Constructs and Variables in Research

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Research is based on investigation of constructs that stem from an interest

problem. CONSTRUCTS are mental abstractions derived from the combination of concepts, or your
mental representation of the world around you. In research, both are used interchangeably, owing to
the fact that they are basically ideas based on your observation and experience. But for the purpose of
clarification, concepts are more general, whereas constructs are more particular. The former is usually
free from description, whereas the latter has one or more descriptions. For example:



Looking at the given examples, constructs, in contrast with concepts, are more comprehensible
and meaningful because they help you to clearly express the events, experiences, things, phenomena,
and people you are interested in. Alternatively, both are just ideas that are subjected to vary. These are
often studied to establish their existence and consistency for better understanding and explanation. In
this regard, scientific research and investigation takes places. In the process of research, concepts or
constructs are called VARIABLES.


VARIABLES are constructs that can be understood differently

because of their differences in values. For example, height is a variable
because there are different descriptions of height: small, average, and tall.
Before describing the of a person, for instance, the available descriptions
take on different numerical values. The numerical values that are assigned
for the given description are also different based on how they are
established, To standardize the abstraction and quantification present in
them, and to acquire additional knowledge about them, variables become
the object of the study.

Variables can be observed directly or indirectly. Variables that are

based on direct observations are those that can be easily gauged by the senses. Examples of these
include size, brightness, odor, and taste. Alternatively, variables that are made through indirect
observations can be determined only by using tools or instruments. Most often , they are abstract
constructs. Think about attitude as an example. To be able to concretize it, an attitude survey
instrument must be used.

Apparently, variables as objects of study must be measured to be able to generate data for analysis
and to be used as additional knowledge. But before a variable can be measured, you have to define on
how it is going to be used in the study. Refer to module 2 for the discussion on the operational definition
of variables.


1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES are manipulated variables that cause a

change in another variable. Usually, these are treatments or conditions that
produce a varied response or effect. ''Peace-loving Learning Environment
Reduces Test Anxiety Level of Senior High School ICT 2 Students in TIF
TCI,'' the phrase ''peace-loving learning environment'' is the independent

2. DEPENDENT VARIABLES are those variables that are affected by independent variables.
Simply put , they are the responses or effects that result from the treatment
or conditions employed. Using the previous research title, the phrase ''test
anxiety'' is the dependent variable.


usually indicated in an experimental research. They are not included in the
study but in one way or another causes effect on the dependent variable.
Most of the time, these are the variables that are minimized to lessen their
impact on the expected response.

Going back to the previous research example, the family background of the grade school student is
an example of extraneous variable. As you may notice, it is included in the variables under the study. But
each grade school student who will take part in the study has a family background that may likely affect
the impact of the peace-loving learning environment variable. To lessen its effect, the researcher must
control it.

4. CATEGORICAL VARIABLES are those that characterize and

describe the quality of data. They are often classified into mutually
exclusive categories and extensive categories. The former comprises
those that take on specific values. Often, they do not follow a
sequence. They just want to describe the data into the given options;
thus, they are called nominal variables. For example, civil status can
be classified only single, married, widowed, or annulled. You can
only be either one of these. Extensive categories , on the other hand,
characterize data using a definite range. They consider logical order or rank and are therefore
called ordinal variables.

Description of data follows sequence. For example, size is classified into small, medium, or large. When
you state the classification of sizes, you have to say it in order. Noticeably, the values of categorical
variables are not numeric.
5. CONTINUOUS VARIABLES are those variables in which values are
based on a given interval or continuum. These variables rely on numbers
for description. For example, normal temperature ranges from 36'C to

So, description of normal temperature is only within the given interval.

Think income as another example. When you state an income, you can
just say the amount. It does nor follow an interval, but it falls along a

6. QUANTITATIVE VARIABLES: are those variables that give details regarding the number or level of
something. These variables count the frequency of responses or effect. An example is a popularity
contest. The contestant who will get the highest number of votes as the most well-liked will be declared
the winner.

7. QUALITATIVE VARIABLES: are those variables that

represent kinds or types of objects. They are
synonymous with categorical variables. They are often
categorized into names, labels, or groups.At times,
numbers are used as codes to represent the
categorization to be able to measure the variable and
describe its extent. Responses such as yes or no; few,
many, and too much, and agree or disagree, are some
examples of qualitative variables.


As mentioned, variables must be measured based on the way they are defined operationally.

LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT are the association of the values that are linked to a variable. Here are some
reasons why studying them is important:

a. Proper interpretation of data related to the variable. For example, gender refers to male and
female, and study just provided the number of male and female participants. Then, the idea being
conveyed will be easily expressed. Itjust about the quantity of the participants based on the two

b. Decisions about the proper statistical analysis to be used. if the measure is the quantity of males
vs. females, you do not need to test relationship between them. Rather, you should just take note of the
frequency and the average of males and females.


I. NOMINAL SCALES are just concerned with the names and categories of responses. They do not intend
to quantify the data. Qualitative and categorical variables are examples. Nationality and hair color are
some examples.

II. ORDINAL SCALES are used for data that intends to be ranked.
This scale is expressed through sequential and numerical order and
therefore allows a comparison of degree. Qualitative and
sometimes quantitative variables are measured using this scale.
Some examples are the following: first, second, and third; and
good, better, and best.

III. INTERVAL SCALES use equal units of measurement and intervals

to know the distance between them more than sequence. An
interval scale does not use zero as its base point, though.
Quantitative data are usually measured by interval
scales. Examples include temperature, attitude, and I.Q

IV. RATIO is the highest level of measurement. Variables will be

more accurately measured because a ratio scale uses zero as its
base point. It permits the comparison of both differences in scores
and the relative magnitude of scores. Examples are height, weight,
and age.


The process by which you are going to investigate the variable of your interest or those that you will
test as a solution to a problem will depend on the approach that you will use. There are three major
approaches of doing research. These are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.

QUALITATIVE RESEARCH aims to provide description of characteristics, kind, and quality of a

subject, while interpreting and attempting to understand an event.
–is to share the perspective that was obtained from the subjects.
–qualitative approach is mostly done in social sciences studies.
–examples: include the lived experiences of male convicts,
–the emotions of people who suffered from the loss of a loved one
–perspective of a politician regarding morality.

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH tests hypotheses and makes predictions through measured amounts, and
ultimately describes an event by using numerical figures.
-Statistical analysis is therefore applied to interpret the numbers obtained from the
-Objectivity of results are a guarantee.
-A detailed discussion on this approach will follow because this will be the main types
of approach that you will be the main types of approach that you will be encouraged to use.
MIXED METHOD APPROACH- involves collection and analysis of data using both quantitative and
qualitative approaches to be able to address the disadvantages of the two approaches and provide
better understanding of data. Qualitative approach provides a richer explanation because the
instrument allows elaborative answers but lacks objectivity due to lack of numerical value. Using the
quantitative method will strengthen the results obtained from qualitative data.


Quantitative methods on objective measurements and numerical analysis of data collected

through questionnaires or surveys and generalizing the results across groups of people. The overaching
aim of a quantitative research study is ton classify features, count them, and construct statistical models
to explain the observable phenomenon.
This approach is mainly used in social sciences studies, which usually investigate abstract


1. The data are usually gathered using more structured research instruments.
2. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population.
3. The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high reliability.
4. The researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective answers are sought.
5. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data are collected.
6. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics.
7. The project can be used to generalize concepts more widely, predict future results, or
investigate causal relationships.
8. The researcher uses questionnaires or other forms of research tools to collect numerical data.


1. Quantitative approach involves a greater number of subjects and enables a broader study, as
well as enhancing the generalization of the results.
2. Study results are more objective and accurate, usually, to support a certain generalization by
using a summary of data, quantitative research employs certain procedures on a few variables to ensure
the reliability of data.
3. Quantitative research, when the right procedure is used, can be replicated, as well as analysed in
comparison with other similar words.
4. You can summarize vast sources of information and make comparisons across categories and
over time.
5. Personal bias can be avoided by keeping a ‘’distance’’ from participating subjects and employing
facilitators unknown to them.


1. Quantitative data, while they can test hypothesis, may be limited in explaining their context.
This is because the explanation often focuses on numerical results as basis.
2. The research is often conducted in an artificial setting, where a certain level of control is
exercised. Because of this, the results may not necessarily reflect the real-life situation presented in the
problem. Additionally, the use of research tools may only reflect the researcher’s point of view instead
of the subjects.

– a. Correlational research
– b. Survey

– a. True experimental
– b. Quasi-experimental


1. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH - involves the collection of data to either test a hypothesis or describe the
variables mentioned in the study. Data, which are typically numeric, are collected through surveys,
interviews, or observations. Most researchers in science and technology, engineering, and social
sciences use this type of quantitative approach. For example, if you want to describe the process of
photosynthesis, you have to observe the occurence of the event, write your observations, and integrate
the data for description.

a. CORRELATIONAL RESEARCH- attempts to determine the level of relation

between two or more quantifiable variables. The correlation between two
variables does not mean that one variable causes the other, but it can be used
to predict their values. To determine the strength of the relationship,
researchers get the correlation coefficient and the p value.

2. CAUSAL-COMPARATIVE RESEARCH- attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the

variables of the study. In this research, the independent variable usually involves a demographic (e.g.,
gender, race, social status) in which the researcher has no control of. He or she will test how the
independent variable will cause a significant affect on the dependent variable, which is the outcome of
the study. Here is an example: Low percentage of jobless people. (independent variable) reduces the
poverty rate of the country (dependent variable)

3. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH- is similar to causal-comparative research, in that it also measures the

effect of the independent variable (cause) to the dependent variable (effect); however, the researcher
can control the independent variables in the study, wherein the participants are randomly assigned.

a. QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS- are an alternative to

determine the causes and effects between two
variables that cannot be subjected to experimental
control. Most of the time, this design is used on a
naturally given phenomenon and its effect on the
people who are experiencing the occurence. One
example is when you want to know the effect of a
calamity on its victims.

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