members.

2. Stand in a circle and have each person put his or her hands in the middle and
grasp the hands of two different people. Working together, untangle the knot without
letting go of each other’s’ hands


Before you proceed to the lesson presentation, please write your answers on a
paper for the following questions:

a. Define Family Roles

b. Reflect Family Teamwork in different roles.
c. Demonstrate the importance of Foundation of Family and Consumer Skills.
After studying this module, you are expected to:
a. Define S.M.A.R.T.
b. Explain Focus on process along with outcome in your own opinion and idea.
c. Explain the Importance of Goal Setting and Team Work.


Determine and formulate your own learning objective for the following topics.
Topic. Philosophical Perspective on Self
1.What is family and consumer skills?

2. Explain Qualities of Healthy Relationships in self-understanding?

3.What do you learn from family and consumer life skills?


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Name: __________________________________ Date: ____________
Course/Major: _______________________
Direction. Answer the following questions and submit this sheet with your answer as
part of the course requirement.

1.Define the necessary skills needed to perform work of the family

2. Define the necessary skills to provide consumer services

3. Define the impact of goal setting and teamwork in one’s lives

4. Relate to family the importance of goal setting and teamwork

5. Describe the qualities of healthy relationships

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Foundation of Family and Consumer Skills

A. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

1. Define the necessary skills needed to perform work of the family
2. Define the necessary skills to provide consumer services
3. Define the impact of goal setting and teamwork in one’s lives
4. Relate to family the importance of goal setting and teamwork
5. Describe the qualities of healthy relationships

B. Lesson Outline
Unit 2 Foundations

2.1 Skills needed to perform work of the family and provide consumer services
2.2 Goal Setting and Teamwork
2.3 Qualities of healthy relationships

C. Lesson Content

Skills needed to perform work for the family and provide consumer services
a. Mathematical Skills
Basic Math Skills should learn such as problem solving (to develop analytical
thinking), applying math in everyday situations, estimation and approximation (to use
almost every day) and the necessary computational skills

b.Reading Skills
The understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

c. Writing Skills
Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.

d.Critical Thinking Skills

Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative
solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

e. Creative Thinking Skills

Be creative and possesses alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and answers
to work-related problems and the willingness to take on responsibilities and

f. Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing related

information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.

g. Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential
actions to choose the most appropriate one.

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Importance of Goal Setting and Team Work

Family Goal Setting

a. Be S.M.A.R.T.

The popular SMART framework is the gold standard in business for breaking down
goals, so why not use it for our family? It stands for specific, measurable, achievable, results-
focused, and timely. In short, the guidelines will help to keep your goals realistic while
focusing on the how as much as the what. It’s helpful to differentiate short term goals from
long term.

b. Everyone helps

Plan a time for the whole family to sit down and discuss goals together, whether it be a
family meeting or pizza night. Parents can plan out ideas and main points ahead of time, and
allow each family member to provide their own thoughts and suggestions as well.

3. Visibility is key

Write down goals and keep them out in plain sight. For younger kids, drawing pictures
aids in their processing of information and well as committing the goals to memory.

4. Focus on process along with outcome

Of course, attaining a goal is success, but don’t discount all the other good stuff that
comes along the way. Small efforts should be positively reinforced, and opportunities to
encourage each other can be taken advantage of in order to keep spirits and motivation high.

5. Follow up

Research tells us that the more we review and reflect on our goals, the more likely we
are to achieve them. Decide how often you’ll follow up, and stick with it. Strategize what’s
working and what’s not, and adjust from there.

While it will take a bit of extra effort and what few brain cells you have left at the end
of the day, taking the time to set family goals is well worth the investment. When we become
intentional about what we’d like to accomplish as a family, we’re not only creating a more
meaningful family life, but we’re also creating a road map for our family’s future.

Family Teamwork

Families are like a team. Each individual family member brings skill, personality, and
role to the family team, just as each sports player has a specific position on the team. As a
whole, the family shares a history and goals, just as the team works together to win a game.
One player may seem more important than others. However, one person can’t play the game
by themselves. We need our families to help us live through the happy, good, sad, and painful

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Providing an opportunity for learning, trying things out, or accepting defeat is an
important role of the family. As a family team, we can help each other get through tough
times. Because we have family teamwork, they can balance one person’s difficult time with
other family member’s strengths.

The Importance of Teamwork in Families

Family members who work together can help balance each others’ strengths and
weaknesses and bring everyone closer together. Parents who work as a team have a positive
impact on their children’s emotions and relationships. Kids who work as a team can increase
their sibling bond, tend to watch out for each other and want to help and take care of one


Working together makes each member of your family feel good, notes the Students
Against Destructive Decisions. Teamwork increases good feelings for both the helper and the
person being helped. Knowing that you have your family to back you up in times of trouble
can make bad times less stressful and give you the support you need to get through them.
Family teamwork also builds trust, opens lines of communication and helps each person be
accountable to other members of the family.

Family Roles
Because each person in a family has different talents, defining your roles can make
working as a team easier.

Teamwork isn’t something that happens overnight, and it requires effort from each
family member. Keep the lines of communication open. This means that family members
listen to each other and work to help one another if they’re having trouble completing their
tasks. Hold a weekly family meeting that allows each person to talk about what’s working
and what isn’t so you can all make changes accordingly. As teamwork becomes more of a
habit for each of you, you might not need to have family meetings as often and may need to
gather everyone together only if a problem arises or roles need to be rearranged.

Qualities of Healthy Relationships

a. There are clear boundaries in the family.

Parents take the leadership role. They recognize their responsibility is to train and to
teach their children.
There is a strong bond between the husband and wife. The husband and wife prioritize
their relationship and purposely nurture that relationship.
Children are kept out of tension between the husband and wife.
The husband and wife do not make disparaging or negative remarks about one another,
especially in front of the children.
Decisions are made in the best interest of the family.

2) Relationships within the family are seen as important.

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Parents purposely make an effort to establish relationships with their children. It is the
parents' responsibility to establish that relationship. Likewise, it is also the
responsibility of the grandparents to establish the relationship with their grandchildren.
Parents support the children's activities and are involved.
Parents plan "fun times," where memories are often made.

3) There is open communication among all family members.

Communication does not go through one person. Mom does not act as the interpreter.
There is not a "message carrier" in the family. Children are encouraged and allowed to
speak for themselves.

4) Conflict is allowed.
Family members are allowed to disagree with one another and voice their disagreement.
When conflict occurs, it is resolved.
There is freedom and safety within the family for mistakes and failures.
There is forgiveness and "a moving on" from conflict.

5) Family members have an attitude of service toward one another and others.
This attitude typically begins when a child is quite young. The young child frequently
wants to "help." Although the task will most likely take longer, allowing the child to
help will encourage the child to feel a part of the family.
Family members purposely serve one another.
The whole family serves others.

Although families are not always structured with these characteristics, families and
relationships are dynamic and changeable. With purpose, patience and time, positive change
is possible in family dynamics.

Home Activity

Do these activities at home.

1. Get together as a family and having each person write or draw the strengths of the other
family members.

2. Stand in a circle and have each person put his or her hands in the middle and grasp the
hands of two different people. Working together, untangle the knot without letting go of
each other’s’ hands.


What Are Skills? (With Tips on How to Improve Them) (2020). Indeed Career

Angel Sophia (2018).

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Family Support Worker Career. MyMajors.

The Importance of Setting Family Goals – and How to Do It (2017). Parentco.

University of Illinois (2020).


The Importance of Teamwork in Families.

Wielen (2020). Characteristics of a Healthy Family. Practical Family Living (2020).

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