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Biodiesel or FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester):

Mid-Infrared Determination of Ester Concentration in Diesel Fuel
G. Patrick Ritz Ph.D. & Michael C. Croudace Ph.D.

When Rudolf Diesel designed his prototype diesel US biodiesel use is growing rapidly, increasing
engine nearly a century ago, he ran it on peanut oil. from about 7 million gallons in 2000 to more than 20
He envisioned that diesel engines would operate million gallons in 2001, with additional production
on a variety of vegetable oils. But when petroleum- capacity available to quickly accommodate further
based diesel fuel hit the marketplace, it was cheap, growth. US producers use mostly soy oil and recycled
reasonably efficient, and readily available, and there- cooking oils. Mixing biodiesel into the petroleum die-
fore quickly became the diesel fuel of choice. In the sel supply can reduce our need to import or produce
mid 1970s, fuel shortages spurred interest in diver- more petroleum diesel fuel in the future.
sifying our fuel resources, and thus prompted ac- Biodiesel, mostly B20, is used in federal, state,
tion in development of biodiesel as an alternative and transit fleets, private truck companies, ferries,
to petroleum diesel. tourist boats and launches, locomotives, power gen-
Now, increasing concerns about the potential of erators, home heating furnaces, and other equip-
global climate change is adding more impetus to ment. Regulated fleets are being rewarded for imple-
biodiesel’s development. Since biodiesel is made from menting biodiesel use into their heavy-duty ve-
feedstocks that take carbon dioxide out of the atmo- hicles. For every 450 gallons of biodiesel used in
sphere, the use of this alternate fuel adds no net car- any blend level per year, a provision under the En-
bon dioxide to the atmosphere — an important step in ergy Policy Act of 1992, as amended in 1998, credits
reducing the buildup of greenhouse gases. these fleets with one required alternative-fuel light-
Biodiesel is a renewable diesel fuel consisting of duty vehicle. Furthermore, there is growing inter-
fatty-acid alkyl esters, known in Europe as FAME est in using biodiesel where workers and school
(fatty-acid methyl ester). Fatty-acid alkyl esters are children are exposed to toxic diesel exhaust, in air-
actually long chains of carbon molecules (12 to 22 car- craft to control local pollution near airports, and in
bons long) with an alcohol molecule attached to one locomotives and power generators that face re-
end of the chain. In a process called transesterification, stricted use unless emissions can be reduced.
organically derived oils (vegetable oils, animal fats
and recycled restaurant greases) are combined with QUANTIFYING THE AMOUNT OF ESTER IN A BLEND
alcohol (usually methanol) and chemically altered to A major challenge in introducing biodiesel blends to
form fatty esters such as methyl ester. The biomass- the countries’ diesel pool is determining how to de-
derived esters can be blended with conventional die- pendably and simply quantify the amount of biodiesel
sel fuel or used as a neat fuel (100% biodiesel). present. In the US, 2% biodiesel blends have been
Biodiesel made from animal fat or vegetable oil found to actually contain anywhere between 0% and
works just like petroleum diesel, but with far lower 8% biodiesel.
toxic air emissions. Pure biodiesel requires special Distribution systems are presented with a second
treatment in cold weather, but can otherwise be challenge: determining the resulting Cetane Number
used without modification in most newer trucks. of diesel/biodiesel blend. Most customers currently
Typically, though, biodiesel is used as a fuel addi- use cetane index (a mathematical model using distil-
tive in 20% blends (B20) with petroleum diesel (al- lation and density as a correlation to cetane number)
though other blend levels can be used depending on rather than cetane number to evaluate their diesel
the cost of the fuel and the desired benefits). Blends fuel’s combustion quality. However, biodiesel blends
such as B20 work very well in any diesel engine dramatically change the distillation qualities of die-
and reduce pollution roughly proportionately with sel, making the current cetane index equation unus-
the amount blended. able. The blender is forced to use cetane engines or a
correlative cetane method.
In an effort to produce a tool that would allow Shell Absorbances in the mid-IR region for biodiesel are
to monitor diesel quality worldwide, Shell Research unique and are thus separated from other component
approached PetroSpec with an idea for determining absorbances in the fuel. The absorption of light is di-
cetane number through the detailed analysis of mid- rectly proportional to the quantity of biodiesel. Thus,
and near-infrared spectra. Shell Research provided by using a gravimetrically produced calibration set of
PetroSpec with a European calibration set in which biodiesel in diesel, the amount of biodiesel in the fuel
each of the diesel samples included a minimum of can be quantified. This spectroscopic separation al-
three independent ratings. Many were rated 17 times. lows for the characterization and quantification of
The results were an average of these multi-ratings, biodiesel in much the same way as a physical separa-
optimizing the accuracy or “trueness” of results. An tion that is produced via gas chromatograph.
Ethyl Corporation calibration set was also produced,
including over 600 samples with varying amounts of CETANE 2000 — 1160 cm -1
cetane improved from all over the United States. 35
This co-development project between BP, Shell 4 R2 = 0.9999
Research Laboratories and PetroSpec culminated in 30 3 SEC = 0.9
a portable diesel fuel analyzer, the CETANE 2000, 2
which is fully automated for easy operation and 1

Gravim etric
accurate results by both technical and non-techni- 20 0
cal personnel. PetroSpec built this product using the 0 1 2 3 4
rugged, industry tested, temperature-controlled plat- 15

form of their portable gasoline GS1000 instrument,

which has been trusted by the US EPA for field use
since 1995. The CETANE 2000 provides accurate, 5
fast, portable analysis and requires no sample prepa-
ration, no waste chemicals and no consumables. It 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
is the first analytical tool to combine analyses for
density, cetane number and cetane index plus cet-
ane improver, total aromatics, polynuclear aromatic The accuracy of this method is outstanding. In the
and biodiesel content in one portable instrument. range that the instrument above has been calibrated
Each instrument comes pre-calibrated using fuels (0–30% biodiesel) the standard error for the calibra-
from around the world. Furthermore, this robust tion is 0.09.
analytical technology not only brings the laboratory
into the field, but has also been successfully applied CONCLUSION
for process/on-line use; custom calibration data (de- It is now easy for anyone to accurately analyze
veloped with the included user calibration software) biodiesel blends. Designed for laboratory or field
can be shared between portable and on-line units. use, the CETANE 2000 quickly provides important
diesel fuel quality information wherever it is
HOW DOES MID-IR DETECT THE BIODIESEL needed. Refiners and regulators can monitor blend-
In the Mid-IR spectral range (400–4000 cm-1) there ing operations and measure final specifications
are two spectral positions that uniquely identify more efficiently. Marketers and distribution groups
biodiesel in diesel fuel: at 1745 cm-1 (C–O stretch, large are provided a cost-effective quality control tool for
absorbance), and at 1160 cm-1 (C–O stretch, medium monitoring diesel fuels as the fuels move through
absorbance), as shown below. the distribution system. This virtually eliminates
the sale of non-branded product throughout the dis-
tribution system and the liability of selling product
that is off-specification.


1745 cm -1 1160 cm -1

PAC • 3234 Pasadena Fwy • Pasadena, TX 77503 • p: (800) 444-TEST or (713) 590-7260 • f: (713) 590-7266 • •

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