E.10 Sample Test GK1 HP

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Họ và tên thí sinh…………………………………Lớp……………Số báo danh…………………
Chú ý: Thí sinh không được VIẾT hoặc VẼ bất cứ điều gì vào đề thi và khi nộp bài phải nộp cả đề thi cùng
với phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Write the
appropriate letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
Question 1. A. dishes B. practices C. manages D. chores
Question 2. A. trashed B. talked C. reached D. loved
Choose the word whose main stress pattern which is not the same as that of the others. Write the
appropriate letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
Question 3. A. ailment B. disease C. healthy D. nervous
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence below. Write the appropriate letter A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.
Question 4. Being the_______of the family, she is responsible for the family finances and has to work hard
to provide for her children.
A. breadwinner B. housewife C. housewife D. child minder
Question 5. In Vietnam, some people live in families, which may consist up to four
A. extended B. extends C. extension D. extending
Question 6. It’s 7.00 p.m. now and we ____ meal together. We usually ____ dinner at that time.
A. have - eat B. have - are eating C. are having - eat D. are having - are eating
Question 7. Mary: Did you post the letter for me? Bill: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I _______it
A. am going to do B. will do C. am doing D. do
Question 8. I _______ of selling my car. Would you be interested in _______it?
A. think / buy B. am thinking / to buy
C. am thinking / buying D. will think / buying
Question 9. It’s not too late to ____ your bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating, etc.) and immediately
start living a happier, healthier life.
A. get rid B. give on C. kick D. remember
Question 10. Daily exercise and weight control strongly influence your chances of staying _______
A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. active
Question 11. The human ____ system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling
carbon dioxide.
A. circulatory B. digestive C. nervous D. respiratory
Question 12. The Italians are said to be the most _______ people in Europe.
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A. passion   B. passionate C. passionately D. passions
Question 13. She sounded very eager _______you after her parents let her ________ with you.
A. meet/ make friends B. meeting/ making friends
C. to meet/ make friends D. met/ made friends
Question14. The band's latest album _______next week.
A. will release B. is released
C. will have released D. will be released
Question 15. Excuse me, ____ you ____ your newspaper? Could I borrow it?
A. are-read B. are reading C. do-reading D. do-read
Question 16. You should feel happy because your mum and dad always encourage you ________hard.
A. work B. to work C. worked D. working
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 16. The judges at the singing contest look very friendly.
A. audiences B. coaches C. spectators D. people
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
Question 17. Josh was very nervous about his performance in front of the whole school.
A. confident B. anxious C. worried D. happy
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
Question 18. Mary: "Would you like another coffee?" - Sean: “_______”.
A. I'd love one B. Willingly
C. Very kind of your part D. It's a pleasure
Question 19. Doctor: “Here is your medical certificate!” - Patient: “_______”.
A. Thank you. B. What a pity!
C. Congratulations! D. You’re welcome!
Complete the passage with the correct alternative given. Write the appropriate letter A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet.
It has always been difficult for me to decide (21) ____ "popular music" means music written for the
people or it is simple music that the people like. The same problem of definition exists with jazz. So (22)
____ different types of music have been called jazz at one time or (23) ____ that is hard to say what it really
is. Jazz has always been considered (24) ____ black music but when I first took an interest in it I used to
hear white bands playing music that was like Louis Armstrong's in the 1920s. I found out (25) ____ that
they learn to do this by playing his records over and over again until their style was (26) ____ to his for them
to imitate him. Since then white singers (27) ____ Bob Dylan have rediscovered their own folk tradition,
instead of borrowing from black roots. But the main changes since 1960 have been social and technical. One
is that (28) ____ have more money to spend on records at an earlier age than they used to, so Tin Pan Alley,
the "pop music" industry, aims at the teenage audience. Another is that electronic equipment has developed
(29) ____ extent that technicians are now capable of mixing sound to produce recordings that are quite
different from a live performance. But the real problem with "pop" music is that Tin Pan Alley has always
worked against (30) ____ a genuine music of the people. It takes everything original and natural out of it and
replaces it with cheap commercial imitation. As the American folk singer, Woody Guthrie said: "They've
always preferred the second-rate song. They've never wanted to play the good one."
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Question 21.  A. what B. how C. whether D. when
Question 22. A. much B. a lot of C. many D. plenty
Question 23. A. the other B. the others C. others D. another
Question 24. A. to be B. being C. as being D. that it is
Question 25. A. presently B. afterwards C. after D. soon
Question 26. A. so close B. close enough C. too close D. enough close
Question 27. A. like B. as C. for instance D. for example
Question 28. A. the youths B. young people C. the youth D. youngs
Question 29. A. in so great B. to so great C. in such an D. to such an
Question 30. A. its being B. it to be C. being it D. that it was

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
Did you know that on average we forget about 80% of the medical information a doctor might give us? This
fascinating information came to light as a result of a study carried out by Utrecht University. What is even
more interesting is that almost half of what we think we remember is wrong.
Why do you think this is? Well, it’s not as complicated as you may think. You see, going to the doctor fills
most people with anxiety and when we are really nervous and stressed we are more likely to focus on the
diagnosis rather than the treatment. Therefore, we know what is wrong with us but have no idea what to do
about it.
Here are some good tips to keep in mind when seeing a doctor. Always write down any important
information. What would be even better is, if your doctor agreed, to record your consultation. This way, you
can replay the advice at home, where you are more likely to absorb it. If you believe the situation is serious
or you’re really worried, seek the help of a family member. Just ask them to accompany you to listen in.
This way you can be absolutely sure about what the doctor has told you and avoid falling into the same trap
that most people do.
Question 31. According to the passage, the information doctors give us ____.
A. is about 50% wrong B. is only 80% correct
C. is mostly forgotten D. is usually not enough
Question 32. The word “complicated” in the passage is opposite in meaning to ____.
A. good B. quick C. short D. simple
Question 33. The author says that when people consult a doctor, ____.
A. they always believe that their situation is serious
B. they are interested in knowing what they should do
C. they only want to know what is wrong with them
D. they usually have a family member with them
Question 34. The word “absorb” in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.
A. digest B. inhale C. swallow D. take in
Question 35. The author suggests recording the consultant in order to ____.
A. play it to your family members to get their opinions
B. refer to it later to better understand your condition
C. replay it to write down any important information
D. use it as evidence against your doctor if necessary
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Choose the  underlined words or phrases (A, B, C or D) that are incorrect in standard English.
Question 36. I (A)look (B)for Daniel. He (C) isn’t (D)in the company.
Question 37. Acupuncture is (A) one of the (B) oldest medical (C) treatment (D)in the world.
Question 38. (A)Measles (B)are an (C) infectious disease that (D) causes fever and small red spots.
Question 39. She (A) suggests that (B) a coffee (C) is tasting (D) good after a meal.
Question 40. She is beautiful and (A) talented, (B) but her parents don't let (C) her to take part in that
(D)beauty contest

Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

Question 41. Equally share parenting is more than simply what is fair. It is about balancing your family’s
collective life and sharing equally in the joys of raising a family. (EQUAL)

Question 42. The skeletal system of the body is made up of our bones. It supports our body and protects our
organs (SKELETON)

Question 43. Psychologists say that a lot of young people are not aware of these advantages

Question 44. A person will be considered ungrateful if he or she does not take good care of his or her
parents or grandparents (GRATE)
Question 45. Trinh Cong Son, a renowned Vietnamese composer died at the age of 62, leaving a legacy
of hundreds of love songs and songs of other genres. (COMPOSE)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following
questions Question 46. The government should create more job opportunities for women in rural areas.
A. Women in rural areas should create more jobs for the government.
B. More job opportunities should be created for the government by the women in rural areas.
C. More job opportunities should be created for women in rural areas by the government.
D. Rural areas should be created more job opportunities by women in the government.
Question 47. I’ve never seen such a nice bouquet of wedding flowers.
A. This bouquet of wedding flowers is the nicest that I’ve ever made.
B. This is the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers that I’ve ever seen.
C. I’ve never seen the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers so far.
D. Nothing I’ve seen is nicer than this bouquet of wedding flowers.
Question 48. Pho (rice noodles) is believed to be the most typical food in Viet Nam.
A. It is believed that Pho (rice noodles) is the most typical food in Viet Nam.
B. A more typical food than Pho (rice noodles) is believed in Viet Nam.
C. I believe that Viet Nam has the most typical food like Pho (rice noodles).
D. No food in Viet Nam is less typical than Pho (rice noodles).
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 49. Women have to do too much work. They will be exhausted.
A. If women have to do too much work, they will be exhausted.
B. Unless women have to do too much work, they will be exhausted.
C. As long as women don’t I have to do too much work, they will be exhausted.
D. In case women have to do too much work, they won’t be exhausted.
Question 50. Wage discrimination affects women negatively. This should be abolished.

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A. Wage discrimination should be abolished, so it affects women negatively.
B. Wage discrimination affects women negatively because this should be abolished.
C. Wage discrimination affects women negatively, so this should be abolished.
D. Wage discrimination should be abolished unless it affects women negatively.

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