Demolished Rubble

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Recycling of Demolished Masonry Rubble as Coarse

Aggregate in Concrete: Review

Fouad M. Khalaf1 and Alan S. DeVenny2

Abstract: The recycling of demolished masonry rubble as coarse aggregate in new concrete represents an interesting possibility at a
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time when the cost of dumping such material is on the increase. With the number of readily accessible disposal sites around major cities
in the world decreasing in recent years and disposal volume and maximum sizes of waste being restricted, the cost of dumping
construction and demolition debris has increased substantially over recent years. This cost increase has been further fueled in the United
Kingdom and other countries by the introduction of a landfill tax by governments and local authorities for the dumping of such waste. Due
to the growing concerns over the environmental impact of aggregate extraction and the continued rise in aggregate demand, it is clear that
the building and construction industry is ready to accept recycled and secondary aggregates. This paper provides a review of previous
work covering the use of demolished waste, especially crushed brick, as the coarse aggregate in new concrete.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0899-1561共2004兲16:4共331兲
CE Database subject headings: Recycling; Aggregates; Concrete; Masonry; Environmental issues.

Introduction cleared. This meant that there was no longer such a need for
recycling demolished material 共Hansen 1992兲.
Concrete buildings made with crushed brick have been known Although other parameters apply nowadays, regarding the
since early Roman times. An early example of this is the concrete composition of rubble and demolition and recycling technologies,
channel of the Eiffel water supply to Cologne, Germany. In this the experience gained during the postwar years remains useful
structure, the binder is a mixture of lime and crushed brick dust or and interesting, particularly in connection with recycling of ma-
other pozzolans of the time 共Czernin 1980; Hansen 1992兲. sonry rubble for use as aggregate for the production of new con-
The first recorded mixing of crushed brick with portland ce- crete.
ment was in Germany from 1860 for the manufacture of concrete There have been several investigations into the possibilities of
products 共Hansen 1992兲. Systematic investigations have been car- using demolished masonry rubble as an aggregate in concrete.
However, most of this work, as shown earlier, was carried out in
ried out since 1928 on the effect of the cement content, water
the 1940s and 1950s using the type of bricks available at that
content, and grading of crushed brick aggregate. In Germany dur-
time. Only a small amount of work was carried out using the type
ing the reconstruction period immediately after the Second World
of bricks commonly used in construction nowadays. The review
War, it was necessary to satisfy an enormous demand for building
of the subject revealed that there is more information available on
materials and it was necessary to remove the rubble from the the use of crushed concrete as the coarse aggregate in new con-
destroyed cities. The quantity of this rubble in German towns was crete than crushed brick. This is a similar aggregate to crushed
estimated at about 400– 600 million m3. By using this rubble, it brick, in that it is a very porous material and problems arise when
was possible not only to reduce site clearing costs, but also to using it as an aggregate in concrete. It should be possible to apply
fulfill the need for building materials. many of the findings associated with the use of concrete aggre-
To reuse the material, rubble recycling plants were set up in gates in concrete production to the use of clay brick as an aggre-
the then Federal Republic of Germany. These plants produced gate in concrete.
around 11.5 million m3 of crushed brick aggregate by the end of Akhtaruzzaman and Hasnat 共1983兲 carried out some research
1955, with which 175,000 dwelling units were built 共Hansen using well-burned brick as coarse aggregate in concrete. They
1992兲. By the end of 1956, statistics show that about 85% of all found that it was possible to achieve concrete of high strength
building rubble in the Federal Republic of Germany had been using crushed brick as the coarse aggregate. Their research was
mainly concentrated on determining the mechanical properties of
Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, Napier Univ., Edinburgh brick aggregate concrete, rather than the properties of the brick
EH10 5DT, Scotland, UK. E-mail: aggregate itself.
Design Engineer, JMP Consultants, 123 Elderslie St., Glasgow G3 Khaloo 共1994兲 used crushed clinker bricks as the coarse ag-
7AR, Scotland, UK. E-mail: gregate in concrete. He reported only a 7% loss in concrete com-
Note. Associate Editor: Zhishen Wu. Discussion open until January 1, pressive strength compared to concrete made with natural aggre-
2005. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To
gates. In addition to this decrease in strength, there is a decrease
extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with
the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted in the unit weight of crushed brick concrete of 9.5%.
for review and possible publication on May 16, 2002; approved on Au- More recently, and focusing on the use of recycled crushed
gust 5, 2003. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil bricks as aggregate in concrete, several researchers presented
Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4, August 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/ their findings at a conference at the University of Dundee in Scot-
2004/4-331–340/$18.00. land.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

Jankovic 共2002兲 investigated the influence of adding 0, 4, and and on the way to the second crusher, electromagnets can be used
8% polymer admixture 共dry material兲 by weight of cement on the to remove any metal impurities in the material. The second
performance of concrete mixes made with recycled brick aggre- crusher is then used to reduce the material further to a particle
gates. He found that polymer modified concrete based on recycled size of about 14 –20 mm. Care should be taken when crushing
bricks has the same value of compressive and bending strength, brick material because more fines are produced during the crush-
better waterproofing and frost resistance, smaller shrinkage ing process than during the crushing of concrete or primary ag-
strains, a worse modulus of elasticity, and slightly greater creep gregates 共Mulheron and O’Mahony 1990兲. These fines are not
strains than concrete without polymer. desirable because when they are included in concrete, they reduce
Fraaij et al. 共2002兲 from The Netherlands proved that for most the density of the concrete and, hence, its strength 共Newman
common ordinary concretes with recycled concrete aggregates 1946兲.
and recycled sand, durability is not a topic of much concern, These crushing plants can be set up in central locations to
based on results of tests on creep behavior, chloride-ion ingress, receive material from the surrounding area. However, according
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seawater resistance, and freezing and thawing resistance. to Servas 共1981兲, several operators find it more economical to
Kenai et al. 共2002兲 reported on the performance of concrete move portable crushing plants to fixed dumping sites whenever
made using recycled fine and coarse aggregates. The compressive sufficiently large stockpiles accumulate. However, a mobile
and flexural strengths of recycled concrete were compared with crushing plant is rarely sophisticated enough to remove all impu-
those of concrete made using natural aggregates up to 90 days of rities, so the material produced is usually used as site fill or for a
age. The properties of the aggregates used were compared, and capping layer.
results for water absorption, water permeability, and shrinkage A sieve analysis using a range of sieves is used to produce a
were measured. The results indicate that it is possible to produce grading curve for either individual aggregate fractions or their
good quality concrete using recycled aggregates. However, the combinations. This is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale as the
quantity of recycled fines should be limited. total amount of material passing a particular sieve versus sieve
size. These curves can be used to monitor the size of the aggre-
gates being used in concrete production. This is done so as to
Demand for Aggregate in the United Kingdom minimize the voids content within the concrete mix.
Grading curves do not take into account particle shape, but
In the United Kingdom, the national demand for aggregates has this, according to Illston 共1992兲, does influence the voids content
risen steadily since the Second World War 共Council 1993兲. This of concrete. This is because more rounded particles will pack
demand is chiefly influenced by booms in the construction and more efficiently with the addition of cement paste, and will there-
house building markets, as well as government policies on road fore produce concrete with a lower voids content. As crushed
building. The U.K. consumption of crushed rock and sand in 1992 brick aggregate has a fairly angular appearance compared to an
was 240 million tons, obtained mainly by quarrying and dredging. aggregate such as crushed granite, the aggregate will not pack as
Road construction and maintenance account for about a third efficiently.
of the total aggregate demand every year, with new construction
alone accounting for nearly 25% of the total demand. This de-
Porosity and Absorption
mand is chiefly influenced by the Department of Environment,
Transport and the Regions, having overall control of local author- The porosity of the aggregate, and its permeability and absorption
ity road building. Therefore, it is the central government that are very important factors in influencing aggregate properties
makes the demand for new road construction and, subsequently, such as the bond between it and the cement paste, the resistance
aggregate demand. of concrete to freezing and thawing, as well as its chemical sta-
MacNeil 共1993兲 suggested that the United Kingdom has bility and resistance to abrasion. The specific gravity of the ag-
enough suitable gravel and crushed rock to serve the market into gregate also depends on its porosity; as a result, the yield of
the next decade. But if the demand increases at current levels, concrete for a given weight of aggregate is affected. According to
supplies are expected to run short within 20 years unless new Murdock and Brook 共1979兲, it is often useful to determine the
aggregate sources are found. MacNeil 共1993兲 believed that this absorption of an aggregate after only a few minutes of soaking, as
gap between supply and demand could be filled by the use of this rate of absorption provides an indication of the reduction in
secondary aggregates such as recycled demolition rubble and workability between mixing and placing when the aggregate is
power-station waste. If there is to be a swing to the use of sec- used to produce concrete.
ondary material, the government must act now to encourage its The pores contained within the aggregate vary in size over a
use by restricting the supply of traditional aggregates. wide range. The largest pores can usually be seen easily under a
microscope or even with the naked eye. The smallest pores are
usually larger than the size of the gel pores contained in the ce-
Crushing and Grading ment paste. Some of the aggregate pores are contained entirely
within the solid; others are open onto the surface of the aggregate
To achieve the most desirable grading curves for concrete aggre- particle. The cement paste is unable to penetrate the aggregate
gate, a series of successive crushers must be used, with the return particle to any great depth, due to its viscosity. However, water
of any oversize particles to the respective crusher. The best par- can easily penetrate these pores; the amount and rate of penetra-
ticle shape is usually achieved by primary crushing and then sec- tion depend on pore size, continuity, and total volume. It is there-
ondary crushing, but from an economic point of view, a single fore important to look at porosity closely, because this variable
crushing process is usually most effective. Hammer and impact will affect how much water is required in a concrete mix. The
crushers are usually used for reducing the material to the required porosity of most common natural aggregates such as granite has
particle size in a single operation. According to Whitcher 共1984兲, been looked into, but very little is known about the porosity of
primary crushing should reduce rubble to about 50 mm pieces, crushed brick aggregate except that it is a relatively high value.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

Strength of Aggregate used. He stated that lime mortar can be easily removed from the
surface of the bricks, and this often leads to the recovery of strong
In general, when producing concrete, the objective is to use as whole bricks for the secondhand market. However, cement-
much aggregate as possible, as this material is far cheaper than containing mortar is much more difficult to remove than lime
the cement binder. This means that the maximum possible aggre- mortar, so bricks that have this mortar adhered to them are usually
gate size should be used, with a continuous grading of particle crushed to aggregate. It is therefore inevitable that crushed ma-
sizes from fine sand up to the coarse aggregate. The grading of sonry aggregate will have a considerable mortar content, which
the aggregate is done so as to minimize the voids content of the should be taken into consideration.
aggregate mixture and, hence, minimize the amount of cement
paste required. Normally, aggregate occupies between 70 and Gypsum
80% of the total concrete volume; therefore, the strength of this
aggregate is very important to the final strength of the concrete. Hansen 共1992兲 reviewed several systematic studies on the delete-
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The compressive strength of concrete cannot exceed the rious effects of gypsum plaster in recycled aggregate concrete due
strength of the major part of the aggregate contained therein, al- to sulfate expansion. From these studies, it was concluded that
though it is very difficult to determine the strength of the indi- stringent limits on the gypsum content should be included in stan-
vidual particles. In fact, aggregate strength characteristics usually dard specifications for recycled aggregates. Recommendations
have to be obtained by indirect tests, such as the crushing strength suggest that sulfate resistant portland cement should be used for
of prepared rock samples, the crushing value of the bulk aggre- the production of concrete where the recycled aggregate may be
gate, an impact test, and performance studies of the aggregate in contaminated with gypsum.
concrete. The latter simply refers to previous experience with
using such an aggregate in concrete or a trial use of the aggregate Organic Matter
in a concrete mix known to have a certain strength with previ-
Many organic substances such as paper, wood, textile fabrics,
ously proven aggregates. If the aggregate under test leads to a
joint seals, and other polymeric materials are unstable in concrete
lower final concrete compressive strength, and, in particular, if
when subjected to drying and wetting or freezing and thawing.
numerous aggregate particles have been fractured after the con-
Other types of organic substances, like paint, may entrain large
crete has been crushed, then the strength of this aggregate must be
amounts of air in the concrete. It should be kept in mind that
lower than that of the aggregate for which the mix was initially
organic impurities are usually relatively light, which increases
designed. In such a case, the aggregate being tested must only
their content in concrete in terms of parts per volume.
then be used in concrete of a lower strength.
Hansen 共1992兲 carried out experiments on particle strength
using aggregate from bricks of different strengths. He found that Chlorides and Sulfates
no relation existed between the strength of impact crushed mate- The presence of chlorides, sulfates, and other salts in recycled
rial and that of the bricks. However, he did state that there was a aggregates has little significant influence on the properties of
relation between the particle strength and the final compressive plain concrete, but in reinforced concrete their presence can give
strength of the concrete. rise to the corrosion of steel reinforcement. If sulfates are present
in sufficient quantities, they can react with cement compounds
when concrete is produced. This reaction can cause excessive
Contaminants in Recycled Aggregate expansion and, ultimately, the deterioration of hardened concrete
in damp conditions. It has been found through previous experi-
One of the limiting factors in expanding the reuse and recycling ence that crushed masonry aggregates have lower chloride and
of construction and demolition waste is the need for predictable sulfate contents than crushed concrete aggregates 共Hansen 1992兲.
and consistent performance from the final product produced. One
of the problems inherent in the use of recycled aggregates for the Soils and Filler Materials
manufacture of new concrete is the possibility of contaminants in
the original debris passing into the new concrete and having det- Demolished concrete and masonry is frequently contaminated by
rimental effects on strength and durability. The following sections organic soil or clay. The clay is difficult to remove once incorpo-
summarize the contaminants found in recycled aggregates. rated in the material, and clay minerals can be deleterious. The
usual requirements for cleaning may be applied to specification;
this is normally washing the waste over sieves with water.
The presence of asphalt in aggregates seriously reduces the Glass
strength of the concrete. The addition of 30% by volume of as-
Glass from windows can contaminate demolished material very
phalt to recycled aggregate reduces the concrete compressive
easily. There are no values to which this contamination should be
strength by approximately 30% 共Hansen 1992兲. From investiga-
limited. Since plate glass has a density similar to that of concrete
tions 共Hansen 1992兲, it was found that there were no obvious
or aggregate, separation is very difficult. This is potentially dan-
reasons why very stringent limits should be imposed upon the
gerous, as plate glass could take part in an alkali-silica reaction.
allowable contents of bituminous aggregate particles, even though
strength reductions are apparent.
Maximum Allowable Values of Impurities
Mortar in Recycled Aggregate
According to Sherwood 共1995兲, the fate of demolished brickwork The specifications drawn up by a RILEM 共1994兲 task force on
is dependent on the type of bricks present and the type of mortar recycled aggregates suggest maximum allowable values for im-


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

Table 1. Maximum Allowable Values for Impurities in Recycled
Type of aggregate
Mandatory requirements 1 2 3
Fig. 1. Cost factors for natural aggregate
Minimum dry particle density 共kg/m 兲
1,500 2,000 2,400
Maximum water absorption 共%兲 20 10 3
Maximum content of material — 10 10 that recycled crushed brick cannot be classified as a normal
with SSD⬍2,200 kg/m3 共%兲 weight aggregate or a lightweight aggregate, as its value falls
Maximum content of material 1 1 1 somewhere between the two.
with SSD⬍1,800 kg/m3 共%兲
Maximum content of material 1 0.5 0.5
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with SSD⬍1,000 kg/m3 共%兲 Economics of Recycling

Maximum content of foreign materials 5 1 1
共glass, bitumen, soft materials, etc.兲 The economics of recycling is a very complex issue that has not
Maximum content of metals 共%兲 1 1 1 been explored in depth. On one side of the equation, there is the
Maximum content of organic material 共%兲 1 0.5 0.5 cost of recycling demolished material that includes the cost of
Maximum content of filler 共⬍0.063 mm兲 共%兲 3 2 2 sorting, screening, crushing, and transportation to the crushing
Maximum content of sand 共⬍4 mm兲 共%兲 5 5 5 plant, as well as the cost of transportation to the place of use. On
Maximum content of sulfate 共%兲 1 1 1 the other side, there is the cost of using primary aggregates. This
Note: SSD⫽saturated surface dry density. includes the cost of extracting these aggregates either through
quarrying or dredging, and the cost of transporting the aggregates
to their place of use. These cost factors are represented in Figs. 1
purities in recycled aggregate. These values are displayed in Table and 2 for natural and recycled aggregates, respectively.
1. In the table, Type 1 aggregate is composed of 100% recycled There is, however, some hidden costs that are hard to put a
brick, Type 2 is 100% recycled concrete, and Type 3 is a blend of price on. For primary aggregates, there is the environmental cost
natural and recycled aggregates. of obtaining the aggregates. This includes landscape scarring,
noise, vibration, dust, visual intrusion, and factors associated with
the transportation of the end product. For recycled aggregates,
Classification of Recycled Crushed Brick Aggregate there is also noise, vibration, dust, and visual intrusion of the
recycling plant, as well as the problems associated with transport-
Aggregates are usually obtained from natural sources, such as ing the material.
gravel deposits and crushed rocks, or specifically manufactured The economics of recycling are constantly changing, usually
for use in concrete. However, in this case, it is proposed to use an due to governmental policies. The introduction of the landfill tax
aggregate—namely, crushed brick aggregate—that has been spe- in the United Kingdom has been a big incentive to recycle mate-
cifically manufactured for another purpose. It is common practice rials. The government has also introduced a levy on virgin aggre-
to group the aggregates in terms of their density or specific grav- gates, applicable to any sand, gravel, or crushed rock extracted in
ity. the United Kingdom in 2002 共McKerracher 2000兲. There is a
Many different types of natural materials have been employed similar levy on aggregates in other European countries such as
in the production of concrete, including gravels, igneous rocks Denmark 共Cooper 1995兲.
such as basalt and granite, and the stronger sedimentary rocks If the waste is reused, the cost of dumping at the dumping site
such as limestone and sandstone. The mineral constituents are not 共including the landfill tax兲 can be saved, which is why this is a
of great importance, as long as the rock is of sufficient integrity negative cost. It is difficult to assess the economics of recycling
and strength for use in concrete. All of these rocks have a specific because variables like transport costs depend on factors such as
gravity in the range of about 2.55–2.75 共Illston 1992兲, and will distance 共Bakker 1998兲. There is also the cost associated with the
produce concretes with similar densities, usually in the range of possibility that the recycled aggregates may not be of the same
about 2,250–2,450 kg/m3, depending on the mix proportions. quality as natural aggregates and may not be able to perform as
Where concrete of high density is required—for example, in a well when used as the aggregate in concrete. Desai 共1998兲 re-
nuclear reactor—heavyweight aggregates may be used, such as ported that, in general, it is unfair to expect waste materials such
barites or steel shot. Concrete densities of up to 7,000 kg/m3 can as crushed concrete or crushed brick to perform as well as normal
be achieved by using such aggregates. aggregates when they are used to produce concrete with minimum
Lightweight aggregates are used primarily to produce lower changes made to the existing concrete practice. He suggested that
density concretes, which are advantageous in reducing the self-
weight of structures and have better thermal insulation than nor-
mal weight concrete 共Illston 1992兲. The reduced specific gravity
is achieved from a greater amount of air voids within the aggre-
gate particles. The price to pay for using a lightweight aggregate
is that there is normally an overall reduction in the concrete
strength. The practical range for the density of lightweight con-
crete is between about 300 and 1,850 kg/m3.
Akhtaruzzaman and Hasnat 共1983兲 reported that concrete
made with recycled crushed brick masonry as the coarse aggre-
Fig. 2. Cost factors for recycled aggregate
gate has a density between 2,000 and 2,080 kg/m3. This means


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

such waste materials should be considered initially for limited ments can be met through a quality management scheme, a clear
applications only, until further research is carried out. Nunes et al. structure of control, and through testing of the finished products
共1996兲 stated that the use of secondary materials should be evalu- for certification. Without this type of quality control, producers
ated based on technical, economic, and environmental factors. will find it hard to sell their recycled products at a profitable price.
It is possible to see that the economics of recycling are specific However, quality control itself increases the cost of using re-
to the individual projects in which demolition and construction cycled aggregates, as quality control procedures have to be more
waste arise. Factors like program restraints, the location of the intensive than the controls that have been used for natural aggre-
recycling plant, the location of the landfill site, and the demand gates. In particular, checking chloride and sulfate contents are not
for recycled material all need to be taken into account for each part of the normal daily routine at the concrete testing laboratory,
project, and recycling will only really be selected if it is the most and extra bins/silos have to be provided at concrete batching
economically viable option. plants for the segregated storage and treatment of recycled aggre-
gates 共de Vries 1993兲.
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Quality Control
Mix Design
Even when rubble was recycled from war damaged buildings,
strict quality control measures were applied to rubble aggregates Concrete mixes can be designed using recycled crushed brick as
to prevent failures that could have brought recycled rubble mate- the coarse aggregate in the same way as the design for proven
rials into disrepute. In using demolition and construction waste, aggregates. The only problem is that crushed brick aggregate is a
often the material arriving at the recycling plant is from multiple very porous material and absorbs a large amount of the mixing
undocumented locations, so careful control and frequent testing of water, hence affecting workability. It is well known that apart
the recycled products produced are vital 共Isles 1992兲. from hard sintered clinkers, crushed brick and crushed rubble are
One of the problems with using recycled aggregates from highly absorbent aggregates and the higher the porosity of the
demolition sites, according to Buck 共1977兲, is a risk that the sul- parent bricks, the higher the absorption capacity of the aggregate.
fate content may be undesirably high. This is usually due to con- According to Hansen 共1992兲, crushed brick must be com-
tamination with gypsum plaster, so the material should be prop- pletely saturated before being used in the manufacture of con-
erly screened before use as aggregate in concrete. crete. This is necessary to prevent the concrete from being ‘‘too
When recycling plants receive material from demolition sites, thirsty.’’ The absorption of crushed brick is estimated to be a
visual inspection of the material is the main, and sometimes only, value between 22 and 25% by weight in relation to the material in
method of quality control. The visual inspection can vary from its dry state.
looking at the load while it is still in the truck to tipping out the Test results 共Hansen 1992兲 reveal that crushed brick becomes
load and reloading it if it is found to be unsatisfactory. Some almost totally saturated with water after just 30 min of submer-
operators ask for source documents or may even choose to view sion in water. Submersion for a further 24 h produces only an
the material at the demolition site before it is dispatched. increase of about 2% water absorption.
To obtain good quality recycled aggregate from demolished Khaloo 共1994兲 deemed prewetting of recycled clay brick ag-
material, the contaminants should be removed before the material gregates to be unnecessary. He advocated mixing the coarse and
is crushed 共Buck 1977兲. This is best done at the construction site fine aggregates along with the cement for 1–2 min before adding
itself, where contaminants such as wooden fixtures, plumbing, the mixing water along with the amount of water that the aggre-
and windows can be removed for separate recycling plants. After gate absorbs for a period of 2 min, and finally continue to mix for
crushing, other contaminants such as wood, metal, plastic, etc. a further 3 min. Neville 共1995兲 does not recommend prewetting
can be picked out by hand along an exit conveyor belt or by a for any aggregate because the aggregate particles can become
magnetic separator. Finally, the material can be washed to remove quickly coated with cement paste, preventing the further ingress
dust and small particles of wood from the aggregate. of water necessary for saturation. Consequently, the effective
In 1985, the Association for Quality Control of Recycled water/cement (w/c) ratio is higher than would be the case had
Building Materials was established in the former Federal Repub- full absorption of water by the aggregate been possible.
lic of Germany. This association grants the manufacturers of re- It is generally accepted that crushed brick aggregate concretes
cycled building materials the right to use a quality stamp of ap- can be made with all fresh concrete consistencies in the ranges
proval if their material is of an acceptable standard. At the from very stiff to plastic. However, it is also generally accepted
moment, these standards only exist for material that is to be used that concretes containing recycled aggregates tend to be harsher
in road construction, but in the future these might be expanded to and less workable than conventional aggregate mixes.
cover all applications 共Hansen 1992兲. Hansen 共1992兲 reported that more favorable water contents
Presently there exist standards in Britain covering the use of and better workability of mixes can be achieved by using crushed
some waste products such as pulverized fuel ash, but at present no brick and rubble sand, as opposed to using natural sand in the
standards exist for the utilization of waste concrete and masonry mixes. Possibly by using rubble sand another factor was intro-
as aggregates in concrete. However, their use as aggregates has duced that may have an effect on the overall quality of the con-
been recognized, as standards exist for the use of secondary ag- crete. However, this rubble sand could easily be produced from
gregates as a subbase in road construction, but no standard in- the crushing of demolition masonry rubble for use as coarse ag-
cludes definitions of these products or the levels of acceptable gregate, and, hence, presents an interesting way of manufacturing
contamination. economical concrete.
Quality control is introduced so that customer requirements According to de Vries 共1993兲, recycled aggregate is more an-
are met and quality products are supplied. The customer demands gular in shape and has higher water absorption, resulting in a
materials that are to specification and fit for the purpose, consis- higher total water requirement of the fresh concrete than fresh
tent, and at the right price. For recycled materials, these require- concrete made with gravel. He advised that moistening of the


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

aggregate is possible at the storage bins. However, a disadvantage
of doing this is the risk of local oversaturation. This, in turn, can
cause problems in producing homogeneous mixes. de Vries
共1993兲 proposed that a better solution is to add extra water in such
amounts as to compensate for the absorption by the crushed ag-
gregates, or, better still, to use only 20% recycled aggregate
mixed in with virgin aggregates to avoid any workability prob-
lems. This is a view echoed by Kikuchi et al. 共1988兲. They used
similar aggregate, crushed concrete, and found that the deteriora-
tion in qualities of recycled aggregate concretes is proportional to
the percentage of recycled aggregate used in the mix.
Mulheron and O’Mahony 共1988兲 compared the use of two
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recycled coarse aggregates—crushed concrete and mixed demoli- Fig. 3. Compressive strength of crushed brick concrete as a function
tion debris containing crushed brick. They found that concrete of cement content 共Hansen 1992兲
containing crushed concrete as the coarse aggregate had a much
lower workability than a control concrete containing a natural
gravel as the coarse aggregate. The demolition debris derived
aggregate produced concrete mixes of similar workability to the Properties of Crushed Brick Aggregate Concrete
control. The authors attributed this to the fact that the individual
particles in this aggregate were considerably rounder and less Compressive Strength
abrasive than those of the crushed concrete aggregate, and con-
cluded that it is the shape and texture of the aggregate particles Akhtaruzzaman and Hasnat 共1983兲 reported concrete cube com-
that control the workability of the fresh concrete. pressive strengths of between 22 and 42 N/mm2 at 28 days, for
When using recycled aggregates, the dust content must be crushed clay brick aggregate concrete, with the w/c ratio being
taken into account, as it causes a reduction in workability 共Or- the main influence on strength. They produced concretes using
chard 1973兲. If extra water has to be added to the mix to increase crushed brick aggregates with water/cement ratios of between
the workability, then a loss of strength will be evident. If the 0.54 and 0.88. These results compare favorably with those of
reduction in strength is to be limited to around 5%, the maximum Khaloo 共1994兲, who produced concrete of between 26 and 41
amount of dust that may be permitted ranges from 5% of the total N/mm2 for different proportions of crushed brick aggregate.
aggregate content for low workability with a coarse grading, to Zakaira and Cabrera 共1996兲 produced concrete containing
10% for low workability with a fine grading, and to 20% for a crushed brick as the coarse aggregate. They found that crushed
mix having high workability with a fine grading. brick aggregate concrete had a relatively lower strength at early
Hansen 共1986兲 stated that the U.K. Department of the Envi- ages than normal aggregate concrete. The authors attributed this
characteristic to the higher water absorption of crushed brick ag-
ronment Standard Mix Design Method 共Building 1992兲 could be
gregate compared to gravel that was used as the control aggre-
used, with the following modifications to design concrete mixes
gate. However, their investigation also found that crushed brick
containing recycled aggregates.
aggregate concrete had a relatively higher strength at later ages,
• When designing a concrete mix using recycled aggregate of
which they attributed to the pozzolanic effect of the finely ground
variable quality, a higher standard deviation should be em-
portion of the brick aggregate.
ployed in order to determine a target mean strength on the
basis of a required characteristic strength.
• When coarse recycled aggregate is used with natural sand, it Tensile and Flexural Strengths
may be assumed at the design stage that the free w/c ratio Khaloo 共1994兲 found that there is an increase in tensile strength of
required for a certain compressive strength will be the same around 2% in crushed brick aggregate concrete compared to con-
for recycled aggregate concrete as for conventional concrete. crete made with natural aggregates. He attributed this to the rough
If trial mixes show that the compressive strength is lower than surface of the crushed brick that provides a better bond between
required, an adjustment of the w/c ratio should be made. the concrete matrix and the coarse aggregate. He also reported a
• For a recycled aggregate mix to achieve the same slump, the 15% increase in flexural strength that he also thinks is due to the
free water content will need to be approximately 10 L/m3 improved bond between the cement paste and the coarse aggre-
higher than for conventional concrete. gate. This can be compared with the findings of Hansen 共1992兲,
• If the free water content of recycled aggregate concrete is who reported a 10% increase in tensile and flexural strengths
increased, the cement content will also need to be higher to when using crushed brick as the aggregate in concrete compared
maintain the same w/c ratio. to normal aggregates. He also reported that the flexural strength
• Trial mixes should be made to obtain the required workability, increased linearly as the compressive strength increased when
suitable w/c ratio, and required strength. using crushed brick aggregate to produce concrete. This relation-
The same author 共Hansen 1992兲 reported that, depending on ship for crushed brick aggregate concrete can be seen in Fig. 4.
the type and composition of crushed masonry aggregate, the ce-
ment requirement might be up to 20% higher than for normal
concrete containing natural aggregates. If recycled masonry is Bond of Aggregate
used for the fine aggregate fraction as well as the coarse, then the The bond between the aggregate and the cement paste is an im-
cement content will be even higher. Fig. 3 shows the relationship portant factor in the strength of concrete. The bond can be defined
found by Hansen 共1992兲 between the cement content and concrete as the interlocking of the aggregate and the paste, owing to the
compressive strength for crushed masonry aggregate. surface roughness of the aggregate. A rougher surface, such as


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

ally accepted that clean crushed concrete performs slightly better
than crushed masonry when used as the coarse aggregate in con-

Structural Behavior
Akhtaruzzaman and Hasnat 共1986兲 extended their research by
looking at the structural behavior of concrete made with crushed
brick as the aggregate. Their investigation involved the testing of
48 reinforced concrete rectangular beams made with crushed
brick as the aggregate and containing no web reinforcement. The
beams were tested under two-point loading to investigate the
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shear and flexural strength, with the only variables being the con-
Fig. 4. Relationship between flexural strength and compressive crete strength and shear span to effective depth ratio. Concrete
strength for crushed brick aggregate concrete 共Hansen 1992兲 beams containing natural aggregate were also tested, so that the
results could be compared.
The researchers recorded a lower value of transitional span to
effective depth ratio between diagonal tension failure and flexural
that of crushed aggregate particles, results in a better bond than failure for brick aggregate concrete beams. This indicates that the
when an aggregate with smooth-surface particles is used. How- brick aggregate concrete beams have a higher shear strength com-
ever, care should be taken when using a recycled aggregate to pared to normal weight concrete beams produced with natural
make sure that the dust content is not too high, because this can aggregate. They also reported that the difference between the
affect the aggregate-cement paste bond 共Lees 1993兲. shear strength of brick aggregate concrete beams and normal
The moduli of elasticity of the crushed brick aggregate par- weight concrete beams is more pronounced when concrete
ticles and the hardened cement paste do not differ much from strength is low. This increase in shear strength is due to the higher
each other. Consequently, no differential stresses between the two tensile strength of the material. The difference is about 15–35%,
materials are induced, either by the applied load, or by thermal or depending on the concrete strength and the span to effective depth
hygrometry changes. Also, with aggregates like crushed brick, the ratio. This crucially means that brick aggregate concrete beams
water absorbed by the aggregate at the time of mixing becomes, will require less web reinforcement. This, coupled with the added
with time, available for the hydration of the unhydrated remnants advantage of brick aggregate concrete beams having a lower unit
of the cement. This additional hydration occurs in the aggregate weight, makes it a suitable structural material with significant
and cement paste interface zone, which strengthens the bond be- economic benefits.
tween the aggregate and the cement matrix. The theoretical flexural strength was calculated using standard
Determination of the quality of the bond between the hydrated equations for normal weight concrete beams. When compared
concrete matrix and the coarse aggregate is very difficult, and no with the experimental results, the values obtained for brick aggre-
accepted test procedure exists. In general, when the bond is of gate concrete beams were in close proximity to the computed
good quality, a crushed concrete specimen should contain some theoretical values. This means that when designing a brick aggre-
aggregate particles that have been broken right through, in addi- gate concrete beam for flexural strength, the standard equations
tion to the more numerous ones that have been plucked from their for normal weight concrete should be used, as the relationship is
sockets. The bond using crushed brick aggregate may not be very the same.
good because when a brick is crushed, its particles tend to have
fairly smooth surfaces. However, this may be counteracted by the Fire Resistance
fact that the brick aggregates are fairly angular, which leads to a
larger aggregate particle surface area that can improve the bond In general, concrete is considered to have good properties with
quality. respect to fire resistance. The material is able to perform for a
relatively long period of time, and no toxic fumes are emitted
when it comes in contact with fire. Steel performs less well when
Elasticity and Drying Shrinkage
subjected to fire, so concrete is often used as a protective material.
The modulus of elasticity of crushed brick concrete is only be- In a typical fire, the temperature reaches about 500°C in about 10
tween half and two-thirds that of normal concrete of the same min, and 950°C in 1 h, so the concrete must be able to withstand
strength 共Hansen 1992; RILEM 1994兲. This can be compared rapid temperature rises as well as a high final temperature 共Nassif
with values reported by Hansen and Boegh 共1985兲, who produced et al. 1995兲. The rapid rise in temperature during a fire causes a
concrete with crushed concrete as the coarse aggregate. Their buildup of steam pressure in the concrete voids that can cause
tests showed that the modulus of elasticity for concrete containing explosive spalling of the concrete surfaces. This usually occurs
crushed concrete as the coarse aggregate is up to 30% lower than during the first 30 min of exposure to heat. The concrete contin-
that of normal concrete. This figure can even be lower, according ues to degrade, with the gradual separation of pieces caused by
to Frondistou-Yannas 共1977兲, who reported a 40% reduction in the formation of continuous fracture planes. During fires, tem-
the modulus of elasticity for recycled concrete with crushed con- peratures of around 900°C are commonplace, but only the outer
crete as the coarse aggregate. Also, results from these authors layers of concrete members become drastically hot; the inner lay-
show that the drying shrinkage and creep in concrete containing ers remain cooler, hence protecting steel reinforcement.
either concrete or masonry recycled aggregates are increased. Concrete strength is dependent on the cohesion of the cement
These results show that the properties of crushed concrete and paste, on its adhesion to the aggregate, and on the properties of
crushed brick aggregate concrete are similar, although it is gener- the aggregate itself. Many commonly used aggregates break down


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

physically and/or chemically when heated to higher temperatures, for the corrosion of embedded steel, as it can carry chlorides and
so the aggregate type is going to influence the ability of concrete sulfates as well as other harmful ions. The presence of water can
to withstand high temperatures. also cause freeze-thaw damage to concrete 共Price and Bamforth
Khoury 共1992兲 reported elevated temperature tests on concrete 1993兲. The surface skin of concrete is the first line of defense
containing crushed brick as the coarse aggregate. The tests re- against the ingress of aggressive agents, so tests have been devel-
vealed that concrete containing brick aggregate exhibited no loss oped to measure the quality of concrete at the near-surface zone
in residual 共i.e. after cooling兲 compressive strength for test tem- 共Dhir et al. 1993兲.
peratures up to 600°C, compared to portland cement specimens The durability of concrete near an exposed surface is largely
and other common aggregates, which had revealed a significant determined by the rate at which harmful agents can penetrate into
loss in compressive strength for test temperatures above 300°C, the concrete. There are two parameters associated with concrete
suggesting that the inclusion of the brick aggregate had an overall water absorption:
beneficial effect. • The mass of water that is required to saturate the concrete,
Downloaded from by Univ. of Alabama At Birmingham on 02/13/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Newman 共1946兲 reported that crushed clay brick is one of the known as the effective porosity, and
best aggregates for concrete that may have to resist fire, and per- • The rate of penetration, known as the sorptivity.
forms much better than similar concrete containing granite aggre- According to Kelham 共1988兲, many concrete absorption tests
gate. The author found that crushed brick aggregate concrete lost have been developed, but none of them can easily provide values
only 22% of its strength when heated to 600°C, compared to a for both parameters. The most useful test for absorption is the
77% loss in strength for the concrete containing the granite ag- initial surface absorption test 共BSI 1970兲. The test measures two
gregate at the same temperature. absorption parameters combined—the rate of penetration and the
Brick aggregate is a thermally stable aggregate. That is prob- effective porosity. The two absorption parameters cannot be sepa-
ably why it performs well when used as an aggregate in concrete rated in this case because the volume of concrete saturated during
subjected to high temperatures. In contrast, limestone aggregate is the test is unknown. The test involves a water filled cap being
thermally unstable. When heated, thermal expansion takes place sealed to the concrete surface, providing both a reservoir and a
that causes considerable expansion and breakup of heated con- pressure head. The water flow into the concrete surface is mea-
crete when limestone is used as the aggregate. The expansion of sured at regular intervals up to a period of 2 h.
individual and adjacent members can induce stresses capable of The sorptivity is dependent on the initial water content, tem-
buckling reinforced members while at high temperatures. At these perature, and fluid properties 共Hall 1989兲. It is a material property
high temperatures, these stresses can cause cracking within the that can be measured easily on its own by measurement of the
cement paste and around aggregate margins, contributing to the capillary rise absorption rate.
overall breakup of the material 共Riley 1991兲. Other aggregates, Previous tests 共Hansen 1992兲 have shown that water penetra-
such as carbonate, decompose chemically when heated to high tion depths are 50% higher in crushed brick aggregate concretes
temperatures, causing a weakening of the concrete structure. than in normal aggregate concretes. This is an important factor,
Fire resistance of clay brickwork is an important characteristic, because the penetration of the concrete cover by water containing
since it has long been recognized that brickwork masonry is a chlorides can result in corrosion of the reinforcing bars 共McCarter
very effective material for resisting and preventing the spread of et al. 1992兲. Therefore, the cover to the reinforcement should be
fire. Its effectiveness in this role is largely due to the following increased when using crushed brick aggregate concrete. Another
characteristics: 共1兲 a relatively high heat capacity; 共2兲 zero flam- important parameter in terms of durability is the permeability of
mability and surface spread of flame; and 共3兲 refractory proper- the concrete. This is defined as the ease with which a fluid 共liquid
ties, meaning that it retains its strength and integrity up to very or gas兲 will pass through a porous medium, under the action of a
high temperatures, approaching 1,000°C in some cases. These pressure differential. According to Dhir et al. 共1989兲, the perme-
properties mean that brick material does not catch fire by itself; it ability of concrete is most influenced by the w/c ratio and the
inhibits the spread of fire by conduction and radiation, and is not type of curing that the concrete has been subjected to. Tests car-
easily breached by the fire. This means that when brick material is ried out by the researchers showed that the permeability increases
used as the aggregate in concrete, there should be no lowering of almost exponentially with an increasing w/c ratio, and adequate
the concrete’s ability to resist fire. curing was just as important as a low w/c ratio if low permeabil-
Hansen 共1992兲 reported that crushed brick aggregate concrete ity concrete was to be produced. Low permeability is desirable
had very good fire resistance, providing it could be kept dry. because low permeability concretes have better resistance to chlo-
When wet, the internal steam pressure created in the case of fire rides and abrasion 共Dhir et al. 1994兲.
can cause spalling of the recycled aggregate concrete. However, Bamforth 共1991兲 reported that the permeability of concrete
owing to the lower thermal conductivity of crushed masonry ag- reduces logarithmically as the compressive strength increases.
gregate concrete compared to normal concrete, reinforced con- The same relationship also exists between the tensile splitting
cretes are much better protected against early heating. This means strength and permeability. He stressed that the durability of con-
that recycled masonry aggregate concrete keeps its structural in- crete cannot be inferred from a measurement of strength without
tegrity under fire for a much longer period than normal concrete. detailed knowledge of the curing history.

Water Penetration and Absorption
Recycling of construction and demolition rubble is not a new
The main agents of the deterioration of concretes require the pres- concept, as several countries have been crushing waste to produce
ence and movement of water within the material itself. The mea- aggregate for a number of years. Most of the recycled aggregate
surement of well-defined material properties that describe the has mainly been used as a subbase material or as a capping layer
ability of a concrete to absorb and transmit water by capillary in road construction. This is understandable, as the review
action is an important part of assessing the probable durability of showed that most of the demand for aggregate arises from road
a concrete 共Wilson et al. 1998兲. Water is a necessary ingredient construction and maintenance.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2004.16:331-340.

One of the limiting factors on expanding the reuse and recy- some applications, with the added benefit that density values are
cling of construction and demolition waste is the need for predict- much lower, making it suitable in situations where self-weight is
able and consistent performance from the final product. One of a problem and very good fire resistance is required.
the problems inherent in the use of recycled aggregates for the
manufacture of new concrete is the possibility of contaminants in
the original debris passing into the new concrete and having det- Acknowledgments
rimental effects on strength and durability. The writers wish to express their appreciation and thanks to
Provided that the impurities in masonry rubble aggregates are David J. Balmer of W. H. Malcolm Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland, for
within acceptable limits, set up by national and international stan- supplying the materials for this investigation and to Brian Russell,
dards, concrete mixes can be designed using recycled materials as William Laing, Alan Barber, John Callaghan, and Ron Hunter for
the coarse aggregates in the same way as the design for proven their technical support.
aggregates. However, it is important that the recycled aggregate is
Downloaded from by Univ. of Alabama At Birmingham on 02/13/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

in a saturated surface-dry moisture condition before the com-

mencement of mixing, because recycled brick aggregates have a References
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