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Checking In

W : Good Morning Sir, where are you flying today?

Y : I am going to Australia

W : Can I see your ticket and passport please?

Y : Sure, there you are.

W : Thank you, Okay, Mr. Riyanto, are you checking any bag?

Y : Just one bag.

W : Okay, place your bag on the scale, please.

Y : Here you are.

W : Would you like a window or a aisle seat?

Y : The window please.

W : Okay, This is your seat number and the departure gate. Your flight leaves at gate 5 and it
will begin boarding at 9:15. Your seat number is 15D.

Y : Thank you

W : You’re welcome, Sir.

Going through security

S : Good morning sir, please put your bag on the conveyor belt. And put your mobile system
and all electronic devices in the bin.

P : Do I need to take my laptop out from my bag?

S : Yes you do, please take out your jacket too.

(Riyanto walks through the metal detector)

S : Step back please. Do you have anything on your pocket? Any keys or cell phones?
Because the metal detector detact any metal items.

P : I don’t think so, I think it is my belt. Let me take it off.

S : Okay, now you are free to go

P : Thank you.

Arriving – at immigration
S : May I see your passport please?

P : Here you are.

S : How long are you staying Australia?

P : Two weeks.

S : What is the purpose of your visit?

P : I am a tourist, I come here to holidays

S : Here you are, And welcome to Australia.

P : Thank you

Demikianlah sedikit contoh percakapan / conversation bahasa inggris di bandara atau airport.
Semoga bermanfaat bagi anda.

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