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Dipti Shastri et al 10.


A New Rotation Correction Technique: Technique Clinic

Dipti Shastri, 2Pradeep Tandon, 3Gyan P Singh, 4Alka Singh

ABSTRACT have some translatory vector. Here authors discuss the newly
Tooth rotation is one of the problems among the eruption developed technique for rotation correction which solely
disturbances which poses greater difficulty for correction. There provides pure couple to derotate the tooth, which is based
are various methods for the correction of tooth rotation. For on natural organization of gingival circular fibers. It is well
rotation correction, pure couple is required, but till date, none
of the mechanics provides pure couple and all have some
efficient for the management of anterior as well as posterior
translatory vector involved in them. Here a newly developed teeth rotation in both the arches.
technique for rotation correction, which solely provides pure
couple to derotate the tooth, is being discussed, and is based
on the natural organization of gingival circular fibers.

Keywords: Rotation correction, Bracket piece, Elastic thread, 1. Bracket was cut into two parts along with its long axis
Pure couple. (Fig. 1A), each part was bonded on the two edges of
How to cite this article: Shastri D, Tandon P, Singh GP, Singh A. the rotated tooth, one part was at the mesiolabial aspect
A New Rotation Correction Technique: Technique Clinic. and another part was distolingual aspect of rotated
J Ind Orthod Soc 2014;48(4):566-569.
mandibular left central incisor, depending on the
Source of support: Nil direction of derotation of individual tooth (Fig. 1B). The
Conflict of interest: None slots level of the both the halves of the bracket should
Received on: 13/7/14 be at the same height as adjacent brackets to avoid any
Accepted after revision: 6/8/14 vertical movement during derotation procedures.
2. The arch should be at least aligned and levelled with
INTRODUCTION 0.018" stainless steel wire. The archwire was fabricated
Tooth rotation is one of the problem among the eruption in curved form in adaptation with the rotated tooth to
disturbances which poses greater difficulty for correction provide fulcrum to derotate at its own axis.
more so, if the tooth in rotation is present with adjacent 3. Elastic thread* was used as the active element, started
tooth malposition and inadequate space in the arch. Tooth tying at the lingual surface of the distal end of bracket and
rotation can be defined as observable mesiolingual or stretched it, took a one and half circle just in a circular
distolingual intra alveolar displacement of the tooth around manner like the gingival circular fibers (Figs 1C and D).
its longitudinal axis.1 Many rotations are associated with an Thread was passed through the slots of the brackets to
element of apical displacement and are difficult to correct avoid the creeping or sliding of elastic thread in vertical
with removable appliance.2 There are various methods plane and finally tied at the site of curved wire segment
for the correction of tooth rotation like, removable plate near the fulcrum to prevent any kind of undesirable tooth
with Z-spring, modified removable plate,3,5 whip spring,4,5 movement.
auxillary archwire and fixed appliance therapy,6 etc. For
rotation correction, the pure couple is required,7 but, till CASE REPORT
date, none of the mechanics provide pure couple, and all
The impacted left mandibular incisor was made to erupt
naturally by its own in 3 months but with rotation of about
80° (Fig. 2A).The new rotation correction technique was
Senior Resident, 2Professor and Head, 3,4Associate Professor
applied for the particular tooth (Figs 2B to D). Rotation
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King correction was completed in 3.5 months. Subsequently,
George Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
the preadjusted bracket was bonded on the labial surface
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
for further detailing and finishing of the mandibular arch
Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George Medical University
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India (Figs 2E and F). Rotation correction was well seen in IOPA
Corresponding Author: Dipti Shastri, Senior Resident X-ray (Fig. 2G). Finally, the retention was planned with fixed
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King retainer for 3 years after supracrestal fiberotomy.
George Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: 919235768813, e-mail:
*Ortho Organizers (San Marcos, California, USA)


A New Rotation Correction Technique: Technique Clinic



Figs 1A to D: (A) Bracket cut into two parts along its vertical axis, (B) both the half parts of bracket bonded on the mesiolabial and
distolingual surface of the teeth separately and elastic-thread (active element), knot tied on the distolingual bonded bracket and take a
one and half turn and passes through IB around the tooth and tied to curvature of the main archwire, (C) natural arrangement of gingival
fiber in rotated teeth and (D) biomechanics of derotation (I—active element elastic-thread one and half turn along the direction of gingival
fiber, II—center of rotation, III—curvature of the main archwire should be well adapted with the tooth to avoid any translatory move)

DISCUSSION tooth than fixed appliance. In fixed appliance, rotating

Several clinical treatment options have been proposed in springs7 were commonly used in the Begg8-11 and Tip-Edge12
the literature for correction of rotated tooth, which includes techniques, and most preadjusted and standard edgewise
removable and fixed appliances, etc. Initially, Angle’s used brackets do not had the vertical slots needed for such springs,
soldered eyelet to the edges of the bands, so a separate and auxillary wire was used with such brackets for rotation
ligature tie could be used to correct rotations or control the correction. None of the above methods is efficient to correct
tendency of rotation.2 Rotation control can also be achieved the tooth rotation on its own axis, and slightly translatory
without necessity for an additional ligature by using either movement was observed during correction. We developed
twin brackets or single brackets with extension wings that new technique for rotation correction, by which tooth rotates
contact the underside of the archwire to obtain necessary along its long axis of rotation due to the fulcrum provided by
moment in the rotational plane of space. Various springs the close adaptation of the 0.018" stainless steel working arch
were used to correct rotation in removable appliace like and by the generation of derotatory force in circular fashion
Z-spring, sectional wire or whip device, fine wire T-spring, as like natural circular gingival fibers. This biomechanical
couple generation by labial bow and palatal spring, hooked system promotes the derotation of tooth on its own long axis
appliance, etc.5 Using removable appliances in correction (pure rotation). Result obtained was more stable and reduce
of rotated tooth act on one point contact resulting in tipping the total duration of treatment as compared to previously
movements which is less effective for the derotation of used methods because of less round tripping.

The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, October-December 2014;48(4):566-569 567

Dipti Shastri et al




Figs 2A to G: (A) IOPA X-ray before rotation correction, (B) after eruption rotation correction mechanics has been applied, (C) elastic
thread as active element for derotation, (D) frontal photograph, (E) bracket bonded over the labial surface of rotated tooth for final finishing
and detailing, (F) mandibular photograph and (G) IOPA X-ray of mandibular left central incisor after its rotation correction


A New Rotation Correction Technique: Technique Clinic

Relapse is commonly seen in rotated teeth and this is due newly developed technique might prove to be a valuable
to rebound of elastic fibers in the supracrestal tissues and tool for rotation correction in the armamentarium of
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is the circumferential supracrestal fiberotomy (CSF).13
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