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Assessment of Employees’ Reaction to Organizational Change:

(In The Case of Ethio Tebib General Hospital)

Chapter Three: Data Analysis Interpretation and Summery



Hikma Hamid

School of Commerce, CBE

Submitted to:

Department of BAIS, Management Academic Unit

School of Commerce, CBE

Addis Ababa University

As a Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for BA Degree in Management

August, 2021
Table of content

3. Introduction
3.1. Analysis of Primary Data --------------------------------------------------------- 1
3.2. Personal background of respondent--------------------------------------------- 1
3.3. Quentitative data analaysis ------------------------------------------------------- 2
3.4. Quelitative analysis --------------------------------------------------------------- 6
3.4.1. Results of Structure Interview ----------------------------------------------- 6

3.1. Background information of Respondent ---------------------------------------------- 1
3.2. independent variable data analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 3
3.3. research variable (dependent variable) data analysis ------------------------------- 4
Chapter Three

Data Analysis Interpretation and Summery

This chapter concerned with the characteristics of sample size, the presentation as well as
analysis of data gathered through questionnaire and interviews. The data collected through
questionnaire was to be analysed and presented in the table form and it seems appropriate to
interpret each data which are presented in the table, figure and percentage.

3.1. Analysis of Primary Data

A total number of 55 copies of questionnaires were distributed to workers of Ethio tibeb general
hospital and out of 55 copies, 90.9%(50) are returned back. The data obtained through
questionnaires were tabulated, analysed and interpreted by using table and percentages as given

3.2. Personal background of respondent

Table 3.1. Background information of Respondent

No Item Frequency Percent

1 Gender of Male 11 12
Respondents Female 39 78
Total 50 100
2 Age of Below 25 14 28
Respondents 25-35 year 24 48
36-45 year 9 18
46-55 year 2 4
Above 56 year 1 2
Total 50 100
3 Marital status Single 25 50
Married 16 32
Married with children 8 16
Divorced 1 2
Widowed 0 0
Total 50 100
4 Educational College diploma 12 24
Level First degree 34 68
Second degree and above 4 8
Total 50 100
5 Year of Below 1 year 7 14
service 1-5 year 15 30

6-10 year 18 36
Above 10 year 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: Survey questionnaire
The background information of respondents participated in the study that is Gender, age, marital
status, year of service and educational level of the sample respondents are displayed in table 3.1.

As shown from the table 3.1 item number 1 gender distribution of the sample, 11 (22.0%) of the
total respondents are male, 39 (78.0%) are female. which implies the proportion of
female employees is larger than that of male employees.

As the age of respondents shows as, 14 (28.0%) of the respondents are in the range of under 25
years, 24 (48.0%) of the respondents are in the range of 25-35 years, 9 (18.0%) are in
the range of 36-45 years , 2(4.0%) are in the range of 46-55 year and 1 (2.0%) are above 56
years, as revealed from item number 2 of the table. Standing from this, it can be understood
that in Ethio tibeb general hospital under study consists of all age groups with majority of them
under the age group of 26-35 years. It indicated that most of employees are in the youngest
group it may help the employees to cope up with organizational change initiatives

Item 3 of the above table shows that the percentages of the total participants who are married are
(16) 32.0% of the total population, those unmarried (single) are (25) 50.0% , maried with
children are (8) 16.0%, divorced (1) 2.0% and 0.0% widowed. The result indicates that majority
of employee‘s in Ethio tibeb general hospital are unmarried or single.

Item 4 of the table indicates educational level of respondents. 12 (24.0%) of the respondents
are diploma holders, 34 (68.0%) of the respondents are degree holders and 4 (8.0%) of the
respondents are Masters and above holders. From this it can be said that most of the respondents
worked in Ethio tibeb general hospital are Degree holders and above, which indicates that most
of employees in the organization are educated it may help to increase the performance of

The last item 5 of the table indicate year of service of the respondant. 7(14.0%) are below 1 year,
15(30.0%) are 1-5 year experience , 18(36.0%) 6-10 year and 10(20.8%) are above 10 year of
service. From this most employees have above 6 year experience it helps to increase the
performance of the organization.

3.3. Quentitative data analaysis

The level of employee perceived behaviors of organizational change and their reaction to change
(resistance to change , support to change) are evaluated and analyzed based on the
response of each item by using comparing the the number of respondent score of each variable.
The level of employees‘ resistance or support to change were assessed.

Table 3.2, independent variable data analysis.

Dependent No Statement Alternative Frequ %

variable ency

Resistance 1 I am currently arguing for not making any Disagree&SD 42 84.0

to Change change. Neutral 2 4.0
(RC) Agree & SA 6 12.0
Total 50 100
2 I certainly withdraw my support for this Disagree&SD 40 80.0
change. Neutral 4 8.0
Agree & SA 6 12.0
Total 50 100
3 I am opposing or will oppose any change Disagree&SD 43 86.0
in the organization Neutral 0 0.00
Agree & SA 7 14.0
Total 50 100
Support to 4 I fully cooperate with the organization Disagree&SD 4 8.0
Change on this change. Neutral 1 2.0
(SC) Agree & SA 45 90.0
Total 50 100
5 I really understand the need for undertaking Disagree&SD 6 12.0
this change. Neutral 6 12.0
Agree & SA 38 76.0
Total 50 100
6 I fully cooperate with the organization Disagree&SD 3 6.0
on this change. Neutral 0 0.00
Agree & SA 47 94.0
Total 50 100
Source: Survey questionnaire

According to above table 3.2. In the first item number 1, 42(84%) disagree and strongly disagree,
2(4.0%)neutral and 6(12.0%) agree and strongly agree of currently arguing for not making any
change. In item number 2, 40(80.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 4(8.0%)neutral and
6(12.0%) agree and strongly agree are withdraw any support for any change. In item number 3,
43(86.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) neutral and 7(14.0%) agree and strongly
agree are oppose any change in the organization. From those data most of respondents in Ethio
tibeb general hospital disagree with resistance to change.

In the support to change(SC), item number 4, 4(8.0%) disagree and strongly disagree,
1(2.0%)neutral and 45(90.0%) agree and strongly agree are fully cooperate with the organization

on any change.. In item number 5, 6(12.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 6(12.0%) neutral
and 38(76.0%) agree and strongly agree are really understand the need for undertaking any

change. In item number 6, 3(6.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) neutral and
47(94.0%) agree and strongly agree are cooperate with the organization on this change. From
those data most of respondents in Ethio tibeb general hospital employees have a full support to
change. Most of respondents agree and strongly agree with a full support to change.

Table 3.3, research variable (dependent variable) data analysis

Independent No Statement Alternative Frequ %

variable ency

Perceived 1 The organization has a clearly defined Disagree&SD 10 20.0

organizational vision and strategy, and changes are Neutral 2 4.0
support continually communicated with Agree & SA 38 76.0
(POS) employees. Total 50 100
2 A structured change management Disagree&SD 11 22.0
approach is being communicated and Neutral 4 8.0
applied to change projects. Agree & SA 35 70.0
Total 50 100
3 The organization values my contribution Disagree&SD 10 20.0
to its well-being. Neutral 0 0.00
Agree & SA 40 80.0
Total 50 100
Perceived 4 There has been multiple communication Disagree&SD 5 10.0
procedural methods to keep employees informed. Neutral 0 0.0
justice Agree & SA 45 90.0
(PPJ) Total 50 100
5 Help is available from my organization Disagree&SD 12 24.0
when I have a problem. Neutral 0 0.0
Agree & SA 38 76.0
Total 50 100
6 Training is developed and scheduled Disagree&SD 3 6.0
proactively, based on gaps and need Neutral 0 0.00
assessment. Agree & SA 47 94.0
Total 50 100
Fear of 7 Unknown consequences of organizational Disagree&SD 48 96.0
consequences change frighten me. Neutral 0 0.0
of change Agree & SA 2 4.0
(FCC) Total 50 100
8 I am afraid of some aspects of this change. Disagree&SD 46 92.0
Neutral 1 2.0
Agree & SA 3 6.0
Total 50 100
Perceived 9 A structured change management Disagree&SD 6 12.0

need for approach is being communicated and Neutral 0 0.0
change applied to change projects. Agree & SA 44 88.0
(PNC) Total 50 100
10 Change is managed effectively and change Disagree&SD 27 54.0
success are celebrated. Neutral 4 8.0
Agree & SA 19 38.0
Total 50 100
11 Do you think Ethio-Tebib Hospital’s Disagree&SD 0 0
change management process is successful? Neutral 1 2
Agree & SA 49 98
Total 50 100
Source: Survey questionnaire

From the above table 3.3 shows:

 From the item 1, 38 (76.0%) agree and strongly agree with The organization has a clearly
defined vision and strategy, and changes are continually communicated with employees,
10(20.0%) disagree with the idea. This indicates organization have a clear and defined
vision and strategy.
 In item number 2, 11(22.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 4(8.0%) of respondant are
neutral and 35(70.0%) are agree with A structured change management approach is being
communicated and applied to change projects.
 In item number 3, 10(20.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) of respondant are
neutral and 40(80.0%) are agree with The organization values my contribution to its well-
 From the above item1, item2, item3 shows the dependent variable POS is have
support to change since the majority of the respondent is agree with the change.
 As item number 4 shows, 5(10.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) of
respondant are neutral and 45(90.0%) are agree with There has been multiple
communication methods to keep employees informed.
 As item number 5 shows, 12(24.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) of
respondant are neutral and 38(76.0%) are agree with Help is available from my
organization when I have a problem.
 As item number 6 shows, 3(6.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) of respondant
are neutral and 47(96.0%) are agree with Training is developed and scheduled
proactively, based on gaps and need assessment.
 From the above item4, item5, item6 shows the dependent variable PPJ is have
support to change since the majority of the respondent is agree with the change.

 As item number 7 shows, 48(96.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 0(0.0%) of

respondant are neutral and 4(8.0%) are agree with unknown consequences of
organizational change frighten me.

 As item number 8 shows, 46(92.0%) disagree and strongly disagree, 1(2.0%) of
respondant are neutral and 3(6.0%) are agree with afraid of some aspects of this change.
 From the above item7 and item8 shows the dependent variable FCC is have
resistance to change since the majority of the respondent is disagree with the

In item number 9, item 10 and item 11 is also shows the dependent variable PNC is have support
to change since 44(88.0%) of the respondent are agree with A structured change management
approach is being communicated and applied to change projects, 27(54.0%) of respondent are
agree with Change is managed effectively and change success are celebrated and 49(98.0%)
almost all employees agree with Ethio-Tebib Hospital’s change management process is

3.4 Qualitative Analysis

3.4.1. Results of Structure Interview

According to the interview result with the the medical directore of the hospital shows that the
provides employees have different reactions for change. As a dirctors’ opinion for many
employees, organizational change fear to bring about stress and anxiety, which affects their job
performance. In order for businesses to successfully make large-scale changes to remain
competitive, they need to anticipate the types of reactions their employees may have so that they
can reassure them and help them focus on the success of the organization.

The manager of the hospital also says “It’s normal for employees to not want to try a new
process or learn a new role. Organizational changes often mean employees have new managers
or team members, or may be working in a completely new area of the business with a focus
that’s not familiar to them. As a result, they may want things to remain the same”. The manager
also shars his opinion that “Employees going through this kind of organizational change are
scared of losing their jobs. Getting laid off is traumatic and means that the employee will not
know what their career future looks like”.

The other employees’ express his opinion “While stress can be a normal reaction to change in the
workplace, it’s important for employers to remember that many employees also welcome
change. Depending on the employee’s personality and experience within the company, they may
be up for a new challenge and enthusiastic about what is to come. They may have gone through a
previous organizational change with positive results for their career”.

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